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<title>The AspectJ project at Development Plan</title>
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<h1>aspectj: development plan</h1>
<p>Last updated 16th January 2008</p>
<h2>AspectJ, version 1.6</h2>
<p>AspectJ 1.6 is the first AspectJ release to support the Java6 language.</p>
<p>AspectJ 1.6.0m1 now available (16-Jan-08) - see the downloads page.</p>
<li>Java6 support
<li>Better support and integration with other common enterprise components: eg. code coverage tools, static code analysis
tools, code generation libraries
<li><i>more to come...</i>
<li>These <a href="">bugs and enhancements</a> are currently targetted for 1.5.4.
<li>These <a href="">bugs and enhancements</a> are already fixed, available in todays DEVELOPMENT builds, and
will be packaged in the 1.5.4 release.
<h2>AspectJ 5, version 1.5.4 - released 20-Dec-07</h2>
<p>AspectJ 1.5.4 is a service refresh of the AspectJ 1.5 codestream.
<li>These <a href="">bugs and enhancements</a> are currently targetted for 1.5.4.
<li>These <a href="">bugs and enhancements</a> are already fixed, available in todays DEVELOPMENT builds, and
will be packaged in the 1.5.4 release.
<h2>AspectJ 5, version 1.5.3 - released 22nd November 2006</h2>
<h2>AspectJ 5, version 1.5.2 - released 30th June 2006 </h2>
<h2>AspectJ 5, version 1.5.1a - released 20th April 2006 </h2>
<h2>AspectJ 5 - released 20th December 2005</h2>
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