blob: ba470552389e3cc6ddc1f2472e4f4533123a5803 [file] [log] [blame]
For questions and/or comments:
Eric Vepa (evepa <at>
6, rue de la Cornouaille - BP 91941
44319 Nantes, France
The ModelsMeasurement project is used to collect measurement data on KM3
metamodels or UML2 models, using libraries implementing some metrics
The measure level can be changed by setting an other value for the first helper
measureLevel of the transformation KM32Measure or UML22Measure.
- UML2 Eclipse plugin (the UML2 metamodel is needed by URI)
- Jar2UML Eclipse plugin (for more examples from Jar files)
--> "ModelsMeasurement": The ATL project folder.
|--> "InputModels": The folder which contains the input example in .uml
format and the injected model in Ecore format.
\--> "example.km3": The WordprocessingMLSimplified metamodel is an
example of input.
\--> "example.uml": An example of input model imported from
org.eclipse.core.runtime.jar with Jar2UML plug-in.
|--> "Libraries": The folder which contains the libraries, used by the
transformations, in ATL and ASM format.
\--> "EMOOSE4KM3.{atl,asm}": The EMOOSE4KM3 library.
\--> "EMOOSE4UML2.{atl,asm}": The EMOOSE4UML2 library.
\--> "FLAME4KM3.{atl,asm}": The FLAME4KM3 library.
\--> "FLAME4UML2.{atl,asm}": The FLAME4UML2 library.
\--> "MOOD4KM3.{atl,asm}": The MOOD4KM3 library.
\--> "MOOD4UML2.{atl,asm}": The MOOD4UML2 library.
\--> "QMOOD4KM3.{atl,asm}": The QMOOD4KM3 library.
\--> "QMOOD4UML2.{atl,asm}": The QMOOD4UML2 library.
\--> "TableHelpers.{atl,asm}": The TableHelpers library.
|--> "Metamodels": The folder which contains the metamodels in KM3 and
Ecore format.
\--> "HTML.{km3,ecore}": The HTML metamodel.
\--> "Measure.{km3,ecore}": The Measure metamodel.
\--> "SVG.{km3,ecore}": The SVG metamodel.
\--> "Table.{km3,ecore}": The Table metamodel.
\--> "XML.{km3,ecore}": The XML metamodel.
|--> "OutputModels": The folder which contains the generated models in
Ecore format. This folder is generated by the ANT script so you can delete it
before building.
\--> "example-Measure.ecore": A temporary model of measure.
\--> "example-SVGBarChart4KM3.ecore": The model generated for the
example.km3 and for SVG bar chart presentation.
\--> "example-SVGBarChart4UML2.ecore": The model generated for the
example.uml and for SVG bar chart presentation.
\--> "example-SVGPieChart4KM3.ecore": The model generated for the
example.km3 and for SVG pie chart presentation.
\--> "example-SVGPieChart4UML2.ecore": The model generated for the
example.uml and for SVG pie chart presentation.
\--> "example-TabularHTML4KM3.ecore": The model generated for the
example.km3 and for HTML presentation.
\--> "example-TabularHTML4UML2.ecore": The model generated for the
example.uml and for HTML presentation.
|--> "Transformations": The folder which contains the transformations in
ATL and ASM format.
\--> "HTML2XML.{atl,asm}": The HTML2XML transformation.
\--> "KM32Measure.{atl,asm}": The KM32Measure transformation.
\--> "Measure2Table.{atl,asm}": The Measure2Table transformation.
\--> "SVG2XML.{atl,asm}": The SVG2XML transformation.
\--> "Table2SVGBarChart.{atl,asm}": The Table2SVGBarChart transformation.
\--> "Table2SVGPieChart.{atl,asm}": The Table2SVGPieChart transformation.
\--> "Table2TabularHTML.{atl,asm}": The Table2TabularHTML transformation.
\--> "UML22Measure.{atl,asm}": The UML22Measure transformation.
|--> "ant-contrib.jar": Additional ANT tasks. This jar should be downloaded from here:
|--> "build.xml": The ANT script of the project for launching the
|--> "epl-v10.html": This project is under the Eclipse Public License.
|--> "ModelsMeasurement build.xml.launch": The configuration file of the
ANT script "build.xml".
|--> "README.txt": This file.
--> Open the AM3 Perspective.
--> In the build.xml:
--> Choose an input terminal model to measure among {KM3,UML2}
--> Choose an output presentation format among {HTML,SVG}
--> If SVG is choosen, choose a kind of chart among {Bar,Pie}
--> Run the "build.xml" (the launch file is already configured):
Right click on "build.xml" file --> Run As --> Ant Build.
--> The generated output model is in the "OutputModels" folder.