blob: 3db3d9469d0a61578b50693b9b823f3cf0915f66 [file] [log] [blame]
# news.php
# Author: Wayne Beaton
# Date: 2005-11-07
# Description: Use the get_news($newsfile) function in this file to generate
# the html equivalent of the provided RSS file.
function get_atlnews($count=100) {
return rss_to_html("atlNewsArchive", "/atl/news/", "short", $count);
function get_atlnews_verbose($count=100) {
return rss_to_html("atlNewsArchive", "/atl/news/", "long", $count);
* This function generates a "short" list of news items, containing only the
* title and the date for each item. Each channel in the RSS file is included
* in the generated HTML with as an <h3> style. All items in the channel are
* displayed as list of items.
function rss_to_html($news, $rss_file, $format, $count, $headerSize=3) {
$news_file = $news . ".rss";
$news_file_path = $rss_file . $news_file;
$file_name = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $news_file_path;
if (!in_array($format, array ("short", "long"))) {
$format = "short";
$rss = get_news($file_name);
$html = "";
foreach ($rss->channel as $channel) {
$html .= "<h$headerSize>";
// Add the RSS image on the right
$html .= "<a href=\"$news_file_path\"><img src=\"/atl/images/rss2.gif\" align=\"right\" alt=\"More...\" /></a>";
// Add the title of the channel
$html .= "$channel->title";
// If we're displaying short format, provide a link to
// show news in long format.
if ($format == "short") {
$index_path = $rss_file . "index.php";
$html .= "&nbsp;<a href=\"$index_path\"><img src=\"/atl/images/rss2.gif\" title=\"More...\" alt=\"More...\" /></a>";
$html .= "</h$headerSize>\n";
$html .= "<ul class=\"midlist\">";
foreach ($channel->item as $item) {
if ($count == 0) break;
$html .= "<li>";
$function = "rss_item_to_html_".$format;
$function ($item, $html);
$html .= "</li>\n";
$html .= "</ul>";
return $html;
* Private function. This is used to generate the output in
* short format.
function rss_item_to_html_short($item, $html) {
// The date is formatted day-month-year using numbers
// The &#8209 is a non-breaking en dash.
$date = date("d&#8209;m&#8209;Y", $item->pubDate);
$html .= "<a href=\"$item->link\" target=\"_blank\">$item->title</a> posted&nbsp;$date";
* Private function. This is used to generate the output in
* long format.
function rss_item_to_html_long($item, $html) {
rss_item_to_html_short($item, $html);
$html .= "<blockquote><p align=\"justify\">$item->description</p></blockquote>";
* Instances of the Feed class represent an RSS file.
class Feed {
var $channel;
function Feed() {
$this->channel = array();
function add_channel($channel) {
array_push($this->channel, $channel);
* Instances of the Channel class represent a channel in the RSS file.
class Channel {
var $title;
var $link;
var $description;
var $image;
var $item;
function Channel() {
$this->item = array();
function add_item(&$item) {
array_push($this->item, $item);
* Instances of the Image class represent an image (presumably) on an
* image. We don't currently use this information.
class Image {
var $url;
var $title;
var $link;
* Instances of the Item class represent an item in a channel.
class Item {
var $title;
var $link;
var $description;
var $pubDate;