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<title>ATL Basic Examples and Patterns - The Side effect example</title>
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<h1>The side effect example</h1>
<div class="summary">
<p align="justify">
This case deals with the way to handle side effects induced while transforming an element. We will start from an imperative algorithm to create a transformation between two
metamodels. This algorithm will introduce a side effect problem. After several iteration a solution will be provided following ATL philosophy.
<p align="justify">
In this example, we discover how: to use ATL imperative parts for dealing with complex situation, and
to use a chain of ATL transformations to divide transformation complexity and to avoid imperative parts.
<div class="author">By Cyril Faure (CS) and Freddy Allilaire (INRIA)</div>
<div class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2007-2008 CS and INRIA.</div>
<div class="date">January, 2008</div>
<div class="content">
<p align="justify">
This case deals with the way to handle side effects induced while transforming an element. We will start from an imperative algorithm to create a transformation between two
metamodels. This algorithm will introduce a side effect problem. After several iteration we will provide a solution following ATL philosophy.
<h2>The Metamodels</h2>
<p align="center">
<img src="img/TypeA.PNG" />
<br /><br />
<b>Metamodel A</b>
<p align="justify">
The metamodel <b>A</b> is composed of two concepts which represent a simple list of named elements. Different <i>ElementA</i> can have the same name.
<p align="center">
<img src="img/TypeB.PNG" />
<br /><br />
<b>Metamodel B</b>
<p align="justify">
The metamodel <b>B</b> defines a slightly different concept with a third concept called <i>DefinitionB</i>. In this metamodel, a <i>RootB</i> element has a set of <i>DefinitionB</i>
whose role is to gather and to factorize all <i>ElementB</i> name. All <i>DefinitionB</i> elements (in the context of the same <i>RootB</i> element) must have different name
attribute value.
<h2>Goal of the transformation</h2>
<p align="justify">
The goal of this example is to transform a <i>RootA</i> element into a <i>RootB</i> one and an <i>ElementA</i> into an <i>ElementB</i> one. Created <i>ElementB</i> will not contain
the name from the <i>ElementA</i>. The name will be used to create a <i>DefinitionB</i> element with the requirement that each <i>DefinitionB</i> (i.e. name value) is unique.
<p align="justify">
The figure below illustrates transformation goal with an example:
<p align="center">
<img src="img/SideEffect_bigPicture.PNG" />
<br /><br />
<b>Transformation Big Picture</b>
<h2>A first implementation</h2>
<p align="justify">
In this example, we will start with the "point of view" of an "imperative language developer" to create our transformation from metamodel A to metamodel B.
Here is an algorithm we can propose in "imperative way":
<table STYLE="border : 1px dotted #AAAAAA;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20">
<i>RootA</i> element is transformed into <i>RootB</i> and for each <i>ElementA</i>,
<li>we create an <i>ElementB</i></li>
<li>we store b in the <i>RootB.elms</i> containment relation</li>
<li>we make a traversal of <i>RootB.defs</i>. For each <i>d : DefinitionB</i>,
<li>if <i> =</i>, then we put the <i>d</i> reference as <i>b</i> 's definition : <i>b.def <- d</i> and end the traversal</li>
<li>else, we carry on the traversal to the next element</li>
<li>if no definition <i>d</i> has been found such as <i> =</i>:
<li>we create a <i>newD : DefinitionB</i> where <i> =</i></li>
<li>we put the <i>newD</i> reference as <i>b</i> 's definition : <i>b.def <- newD</i></li>
<p align="justify">
As one can see, for each <i>ElementB</i> created whose definition is not already available, the algorithm creates it on-the-fly, inducing a side effect.
<p align="justify">
The following implementation succeeded to reproduce the algorithm described above by writing a single rule transforming the source root object into the target root
object. Note this rule may be dangerous as it assumes the ATL engine executes the bindings in the order they are written in the code.
<p align="justify">
<b>Remark:</b> The target model is browsed in this transformation, this is <b>strongly discouraged in ATL</b>.
<table STYLE="border : 1px dotted #AAAAAA;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20">
<font class="ATL_Keyword">module</font> TypeA2TypeB;
<font class="ATL_Keyword">create</font> b : TypeB <font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font> a : TypeA;
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- This helper retrieves all names and removes all duplicates</font>
<font class="ATL_Keyword">helper context</font> TypeA!RootA <font class="ATL_Keyword">def</font> : getDefNameSet() : <font class="ATL_OCLType">Set</font>(<font class="ATL_OCLType">String</font>) =
<font class="ATL_Keyword">rule</font> RootA2RootB {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
rtA : TypeA!RootA
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- this rule is dangerous as we suppose the ATL engine executes...</font>
rtB : TypeB!RootB (
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- this line before...</font>
defs <- defBLst,
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- this one.</font>
elms <- elmBLst
defBLst : <font class="ATL_Keyword">distinct</font> TypeB!DefinitionB <font class="ATL_Keyword">foreach</font>(defName <font class="ATL_Keyword">in</font> rtA.getDefNameSet ())(
name <- defName
elmBLst : <font class="ATL_Keyword">distinct</font> TypeB!ElementB <font class="ATL_Keyword">foreach</font> (elmA <font class="ATL_Keyword">in</font> rtA.elms) (
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- here the target model is browsed</font>
definition <- rtB.defs->select (d | = )->first()
<p align="justify">
As one can see, the described algorithm contains a side effect where the <i>DefinitionB</i> elements creation are made on-the-fly. This implementation makes
a dangerous assertion as the ATL engine does not ensure the bindings execution order (this is a consequence of target model browsing).
<h2>How to follow the ATL philosophy</h2>
<p align="justify">
In respect of the ATL philosophy, we would like to have a rule where:
<table STYLE="border : 1px dotted #AAAAAA;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20">
<font class="ATL_Keyword">rule</font> ElmA2ElmB {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
elmA : A!ElementA
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
elmB : B!ElementB(
<p align="justify">
However if we plan to use such a rule, how can we set the <i>def</i> reference and reproduce the associated side effect (on-the-fly <i>DefinitionB</i> creation) in a more
functional way?
<p align="justify">
The following ATL code proposed an other solution to reach transformation goal:
<table STYLE="border : 1px dotted #AAAAAA;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20">
<font class="ATL_Keyword">module</font> TypeA2TypeB;
<font class="ATL_Keyword">create</font> b : TypeB <font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font> a : TypeA;
<font class="ATL_Keyword">rule</font> RootA2RootB {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
rtA : TypeA!RootA
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
rtB : TypeB!RootB (
defs <- rtA.elms->iterate(e; res : <font class="ATL_OCLType">Set</font>(TypeA!ElementA) = <font class="ATL_OCLType">Set</font> {} |
<font class="ATL_Keyword">if</font> (res->collect(f |>includes( <font class="ATL_Keyword">then</font>
<font class="ATL_Keyword">else</font>
<font class="ATL_Keyword">endif</font>
)<font class="ATL_Comment">-- here we keep only one element of each name value</font>
->collect(e | thisModule.Definition(e)),
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- then we create a DefinitionB from each selected element</font>
elms <- rtA.elms
<font class="ATL_Keyword">lazy rule</font> Definition {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
s : TypeA!ElementA
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
t : TypeB!DefinitionB(
name <-
<font class="ATL_Keyword">helper def</font>: nameToAssignHistory : <font class="ATL_OCLType">Sequence</font>(<font class="ATL_OCLType">TupleType</font>(e : TypeB!ElementB, s : <font class="ATL_OCLType">String</font>)) =
<font class="ATL_OCLType">Sequence</font> {};
<font class="ATL_Keyword">rule</font> NameToAssign (e : TypeB!ElementB, s : <font class="ATL_OCLType">String</font>) {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">do</font> {
thisModule.nameToAssignHistory <- thisModule.nameToAssignHistory->append(<font class="ATL_OCLType">Tuple</font> {e = e, s = s});
<font class="ATL_Keyword">rule</font> Element {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
s : TypeA!ElementA
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
t : TypeB!ElementB(
<font class="ATL_Keyword">do</font> {
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- The corresponding name for the current ElementB is added in the map.</font>
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- This map will be used at the end of the transformation to create a link between ElementB and DefinitionB</font>
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- execute delayed actions</font>
<font class="ATL_Keyword">endpoint rule</font> EndRule() {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">do</font> {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">for</font>(dta <font class="ATL_Keyword">in</font> thisModule.nameToAssignHistory) {
<font class="ATL_Comment">-- We create a link between an ElementB and the corresponding DefinitionB</font>
dta.e.definition <- TypeB!DefinitionB.allInstancesFrom(<font class="ATL_Enum">'b'</font>)->any(e | = dta.s);
<p align="justify">
This ATL transformation also required target models browsing (even this is done in the endpoint). This solution may be consider better than the first one. But it does not
give satisfaction. As you can see, it uses some imperative constructs that made it more difficult to understand and to maintain. As it seems not possible to solve
this by using only one transformation without imperative code, we should consider to solve it by using a chain of transformations. This will allow us to
solve each problem in a different transformation.
<p align="justify">
The general overview of our approach is presented in the following figure:
<p align="center">
<img src="img/SideEffect_lastVersionScenario.png" />
<h3>First step: A to Partial_B</h3>
<p align="justify">
In the first step, we create a partial model B containing the list of <i>DefinitionB</i> elements.
<table STYLE="border : 1px dotted #AAAAAA;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20">
<font class="ATL_Keyword">module</font> TypeA2TypeB;
<font class="ATL_Keyword">create</font> b : TypeB <font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font> a : TypeA;
<font class="ATL_Keyword">rule</font> RootA2RootB {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
rtA : TypeA!RootA
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
rtB : TypeB!RootB (
defs <- rtA.elms->iterate(e; res : <font class="ATL_OCLType">Set</font>(TypeA!ElementA) = <font class="ATL_OCLType">Set</font> {} |
<font class="ATL_Keyword">if</font> (res->collect(f |>includes( <font class="ATL_Keyword">then</font>
<font class="ATL_Keyword">else</font>
<font class="ATL_Keyword">endif</font>
)->collect(e | thisModule.Definition(e))
<font class="ATL_Keyword">lazy rule</font> Definition {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
s : TypeA!ElementA
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
t : TypeB!DefinitionB(
name <-
<h3>Second step: A and Partial_B to B</h3>
<p align="justify">
In the second step, we can easily solve the problem by using in input parameter the output model created by the first step transformation.
<table STYLE="border : 1px dotted #AAAAAA;" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20">
<font class="ATL_Keyword">module</font> TypeA2TypeB;
<font class="ATL_Keyword">create</font> b : TypeB <font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font> a : TypeA, bIn : TypeB;
<font class="ATL_Keyword">rule</font> RootA2RootB {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
rtA : TypeA!RootA, rtBIN : TypeB!RootB
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
rtB : TypeB!RootB (
defs <- rtBIN.defs,
elms <- rtA.elms
<font class="ATL_Keyword">rule</font> Definition {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
s : TypeB!DefinitionB
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
t : TypeB!DefinitionB(
name <-
<font class="ATL_Keyword">rule</font> Element {
<font class="ATL_Keyword">from</font>
s : TypeA!ElementA
<font class="ATL_Keyword">to</font>
t : TypeB!ElementB(
definition <- TypeB!DefinitionB.allInstancesFrom(<font class="ATL_Enum">'bIn'</font>)->any(e | =
<p align="justify">
What we have learnt with this example:
<li>Using ATL imperative parts for dealing with complex situation.</li>
<li>Using a chain of ATL transformations to divide transformation complexity and to avoid imperative parts.</li>
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<td align="right">
<a href="">
<img style="vertical-align:text-top;" src="/resources/images/code.png"/>
<td align="left">
<a href=""><h3>SideEffect</h3></a>
<td align="left">Source code for the scenario SideEffect.</td>
<h2><a name="acknowledgement"></a>Acknowledgement</h2>
The present work is being supported by the <a href="">Usine Logicielle project of the System@tic Paris Region Cluster</a>.