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<p><strong>Eclipse Babel Project Meeting: 3/31/08</strong><br />
<ul type="disc">
<li>Chris Nguyen</li>
<li>Kit Lo </li>
<li>Pascal Essiembre</li>
<li>Margaret Wong</li>
<li>Daniel McGowan</li>
<li>Gabe O’Brien</li>
<li>Pat Huff</li>
<li>Denis Roy</li>
<li>Nigel Westbury</li>
<li>Adobe Meeting</li>
<li>Went very well</li>
<li>Quality of translations is a concern</li>
<li>Once Adobe gets the 3.4 files they’ll be able to see how they’re doing</li>
<li>Denis zipped up the files for 3.3</li>
<li>Once 3.4 is tagged as a release, we’ll have to figure out another way</li>
<li>EclipseCon Working Session Topics</li>
<li>Large donations to Babel – How should we handle those?</li>
<li>Current process: People attached donations to bugzilla</li>
<li>Contributions are automatically under EPL</li>
<li>When they are large contributions, they are given to legal</li>
<li>Works pretty well, we may just have to document this</li>
<li><strong>ACTION ITEM:</strong> Denis to document the process to avoid business outage and scalability issues</li>
<li>Should we include a translation form with each contribution?</li>
<li>We don’t need to worry about this</li>
<li>Quality of Translated Code</li>
<li>Goal: We have to have committers eventually verify the translations</li>
<li>Perhaps have a status level for committers to verify code (i.e. eBay)</li>
<li>Voting? </li>
<li>Change sets – showing people what has changed, verify</li>
<li>How do we mark incorrect Translations?</li>
<li>Suggestion – Pseudo Translation: Special tagging unique strings that are incorrect using index numbers</li>
<li>Until we build up the community, it will be very hard to create a system to check the quality of code</li>
<li>We should first start with voting – very long term</li>
<li><strong>ACTION ITEMS</strong>: include or recruit people to implement</li>
<li>Chris and Kit to talk offline to recruit people from Google Summer of Code – Google pays students/people. We need to submit a very articulate document to request a project</li>
<li>Denis and Gabe volunteer to be mentors</li>
<li>Translating the same strings for each language at one time</li>
<li>Denis submitted a patch for this</li>
<li>Gabe looked at it and it looks good</li>
<li>Promote the project individually – How? – <strong>STANDING ITEM</strong></li>
<li>Denis has been blogging about this</li>
<li>Link it to meeting minutes</li>
<li>Open Source Convention in Asia</li>
<li>Might not happen – very doubtful</li>
<li>Eclipse Summit Europe – November</li>
<li>Get Ralph to blog about us</li>
<li>Chinese User Groups</li>
<li>PHP Code Contribution – we need contributors</li>
<li>We need to get more people into the project</li>
<li>EclipseCon BOF Topics</li>
<li>Translation Server</li>
<li>How can a contributor tell whether or not the translation string is applicable for all versions of Eclipse when translating?</li>
<li>We need to think of a better UI to answer this question</li>
<li>How does a user download and install a new language pack by individual project?</li>
<li>Bug open for this for Web API’s</li>
<li>Motion: Get projects to build their own language packs</li>
<li>Project language packs should be their own responsibility</li>
<li>We have to spread the news to tell them to do this on their own</li>
<li>Enable Web API -  people could consume the dump and build their own language pack – move up in priority – maybe a do a read only for now?</li>
<li>Nigel opened this bug already</li>
<li>Quality Control</li>
<li>RSS feed – you can find out what happened to your language</li>
<li><strong>ACTION ITEM:</strong> Kit to open up a bug for this</li>
<li>Dictionary of words that have already been translated by other people. This will create a sense of consistency</li>
<li> system</li>
<li><strong>ACTION ITEM: </strong>Denis to add links to translation tool, to go to mailing list to discuss there.</li>
<li>Talk to Localization Groups (from Eclipse Foundation)</li>
<li>Eclipse foundation started this group</li>
<li><strong>ACTION ITEM: </strong>Kit to search for regional communities within the wiki and mailing lists – get in touch with these communities and promote Babel</li>
<li>Runtime Editor</li>
<li>Where do the translation strings go?</li>
<li>Internet Issue</li>
<li>Nigel may have opened up a bug to have a better UI to extract the translations in the file – Kit to remind him.</li>
<li>Message Editor – <strong>RESUME HERE NEXT WEEK – 4/7/08</strong></li>
<li>The key being translated doesn’t show the context of each key</li>
<li>This makes it hard to actually do the translation</li>
<li>We need some type of UI to traces the key back to the code or give information on that particular string</li>
<li>Incentives for people to join</li>
<li>Strings not to be translated</li>
<li>Create a UI to show which strings not to translate</li>
<li>Should bring up a wizard to externalize the string</li>
<li>Helps you figure out which ones being with a %</li>
<li>Add Notification to show which strings that were already translated have been changed</li>
<li>Eclipse Google Summer of Code</li>