blob: a946bb8e847b8e22b1c6dbd1b36a93073f178d7c [file] [log] [blame]
* Created on Feb 19, 2005
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates
global $birtPath;
$notFound = $birtPath . "notFound.html";
function pickPage( $page )
global $notFound;
global $birtPath;
//echo "Page: $page<br>";
if ( $page == null || $page == "" )
return "main.html";
$file = $birtPath . trim( $page );
if ( is_dir( $file ) )
$dest = $file . "/main.php";
if ( file_exists( $dest ) )
return $dest;
$dest = $file . "/main.html";
if ( file_exists( $dest ) )
return $dest;
$dest = $file . "/menu.txt";
if ( file_exists( $dest ) )
return $dest;
return $notFound;
if ( file_exists( $file ) )
return $file;
//echo "Says it was found.<br>";
return $notFound;
function logDoc( $docName )
$log = fopen( "page.log", "at" );
$line = "\"" . date( "m/j/Y H:i:s" ) . "\",";
$line .= "\"" . $docName . "\"\n";
fwrite( $log, $line );
fclose( $log );
function viewer( $page )
$file = pickPage( $page );
//echo "Picked: $file<br>";
//logDoc( $file );
if ( preg_match( "/\.php?$/i", $file ) )
//chdir( dirname( $file ) );
//require basename( $file );
//echo $file;
require $file;
else if ( preg_match( "/menu\.txt$/i", $file ) )
require "";
startSequence( $file );
require "";
//global $viewer;
//echo "parseDoc: viewer = $viewer\n";
parseDoc( $file );
CountPage2( $file );
function CountPage( $page )
global $birtPath;
$file = "/home/data/httpd/writable/birt/birtcounter.txt";
//$file = $birtPath . "counter/counter.txt";
$fhl = file($file);
$fhw = fopen($file, "w");
//if( flock( $fhw, LOCK_EX) ){
$ss = $page . "=";
$sz = strlen( $ss );
$fnd = FALSE;
foreach($fhl as $line){
$nstr = substr( $line, 0, $sz );
if( $ss == $nstr ){
//if( strpos($line, $ss ) !== FALSE ){
$x=strpos($line, "=");
settype( $val, "integer" );
$val = $val + 1;
$nline=$page . "=" . $val . "\n";
fputs( $fhw, $nline );
} else {
if( strlen( $line ) > 0){
fputs( $fhw, $line );
if( $fnd == FALSE ){
if( strlen( $ss ) > 0){
fputs( $fhw, $ss . "1" ."\n");
// flock( $fhw, LOCK_UN);
fclose( $fhw );
// }else{
// print "Could not lock counter file";
// }
function CountPage2( $page )
global $birtPath;
$file = "/home/data/httpd/writable/birt/counters.txt";
//$file = $birtPath . "counter/birtcounter.txt";
//$fhl = file($file);
$fhw = fopen($file, "r+");
//if( flock( $fhw, LOCK_EX) ){
$ss = $page . "=";
$sz = strlen( $ss );
$fnd = FALSE;
//foreach($fhl as $line){
while (!feof($fhw)) {
$current_pos = ftell($fhw);
$buffer = fgets($fhw, 1000);
//$nstr = substr( $line, 0, $sz );
$nstr = substr( $buffer, 0, $sz );
if( $ss == $nstr ){
fseek( $fhw, $current_pos );
$x=strpos($buffer, "=");
settype( $val, "integer" );
$val = $val + 1;
$nline=$page . "=" . $val;
fputs( $fhw, $nline );
if( $fnd == FALSE ){
if( strlen( $ss ) > 0){
fputs( $fhw, $ss . "1 " ."\n");
fclose( $fhw );