blob: a96d322655644e104809490a4794978cd8c2aff1 [file] [log] [blame]
require_once( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "birt/common/config.php");
$PagePart = new PagePart();
<!DOCTYPE html>
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/* Set Page Level Meta Details */
$metaTitle = "BIRT Home";
$metaKeywords = "Eclipse Keywords";
$metaAuthor = "";
$metaDescription = "Eclipse Super Description for SEO in da House";
$ogTitle = "This is the OG Super Title";
$ogImage = "";
$ogDescription = "This is the ogDescription to be displayed in share options.";
//only use following if you know what you are doing - else just leave them as is.
$robotsIndex = "index"; // ***Only usable values are 'index', 'noindex'
$robotsFollow = "follow"; // ***Only usable values are 'follow', 'nofollow'
$canonicalTag = ""; //this is a canonical tag used for duplicate content *** DO NOT USE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING *** Default is blank! ex:
# Generate Meta Info
echo $PagePart->getMetaInfo($metaTitle, $metaKeywords, $metaAuthor, $metaDescription, $ogTitle, $ogImage, $ogDescription, $robotsIndex, $robotsFollow, $canonicalTag);
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<script type="text/javascript">function get_feed_json(url) {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
objXml = new XMLHttpRequest();
objXml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");"GET","load.php?url="+url,false);
var src=objXml.responseText;
src = src.replace(/\n/g, "");
return gfj_parse_feed(src);
function gfj_parse_feed(src) {
var fa = src.match(/(<[^!](.*?)>)|(!(.*?)\]\])|([^\s<][^<>]+)/ig);
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lta = last[last.length-1]; cseq=true;
if (lta != sta) { str += "{ "; } else { str += ", "; }
if ( !/\/[\s]?>$/.test(fa[i]) )
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str += "\""+li+"\" : ["; initem=true;
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sta = last[last.length-1];
var tag = fa[i].match(/[\s]+(.*?)\s*=\s*(("[^"]*")|('[^']*'))/ig);
str += "\""+li+"\" : ";
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intag += "\""+x[0]+"\" : \""+x[1]+"\", ";
intag = intag.replace(/,\s$/,"");
if (intag) str += "{ "+intag+ "} "; else str += '""';
cseq = false;
cseq = false;
if (li.substr(0,3) != "!--" ) {
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return str;
<?php echo $PagePart->getAfterBody(); ?>
var anfeed=0, ai;
var afeed, aitems;
$().ready(function() {
afeed = jQuery.parseJSON(get_feed_json(",18-2.xml"));
aitems = afeed.feed.entry;
setTimeout( function() { display_atom_feed(); }, 5000);
function display_atom_feed() {
anfeed++; if (anfeed == aitems.length) anfeed=0;
$("#amain").fadeOut(1000, function() {
$("#amain").html("<div><b><a href='"+aitems[ai].link.href+"' target='_black'><h3>"+aitems[ai].title+"<h3></a></b></div>");
var afDate = new Date(aitems[ai].updated);
$("#amain").append("<h4><a href='""' target='_black'>"+afeed.feed.title+"</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"+afDate+"</h4>");
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