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<title>BIRT FAQ</title>
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<p class="head">BIRT FAQ</p>
<p class="subhead">Deploying BIRT</p>
<h1>Application Server</h1>
<h2>Q: How do I install the BIRT Report Engine in my app server?</h2>
The Eclipse (BIRT) Reporting Engine (ERE) is a series of Java class files that can be deployed in any
Java/J2EE environment &ndash; this could be within a server based application, or
a client-side application. The ERE is the runtime component of BIRT &ndash; when
you call it in the context of your application, you pass it a report design.
The ERE then will access the data source, retrieve the data, do the required
aggregations/sorting, etc., and then format the report for presentation as
HTML or PDF, for example.
The BIRT report viewer is included with the report designer and is used to preview
reports. It doubles as an example of how to integrate the Report Engine into a
J2EE application.
How do I install BIRT in Tomcat?</h2>
See complete instructions on the <a href="../deploy">BIRT Integration</a> pages.</p>
How do I install BIRT in JBoss?</h2>
Take the viewer deployment from the BIRT designer (as described on for
<a href="../deploy/viewer-deploy.html">Tomcat</a>), and copy it to your JBoss
deploy directory as viewer.war.</p>
However, BIRT uses an older version of the Rhino scripting engine, and this
causes a conflict with the version installed with JBoss. To work around this
temporarily, put BIRT's js.jar in JBoss's&nbsp; server/default/lib.</p>
<h1>BIRT Viewer</h1>
<h2>Q: Why does a red asterisk appear next to some of my parameters in the
Viewer's parameter UI?</h2>
<p>The asterisk indicates that a parameter is required. A parameter
is required if:</p>
<li>The parameter is a string, the default value is blank, and the
parameter does not allow blank values.</li>
<li>The parameter is other than a string, the default value is blank,
and the parameter does not allow null values.</li>
<p>Note that a blank value is considered to be a blank string (&quot;&quot;)
for string values, but a (database null) value (unknown) for non-string types
such as numbers and dates.</p>
<h1>Other Integrations</h1>
<h2>Q: Can I use BIRT within a Rich Client Application (RCP)?</h2>
<p>Community member Stavros Kounis made an Eclipse plug-in that
starts BIRT's Viewer webapp using the Eclipse internal application server and
views reports inside RCP using an editor that contains a browser control. He
posted it on his blog at <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p class="q">How do I manage reports within my application? Storage? Security?</p>
<h2>Q: Can I store report designs in a location other than the file system?</h2>
Not at present, but we are looking into possible changes to support this.
Also, Eclipse itself may be looking into this.
<h2>Q: Do BIRT reports need to be compiled before they are run?</h2>
No, there is no compile step. The BIRT Report Engine directly executes the report
design XML file. (This is one reason that BIRT uses interpreted JavaScript instead
of compiled Java as its scripting language.)</p>
<h2>Q: Can BIRT reports be saved on disk?</h2>
Reports in release 1 are run on demand, then discarded. A BIRT report run
creates the report, converts it to HTML or PDF, then discards the report. A later
release will add the ability to save the <i>report document</i> on disk.