blob: 7f26b7f341a36615a04ba2c50e28580f1d818056 [file] [log] [blame]
<?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon()); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
* Copyright (c) 2010
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
$pageTitle = "BPMN2 Modeler - New &amp; Noteworthy";
$html = <<<EOHTML
<div id="midcolumn">
<h4>M1 milestone (August 15, 2012)</h4>
<br>This milestone represents a major overhaul of most of the Tabbed Property Sheet framework and related code.
The builds are available here for
<a href="">Eclipse indigo (3.7)</a>
<a href="">helios (3.6)</a>.
Code cleanup
<br>The code that implements the "List and Detail" pattern for rendering BPMN2 element properties
has been cleaned up so it is easier to maintain.
Java generics were introduced to ensure that future
runtime extension plugins will have an easier time with their implementations.
Migration to Graphiti 0.9.0
<br>The editor is now compatible with both Graphiti 0.8.2 and 0.9.0.
There were several significant changes in Graphiti which requires us to maintain two
separate code branches for Eclipse helios and for the latest versions of Eclipse (indigo and juno).
<br>While we are trying very hard to keep both branches in sync, there may come a time
when the helios version can no longer keep up with enhancements and new features as we
continue to improve the editor.
Compatibility with Eclipse juno.
<br>A happy coincidence, I'm sure <img src="/bpmn2-modeler/images/wink.gif" width="20" height="20" border="0"/>
Usability improvements
<br>Cell editors were added to some of the lists to simplify property editing.
<br>Configuration popup dialogs were added
<a href="">as requested here</a>.
After dragging-n-dropping an item from the toolpalette onto the canvas, a popup dialog
is displayed to allow configuration of certain aspects of the new item without having
to hunt through the Tabbed Property Sheets. Of course these popups can be disabled
through User Preference settings so we don't slow down the business analyst types who
only want to capture a high-level flow without worrying about the details.
<br>I/O parameter mapping for Tasks and Events has been simplified.
Functionality added
<br>"File Save As" has been added.
<br>The editor now handles file rename/move and delete graciously, thanks to a patch contributed by the community.
<br>A new property tab was added for Annotations, also from a community contributor
Model validation
<br>Some rudimentary model validation has been added, thanks to contributions made by the folks at Camunda.
Future enhancements will broaden the scope to include semantic validation, the addition of error decorators
and "Problems View" integration.
File Import enhanced
<br>File import types now include BPMN 2.0 diagram files (i.e. other process files) as well as Java types.
Although Java types are not explicitly called for in the BPMN 2.0 specification, in practice this is widely
supported by execution engines and deserves first-class citizenship.
<br>Imports automatically create the appropriate BPMN2 elements for WSDL Port Types, Operations, Message Types
and schema types (i.e. BPMN2 Interface, Operation, Message and ItemDefinition elements).
Various bug fixes, too numerous to mention.
<h4>M2 milestone (September 15, 2012)</h4>
<br>This milestone adds some significant new features since M1.
The builds are available here for
<a href="">Eclipse indigo (3.7)</a>
<a href="">helios (3.6)</a>.
BPMN2 Project Nature and Validation Builder
<br>A project builder is now used to perform batch validation of the BPMN files.
Full validation for BPMN 2.0 compliance is still not complete, but the framework for adding new
validation logic is in place.
Problem Markers
<br>Problem View markers and figure decorators with tooltip text on the drawing canvas as well as the
Property Sheet View have been added.
Outline View
<br>Support for an Outline View has been added. This includes tree view outlines for both the BPMN2 element structure
(the "business logic model") and the BPMN Diagram structure (the "Digram Interchange model") as well as a thumbnail
view of the editor drawing canvas.
Property Sheets
<br>New Property Sheet tabs have been added to support Choreography and Collaboration diagram activities.
<h4>RC1 release candidate for version 0.1.0 (September 30, 2012)</h4>
This will be the first and only release candidate for our first offical, stable release, scheduled for this fall.
This release <b>will</b> support Eclipse Helios as well as Indigo and Juno.
Multiple BPMNDiagram Support
<br>The editor will support multiple diagrams per BPMN file.
A MultiPageEditor is used to allow tab navigation of the BPMNDiagram structure.
The Outline View also provides an overview of diagrams and page selection will be fully integrated with the editor.
<h4>Version 0.1.0 stable release (October 15, 2012)</h4>
Bug Fixes
String externalization
<br>Labels, prompts and error messages will be externalized to message files and will be available for translation
in <a href="">Eclipse Babel</a>.
<br><b>Pushed to a future release.</b>
User Guide
<br>A complete User Guide will be made available, either as an installable Help feature, or as an external document.
This will be user documentation only, not API docs for editor extensibility.
A Developer's Guide will be made available as part of a later release.
<br><b>Pushed to a future release.</b>
<h4>Version 0.2.0 API Stabilization release (December 12, 2012)</h4>
Here are the highlights of what's new in this version:
The "customTask" extension can now be used to extend any BPMN2 element, not just Tasks. This allows you, for example to define custom Text Annotations in your extension plugin to specialize these elements for analysis tools or runtime engines.
The "propertyTab" extension was simplified to allow the BPMN2 element attributes to be specified in the plugin.xml instead of having to write java code.
The Runtime Extension interface was enhanced to allow specification of supported type and expression language.
An object creation hook was added to the Runtime Extension interface to allow the extension plugin to more easily extend BPMN2 elements.
the Example Runtime and JBPM5 extension plugins have been split out as separate installable features.
The Example Runtime plugin has been greatly enhanced to illustrate many more of the new API features.
A lot of the Property Sheets have been reworked for better usability.
A New Process Wizard was added to the JBPM5 plugin, separate from the "generic" BPMN2 wizard. This creates JBPM5-specific process files and initializes the project settings as necessary.
Many new bug fixes.
<h4>Version 0.2.1 Bug Fixes (January 12, 2013)</h4>
What's new in this version:
The WSIL file support has been refactored and is now a separate installable feature. This allows the
BPMN2 editor to be installed with minimal dependencies on other projects such as BPEL and WTP.
The minimal JVM target runtime is now set to 1.6 in the plugin manifests. This was causing some folks
problems with installation.
According to the BPMN2 spec, Associations may have a direction and may be drawn with optional
arrowheads to indicate a single or bi-directional association. These are now displayed correctly
in the editor.
Although Associations don't have a "name" attribute, an extension plugin may want to extend this
element and have the name appear as a label on the diagram next to the Association connection line. The
editor has been enhanced to support this - see the sample runtime plugin for details of how this is
Keeping separate versions of the editor for backward compatibility with helios continues to be a
problem mostly because of a breaking API change in Graphiti and SWT in indigo and juno. Now that the
kepler release and Graphiti 0.10 is on the horizon, we anticipate additional build issues. To help
mitigate these issues, the build.xml ant script has been enhanced to generate eclipse platform-specific
dependencies for Graphiti, the BPMN2 metamodel and [possibly] others.
The sample runtime plugin has been enhanced to demonstrate many of the new features. Thanks to the
community for helping to define the extension API.
<a href="">Bug 396899</a> - Can't change event, gateway or data object names
<a href="">Bug 395476</a> - Data Objects dropped into a SubProcess are not displayed
<a href="">Bug 397474</a> - Allow plugin to set toolpalette drawer title for "Custom Tasks"
<a href="">Bug 355632</a> - Message nodes missing from message links in collaboration diagram
<a href="">Bug 374299</a> - Connection layout is inconsistent between editing sessions
<a href="">Bug 355641</a> - Message links between pools are anchored using central point of connected nodes
<a href="">Bug 355678</a> - Resized pool results in incorrect message flow start connection point
<a href="">Bug 376484</a> - Moving (arrow) label does not work as expected when not zoomed 100%
<a href="">Bug 396517</a> - Custom Tasks not appearing in BPMN2 Diagram Editor Palette
<h4>Version 0.2.2 Bug Fixes (February 7, 2013)</h4>
What's new in this version:
Added Connection Routers for Manhattan style and direct routing.
Added support for selecting routing style in user preferences.
Fixed bug in jbpm5 runtime plugin that corrupts files generated by jbpm web designer.
Updated the jbpm5 runtime plugin extension model:
Added support for Simulation parameters. These now appear in a "Simulation" Property Tab for certain BPMN2 elements.
Fixed handling of ImportType extension elements (these are completely different from the BPMN2 Import element - yikes!)
The GlobalType extension element now subclasses ItemAwareElement to make it assignment compatible with DataAssociation sources and targets.
<a href="">Bug 398544</a> - did not check for CallActivity.calledElement in setValueFromId()
<a href="">Bug 398591</a> - sync name with ID
only for Property, Message and DataObject, save name feature for Message and DataObject
Added a simple change to allow custom tasks to be added to existing
toolpalette drawers. Thanks to Andrey Pavlenko for that hint <img src="/bpmn2-modeler/images/bigsmile.png" width="20" height="20" border="0"/>
All of the custom UserTask properties defined by the jbpm5 runtime plugin have been
separated as individual fields in the "User Task" Property Tab "Attributes" section.
These were previously displayed in the I/O Parameters table.
<a href="">Bug 374299</a> - fixed boundary
anchor calculation and improved the manhattan router.
Added double-click listener to tables to open the details section to the
right. This is better than having the details show up whenever a table
row is selected.
Fixed a bug in the table Cell Editors, which was causing all kinds of "Widget disposed" errors.
In general, the Cell Editor handling has been much improved over previous releases.
Fixed jbpm Data Items tab to check for duplicate imports.
Fixed jbpm I/O Parameter mapping for Globals.
The "Diagram" Property Tab contributed by the jbpm5 runtime plugin was removed and replaced with the "Process"
Tab which contained some duplicated information.
All texts and labels that refer to BPMN2 "Property" elements (which actually represent scoped variables defined in a Process or Activity)
have been changed to "Variable" - hopefully this helps to distinguish these "properties" from all of the other properties
floating around out there.
Once again, great pains have been taken to keep the editor backwards compatible with eclipse 3.6.2 (Helios)
EMF and Graphiti introduced some breaking API changes which are causing all kinds of headaches.
Added a user preference to simplify the Documentation list for all
BaseElements so that only a multiline text editor for the first
Documentation list item is shown in Property Tabs. The "textFormat" is always
set to "text/plain"
The missing "Default Flow" checkbox on Gateways has been restored (yay!) Note that this is only available on
outgoing Sequence Flows that DO NOT have a Condition expression.
The "customTask" extension element has been enhanced a bit:
An optional "propertyTabs" attribute has been added to allow specific Property Tabs to be displayed when the
Custom Task element is selected.
An optional "icon" attribute has been added to specify an image file to use for the toolpalette entry and for decorating the
Custom Task element. Your extension plugin must provide a "small" (16x16 pixels) and "large" format of the image file,
and these must be located in the plugin project's folders "icons/small" and "icons/large". Be sure to include these
folders with the binary build of your plugin!
The "description" attribute is now used as the text in the "Description" Property Tab. If none is provided,
the default text defined by the BPMN2 Modeler UI is used.
The "Diagram" main menu contribution, which mysteriously disappeared sometime around the Juno release has been restored.
These menu contributions allow you to create new Process, Collaboration and Choreography diagrams, which appear as new
tabs in the editor.
Selection of the targets for CallActivity, CallChoreography and CallConversation has been fixed. The combobox selection widget
now has a "+" button which, when clicked, creates a new diagram of the correct type.
<h4>Version 0.2.3 (More) Bug Fixes and New Example(February 15, 2013)</h4>
What's new in this version:
A new <a href="videos/CustomTask-Example-part1.htm">screencast tutorial</a> has been added to the project,
which demonstrates how to implement the &lt;customTask&gt; extension point.
The source code for this tutorial is available here, in the
<a href="">"examples" directory of the Git repository</a>.
All extension attributes and elements must be enabled explicitly if you want them to appear in Property Sheets.
This is done using the &lt;modelEnablement&gt; extension point. Previously any attributes or elements defined
with the &lt;modelExtension&gt; extension point were automatically enabled.
General cleanup of some unused classes in the jBPM5 Target Runtime plugin.
The missing Task decorator icons (for, e.g. Business Rule Task, Script Task, etc.) have been restored.
The handling of Messages and Message Flows attached to Participant Bands in Choreography Activities has been cleaned up.
Previously it was possible to remove the Message Flow, leaving an unattached Message envelope shape.
Also, a button pad (context menu) item for removing the Message has been added; this works just like pressing the "Delete" key,
but the new button pad is complementary to its "Add Message" button.
A Class Cast exception thrown when trying to create a "New jBPM Process" in a project's sub-folder has been fixed.
Operation selection and creation for Service Tasks has been fixed.
The Schema Selection dialog has been fixed so that it correctly finds and imports Java classes.
The "Undo" menu descriptions after creating Tasks have been changed to read simply "Create Task" instead of
displaying a verbose description of what the created Task does.
A bug in the file importer that caused Pools with Process references to corrupt the file, has been fixed.
Resizing a shape now causes the attached connections to be re-routed, the same way as moving the shape.
The Manhattan connection router has been improved a bit so that connections do not cross over the shapes to which they are attached.
The Interfaces table column label has been fixed to read "Implementation" instead of "E Class".
<h4>Version 0.2.4 (Even More) Bug Fixes and New Features (April 9, 2013)</h4>
What's new in this version:
The Java class importer now uses the eclipse JDT IType framework for better performance when dealing with large numbers of classes.
A new <toolPalette> extension point has been added to allow for definition of customized Tool Palette profiles.
Tool Palette Profiles are selectable in the Project Preferences.
Enhanced the Tool Enablement Project Preferences to distinguish between BPMN2 model, and target runtime extension model elements.
The Manhattan Connection Router has been improved, but is still experimental. We are working on a better algorithm.
<h4>Version 0.2.5 (Still More) Bug Fixes and New Features (April 25, 2013)</h4>
What's new in this version:
A file import feature has been added that allows files without DI (Diagram Interchange) metadata to be opened and edited.
This is also a first-cut for an automatic layout feature that is in the works for a future version.
Unfortunately this introduced some regressions, which also had to be dealt with before this release was published.
The jBPM Target Runtime extension model has been updated to reflect the new BPSim version 1.0 model definition.
A new User Preference page named "jBPM Runtime" has been added which contains a checkbox to enable/disable the serialization of BP Simulation parameter elements.
This also affects display of the "Simulation" property tab in the editor.
All BPMN2 Modeler plugins and dependencies (including the MDT BPMN2 metamodel project plugins) are now signed.
This will be the last officially supported version for eclipse 3.6.2.
Helios is now almost 3 years old and it takes an inordinate amount of work to keep the editor code in sync.
This is not the eclipse you are looking for...move along <img src="/bpmn2-modeler/images/wink.gif" width="20" height="20" border="0"/>
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);