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<title>Member Newsletter - October 2015</title>
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<p style="margin:3px;">October 6, 2015</p>
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<p style="color:#7036be;font-size:14px; margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;"><b>Foundation Updates in This Issue</b></p>
<li><a href="#title1" style="color:#7036be;">EclipseCon Europe Arrives Soon!</a></li>
<li><a href="#title2" style="color:#7036be;">Membership Agreement Modification Approved</a></li>
<li><a href="#title3" style="color:#7036be;">Call for Papers for EclipseCon North America</a></li>
<li><a href="#title4" style="color:#7036be;">Help Refine the FEEP Process</a></li>
<li><a href="#title5" style="color:#7036be;">Call for DemoCamps</a></li>
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<td style="font-size:11px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;border-bottom:1px dotted #DDD;padding-bottom:10px;">
<p style="color:#7036be; font-size:14px; margin-bottom:3px;"><a name="title1"><b>EclipseCon Europe Arrives Soon!</b></a></p>
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<a href="" target="_blank">
<img style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; border: 0px solid #000"
src="../imagesmisc/ECE Friends 300x250 Unconference_1.png" width="200" height="167" alt="ECE logo"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank">EclipseCon Europe</a> is just a few weeks away, beginning on Tuesday, November 3. <a href="" target="_blank">Register online now</a> and you can sleep in
a bit before going to your tutorial on Tuesday morning. Be sure to <a href="" target="_blank">book your hotel room</a>; the Nestor is expected to sell out soon.
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Here's a partial list of what's happening this year:
<li>Theme Days on <a href="" target="_blank">IoT</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Project Quality</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">LocationTech</a></li>
<li>A <a href="" target="_blank">hackathon</a> for experts and newbies alike, where attendees will learn how to join a project, fix challenging bugs, experience pair programming, and meet Foundation staff</li>
<li>The <a href="" target="_blank">IoT Playground</a> including a very cool challenge and demo from OSGi (learn about the contest <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>)</li>
<li>New entertainment for Tuesday night where two highly rated speakers morph into quizmasters (prizes and beer included!)</li>
<li>A very busy <a href="" target="_blank">Unconference</a> on Monday to start the week out right</li>
We'll see you soon in Ludwigsburg!
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<td style="font-size:11px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;border-bottom:1px dotted #DDD;padding-bottom:10px;">
<p style="color:#7036be; font-size:14px; margin-bottom:3px;"><a name="title2"><b>Membership Agreement Modification Approved</b></a></p>
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Recently the membership at large voted on whether the Foundation could offer a modified membership agreement o government agencies who were
legally prohibited from signing our standard agreement because it stipulates the state of New York as the governing law.
We are please to announce that the motion was carried, with 96% voting in favor of the motion.<br><br>
We will now proceed with engaging with these government agencies, and look forward to their contributions to our community. Thanks
to everyone who took the time to vote; your participation is appreciated.
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<td style="font-size:11px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;border-bottom:1px dotted #DDD;padding-bottom:10px;">
<p style="color:#7036be; font-size:14px; margin-bottom:3px;"><a name="title3"><b>Call for Papers for EclipseCon North America</b></a></p>
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<a href="" target="_blank">
<img style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; border: 0px solid #000"
src="../imagesmisc/eclipsecon_logoslim.png" width="350" height="86" alt="ECon NA 2016 logo"></a>
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<a href="" target="_blank">EclipseCon North America</a> is moving to Reston, Virginia for 2016, and the
<a target="_blank" href=""> call for papers</a> has just opened.
A Java 9 Day is planned, as well as theme days focusing on IDEs and IoT. The early-bird deadline for talks is
<b>November 16</b>, and submissions close on <b>November 23</b>.<br><br>
Plan to attend, <a href="" target="_blank">sponsor</a>, or
<a href="" target="_blank">speak</a> (or all three!), and we'll see you at the Hyatt Regency Reston on March 7-10, 2016.
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<td style="font-size:11px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;border-bottom:1px dotted #DDD;padding-bottom:10px;">
<p style="color:#7036be; font-size:14px; margin-bottom:3px;"><a name="title4"><b>Help Refine the FEEP Process</b></a></p>
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The Friends-Enabled Eclipse IDE/Platform Enhancements Program, or FEEP, utilizes the funds donated through the
<a href="" target="_blank">Friends of Eclipse program </a> to make significant and meaningful improvements and enhancements to the Eclipse IDE/Platform.<br><br>
We are developing a process for prioritizing and funding work, and we would appreciate <a target="_blank" href="">community review and comments</a>.
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<td style="font-size:11px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;border-bottom:1px dotted #DDD;padding-bottom:10px;">
<p style="color:#7036be; font-size:14px; margin-bottom:3px;"><a name="title5"></a><b>Call for DemoCamps</b></p>
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<a href="" target="_blank">
<img style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; border: 0px solid #000"
src="../imagesmisc/DemoCamp408x416.png" width="102" height="104" alt="DemoCamp logo"></a>
<td>It's time for fall DemoCamps! Check out the <a target="_blank" href=""> DemoCamp wiki page</a> to add yours or see what's planned.
<br><br>If a hackathon is
more your style, you can organize that instead.
<!-- Recent Project Proposals -->
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<p style="color:#7036be; font-size:14px; margin-bottom:3px;"><b>Recent Project Proposals</b>
<table style="font-size:11px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;"></p>
<td valign="top">
<a style="color:#000;text-decoration:none;font-size:12px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;" href="" target="_blank"><b>hawkBit</b></a><br/>
The scope of the hawkBit project is to provide a software update management service for the Internet of Things. <br/>
<a style="color:#7036be;" href="" target="_blank">More...</a>
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<a style="color:#000;text-decoration:none;font-size:12px;margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;" href="" target="_blank"><b>Eclipse Rich Beans</b></a><br/>
The scope of Eclipse Net Beans is to provide a set of widgets for scientific and numeric data that allow values to be entered and validated. </br>
<a style="color:#7036be;" href="" target="_blank">More...</a>
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<!-- New Members -->
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<p style="color:#000;font-size:12px; margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;"><b>New Solutions Members<br></b></p>
<a style="color:#666; margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:0;" target="_blank" href="">Ancit Consulting</a><br><br>
<a style="color:#666; margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:0;" target="_blank" href="">Zend Technologies USA Inc.</a><br><br>
<a style="color:#666; margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:0;" target="_blank" href="">Siemens</a><br><br>
<a style="color:#666; margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:0;" target="_blank" href="">Goldman Sachs</a><br><br>
<p style="color:#000;font-size:12px; margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;"><b>New Associate Member<br></b></p>
<a style="color:#666; margin-bottom:4px;margin-top:0;" target="_blank" href="">&Eacute;cole de technologie sup&eacute;rieure</a><br><br>
<!-- Upcoming Events -->
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<td style="margin-bottom:3px; margin-top:0;"><a href=" map request">Email us</a> to take advantage of the opportunity to
promote your Eclipse training or other Eclipse event on the Events Map! <br><br>
See the <a target="_blank" href="">Events map</a> for DemoCamps, Training Series, and Working Group activities.
<a style="color:#000;font-size:12px; margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;" href="" target="_blank"><b>EclipseCon Europe</b></a><br/>
November 3-5, 2015<br>
Ludwigsburg, Germany<br><br>
<a style="color:#000;font-size:12px; margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;" href="" target="_blank"><b>Devoxx Belgium</b></a><br/>
November 9-13, 2015<br>
Antwerp, Belgium<br><br>
<a style="color:#000;font-size:12px; margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;" href="" target="_blank"><b>EclipseCon North America 2016</b></a><br/>
March 7-10, 2016<br>
Reston, Virginia, US<br><br>
<a style="color:#000;font-size:12px; margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;" href="" target="_blank"><b>FOSS4G NA 2016</b></a><br/>
May 2-5, 2016<br>
Raleigh, North Carolina, US<br><br>
<!-- Member 2 Member Marketplace -->
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<table width="190" style="font-size:11px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif;color:#666;">
<br><p style="color:#000;font-size:12px; margin-bottom:3px;margin-top:0;"><b>Make an Offer<br>To Eclipse Members</b></p>
Promote your special offer to other Eclipse members in future issues of this newsletter. If you have a product discount, event coupon, free trial
or other special deal to offer, submit your posting to the Member 2 Member Marketplace.<br><br/>
<a style="color:#7036be;" href="">Submit a Member 2 Member Offer</a>
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<a style="color:#7036be; font-size:14px; margin-bottom:3px;" href=""><b>Contact the Editor</b></a><br/>
<p>You received this e-mail because you are a contact in the Eclipse Foundation membership-at-large database or you subscribed to the <a style="color:#7036be;" href=""></a> mailing list.</p>