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* Copyright (c) 2014, 2018 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* Contributors:
* Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation) - initial API and implementation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
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<h1><?php print $pageTitle; ?></h1>
src="/community/images/cms_eclipse/witte_autor.jpg" align="left" id="img_author" class="padding-10"/>Use of rich client applications based on Eclipse RCP has increased
widely in recent years, both in the open source and in the commercial
field. Eclipse RCP is employed more and more in sections where web
clients were predominantly in use. One good example of this
development is the content management system (CMS) &ldquo;Sophora&rdquo; from the
German company subshell GmbH (<a href=""
target="_blank"></a>). Sophora has proven
itself during the last years at the editorial office of, Germany's leading news homepage. This article
describes the experience of subshell's development team while
developing the Sophora Deskclient and the article outlines certain
obstacles the team encountered and their resolutions.
<strong>by Torsten Witte</strong>
In 2006, when a new content management system for the editorial
office of <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
[<a href="#biblio1">1</a>] was in development, the primary goal of
the editorial staff was clearly stated: publishing articles must be
effective and efficient. Journalists should be supported so that they
can focus on content rather than on the website's (or any other
channel's) layout when writing news. Images as well as audio and
video content need to be placed in or around the text easily and
without delay. These challenges led to the development of a desktop
application that contains the structured content of each article and
that can be than easily be extended with additional content via drag
and drop. When using a desktop application several technical
questions needed to be posed in advance. Which operating systems will
be supported? How will the application be distributed and installed
on the different workstations? How will required updates be executed?
How will user specific configurations be handled when the user
switches workstations? These problems were unique challenges for
subshell; they do not often emerge when working with web clients. At
last a solution was found. The Eclipse RCP framework was chosen as
the technology for a rich-client, the so-called Sophora Deskclient [<a
href="#biblio2">2</a>] (see <a href="#figure1">figure 1</a>).
<p><a name="figure1"></a><img src="/community/images/cms_eclipse/witte_deskclient_1.jpg" /></p>
<p class="figure">
1: The Sophora Deskclient at <a href=""
<h3>Administrative Point of View</h3>
<p>The Eclipse RCP framework already answers some of the needs
mentioned above. Installing the rich-client can be omitted since the
application only needs to be extracted to a workstation's hard drive.
A central update site is used to deliver required updates and to
provide the latest software version. Upon the Deskclient's start-up,
new updates are automatically installed. Alternatively, the
application can be rolled-out by using an existing, internal software
deployment system. The individual settings are stored in the central
home directories so that they are retained when users change
<p>In addition, the plug-in framework provides the point of entry for
any future product extensions that are not enclosed in the standard
version. The manufacturer can assemble the Deskclient with the help
of flexible build configurations and can deploy different variants of
the same core product, e.g., for different operating systems like
Windows, Linux or Mac OS. It is also possible to integrate project
specific plug-ins
<h3>Journalistic Point of View</h3>
The Eclipse RCP framework presents a well-arranged user interface by
dividing the workspace into views and editors, and therefore allows
each journalist to customise their alignment individually. For
example, the Sophora Deskclient provides one view that contains the
entire search function. Retrieved documents can be opened in the
editor section from this view (see box &ldquo;Sophora Documents&rdquo; for more
information about documents within Sophora). The component structure
(deduced from Eclipse's outline view), which displays all documents
referenced by the document at hand, is another example of this
technology. The modified property sheet page, called component
details, consists of detailed information about the component that is
selected in the component structure view. It further provides a way
to override these details in the context of the current document (see
<a href="#figure1">figure 1</a>).
<p>For an editorial journalist it is commonplace to not only edit
multiple documents at a time but also to drag and drop documents from
other views into the current workspace. Users can rearrange the views
to meet their individual requirements and to best support their
workflow. For example, they can even detach a view from the parent
window and move the preview view to another monitor to revise and
view their changes as they would appear on the website. This way of
working is more fluid and better supports a busy editorial office.
<h3>Sophora Documents</h3>
<p>The Sophora CMS is a document-oriented system. For a journalist
this means that he or she never edits the website as a whole but
instead focuses on single documents that are later assembled to form
the actual website. Every document has a document type, which can be
defined and configured freely. Example document types are homepage,
story, breaking-news, image, slide-show, audio, video, link, filter,
broadcast, form, download, survey, chronicle and so on. Each
document contains the information that is needed to be referenced by
another document and to be displayed on the website in the context
of this document. For example, all story documents contain a
headline and a teaser text, as well as a teaser image, all of which
are used to announce them on an index page.
<h3>Document Search Within the Deskclient</h3>
The search mechanism is one key element of the Deskclient with which
users find documents they want to modify or use. A user has to
identify those documents relevant to him or her, based on the
displayed information within the search result list. This includes
the document's status as well as content information such as document
type, headline, thumbnail, last modifier of the document,
modification date and other potentially interesting facts which might
depend on the document's type. The results of this search query list
as a simple SWT list or table would have been confusing and not very
user-friendly. Therefore, an <em>ExtendedListViewer</em>, which
extends the JFace <em>StructuredViewer</em>, has been added to the
Deskclient. The elements of the <em>ExtendedListViewer</em>, i.e. the
domain objects provided by the corresponding <em>IContentProvider</em>,
are shown as arbitrary SWT controls created by an <em>IControlProvider</em>.
The <em>IControlProvider</em> has to be set analogously to an <em>IContentProvider</em>
at the <em>ExtendedListViewer</em>. The ExtendedListViewer then
manages the generated controls. When list elements need to be
updated, the corresponding controls are removed from the internal
cache and requested again from the <em>IControlProvider</em>. This
way individual search result entries are updated immediately. For
example, a user modifies the headline of document while it is
displayed in the search result list of another user's Deskclient. As
a result, the presentation of the search results is interchangeable
due to the <em>IControlProvider</em>. <a href="#figure2">Figure 2</a>
illustrates the different display modes: Single line, compact and
<p><a name="figure2"></a><img src="/community/images/cms_eclipse/witte_deskclient_2.jpg" /></p>
<p class="figure">
2: ExtendedListViewer with different display modes
<h3>The Document Editor</h3>
The editor concept of the RCP eases the development of customised
editors. For every domain object you can implement a corresponding <em>EditorPart</em>
together with an <em>IEditorInput</em>. By extending the <em>MultiPageEditorPart</em>
you can even summarise multiple editors across multiple tabs in one
document editor. The Sophora Deskclient required a generic editor
solution, since the individual document types should not each come
with a corresponding editor implementation. This would not only have
increased maintenance but would also have implied that each new
(project specific) document type requires its own editor
implementation. In addition, such a new implementation would have
triggered another rollout of a new version of the application.
With this in mind the Sophora document editor is built in such a way
that it applies for arbitrary document types. Administrators may
create new document types and define which fields exist, whether
these fields are mandatory or not, where they occur (on which tab of
the editor), how they are labelled, which input field types they use
(plain text, drop-down selection, check-box and the like) and many
more. When a document is opened this configuration is read from the
corresponding <em>DocumentEditorInput</em> and dynamically determines
the actual appearance of the editor. When a document is saved, a
validation of the individual input fields is initiated within the <em>doSave()</em>
method and an error message is returned if necessary.
<p>The existing plug-in framework is utilised in order to gain the
same flexibility for the entire set of available input field types.
In principle, two kinds of input field types are distinguished within
the Deskclient:
<li><em>IFormField:</em> Input field types for primitive data types,
like text, date or selection fields.
<li><em>IEditorComponent:</em> Input field types with an underlying
model for complex data types. For example, an image editor or a
rich-text field for formatted and structured text (see section
&ldquo;Copytext Editor Component&rdquo; below).
There is an extension point for both kinds of fields where every
input field type is declared. Thus further input field types can be
added by additional plug-ins. This behaviour has been used to
integrate an input field type for geographical coordinates (based on
Bing maps), which links a document to a certain location. Another
example for such a product extension is an input field type for
teletext pages. Listing 1 contains an exemplary declaration of a
simple text field and the copytext editor component within the <em>plugin.xml</em>.
<h3>Listing 1</h3>
<pre id="listing1">
<h3>The Copytext Editor Component</h3>
The greatest challenge while developing the Deskclient was the
implementation of an editor component for handling rich-text for news
articles, for example. Such content has to be easily created with all
its paragraphs, headlines, simple formatting (bold, italic and
lists), links, figures, barrier-free tables, mark-ups (like citation,
language or abbreviations) and boxes that contain references to
related documents. Of course, a built-in spell checker is at hand. <a
href="#figure3">Figure 3</a> illustrates the composition of the
copytext editor component, the so-called Copytext Editor.
<p class="figure">
<a name="figure3"></a><img
src="/community/images/cms_eclipse/witte_deskclient_3.jpg" />Figure
3: Copytext Editor
<p>The copytext editor is not a WYSIWYG editor. Instead, it captures
the actual text in a structured way and stores it in a corresponding
model (from which all content information can than again be
retrieved). How the content will be displayed on the website or any
other delivery channel depends on the implementation of a project's
delivery, and is distinct from the presentation within the editor.
<h3>The Implementation of the Copytext</h3>
To get started, SWT offers the <em>StyledText</em> widget [<a
href="#biblio3">3</a>] that allows you to manage texts with the <em>StyledTextContent</em>
and to format them with <em>StyleRanges</em>. But when considering
figures and tables within text, this implementation reaches its
limits. JFace also uses this widget and extends the viewer framework
by an according <em>TextViewer</em>, which operates on an <em>IDocument</em>
as model. This turned out to not entirely satisfy the specifications.
However, the <em>SourceViewer</em>, which is a subclass of <em>TextViewer</em>,
in combination with the remaining interfaces and classes from the <em>org.eclipse.jface.text.source
package</em> serves as a point of entry for the copytext editor
component's implementation.
<a href="#figure4">Figure 4</a> illustrates that the <em>CopytextViewer</em>
extends the <em>RichtextViewer</em>, which in turn, inherits the
JFace <em>SourceViewer</em>. The <em>RichtextViewer</em> is a
reusable component for additional input fields for formatted text but
without figures and boxes and so on. The model of the <em>CopytextViewer</em>
is a <em>CopytextDocument</em>, which holds the individual
<p class="figure">
<a name="figure4"></a><img
src="/community/images/cms_eclipse/witte_deskclient_4.jpg" />Figure
4: Inheritance hierarchy of the CopytextViewer
<p>In contrast to the <em>TextViewer</em>, the <em>SourceViewer</em> has an additional
<em>IverticalRuler</em> in the form of a left-hand margin that displays
details and contains smaller configurational items. The
<em>CopytextViewer</em> uses this margin to show the paragraph styles and
thumbnails of inserted images. Users can here change the paragraph
styles as well as drag and drop images in order to include them.
Moreover, the <em>SourceViewer</em> is configured with a
<em>SourceViewerConfiguration</em>, which allows the addition of a spell
<p>New composites were required to solve the remaining problems with
tables and boxes. The table composite was designed to add and remove
rows and columns, to format text within table cells, and to paste
content from third-party systems like MS Excel or OpenOffice. Every
table cell utilises the already mentioned <em>RichtextViewer</em>. The
existing SWT or JFace implementation was insufficient due to its lack
of formatting possibilities within table cells (not until Eclipse 3.4
when the <em>StyledCellLabelProvider</em> improved support in that direction
href="#biblio4">4</a>]). Also, it was difficult to actually draw table cells when some
cells were higher than others. As for boxes within text, the
<em>ExtendedListViewer</em> from the search component had been reused within
another new composite to display the referenced documents. The
presentation of both tables and boxes further required the
reservation of the space needed in the text container, in order to
prevent text from being hidden behind a table or box. This is ensured
by the <em>CopytextViewer.lineGetStyle()</em> method that returns a <em>StyleRange</em>
object with <em>GlyphMetrics</em>. Finally, the <em>CopytextViewer</em> implements the
<em>PaintObjectListener</em> interface and therewith assures that tables and
boxes appear at their correct positions.
<h3>Target Platform(s)</h3>
<p>Everyone who develops Eclipse RCP applications knows that a target
platform is mandatory. On the one hand, it is used as a skeleton for
the created software and supports different operating systems. On the
other hand it separates the application and the programming
environment. For instance, you can develop an application based on
Eclipse 3.5 while using Eclipse 3.6 as IDE. Furthermore, the
development environment remains unconcerned from plug-ins needed for
the application and vice versa.
<p>When the development of the Sophora Deskclient started, the target
platform was Eclipse SDK 3.2.2 including the delta and language pack.
This version stayed on duty for a long period of time. One reason was
that the language packages in later versions have either been
terminated or replaced by the Babel project and seemed unstable. At
first, changing the target platform was not necessary from a
technical point of view. But when new requirements emerged to support
newer operating systems the target platform had to be exchanged. The
changeover to Eclipse 3.4 as the target platform was tested in a
separate branch, but never came into action. The effort to switch
proved to be marginal; therefore that Eclipse 3.5.0 was made the new
target platform as soon as it had been published. Few classes and
methods had to be replaced by recommended interfaces since they were
marked as &ldquo;deprecated&rdquo;. Most of them could be worked off via content
<p>Presently, Eclipse 3.5.2 is in charge. The next changeover to
Eclipse 3.6, 3.7 or even 4.1 is expected to happen without any
trouble. In fact, there is an expectation of significant benefits and
improvements from new features and improvements (for example, Equinox
p2, CSS styled widgets and so on).
<p>Using the Eclipse RCP framework in this project not only fulfilled
the requirements for the editorial work at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> (where work
must be quick and efficient), but also provided distinct technical
advantages. The RCP framework constitutes a solid foundation for
rich-client applications. Views, editors, actions, commands, wizards,
preference pages, selection services, adapter pattern, help
framework, extensions and extension points should be part of a RCP
developer's vocabulary. The implementation of the copytext editor
component was complicated but the effort was well worth it.
Meanwhile, the Sophora CMS has been established in numerous broadcast
stations in Germany. The editorial journalists are more than
satisfied and enjoy their daily work with Sophora.
<em>Torsten Witte is computer scientist and works as software
engineer at subshell GmbH in Hamburg, Germany. He has extended
experience in developing Java and rich-client applications based on
Eclipse RCP. He is a member of the development team of the Content
Management System "Sophora" and the Java Content Repository (JCR)
Tool "Toromiro".</em>
<li><a name="biblio1"></a>[1] <a href=""
<li><a name="biblio2"></a>[2] <a
href="" target="_blank"></a>
<li><a name="biblio3"></a>[3] <a
<li><a name="biblio4"></a>[4] <a
Note: This article was first published in German in the February,
2011, issue of &ldquo;Eclipse Magazin&rdquo; (<a
href="" target="_blank"></a>).
An online version of the article can be found at <a
Published with kind permission of Software &amp; Support Verlag GmbH.