blob: ad9d4e212bea730508cca612f129d201d92a0451 [file] [log] [blame]
## <a name="bz"></a> SonarQube
### <a name="sq_issues_blocker"></a> SonarQube blocker issues
**Download**: [`r file_sq_issues_blocker`.gz](", project_id, "/`r file_sq_issues_blocker`.gz)
```{r sq_issues_blocker}
data <- read.csv(file=file_sq_issues_blocker, header=T)
File is [``r file_sq_issues_blocker``](", project_id, "/`r file_sq_issues_blocker`), and has ``r ncol(data)`` columns for ``r nrow(data)`` issues.
```{r sq_issues_blocker_table, results='asis'}
data$last.update <- as.POSIXct(data$last_update, origin="1970-01-01")
issues.table <- head(data[,c('key', 'rule', 'sev', 'last.update', 'message')], 10)
issues.table$last.update <- as.character(issues.table$last.update)
names(issues.table) <- c('Key', 'Rule', 'Severity', 'Last update', 'Message')
caption = paste('Extract of 10 SonarQube blocker issues for ',
project_id, '.', sep=" "),
digits=0, align="llllll"), type="html",
html.table.attributes='class="table table-striped"',
sanitize.text.function=function(x) { x }
<br />
### <a name="sq_issues_critical"></a> SonarQube critical issues
**Download**: [`r file_sq_issues_critical`.gz](", project_id, "/`r file_sq_issues_critical`.gz)
```{r sq_issues_critical}
data <- read.csv(file=file_sq_issues_critical, header=T)
File is [``r file_sq_issues_critical``](", project_id, "/`r file_sq_issues_critical`), and has ``r ncol(data)`` columns for ``r nrow(data)`` issues.
<br />
### <a name="sq_issues_major"></a> SonarQube major issues
**Download**: [`r file_sq_issues_major`.gz](", project_id, "/`r file_sq_issues_major`.gz)
```{r sq_issues_major}
data <- read.csv(file=file_sq_issues_major, header=T)
File is [``r file_sq_issues_major``](", project_id, "/`r file_sq_issues_major`), and has ``r ncol(data)`` columns for ``r nrow(data)`` issues.
<br />
### <a name="sq_metrics"></a> SonarQube metrics
**Download**: [`r file_sq_metrics`.gz](", project_id, "/`r file_sq_metrics`.gz)
```{r sq_metrics}
data <- read.csv(file=file_sq_metrics, header=T)
File is [``r file_sq_metrics``](", project_id, "/`r file_sq_metrics`), and has ``r ncol(data)`` columns for ``r nrow(data)`` line.
```{r sq_metrics_table, results='asis'}
# Transform from wide to long format.
data <- t(data)
data_ <- data.frame(rownames(data), data[,1])
names(data_) <- c('Metric', 'Value')
# Remove NAs
data_ <- data_[complete.cases(data_$Value),]
caption = paste('SonarQube metrics for ',
project_id, '.', sep=" "),
digits=0, align="lll"), type="html",
html.table.attributes='class="table table-striped"',
sanitize.text.function=function(x) { x }