updated project site -- build no: 80 -- remove obsolete postman collections

Signed-off-by: Eclipse Ditto Bot <ditto-bot@eclipse.org>
diff --git a/1.0/postman/Ditto.postman_collection.json b/1.0/postman/Ditto.postman_collection.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b78b0bc..0000000
--- a/1.0/postman/Ditto.postman_collection.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2235 +0,0 @@
-	"info": {
-		"name": "Ditto",
-		"_postman_id": "73c48b7b-9636-ea39-a575-67bc00d8781d",
-		"description": "",
-		"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json"
-	},
-	"item": [
-		{
-			"name": "messages",
-			"item": [
-				{
-					"name": "Send a message TO a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "some random body"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/inbox/messages/randomMessageSubject",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"inbox",
-								"messages",
-								"randomMessageSubject"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Send a message TO a Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\"some\":\"json\"}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/someFeature/inbox/messages/someMessageSubject",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"someFeature",
-								"inbox",
-								"messages",
-								"someMessageSubject"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Send a message FROM a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "some random body"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/outbox/messages/randomMessageSubject",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"outbox",
-								"messages",
-								"randomMessageSubject"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Send a message FROM a Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\"some\":\"json\"}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/someFeature/outbox/messages/someMessageSubject",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"someFeature",
-								"outbox",
-								"messages",
-								"someMessageSubject"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Claim a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "text/plain"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "you shall be mine!"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/inbox/claim",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"inbox",
-								"claim"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Claim a Thing with timeout",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "text/plain"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "you shall be mine!"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/inbox/claim?timeout=10",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"inbox",
-								"claim"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "timeout",
-									"value": "10"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				}
-			]
-		},
-		{
-			"name": "policies",
-			"item": [
-				{
-					"name": "Create or update a Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n  \"entries\": {\r\n    \"ALL\": {\r\n      \"subjects\": {\r\n        \"iot-permissions:test\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      \"resources\": {\r\n        \"policy:/\": {\r\n          \"grant\": [\r\n            \"READ\",\r\n            \"WRITE\"\r\n          ],\r\n          \"revoke\": []\r\n        },\r\n        \"thing:/\": {\r\n          \"grant\": [\r\n            \"READ\",\r\n            \"WRITE\"\r\n          ],\r\n          \"revoke\": []\r\n        },\r\n        \"message:/\": {\r\n          \"grant\": [\r\n            \"READ\",\r\n            \"WRITE\"\r\n          ],\r\n          \"revoke\": []\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Modify the entries of a specific Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"ALL\": {\r\n\t  \"subjects\": {\r\n\t    \"iot-permissions:test\": {\r\n\t      \"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n\t    }\r\n\t  },\r\n\t  \"resources\": {\r\n\t    \"policy:/\": {\r\n\t      \"grant\": [\r\n\t        \"READ\",\r\n\t        \"WRITE\"\r\n\t      ],\r\n\t      \"revoke\": []\r\n\t    },\r\n\t    \"thing:/\": {\r\n\t      \"grant\": [\r\n\t        \"READ\",\r\n\t        \"WRITE\"\r\n\t      ],\r\n\t      \"revoke\": []\r\n\t    },\r\n\t    \"message:/\": {\r\n\t      \"grant\": [\r\n\t        \"READ\",\r\n\t        \"WRITE\"\r\n\t      ],\r\n\t      \"revoke\": []\r\n\t    }\r\n\t  }\r\n\t}\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify one Policy entry of a Policy for a specific label",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n  \"subjects\": {\r\n    \"iot-permissions:restricted\": {\r\n      \"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"resources\": {\r\n    \"policy:/\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    },\r\n    \"thing:/\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [\r\n        \"READ\"\r\n      ],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    },\r\n    \"thing:/attributes\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [\r\n        \"READ\"\r\n      ],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    },\r\n    \"thing:/attributes/VIN\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [],\r\n      \"revoke\": [\r\n      \t\"WRITE\"\r\n      ]\r\n    },\r\n    \"thing:/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/temperature\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [\r\n        \"WRITE\"\r\n      ],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    },\r\n    \"message:/\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify all Subjects of a Policy Entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"iot-permissions:restricted\": {\r\n\t  \"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n\t}\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify one specific Subject of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects/iot-permissions:restricted",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects",
-								"iot-permissions:restricted"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify all Resources of a Policy Entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"policy:/\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"thing:/\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [\r\n\t    \"READ\"\r\n\t  ],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"thing:/attributes\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [\r\n\t    \"READ\"\r\n\t  ],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"thing:/attributes/VIN\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": [\r\n\t  \t\"WRITE\"\r\n\t  ]\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"thing:/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/temperature\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [\r\n\t    \"WRITE\"\r\n\t  ],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"message:/\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t}\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify one specific Resource of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"grant\": [\r\n\t\t\"READ\"\r\n\t],\r\n\t\"revoke\": []\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources/thing:/attributes",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources",
-								"thing:",
-								"attributes"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve a specific Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve the entries of a specific Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve one Policy entry of a Policy for a specific label",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve all Subjects of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve one specific Subject of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects/iot-permissions:restricted",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects",
-								"iot-permissions:restricted"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve all Resources of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve one specific Resource of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources/thing:/attributes",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources",
-								"thing:",
-								"attributes"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete a specific Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete one Policy entry of a Policy for a specific label",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
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-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete one specific Subject of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects/iot-permissions:restricted",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects",
-								"iot-permissions:restricted"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete one Resource of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources/thing:/attributes",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources",
-								"thing:",
-								"attributes"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				}
-			]
-		},
-		{
-			"name": "things",
-			"item": [
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": {\n    \"manufacturer\": \"ACME\",\n    \"make\": \"Fancy Fab Car\",\n    \"model\": \"Environmental FourWheeler 4711\",\n    \"VIN\": \"0815666337\"\n  },\n  \"features\": {\n    \"Vehicle\": {\n      \"properties\": {\n        \"configuration\": {\n          \"transmission\": {\n            \"type\": \"manual\",\n            \"gears\": 7\n          }\n        },\n        \"status\": {\n          \"running\": true,\n          \"speed\": 90,\n          \"gear\": 5\n        },\n        \"fault\": {\n          \"flatTyre\": false\n        }\n      }\n    },\n    \"EnvironmentScanner\": {\n      \"definition\": [\n\t    \"{{namespace}}:Car:1.0.0\"\n\t  ],\n      \"properties\": {\n          \"temperature\": 20.8,\n          \"humidity\": 73,\n          \"barometricPressure\": 970.7,\n          \"location\": {\n            \"longitude\": 47.682170,\n            \"latitude\": 9.386372\n          },\n          \"altitude\": 399\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: An empty Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A Thing with complex attributes",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": {\n    \"simpleString\": \"simple\",\n    \"simpleInt\": 42,\n    \"nested\": {\n      \"nestedString\": \"nested\",\n      \"nestedBoolean\": false,\n      \"subnested\" : {\n        \"list\": [\n          1,2,3,5,8\n        ],\n        \"some\": \"value\"\n      }\n    },\n    \"toplist\": [\n      \"IOT\",\"BUM\",\"FOO\"\n    ],\n    \"toplistWithObjects\": [\n      {\n        \"thevalue\": 1,\n        \"nested\": {\n          \"bum\": \"lux\",\n          \"foo\": 3\n        }\n      },\n      {\n        \"thevalue\": 2,\n        \"nested\": {\n          \"bum\": \"ta\",\n          \"foo\": 6\n        }\n      }\n    ]\n  },\n  \"features\": {\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A Thing with given ID",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": {\n    \"manufacturer\": \"ACME\",\n    \"make\": \"Fancy Fab Car\",\n    \"model\": \"Environmental FourWheeler 4711\",\n    \"VIN\": \"0815666337\"\n  },\n  \"features\": {\n    \"Vehicle\": {\n      \"properties\": {\n        \"configuration\": {\n          \"transmission\": {\n            \"type\": \"manual\",\n            \"gears\": 7\n          }\n        },\n        \"status\": {\n          \"running\": true,\n          \"speed\": 90,\n          \"gear\": 5\n        },\n        \"fault\": {\n          \"flatTyre\": false\n        }\n      }\n    },\n    \"EnvironmentScanner\": {\n      \"definition\": [\n\t    \"{{namespace}}:Car:1.0.0\"\n\t  ],\n      \"properties\": {\n          \"temperature\": 20.8,\n          \"humidity\": 73,\n          \"barometricPressure\": 970.7,\n          \"location\": {\n            \"longitude\": 47.682170,\n            \"latitude\": 9.386372\n          },\n          \"altitude\": 399\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A new Attribute at an existing Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "\"someValue\"\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes/new",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes",
-								"new"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A new Property of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "1400"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/brightness",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties",
-								"brightness"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: A Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": {\n    \"foo\":\"bar\",\n    \"baz\": 42\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: An existing Attribute at an existing Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
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-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "23"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes/new",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes",
-								"new"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: ACL of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"ed420ff0-b1c96661e4-9070-3863bbc77d82\": {\n    \"READ\": true,\n    \"WRITE\": true,\n    \"ADMINISTRATE\": true\n  },\n  \"edca04a0-b1c96661e4-9070-3863bbc77d82\": {\n    \"READ\": true,\n    \"WRITE\": false,\n    \"ADMINISTRATE\": false\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/acl",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"acl"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: All  Features of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"abc\":{\n        \"properties\":{\n            \"foo\":\"bar\"\n        }\n    },\n  \"test\":{\n        \"properties\":{\n            \"foo2\":\"bar2\"\n        }\n    }\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: Feature of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n\t\"definition\": [\n\t    \"{{namespace}}:ABC:1.0.0\"\n\t],\n    \"properties\":{\n        \"foo\":\"bar\"\n    }\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/abc",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"abc"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: Definition of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "[\n\t\"{{namespace}}:Car:1.0.0\"\t\n]"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/definition",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"definition"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: All Properties of a Thing's Feature copy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"temperature\": 20.8,\n  \"humidity\": 73,\n  \"barometricPressure\": 970.7,\n  \"location\": {\n    \"longitude\": 47.682170,\n    \"latitude\": 9.386372\n  },\n  \"altitude\": 399\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: One Property of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"longitude\": 49.008085,\n  \"latitude\": 8.403756\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/location",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties",
-								"location"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: A List of Things",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things?ids={{namespace}}:fancy-car,{{namespace}}:fancy-car1,{{namespace}}:fancy-car2",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "ids",
-									"value": "{{namespace}}:fancy-car,{{namespace}}:fancy-car1,{{namespace}}:fancy-car2"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: A List of Things (thingId,acl)",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things?ids={{namespace}}:fancy-car,{{namespace}}:fancy-car1,{{namespace}}:fancy-car2&fields=thingId,acl",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "ids",
-									"value": "{{namespace}}:fancy-car,{{namespace}}:fancy-car1,{{namespace}}:fancy-car2"
-								},
-								{
-									"key": "fields",
-									"value": "thingId,acl"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "Queries a list of Things with the \"thingId\" and \"acl\" field selector"
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: One Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: One Thing (thingId,acl)",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car?fields=thingId,acl",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "fields",
-									"value": "thingId,acl"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "Queries a Thing with the \"thingId\" and \"acl\" field selector."
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Attributes of one Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Attributes of one Thing: single attribute object",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes/nested",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes",
-								"nested"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Attributes of one Thing with field selector: only partial structures",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car?fields=attributes(nested(nestedString,nestedBoolean))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "fields",
-									"value": "attributes(nested(nestedString,nestedBoolean))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Attributes of one Thing with field selector: only partial structures of a list of objects",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car?fields=attributes(toplistWithObjects(nested/foo))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "fields",
-									"value": "attributes(toplistWithObjects(nested/foo))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: ACL of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/acl",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"acl"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: ACL Entry of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: All Features of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Feature of a Thing ",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/Vehicle",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"Vehicle"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Definition of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/definition",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"definition"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: All Properties of a Thing's Feature copy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: One Property of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/location",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties",
-								"location"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: One Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: Attribute of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes/new",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes",
-								"new"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: ACL Entry of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/acl/ed420ff0-b1c96661e4-9070-3863bbc77d82",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"acl",
-								"ed420ff0-b1c96661e4-9070-3863bbc77d82"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: Features of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: Feature of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/Vehicle",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"Vehicle"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: Definition of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/definition",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"definition"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: All Properties of a Thing's Feature copy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: One Property of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/brightness",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties",
-								"brightness"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				}
-			]
-		},
-		{
-			"name": "search-things",
-			"item": [
-				{
-					"name": "(equals): A Thing with a given thingId",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=eq(thingId,\"<thingId>\")",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "eq(thingId,\"<thingId>\")"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(not equals): All Things with not the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ne(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ne(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(greater than): All Things greater than the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=gt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "gt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(greater equals): All Things greater equals the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ge(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ge(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(less then): All Things less then the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=lt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "lt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(less equals): All Things less equals the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=le(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "le(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(in): List of Things with a List of  given thingIds",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=in(thingId,\"<thingId>,<thingId2>,<thingId3>\")",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "in(thingId,\"<thingId>,<thingId2>,<thingId3>\")"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(like): A Thing with a partial given thingId",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=like(thingId,\"<thingId>\")",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "like(thingId,\"<thingId>\")"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "Starts with = \\*, \nEnds with = \\*, \nWildcard for one Char = ?,\nWildcard for many Chars = \\*"
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(and): All Things with two given Attribute Values",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=and(eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>),eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "and(eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>),eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(or): All Things with one of the two given Attributes Values or both",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=or(eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>),eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "or(eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>),eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(not): All Things not greater than a given Attribute Values",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=not(gt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "not(gt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(sort): All Things with a higher or equal Attribute Value than the given  sorted descending",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)&option=sort(-attributes/<sortAtt>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)"
-								},
-								{
-									"key": "option",
-									"value": "sort(-attributes/<sortAtt>)"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "Sort ascending = +,\nSort descending = -,\nSort with two criterias: \nsort(+attributes/att1,-attributes/att2)"
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(limit): All Things with a higher or equal Attribute Value than the given  and among these the second ten elements",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)&option=limit(10,10)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)"
-								},
-								{
-									"key": "option",
-									"value": "limit(10,10)"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "maximum allowed count is 200"
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(sort&limit): All Things with a higher or equal Attribute Value than the given  sorted descending  and among these the second ten elements",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)&option=sort(-attributes/<sortAtt>),limit(10,10)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)"
-								},
-								{
-									"key": "option",
-									"value": "sort(-attributes/<sortAtt>),limit(10,10)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				}
-			]
-		}
-	]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/1.0/postman/Ditto_Sandbox.postman_environment.json b/1.0/postman/Ditto_Sandbox.postman_environment.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c11f4cb..0000000
--- a/1.0/postman/Ditto_Sandbox.postman_environment.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-  "id": "88f8eb44-d1dc-c860-0ed6-5b3b84cd5081",
-  "name": "Ditto Sandbox",
-  "values": [
-    {
-      "enabled": true,
-      "key": "base.protocol",
-      "value": "https://",
-      "type": "text"
-    },
-    {
-      "enabled": true,
-      "key": "base.url",
-      "value": "ditto.eclipse.org",
-      "type": "text"
-    },
-    {
-      "enabled": true,
-      "key": "namespace",
-      "value": "org.eclipse.ditto",
-      "type": "text"
-    }
-  ],
-  "timestamp": 1516708182362,
-  "_postman_variable_scope": "environment",
-  "_postman_exported_at": "2018-01-23T11:49:52.997Z",
-  "_postman_exported_using": "Postman/5.5.0"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0931e18..25d7287 100644
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-        <pubDate>Mon, 02 Nov 2020 14:03:27 +0000</pubDate>
-        <lastBuildDate>Mon, 02 Nov 2020 14:03:27 +0000</lastBuildDate>
+        <pubDate>Mon, 02 Nov 2020 14:25:40 +0000</pubDate>
+        <lastBuildDate>Mon, 02 Nov 2020 14:25:40 +0000</lastBuildDate>
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diff --git a/postman/Ditto.postman_collection.json b/postman/Ditto.postman_collection.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b78b0bc..0000000
--- a/postman/Ditto.postman_collection.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2235 +0,0 @@
-	"info": {
-		"name": "Ditto",
-		"_postman_id": "73c48b7b-9636-ea39-a575-67bc00d8781d",
-		"description": "",
-		"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json"
-	},
-	"item": [
-		{
-			"name": "messages",
-			"item": [
-				{
-					"name": "Send a message TO a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "some random body"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/inbox/messages/randomMessageSubject",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"inbox",
-								"messages",
-								"randomMessageSubject"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Send a message TO a Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\"some\":\"json\"}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/someFeature/inbox/messages/someMessageSubject",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"someFeature",
-								"inbox",
-								"messages",
-								"someMessageSubject"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Send a message FROM a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "some random body"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/outbox/messages/randomMessageSubject",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"outbox",
-								"messages",
-								"randomMessageSubject"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Send a message FROM a Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\"some\":\"json\"}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/someFeature/outbox/messages/someMessageSubject",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"someFeature",
-								"outbox",
-								"messages",
-								"someMessageSubject"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Claim a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "text/plain"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "you shall be mine!"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/inbox/claim",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"inbox",
-								"claim"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Claim a Thing with timeout",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "text/plain"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "you shall be mine!"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/inbox/claim?timeout=10",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"inbox",
-								"claim"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "timeout",
-									"value": "10"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				}
-			]
-		},
-		{
-			"name": "policies",
-			"item": [
-				{
-					"name": "Create or update a Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n  \"entries\": {\r\n    \"ALL\": {\r\n      \"subjects\": {\r\n        \"iot-permissions:test\": {\r\n          \"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n        }\r\n      },\r\n      \"resources\": {\r\n        \"policy:/\": {\r\n          \"grant\": [\r\n            \"READ\",\r\n            \"WRITE\"\r\n          ],\r\n          \"revoke\": []\r\n        },\r\n        \"thing:/\": {\r\n          \"grant\": [\r\n            \"READ\",\r\n            \"WRITE\"\r\n          ],\r\n          \"revoke\": []\r\n        },\r\n        \"message:/\": {\r\n          \"grant\": [\r\n            \"READ\",\r\n            \"WRITE\"\r\n          ],\r\n          \"revoke\": []\r\n        }\r\n      }\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Modify the entries of a specific Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"ALL\": {\r\n\t  \"subjects\": {\r\n\t    \"iot-permissions:test\": {\r\n\t      \"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n\t    }\r\n\t  },\r\n\t  \"resources\": {\r\n\t    \"policy:/\": {\r\n\t      \"grant\": [\r\n\t        \"READ\",\r\n\t        \"WRITE\"\r\n\t      ],\r\n\t      \"revoke\": []\r\n\t    },\r\n\t    \"thing:/\": {\r\n\t      \"grant\": [\r\n\t        \"READ\",\r\n\t        \"WRITE\"\r\n\t      ],\r\n\t      \"revoke\": []\r\n\t    },\r\n\t    \"message:/\": {\r\n\t      \"grant\": [\r\n\t        \"READ\",\r\n\t        \"WRITE\"\r\n\t      ],\r\n\t      \"revoke\": []\r\n\t    }\r\n\t  }\r\n\t}\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify one Policy entry of a Policy for a specific label",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n  \"subjects\": {\r\n    \"iot-permissions:restricted\": {\r\n      \"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n    }\r\n  },\r\n  \"resources\": {\r\n    \"policy:/\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    },\r\n    \"thing:/\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [\r\n        \"READ\"\r\n      ],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    },\r\n    \"thing:/attributes\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [\r\n        \"READ\"\r\n      ],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    },\r\n    \"thing:/attributes/VIN\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [],\r\n      \"revoke\": [\r\n      \t\"WRITE\"\r\n      ]\r\n    },\r\n    \"thing:/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/temperature\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [\r\n        \"WRITE\"\r\n      ],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    },\r\n    \"message:/\": {\r\n      \"grant\": [],\r\n      \"revoke\": []\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify all Subjects of a Policy Entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"iot-permissions:restricted\": {\r\n\t  \"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n\t}\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify one specific Subject of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"type\": \"iot-permissions-sid\"\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects/iot-permissions:restricted",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects",
-								"iot-permissions:restricted"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify all Resources of a Policy Entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"policy:/\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"thing:/\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [\r\n\t    \"READ\"\r\n\t  ],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"thing:/attributes\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [\r\n\t    \"READ\"\r\n\t  ],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"thing:/attributes/VIN\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": [\r\n\t  \t\"WRITE\"\r\n\t  ]\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"thing:/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/temperature\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [\r\n\t    \"WRITE\"\r\n\t  ],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"message:/\": {\r\n\t  \"grant\": [],\r\n\t  \"revoke\": []\r\n\t}\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create or modify one specific Resource of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\r\n\t\"grant\": [\r\n\t\t\"READ\"\r\n\t],\r\n\t\"revoke\": []\r\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources/thing:/attributes",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources",
-								"thing:",
-								"attributes"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve a specific Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve the entries of a specific Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve one Policy entry of a Policy for a specific label",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve all Subjects of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve one specific Subject of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects/iot-permissions:restricted",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects",
-								"iot-permissions:restricted"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve all Resources of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Retrieve one specific Resource of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources/thing:/attributes",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources",
-								"thing:",
-								"attributes"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete a specific Policy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete one Policy entry of a Policy for a specific label",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete one specific Subject of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/subjects/iot-permissions:restricted",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"subjects",
-								"iot-permissions:restricted"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete one Resource of a Policy entry",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/2/policies/{{namespace}}:myPolicy/entries/RESTRICTED/resources/thing:/attributes",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"2",
-								"policies",
-								"{{namespace}}:myPolicy",
-								"entries",
-								"RESTRICTED",
-								"resources",
-								"thing:",
-								"attributes"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				}
-			]
-		},
-		{
-			"name": "things",
-			"item": [
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": {\n    \"manufacturer\": \"ACME\",\n    \"make\": \"Fancy Fab Car\",\n    \"model\": \"Environmental FourWheeler 4711\",\n    \"VIN\": \"0815666337\"\n  },\n  \"features\": {\n    \"Vehicle\": {\n      \"properties\": {\n        \"configuration\": {\n          \"transmission\": {\n            \"type\": \"manual\",\n            \"gears\": 7\n          }\n        },\n        \"status\": {\n          \"running\": true,\n          \"speed\": 90,\n          \"gear\": 5\n        },\n        \"fault\": {\n          \"flatTyre\": false\n        }\n      }\n    },\n    \"EnvironmentScanner\": {\n      \"definition\": [\n\t    \"{{namespace}}:Car:1.0.0\"\n\t  ],\n      \"properties\": {\n          \"temperature\": 20.8,\n          \"humidity\": 73,\n          \"barometricPressure\": 970.7,\n          \"location\": {\n            \"longitude\": 47.682170,\n            \"latitude\": 9.386372\n          },\n          \"altitude\": 399\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: An empty Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A Thing with complex attributes",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "POST",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": {\n    \"simpleString\": \"simple\",\n    \"simpleInt\": 42,\n    \"nested\": {\n      \"nestedString\": \"nested\",\n      \"nestedBoolean\": false,\n      \"subnested\" : {\n        \"list\": [\n          1,2,3,5,8\n        ],\n        \"some\": \"value\"\n      }\n    },\n    \"toplist\": [\n      \"IOT\",\"BUM\",\"FOO\"\n    ],\n    \"toplistWithObjects\": [\n      {\n        \"thevalue\": 1,\n        \"nested\": {\n          \"bum\": \"lux\",\n          \"foo\": 3\n        }\n      },\n      {\n        \"thevalue\": 2,\n        \"nested\": {\n          \"bum\": \"ta\",\n          \"foo\": 6\n        }\n      }\n    ]\n  },\n  \"features\": {\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A Thing with given ID",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": {\n    \"manufacturer\": \"ACME\",\n    \"make\": \"Fancy Fab Car\",\n    \"model\": \"Environmental FourWheeler 4711\",\n    \"VIN\": \"0815666337\"\n  },\n  \"features\": {\n    \"Vehicle\": {\n      \"properties\": {\n        \"configuration\": {\n          \"transmission\": {\n            \"type\": \"manual\",\n            \"gears\": 7\n          }\n        },\n        \"status\": {\n          \"running\": true,\n          \"speed\": 90,\n          \"gear\": 5\n        },\n        \"fault\": {\n          \"flatTyre\": false\n        }\n      }\n    },\n    \"EnvironmentScanner\": {\n      \"definition\": [\n\t    \"{{namespace}}:Car:1.0.0\"\n\t  ],\n      \"properties\": {\n          \"temperature\": 20.8,\n          \"humidity\": 73,\n          \"barometricPressure\": 970.7,\n          \"location\": {\n            \"longitude\": 47.682170,\n            \"latitude\": 9.386372\n          },\n          \"altitude\": 399\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A new Attribute at an existing Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "\"someValue\"\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes/new",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes",
-								"new"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Create: A new Property of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "1400"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/brightness",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties",
-								"brightness"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: A Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"attributes\": {\n    \"foo\":\"bar\",\n    \"baz\": 42\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: An existing Attribute at an existing Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
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-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "23"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes/new",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes",
-								"new"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: ACL of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"ed420ff0-b1c96661e4-9070-3863bbc77d82\": {\n    \"READ\": true,\n    \"WRITE\": true,\n    \"ADMINISTRATE\": true\n  },\n  \"edca04a0-b1c96661e4-9070-3863bbc77d82\": {\n    \"READ\": true,\n    \"WRITE\": false,\n    \"ADMINISTRATE\": false\n  }\n}\n"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/acl",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"acl"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: All  Features of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"abc\":{\n        \"properties\":{\n            \"foo\":\"bar\"\n        }\n    },\n  \"test\":{\n        \"properties\":{\n            \"foo2\":\"bar2\"\n        }\n    }\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: Feature of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n\t\"definition\": [\n\t    \"{{namespace}}:ABC:1.0.0\"\n\t],\n    \"properties\":{\n        \"foo\":\"bar\"\n    }\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/abc",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"abc"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: Definition of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "[\n\t\"{{namespace}}:Car:1.0.0\"\t\n]"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/definition",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"definition"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: All Properties of a Thing's Feature copy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"temperature\": 20.8,\n  \"humidity\": 73,\n  \"barometricPressure\": 970.7,\n  \"location\": {\n    \"longitude\": 47.682170,\n    \"latitude\": 9.386372\n  },\n  \"altitude\": 399\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Update: One Property of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "PUT",
-						"header": [
-							{
-								"key": "Content-Type",
-								"value": "application/json"
-							}
-						],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": "{\n  \"longitude\": 49.008085,\n  \"latitude\": 8.403756\n}"
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/location",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties",
-								"location"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: A List of Things",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things?ids={{namespace}}:fancy-car,{{namespace}}:fancy-car1,{{namespace}}:fancy-car2",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "ids",
-									"value": "{{namespace}}:fancy-car,{{namespace}}:fancy-car1,{{namespace}}:fancy-car2"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: A List of Things (thingId,acl)",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things?ids={{namespace}}:fancy-car,{{namespace}}:fancy-car1,{{namespace}}:fancy-car2&fields=thingId,acl",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "ids",
-									"value": "{{namespace}}:fancy-car,{{namespace}}:fancy-car1,{{namespace}}:fancy-car2"
-								},
-								{
-									"key": "fields",
-									"value": "thingId,acl"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "Queries a list of Things with the \"thingId\" and \"acl\" field selector"
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: One Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: One Thing (thingId,acl)",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car?fields=thingId,acl",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "fields",
-									"value": "thingId,acl"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "Queries a Thing with the \"thingId\" and \"acl\" field selector."
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Attributes of one Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Attributes of one Thing: single attribute object",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes/nested",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes",
-								"nested"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Attributes of one Thing with field selector: only partial structures",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car?fields=attributes(nested(nestedString,nestedBoolean))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "fields",
-									"value": "attributes(nested(nestedString,nestedBoolean))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Attributes of one Thing with field selector: only partial structures of a list of objects",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car?fields=attributes(toplistWithObjects(nested/foo))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "fields",
-									"value": "attributes(toplistWithObjects(nested/foo))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: ACL of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/acl",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"acl"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: ACL Entry of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: All Features of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Feature of a Thing ",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/Vehicle",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"Vehicle"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: Definition of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/definition",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"definition"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: All Properties of a Thing's Feature copy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Query: One Property of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/location",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties",
-								"location"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: One Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: Attribute of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/attributes/new",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"attributes",
-								"new"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: ACL Entry of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/acl/ed420ff0-b1c96661e4-9070-3863bbc77d82",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"acl",
-								"ed420ff0-b1c96661e4-9070-3863bbc77d82"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: Features of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: Feature of a Thing",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/Vehicle",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"Vehicle"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: Definition of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/definition",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"definition"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: All Properties of a Thing's Feature copy",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "Delete: One Property of a Thing's Feature",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "DELETE",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/things/{{namespace}}:fancy-car/features/EnvironmentScanner/properties/brightness",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"things",
-								"{{namespace}}:fancy-car",
-								"features",
-								"EnvironmentScanner",
-								"properties",
-								"brightness"
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				}
-			]
-		},
-		{
-			"name": "search-things",
-			"item": [
-				{
-					"name": "(equals): A Thing with a given thingId",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=eq(thingId,\"<thingId>\")",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "eq(thingId,\"<thingId>\")"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(not equals): All Things with not the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ne(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ne(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(greater than): All Things greater than the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=gt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "gt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(greater equals): All Things greater equals the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ge(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ge(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(less then): All Things less then the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=lt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "lt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(less equals): All Things less equals the given Attribute Value",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=le(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "le(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(in): List of Things with a List of  given thingIds",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=in(thingId,\"<thingId>,<thingId2>,<thingId3>\")",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "in(thingId,\"<thingId>,<thingId2>,<thingId3>\")"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(like): A Thing with a partial given thingId",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=like(thingId,\"<thingId>\")",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "like(thingId,\"<thingId>\")"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "Starts with = \\*, \nEnds with = \\*, \nWildcard for one Char = ?,\nWildcard for many Chars = \\*"
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(and): All Things with two given Attribute Values",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=and(eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>),eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "and(eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>),eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(or): All Things with one of the two given Attributes Values or both",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=or(eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>),eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "or(eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>),eq(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(not): All Things not greater than a given Attribute Values",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=not(gt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "not(gt(attributes/<attribute>,<attributeValue>))"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(sort): All Things with a higher or equal Attribute Value than the given  sorted descending",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)&option=sort(-attributes/<sortAtt>)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)"
-								},
-								{
-									"key": "option",
-									"value": "sort(-attributes/<sortAtt>)"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "Sort ascending = +,\nSort descending = -,\nSort with two criterias: \nsort(+attributes/att1,-attributes/att2)"
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(limit): All Things with a higher or equal Attribute Value than the given  and among these the second ten elements",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)&option=limit(10,10)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)"
-								},
-								{
-									"key": "option",
-									"value": "limit(10,10)"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"description": "maximum allowed count is 200"
-					},
-					"response": []
-				},
-				{
-					"name": "(sort&limit): All Things with a higher or equal Attribute Value than the given  sorted descending  and among these the second ten elements",
-					"request": {
-						"method": "GET",
-						"header": [],
-						"body": {
-							"mode": "raw",
-							"raw": ""
-						},
-						"url": {
-							"raw": "{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}/api/1/search/things?filter=ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)&option=sort(-attributes/<sortAtt>),limit(10,10)",
-							"host": [
-								"{{base.protocol}}{{base.url}}"
-							],
-							"path": [
-								"api",
-								"1",
-								"search",
-								"things"
-							],
-							"query": [
-								{
-									"key": "filter",
-									"value": "ge(attributes/<sortAtt>,<attributeValue>)"
-								},
-								{
-									"key": "option",
-									"value": "sort(-attributes/<sortAtt>),limit(10,10)"
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					},
-					"response": []
-				}
-			]
-		}
-	]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/postman/Ditto_Sandbox.postman_environment.json b/postman/Ditto_Sandbox.postman_environment.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c11f4cb..0000000
--- a/postman/Ditto_Sandbox.postman_environment.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-  "id": "88f8eb44-d1dc-c860-0ed6-5b3b84cd5081",
-  "name": "Ditto Sandbox",
-  "values": [
-    {
-      "enabled": true,
-      "key": "base.protocol",
-      "value": "https://",
-      "type": "text"
-    },
-    {
-      "enabled": true,
-      "key": "base.url",
-      "value": "ditto.eclipse.org",
-      "type": "text"
-    },
-    {
-      "enabled": true,
-      "key": "namespace",
-      "value": "org.eclipse.ditto",
-      "type": "text"
-    }
-  ],
-  "timestamp": 1516708182362,
-  "_postman_variable_scope": "environment",
-  "_postman_exported_at": "2018-01-23T11:49:52.997Z",
-  "_postman_exported_using": "Postman/5.5.0"
\ No newline at end of file