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<!--Written by <a href="" target="_blank">Thomas Jäckle</a>-->
<article class="post" itemscope itemtype="">
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<h1 class="post-title" itemprop="name headline">Welcome to the Eclipse Ditto project site</h1>
<p class="post-meta">Published by <img src="" alt="A photo of Thomas Jäckle" style="width:50px;border-radius:50%;display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;" /><span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""><span itemprop="name"><a href="" target="_blank">Thomas Jäckle</a> </span></span> on <time datetime="2017-11-10T00:00:00+00:00" itemprop="datePublished">Nov 10, 2017</time> - Tags:
<a href="tag_blog.html">blog</a>
<div class="post-content" itemprop="articleBody">
<div class="summary">This is our very first blog post of our new project site and we continue to add more documentation.</div>
<p>A warm welcome, dear visitor, to our new project site.</p>
<p>The initial contribution of the Ditto codebase was one month ago and we did show the Digital twins a little on
EclipseCon Europe in Ludwigsburg.<br />
Meanwhile we worked on setting up the project site and documentation which we have now finished from the technical side.</p>
<p>The <a href="http-api-doc.html">HTTP API Documentation</a> is already complete and describes both of our API versions 1 and 2.</p>
<p>Next we focus on releasing a first Milestone <code class="highlighter-rouge">0.1.0-M1</code> including images on <a href="">Docker Hub</a>
so that you can try out Eclipse Ditto more easily without building it first.</p>
<p>We are looking forward to any feedback you have via our <a href="feedback.html">Feedback channels</a>.</p>
<p><br />
The Eclipse Ditto team</p>
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