Fixed small bug that sometimes gave users a blank name

Signed-off-by: Edouard Poitras <>
diff --git a/thankyou.php b/thankyou.php
index 48f0c4d..cf57554 100644
--- a/thankyou.php
+++ b/thankyou.php
@@ -176,13 +176,9 @@
     $ldapuid = getLDAPUIDFromEmail($_POST['login']);
     $friend_id = $check_friends->selectFriendID("uid", $ldapuid);
     if (!$friend_id) { // If no friend_id found, create the friend based on ldap information
-      // Should move this to using LDAP attributes instead
-      $sql = "SELECT userid, realname FROM profiles WHERE login_name = " . $App->returnQuotedString($_POST['login']);
-      $result = $App->bugzilla_sql($sql);
-      $values = mysql_fetch_array($result);
-      $name = explode(' ', $values['realname']);
-      $firstname = $name[0];
-      $lastname = $name[1];
+      $dn = $LDAP->getDNFromMail($_POST['login']);
+      $firstname = $LDAP->getLDAPAttribute($dn, 'givenName');
+      $lastname = $LDAP->getLDAPAttribute($dn, 'sn');