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$pageAuthor = "John Arthorne, IBM Canada Inc.";
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$Nav->addCustomNav("What is e4?", "#whatise4", "_self", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Programming Model", "#programming-model", "_self", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Modeled User Interface", "#gui-model", "_self", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Declarative Styling", "#styling", "_self", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Web to Desktop", "#web2desktop", "_self", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Desktop to Web", "#desktop2web", "_self", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Declarative Widgets", "#declarative-widgets", "_self", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Flexible Resource Model", "#resources", "_self", 3);
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<h1><?= $pageTitle ?></h1>
<p><font size="-1"><?= $pageAuthor ?><br>
Revision: 0.9. Last modified July 29, 2009.</font></p>
<h3><strong>Executive Summary</strong></h3>
The Eclipse platform was first targeted at building an extensible IDE component
framework. It has since evolved into a general-purpose platform for building
extensible software applications of all kinds. Eclipse applications are now found
in such diverse deployment environments as web servers, web browsers,
embedded clients, and traditional rich desktop applications. The e4 platform
was designed to simplify development of software components and component-based
applications to meet the demands of this ever changing computing landscape.
This paper provides a technical overview of the e4 architecture and programming
<h3 id="whatise4"><strong>What is e4?</strong></h3>
<p>To provide some context on the rest of this paper, it is useful to first
clarify what precisely e4 is. The most useful definition is that e4 is a cluster
of related technologies for building extensible component-based applications.
Rather than a wholesale replacement of the Eclipse platform, e4 brings a new
set of technologies into the existing Eclipse platform that make Eclipse components
easier to write, more configurable by application developers and integrators,
and easier to reuse in diverse runtime environments.</p>
<p>The first generation of the Eclipse platform (releases 1.0 to 2.1) was
primarily an integration platform. Its main strength was pulling together diverse
plug-ins written by different authors, and integrating them into a common application
with a consistent and cohesive end user experience.</p>
<p>The second generation of the Eclipse platform (the 3.x releases), was powered by an OSGi runtime, making
it a more powerful general purpose component-based application framework.
This second generation platform was good at scaling up from very small embedded
applications up to large rich client applications and web servers. However,
each component (plug-in) was typically very difficult to reuse outside of the
specific environment for which it was designed and tested. It was easy to add
or remove components from the system, but often quite difficult to take
a component designed for one application or runtime environment and
reuse it in a completely different application or environment.</p>
<p>The e4 vision is to make it much easier to write components that are
more reusable and customizable for a wide range of applications and environments.
There are two ways to achieve this goal: reduce the external dependencies
and assumptions made by components, and widen the set of languages
and technologies that can be seamlessly integrated into the Eclipse runtime.
Both of these approaches are taken in e4, through several avenues of exploration:</p>
<li>A service-oriented programming model, based on OSGi, that provides
better isolation of software components from their surrounding environment.</li>
<li>The GUI is represented as a uniform model that can be generically queried,
manipulated, tooled, and extended, allowing for rapid design and customization of the user
interface with little or no coding effort.</li>
<li>Use of web styling technology (CSS), allows the presentation of user interface
elements to be infinitely tweaked and reconfigured without any modification of application code.</li>
<li>Bringing Eclipse runtime technology into the JavaScript world, and enabling
software written in JavaScript to be executed in the Eclipse runtime.</li>
<li>A framework for defining the design and structure of Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) applications
declaratively. This eliminates writing of repetitive boilerplate SWT code, thus
reducing development cost, improving UI consistency, and enabling customized application rendering.</li>
<li>A new port of SWT, dubbed "browser edition", that allows existing SWT
applications to be executed on web platforms such as ActionScript/Flash.</li>
<li>In the development tools space, a more flexible resource model that
provides better support for complex project layouts.</li>
The remainder of this paper will outline these new technologies in more detail.
A general knowledge of the current Eclipse platform is assumed, so readers
unfamiliar with Eclipse should consult other resources such as the
<a href="">Eclipse Platform Technical Overview</a> for
background information.
<h3 id="programming-model"><strong>Programming Model</strong></h3>
<p>The e4 programming model starts with the existing principles of programming
in Eclipse:</p>
<li>Applications are made up of modular, loosely coupled components called <i>plug-ins</i> or
<i>bundles</i>. Bundles can be made up of code written in Java and other
languages, and/or other resources such as documentation and source code.</li>
<li>Bundles can declare points where they can be customized or extended using
<i>extension points</i>, and customize or extend other bundles by defining
<li>A very large number of bundles can be installed at a time, but only those
bundles that are actually in use will be loaded and consume system resources.</li>
Where e4 differs from this traditional Eclipse programming model is in how
bundles interact with each other outside the extension registry mechanism.
Bundles often need to provide data and software services to other bundles
in ways that aren't suited to the Eclipse extension registry. This was most
commonly achieved by bundles <i>reaching out</i> to other bundles by
directly referencing methods and constants defined in API Java classes. Bundles
would typically define entry points for obtaining singleton instances of services
(for example classes such as <tt>Platform</tt>, <tt>IDE</tt>, <tt>ResourcesPlugin</tt>,
<tt>JavaCore</tt>, etc). This practice of reaching out led to tight coupling
from bundles using services to a particular provider of that service, and the
prevalence of singleton accessors made it difficult or impossible for alternate
service implementations to be substituted, or for multiple implementations to be
available at the same time. The resulting bundles were therefore difficult to
reconfigure or reuse in different environments where different or multiple service
implementations would be needed.</p>
Service programming models generally define three distinct participants:
service <i>providers</i>, service <i>consumers</i>, and a <i>broker</i>
or <i>container</i> that manages binding of service providers to consumers. Basic
implementations of this programming model, such as the OSGi service API or
the Eclipse extension registry, nicely decouple service providers from consumers,
but often require service providers and consumers to have explicit knowledge
of the particular container or service broker.
<img border="1" width="350" alt="Diagram of simple service model" src="images/simple-service-model.png">
The e4 programming model aims to further decouple these participants by
reducing or eliminating these explicit links from the service producers and
consumers to a specific service broker technology. This new flexibility is
best explained by looking at how these three service participants are defined in e4.
<h4>Contexts: the service broker</h4>
e4 introduces the notion of <i>context</i> as a generic mechanism that stores
or knows how to locate services and provide them to service consumers. At
its basic level, an e4 context looks much like a Java <tt>Map</tt> storing values
associated with some key. A client can put values into the map, or retrieve values
from the map. The map can also store <i>context functions</i> that are pieces
of code that know how to compute a context value lazily when values are
requested by the client. When a client asks for a value not currently defined
in the context, it will delegate to a parent context. This allows services
or data to be stored in a central place and be consumed by many clients. Finally,
contexts have a pluggable lookup strategy that allows external parties to "teach"
the context how to retrieve certain kinds of values. The lookup strategy enables interoperability
between e4 contexts and other service brokers such as the OSGi service registry.
This flexibility means all manner of different service lookup and brokerage systems can be integrated
into the e4 context mechanism. This ability to create context hierarchies and insert
service lookup strategies allows contexts to scale up from very simple map-like
service registration and lookup to highly complex and dynamic service arbitration mechanisms.
<h4>Injection: service consumers</h4>
The best practice in modern service programming models is that consumers
receive dependencies via <a href="">dependency injection</a>.
This theoretically allows application code to completely eliminate its dependency on a particular
container technology, thus enabling greater reuse. e4 directly supports and encourages
dependency injection as a means to supply services to clients. Constructor,
method, and field injection are all supported, and injection points can be identified
in client code using either naming conventions or Java annotations. For clients
that find inversion of control confusing and prefer code clarity over framework independence,
the e4 context API can also be used directly (the <a href="">
service locator</a> design pattern).
<h4>Service providers</h4>
There is great variety in the services and data that bundles make available for
consumption by other bundles. Some services are very lightweight and may
be consumed and discarded thousands of times, while others are heavyweight
services designed to live for long periods of time. There are many different
life-cycles to these services - some come and go based on the existence of a particular UI
widget, others may be tied to the lifecycle of a bundle. Due to this great variety,
there is no one single method of service publication that is appropriate for all service
In general, services are published in e4 using the OSGi service mechanism. Services
can either be registered and removed programmatically, or via OSGi declarative
services. Declarative services allow the service instantiation to be delayed until
required by some client. Of course, there are a wide variety of helper frameworks
that can be used for publishing OSGi services, such as Spring DM, iPOJO, Peaberry, etc.
By using OSGi services as the foundation for service publication, all of these frameworks
can be used seamlessly in e4.
<p>While most client code will use services, frameworks that create contexts
can simply add services directly to a context where appropriate. For example
a service associated with a widget may want to register with a context in the
widget constructor and withdraw the service when the widget is disposed. Manual
registration allows a service to be made available only to a specific context,
rather than making it globally available via OSGi services. Finally, contexts support
outjection (reverse injection) of services back into the context via a field
or accessor method.
<p>Putting this all together, we have a model where the typical service
consumer knows nothing about who provided the service, or about what
broker was used to bind and obtain the service. The service producer
can also be largely decoupled from the service broker by separating the service
configuration data from the service implementation itself (either using declarative
mechanisms such as DS, outjection, or simply by separating the framework-aware
code doing the registration from the service implementation itself. This model is
illustrated in figure 2.
<img border="1" width="350" alt="Diagram of e4 service model" src="images/service-model.png"/>
<h4 id="appservices">Eclipse application services (the &quot;twenty things&quot;)</h4>
To support this decoupled service programming model, Eclipse APIs need to
be made available as services rather than via the singleton accessor model
of the past (<tt>Platform</tt>, <tt>IWorkbench</tt>, etc). However, over
the years the Eclipse platform has accumulated a vast API, of which many
components use only a few. This API breadth alone make Eclipse a challenging
platform to build applications on; the steep learning curve increases time
to value and discourages casual developers from building on the platform. This
is being addressed in e4 by defining a core set of services that capture a broad
swath of useful platform functionality. The goal is that many developers should
be able to build well integrated e4 bundles using only these core services. These
core services are occasionally referred to in e4 discussions as the &quot;twenty things&quot;,
to capture the fact that it is a bounded set of important services. These core
services also define a good starting point for integration of the Eclipse platform
with other programming languages. This is discussed further in the later
section on <a href="#20thingsJavaScript">JavaScript integration</a>.
<h3 id="gui-model"><strong>Modeled User Interface</strong></h3>
The previous generation of the Eclipse platform UI (called the <i>workbench</i>)
was a complex and difficult to maintain piece of software. Although it has been made
somewhat more flexible over the years, it still enforces a rigid, hard-coded
model of the workbench structure and layout: a single workbench containing
workbench windows, with each window containing one or more workbench pages,
and each page made up of an editor area, a set of view stacks, and some
hard-coded trim elements (perspective switcher, progress indicator, etc). Application
designers have a strictly limited set of options when customizing the structure of
Eclipse-based applications.
The e4 workbench greatly increases flexibility for application designers by providing
a formal model of the elements that comprise an instance of the workbench.
Applications can reconfigure or extend this model to arrive at very different presentations
of their application with no additional coding required. Normalizing the workbench structure
as a well defined model has the added benefit of making the code for the
workbench itself much simpler and less error prone. Most importantly, this
allows for very different workbench UI layouts, such as parts living outside
of perspectives, views and editors in dialogs, and other designs not previously
allowed by the older generation workbench with its rigid hand-crafted model.
Having a model also allows for more advanced tool support for application
designers, such as visual design tools.
The e4 workbench model can also be manipulated on the fly, and model
changes are rendered immediately in the UI. This opens the door to scripted
manipulation of the workbench structure and state, much like how JavaScript
manipulates a document object model in a web browser. In figure 3, we see
a model editor that is being used to customize the running application - in this
case changing the name and tooltip of the traditional Eclipse problems view.</p>
<img border="1" alt="e4 model editor" src="images/model-editor.png" width="350"/>
The e4 workbench model is translated into widgets via a <i>renderer</i>.
The workbench comes with a default renderer that instantiates the model
as SWT widgets, but alternate renders can be supplied to render model elements
differently. This can be used to make subtle changes to the concrete widgets
shown to the user, or even to allow rendering in a completely different widget
library or runtime environment such as a web browser. Renderers are contributed
at the level of individual model elements, rather than a single monolithic renderer
for the entire application. A single renderer can supply rendering for one or more
model elements, or conversely there can be multiple renderers available for a
given model element. This fine granularity of extensibility allows clients to extend
the workbench model with their own elements, and then insert custom renderers
for rendering their own model elements in a particular way.
<h3 id="styling"><strong>Declarative Styling</strong></h3>
<p>While the basic translation of the workbench model into widgets
is performed by the renderer, a pluggable <i>styling engine</i> is used
to customize the fonts, colors, and other aspects of widget presentation. As
we have learned from the evolution of web presentation technologies, separating
document structure (HTML) from style (CSS) is a powerful way to ensure a
consistent look and feel across many documents, and to allow style changes
to be made easily in a single place.
The e4 styling engine has no knowledge of the model-based UI, and in fact
can run as a completely independent piece on earlier Eclipse versions. The engine takes
concrete widgets and styling data as input, and performs the styling on the
instantiated widgets to produce the styling result. Figure 4 shows the flow
from the model, into widgets via one or more renderers, and then to a styled
output using the styling engine and the declarative styling data (CSS files).
<img border="1" alt="Rendering and styling data flow" src="images/render-dataflow.png" width="400"/>
The declarative styling support in e4 is based on standard CSS syntax. A large
subset of standard HTML CSS property names and type formats are supported,
such as fonts, margins, and colors. In addition, e4 has custom properties and
pseudo selectors specific to many Eclipse widgets.
CSS supports the standard set of selectors, mapped where appropriate to SWT.
Where in CSS you would use type selectors, in e4 you can use the widget class
name as a selector. CSS class selectors and IDs are also supported so that the
same widget can be styled in different ways. For example, the views might be tagged
&quot;.views&quot; and editors &quot;.editors&quot;, with different styling rules for each.
Similarly, CSS pseudo-classes are used to select style rules based on the widget state,
allowing you to say style the selected tab with a different font color. For example, the following
snippet specifies one color for general tab folders, but a different color for a selected editor:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CTabFolder {
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;background-color: rgb(241, 240, 245);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;font: normal;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CTabFolder.editors:selected {
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(255, 247, 229);
This use of CSS classes and pseudo-classes enables highly customized styling,
both of particular workbench parts, and of particular part states. For example
views can be tagged with <i>busy</i> or <i>updated</i> CSS class selectors when they are running
background tasks, and the styling can describe what kind of presentation to
associate with that state: different fonts, changed border, or even no styling at
all if desired. The result is a more consistent application of GUI affordances
and metaphors, making applications easier for users to understand and interact with.
<h3 id="web2desktop"><strong>Web to Desktop</strong></h3>
The past few years has seen a blurring of distinctions between browser-based
applications and traditional desktop applications. Browsers and the widget and
language frameworks within them are beginning to approach the sophistication
of desktop operating systems. At the same time, desktop applications are
becoming more web-enabled, and are adopting some of the user interaction
and stylistic trademarks of web applications. While there will be demand for
both traditional desktop and browser applications for some time, there is
increasing demand for software <i>components</i> to be able to live in
both of these worlds. In component-oriented software such as Eclipse, we
no longer select a target platform and then build a monolithic software stack
on top. We begin with a large collection of available components, and then
stitch them together to build an application that suits our requirements. If
we can reuse the same components in multiple runtime environments, it
greatly reduces development and maintenance costs.
e4 is exploring component reuse across multiple target platforms and technologies
in a number of ways. One such area is writing Eclipse components in JavaScript.
As the de facto standard language for client-side browser programming, JavaScript
is a good choice for anyone seeking to write components that will run in a
broad set of runtime environments. To that end, e4 is investigating bringing both
the benefits of Eclipse to the JavaScript world (modularity, extensibility,
and tooling), and JavaScript components into the Eclipse desktop environment.
While the current e4 focus is on JavaScript, the intent of this work more generally
is to make it easier to write Eclipse components in a variety of different languages.
While JavaScript has long been used as a browser scripting language, it has
rarely been used to build large scale applications like we see in the Java world.
One weakness in this area is lack of a good modularity mechanism. There is
no mechanism for defining and accessing namespaces, for expressing the
dependencies of segments of JavaScript code, or for querying and consuming
services defined in other components in an extensible way. In Java and Eclipse, we have
the powerful and mature <a href="">OSGi</a> modularity system,
among others, that satisfy these requirements.</p>
To address these limitations, e4 includes a modularity framework based on OSGi for use
in JavaScript applications. This allows creation of modular, large scale pure JavaScript
applications, as well as integration of JavaScript bundles in a traditional Java-based
OSGi runtime. Figure 5 illustrates the architecture of the e4 JavaScript framework
and its relationship with pure JavaScript bundles as well as regular Java bundles.
<img border="1" alt="e4 JavaScript framework architecture" src="images/js-framework.png" width="400"/>
The e4 JavaScript framework is written in Java and runs as a pure OSGi bundle.
It is responsible for parsing the manifests of JavaScript bundles and performing
the resolution of dependencies between JavaScript bundles. The OSGi framework
has no knowledge of JavaScript bundles or their dependencies - The JavaScript
framework essentially runs as a complete nested framework within an OSGi
instance. Dependencies between JavaScript bundles can be expressed at the bundle
level (as with the <tt>Require-Bundle</tt> OSGi header), or at the level of individual
script files (similar to the <tt>Import-Package</tt> OSGi header). These
dependencies are expressed in the JavaScript manifest, written as a
<a href="">JSON</a> file. Here is an example of a simple
JavaScript bundle manifest:
A JavaScript bundle can be defined and installed into the framework programmatically,
or the presence of a JavaScript bundle can be declared in a regular OSGi bundle
using an additional manifest header:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JavaScript-Bundle: scripts/manifest.json
Although JavaScript and Java bundles can interact with each other
by direct invocation, the recommended way to interact between the two
worlds is via the OSGi service registry, or the Eclipse extension registry.
For example, a JavaScript bundle can also declare itself as a regular OSGi
bundle, and contribute a service to the OSGi service registry either programmatically
or using declarative mechanisms such as OSGi DS. A regular OSGi bundle
can then consume that service, without ever knowing the implementation
of that service is written in JavaScript. Similarly, the e4 JavaScript framework
provides an Eclipse extension factory for instantiating Eclipse extensions written
purely in JavaScript. A JavaScript bundle can simply declare a <tt>plugin.xml</tt>
file with their contributions to the extension registry, without writing a line of
Java code. Bundles written in Java can then consume those extensions without
knowing they are written in another language. Conversely, a JavaScript bundle
can declare an extension point with some corresponding Java API that can
be implemented by Java bundles, and then load and use extensions contributed
to that extension point in JavaScript code. These types of interaction between
JavaScript and Java bundles are illustrated in figure 5.
The e4 JavaScript framework itself defines API in both Java and JavaScript. Thus
pure Java bundles can query or manipulate the JavaScript framework (for example
install a new JavaScript bundle), and bundles written in JavaScript can interact
with the framework through its JavaScript API. This is illustrated in figure 5 by
the <i>e4 JS Framework</i> block extending across the Java/JavaScript boundary.
<p id="20thingsJavaScript">
The e4 programming model also facilitates integration of components
written in other languages. With service-based interaction
between components, and dependency injection, components never need
to know what language services are implemented in, or what languages are
being used to consume the services they expose. Similarly, the pared down
<a href="#appservices">Eclipse Application Services</a> can be exposed
as API stubs in other languages so that a broad segment of the Eclipse platform
functionality can be quickly made available to other bundles written in other languages.
A small JavaScript API for interacting with these core e4 services is currently available
in the bundle <tt>org.eclipse.e4.ui.web</tt>. As a proof of concept, e4
includes a re-implementation of the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE)
update site editor written purely in JavaScript (illustrated in figure 6). This editor
can be run in a web browser, or seamlessly integrated into the Eclipse
platform user interface.
<img border="1" alt="e4 JavaScript site editor" src="images/js-site-editor.png" width="400"/>
<h3 id="desktop2web"><strong>Desktop to Web</strong></h3>
We have shown how components built for the web can be integrated into the
Eclipse platform. However, desktop/web interoperability can also be approached
from the other direction. Applications written for the desktop using traditional
enterprise languages such as Java can be ported to run on Web platforms.
In e4 there are two areas of exploration for this kind of desktop-to-web integration:
A new port of SWT, and the <a href="">Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP)</a>.
The Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT), provides a common API for
graphical desktop applications across a wide range of operating systems
and native widget toolkits. SWT allows developers to write an application once,
and have it rendered with high performance and native platform look and feel
on each target platform. Similarly, there are a wide range of programming languages
and widget toolkits for web browser programming. This web technology landscape
is changing rapidly, and application developers are reluctant to wholly embrace
a single technology for fear of obsolescence or lock-in.
<p>A new port of SWT in e4, called <i>SWT browser edition</i> (SWT/BE),
aims to provide a common platform for web UI programming just as
it has done for traditional desktop programming. This potentially allows
existing SWT applications to run on the web, and allows developers to build
web UI applications without being locked into a single web technology. SWT/BE
currently supports ActionScript/Flex as a prototype example of the technology,
but ports to other web platforms such as JavaScript/Dojo, Silverlight, Java FX,
etc, are also possible. Figure 7 shows the SWT Control example, which contains
all major SWT widgets, running on <a href="">Adobe Flex</a>.
<img border="1" alt="SWT/BE on Flex" src="images/swt-flex.png" width="400"/>
The Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) provides an implementation of Eclipse
components such as SWT, JFace, and the Workbench UI that runs on the web.
Similar to SWT/BE, RAP provides the opportunity for the same application
to run on both the desktop and web with a common code base. However,
the original RAP implementation required a fork of the Eclipse platform code
to support the web target environment. In particular, web applications typically
must support multiple concurrent user sessions in a single application instance,
which is not generally supported by the Eclipse workbench due to the heavy
use of singletons.
The e4 programming model is much more conducive to multiple concurrent
sessions due to its service-oriented injection programming style. Early experiments
with running e4 applications on the RAP runtime have been promising, with
many fewer changes required to the workbench to support running on RAP.
This RAP integration work provides validation that the e4 goal of supporting
a wide range of runtime environments is attainable. Ongoing work with
running e4 applications on target platforms such as RAP are helping to
ensure the continued flexibility and openness of the e4 architecture and programming
<h3 id="declarative-widgets"><strong>Declarative Widgets</strong></h3>
The modeled e4 workbench provides an abstract representation of the workbench
itself: windows, pages, perspectives, view, etc. This model is then transformed
into SWT using renderers and customized using the declarative styling engine.
However, within individual workbench views the user interface is still constructed
with plain SWT. This SWT code is often very repetitive, and hard-codes styling
decisions such as font and margin sizes directly into the widget construction code.
To avoid this repetitive and hard to customize SWT code, e4 is exploring ways
of pushing the concept of model/renderer separation down into all places
where SWT is used today. This exploration currently has two directions:
XML-based widgets, and model-based widgets.
<h4 id="xwt">XWT: Declarative widgets in XML</h4>
XML UI for SWT (XWT), is a framework for writing SWT widgets
declaratively in XML. In XWT, the complete structure of an application
or widget hierarchy is expressed declaratively, along with bindings of the
widgets to some underlying application model or to Java-based call-backs
implementing the widget behavior.
XWT takes declarative UI data as input, along with an application model that
will be bound to the widgets at runtime. XWT includes a simple model for
classes that conform to the JavaBean conventions of simple data accessor
and setter methods. Additional models can also be defined and contributed
to XWT via an extension point. The declarative UI data and model definition
are combined by the XWT <i>UI generator</i> to produce the resulting SWT
and JFace controls at runtime. This XWT architecture is illustrated in figure 8.
<img border="1" alt="XWT Architecture" src="images/xwt-architecture.png" width="400"/>
<h4 id="tm">TM: Declarative widgets in EMF</h4>
The Toolkit Model (TM), is an abstract EMF model of user interface elements.
This model is bound to a set of concrete widgets (such as SWT) at runtime.
The TM builder maintains synchronization between this model and the concrete
widgets as the application runs, propagating changes in both directions as
required to keep the model and widgets synchronized. Applications typically
interact at runtime with the toolkit model rather than the concrete widgets,
resulting in a simpler abstraction for application developers to work with.
This higher level widget abstraction makes it possible to change the concrete
widget implementation, either in subtle ways, or radical changes such as
interacting with concrete widget instances running in a different process or
a different physical machine. For example an application running on a web server
can be manipulating a toolkit model living on the server, and the TM runtime
can transparently implement that model with widgets running on a different
machine, such as a browser-based web client.
Events in the toolkit model are handled by event handlers written in JavaScript,
although Java can also be used. JavaScript interacts with the toolkit model in
much the same way JavaScript manipulates an HTML document object model (DOM)
in a web browser. Since graphical tools are available for building and manipulating
EMF models, this combination of EMF and JavaScript allows for rapid prototyping
of application design and behavior.
Figure 9 illustrates the Toolkit Model architecture. A <i>builder</i> is responsible
for creating widgets and binding them to the model. The builder does this by
finding a suitable <i>binder</i> for each kind of widget being constructed. The
binder constructs the concrete widgets, and manages the synchronization between
the widgets and model elements after construction. There is one binder for
each kind of widget, rather than one binder per widget instance. JavaScript code
supplies the model with behavior, both callbacks from widget events and other application
<img border="1" alt="TM Architecture" src="images/tm-architecture.png" width="400"/>
<h3 id="resources"><strong>Flexible Resource Model</strong></h3>
While much of e4 is directed at the Eclipse platform as a general-purpose
application framework, development tools remain an important part
of the Eclipse eco-system. One area many IDE developers found wanting
in the previous generation of Eclipse was its support for more complex
project layouts. Development tool users often have well established layouts
of their source code and other development resources, and bringing these
layouts into Eclipse-based IDEs was often challenging due to the rigidity of the
Eclipse resource model. e4 includes a new enhanced resource model that
provides better support for importing and managing more complex project
layouts in Eclipse workspaces. Some enhancements in this model include:
<li>The ability to define path variables at the project level, and create linked resources
relative to those project-specific path variables. This allows projects containing
complex link structures to be moved around without breaking links.</li>
<li>New virtual folders called <i>groups</i>. Groups don't exist in the file
system, but they can be used to create arbitrarily complex virtual project trees
containing links to concrete resources elsewhere on disk.</li>
<li>Support for filters on projects and folders, which exclude specific resources
or patterns of resources from the Eclipse workspace tree. Filters allow an Eclipse
project to include folders that contains thousands of elements, but only include a
fraction of them in the project, with no extra memory overhead for the excluded resources.</li>
<li>Creation and manipulation of linked resources via drag and drop. When dragging
a file tree from outside Eclipse, you can now drop the tree into the Eclipse workspace
as a virtual tree made up of links and groups, rather than as a concrete file system tree.</li>
<li>The ability to edit the location of existing linked resources, or to convert
links between absolute or variable-relative paths.</li>
Together these enhancements allow users to quickly set up complex project
structures in the Eclipse workspace, and share those projects with other
users while keeping the virtual project structure intact.
<h3 id="conclusion"><strong>Conclusion</strong></h3>
The e4 project introduces a broad set of new technologies that modernize
the architecture and design principles of the Eclipse platform.
These changes should position the Eclipse platform well for the future, opening
up the platform to support more programming languages and target runtime
environments. Components designed for e4 will be easier to customize, configure,
and reuse in different applications without modification. The separation of style
and presentation logic from application logic will allow Eclipse applications to be
easily skinned in a consistent way. Developers building components and applications
in accordance with e4 design principles will be more insulated from technology
changes in underlying operating systems and web browsers, and will gain
portability and flexibility above and beyond the abstraction provided by the Java virtual machine.
For more information, visit <a href="//"></a>,
or the e4 wiki page at <a href="//"></a>.
Copyright IBM Corporation 2009.
<br>Java, JavaScript, and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun
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<br>Silverlight is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
<br>Adobe Flex and Flash are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and other countries.
<br>Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
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<li><a href="e4-whitepaper-20090729.pdf">PDF Version</a></li>
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