blob: 3d89dec1e9e7b15253b672a3bccc6b9f582c1bb6 [file] [log] [blame]
<h3>Futures for Concurrency</h3>
This milestone includes a new, provisional API for futures. Futures allow easier handling of
concurrency and synchronization in multi-threaded and/or distributed systems,
by introducing an object (the future result aka IFuture) that serves as a proxy for a result that
is not known, because the computation of the result is not (yet) complete.
For example, here is an API that would normally return an Integer
as the result of some synchronous computation
// foo() may be a long-running operation, and if so will block in order to
// synchronously return the result
Integer result = foo();
With futures, foo() could instead return an IFuture, and thereby guarantee
that foo() would not block indefinitely.
// foo will return the future immediately and operation will complete
// asynchronously
IFuture future = foo();
// do other things while operation is completed asynchronously
Integer result = (Integer) future.get();
See <a href="">bug 253777</a>
to comment on or contribute to the ongoing work in this area. Note that work is ongoing
to integrate this API with the <a href="">Jobs API</a>, as well as
integration with the futures support in JRE 1.5.