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<font class="indextop style">eclipse
communication framework</font> <br>
<br> <font class="indexsub">an eclipse runtime project</font> <br>
<br> <font class="indextop style2">New and Noteworthy</font><br>
3.6.1 Release <br> <br>
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<br> <a href="NewAndNoteworthy_3.5.2.html">New and
Noteworthy for 3.5.2</a><br> <a
href="NewAndNoteworthy_3.5.0.html">New and Noteworthy for 3.5.1</a><br>
<a href="NewAndNoteworthy_3.5.0.html">New and Noteworthy for
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<p align="left">
<b>Remote Service Admin Passes OSGi R5 Compatibility Tests</b>
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<p>Since OSGi version 4.2, ECF has provided an implementation of the <a href="">OSGi Remote Services specification</a>, and
the <a href="">Remote Services Admin (RSA) specification</a>. For <a href="">OSGi R5</a>,
the ECF team has tested the implementation against the OSGi Test Compatibility Kit (TCK), which is
a set of tests that assure compatibility of the implementation with the RS/RSA specifications.
After fixing some compatibility problems (see <a href="">tck bugs here</a>),
we are now passing all the TCK tests, and are verifiably compatible with the R5 RS/RSA specifications. </p><br>
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<p align="left">
href="">Generic provider using TLS/SSL transport</a></b>
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Earlier ECF general providers were based on raw TCP sockets. Thus
encrypted communication through the ECF generic provider for OSGI Remote Service
was not available. A new
provider was developed to support secure/encrypted communication
based upon SSL. See <a href="">bug 391677</a><br>
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<p align="left">
href="">Server-side REST Remote Services</a></b>
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In previous versions of ECF, Rest API mostly supported the creation of
OSGI Remote Service clients/consumers. This work on supports the creation and
use of remote services on OSGi-based servers. Major additions can be
found in org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.server bundle. Also some
changes were made to the <a
href="">Restlet provider</a> (available via <a href="">ECF Github Repo</a>).
</p> <br>
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<p align="left">
href="">Remote Service Tracker</a></b>
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<p> ServiceTrackers are used to discover registered services
and then consume them. This RemoteServiceTracker allows the
tracking of ECF RemoteService instances, which does not need
the OSGi service registry to function (as normal service trackers do).
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<p align="left">
<b><a href="">Remote Services Proxy creation API</a></b>
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<p>Earlier remote services proxy creation is done by using<br>
In order to customize the proxy creation it was necessary to subclass AbstractRemoteService and override createProxy. But with new contributions
proxy creation can be dynamically customized using IRemoteServiceProxyCreator with an appropriate service ranking.
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<p align="left">
<b><a href="">Filetransfer provider using Apache HttpClient 4.1</a></b>
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<p>Active work on Apache HttpClient version 3.X has stopped, and Apache HttpComponents/HttpClient4 is now where active dev and bug fixing work is taking place.
ECF has created and deployed a new provider based upon HttpClient 4, that will allow p2/Equinox/Eclipse platform to benefit from the new Apache HttpClient 4 work,
including such desired features as full support for NTLM proxies, HTTP caching, improved proxy and credentials support, and active debugging.
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<p align="left">
<b><a href="">IRemoteCallParameterSerializer.serializeParameter can only serialize to a single parameter</a></b>
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<p>Incompatibilities between ECF 3.6.0 and 3.6.1:<br>
ECF changed in an incompatible way between 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 in ways that affect
consumers of ECF remote services. The following entry describes the area that changed and provides
instructions for migrating from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1.
What is affected: Consumers that provide an implementation for o.e.e.remoteservice.client.IRemoteCallParameterSerializer.
Description: ECF 3.6.1 has added a second method to the interface. This change brings improved support for advanced serialization of call parameters.
However, this change also is an incompatible change for pre 3.6.1 implementers of the interface.
Action required: Consumers that directly implement IRemoteCallParameterSerializer have to choose a migration path. Either provide a method implementation for the newly introduced interface method, or inherit from o.e.e.remoteservice.client.AbstractParameterSerializer. AbstractParameterSerializer provides a default implementation for the new interface method behavior compatible to ECF 3.6.0. Number two is generally preferred.
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<p align="left">
<b>Updated Restlet Provider</b>
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<p>ECF has updated it's Restlet Remote Services Provider (to Restlet 2.2) available on Github <a href="">here</a></p><br>
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<b>Updated JMS Provider</b>
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<p>ECF has <a href="">updated</a> it's JMS/ActiveMQ Provider (to ActiveMQ 5.8.0) available on Github <a href="">here</a></p><br>