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<h2>EMF Client Platform</h2>
<p>Build an EMF application with one click</p>
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<h3>Extension points - How to</h3>
<p>When adding a new extension point please mind the following
<li>The Plug-in ID must be the same as the id of the project
defining the extension point.</li>
<li>The Point ID must not be fully qualified. The name must be
camel cased.</li>
<li>The Point Name must be understandable and give a good hint
at what the extension point is doing.</li>
<li>The Description tab must contain a description for the
extension point. If the point is experimental (API not fixed) add
the following line:
<div class="listing">&lt;b&gt;This extension point is
experimental and is likely to change in the future releases as the
activity support evolves.&lt;/b&gt;</div>
<li>The Since tab must contain the Version of the plugin since
which it is part of the API. (Even if it is experimental). The
Version format is maj.min, e.g. 1.1 .</li>
<li>The Examples tab should contain an example of an usage of
this extension point. Use the &lt;pre&gt;&lt;/pre&gt; tags to
display markup.</li>
<li>The API Information tab should contain a description of
classes being used for defining this extension point.</li>
<li>The Supplied Implementation tab should contain a
description of a supplied implementation of this extension point,
if one implementation is supplied.</li>
<li>The Copyright tab must contain the copyright agreement, it
look like this:
<div class="listing">
Copyright (c) 2011-2013 EclipseSource Muenchen GmbH and others.<br />
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials<br />
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License
v1.0<br /> which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at<br /><br />
</div> The company name must be adjusted if necessary.
You can use HTML tags in all tabs. Use this possibility to improve
the readability of your texts.
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