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<h1 class="no-margin">Supporting the Tasks of the Software Lifecycle</h1>
<p>Task Focussed Development, Debug , Testing , and Change Management</p>
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<h2>Task Focussed Development, Debug , Testing , and Change Management</h2>
<p>Eclipse Free BIRD Tools is designed to provide maximum tool support for the common tasks in development, debug , testing , and change management of programs written with VTL and SMCubes.<br>
The <a href="tfalm.html">task-focussed attribute lineage model</a> gives us a fine grained view of dependencies between artifacts such as report cells and columns. <br><br>
It also allows us to exclude the hundreds or thousands of elements (report cells, calculation, intermediate columns, input layer columns) which are not related to our task.<br><br>
This allows us to answer questions such as <br>
<li>Which report cells will be affected if I change this line of VTL code?</li>
<li>Which report cells will be affected if I delete or change the name of this input column?</li>
The <a href="tfdlm.html">task-focussed data lineage model</a> gives us a fine grained view of the numbers and transactions used to calculate a value in a report cell.<br><br>
It also allows us to exclude the thousands or millions of elements (report cells, calculations, intermediate results, input layer column values) which are not relevant to our task.<br><br>
The data lineage model follows the familiar concepts of basic spreadsheets with formula.<br><br>
This allows us to answer questions such as
<li>How is the value 10 in report cell X calculated?</li>
<li>Which individual transactions and which numbers from those transactions went into making report cell X populated as 10? </li>
Our <a href="testingmodels.html">testing model</a> allow us to answer questions such as
<li>Which business concepts and scenarios are being tested by this test?</li>
<li>Which sections of regulatory text are being checked in this test? </li>
<li>What percentage of the code base are my tests covering? </li>
<h3>Change management</h3>
Our fine grained <a href="tfalm.html">task-focussed attribute lineage model</a> of dependencies can be compared between versions of a program to answer questions such as
<li>Which report cells have zero change in their calculation between version x and version y of a VTL program?</li>
<li>Did the usage of a particular column in the input layer change between 2 versions of a VTL/SMCubes program? </li>
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