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<h1 class="no-margin">Task-Focussed Attribute Lineage Models</h1>
<p>Task-Focussed Attribute Lineage Models</p>
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<h2>Task-Focussed Attribute Lineage Models</h2>
we use a task focussed attribute lineage model which <br>
<li>Is very fine grained. This means that from the thousands of columns, functions , processes and report cells in a regulatory calculations, our task oriented Lineage model can tell us the smallest subset of which are required for our task. The task oriented lineage model is unique in that it does not provide ONLY cube/dataset lineage, If a cube has 50-100 columns then this cube level lineage is only of some help!</li>
<li>By being Divisible and Executable, the Task Oriented Lineage Model can provide us with a subset of the regulatory calculation which use ONLY the smallest subset of things required, so we are not forced to, or even able to, use the thousands of items which do not related to the task at hand.</li>
<li>By being Comparable we can take a small lineage model for a task (e.g. proposed calculating of cell X in a future version of BIRD), and compare it to another lineage model (e.g. the lineage model for all processing of the current version of BIRD) and look at what (if anything) changed when trying to achieve that task. We can also use this to view our small lineage model in the context of a larger lineage model.</li>
These topics are discussed in this video<br>
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