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<h1 class="no-margin">Model</h1>
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CoCaLiMo is a model, its defined as UML class diagrams and has documentation for each class and attribute, it has no operations.<br><br>
We build up model instances, they are stored as CoCaSon files. <br><br>
CoCoMo focusses on 4 different parts of the model:<br><br>
<li>Functional design</li>
CoCoMo for SMCubes adds the following parts to the model: <br><br>
<li>Data Structures (defined by SMCubes)</li>
<li>Input Data (which matches the dat structures)</li>
Note that the input data can be linked to tests. input data is linked to data structures, requirements are linked to functional design, and functional design is linked to tests.<br><br>
Note that the UML for data structures is basically the same as the UML of SMCubes .<br><br>
An example of the UML for SMCubes is here:<br>
<img src="core.jpg" alt="" height="600" width="800"> <br>
A ‘model instance’ is a concrete instance of some classes (e.g. a VARIABLE with the name attribute set to ‘CountryOfResidence’ with an associated Domain Object with a name attribute set to ‘Countries’) . <br> <br>
Instances of the models can be stored as CoCaSon, and can be loaded into memory as in memory objects. <br> <br>
<h3>Technology-Independent API </h3>
For each UML model we provide an API of useful functions around that model, for example providing the results of queries on that model (e.g. to provide to a UI), or translating from one model to another . <br><br>
Typically, we split this API into model queries and more advanced manipulations which we call the component API.<br><br>
<h3>Reference Implementation with UI</h3>
We provide an implementation of the models , model queries, component API, and models in Java, in particular we use the Eclipse Modelling Framework, which describes models using the Ecore standard.<br><br>
Ecore is an implementation of the EMOF standard for model driven engineering, provided by the Object Management Group who also manage the UML Standard.<br><br>
We provide a visual user interface based on Eclipse Sirius model visualization tool. Other user interfaces could be built on top of the technology independent API.<br><br>
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