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<li><a href="index.html">Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="metadata.html">Meta Data</a></li>
<li><a href="aorta.html">AORTA</a></li>
<li><a href="datum.html">DaTuM</a></li>
<li><a href="notation.html">Notation</a></li>
<li><a href="model_documentation.html">Models</a></li>
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<h1>Free Tools for BIRD</h1>
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<h2>What is BIRD?</h2>
<p><a href="" class="btn btn-special popup-vimeo">Watch The Video</a></p>
<p>Eclipse Free BIRD Tools aims to provide a free set of tools to aid the development and understanding of the BIRD artefacts.<br><br>
It also aims to enable and fast track the development of commercial tools through the sharing of re-usable ideas , models , notations, and software components.<br><br>
The sharable artefacts come in 3 forms, and each one builds on the previous. These are:<br><br></p>
<h3>Transformation and testing models</h3>
<p>Eclipse Free BIRD Tools provides a set of UML class diagrams named <a href="aorta.html">AORTA</a> for describing semantic transformations and tests.<br><br>
These models supplement and link to the existing SMCubes UML model and Logical Data Model which already exist in BIRD to describe <a href="metadata.html">Meta Data</a>. <br><br>
The semantic transformations model links to the Logical Data Model, and the testing model link to the semantic transformations model to demonstrate full test coverage.<br><br>
The semantic transformation model and Logical Data Model can be considered together as a semantic layer. <br><br>
We also provide a technical transformation model which is called <a href="datum.html">DaTuM</a> (Dataset Transformation Model) which represents a chain of data set transformations similar to a set of chained SQL views. From this model we can generate the text of VTL transformations or a chain of SQL views. The technical transformation model links to the semantic datamodel so that we can link from an element in the sematic transformation model to a group of elements in the technical transformations.<br><br>
DaTuM also has an advanced mode which can transform data directly from the Logical Data Model concisely using the concepts of Structs and Arrays from SQL 1999.<br><br>
These models are provided as documented diagrams at <a href="model_documentation.html">Models</a> and are completely technology independent. <br><br>
Note that the class diagrams have only attributes and relationships , and no operations, which keeps them simple. <br><br>
<h3>A visual and textual notation</h3>
<p>Eclipse Free BIRD Tools provides a visual <a href="notation.html">Notation</a> for displaying instances of the models, and a text notation for storing these, allowing for interoperability between any tool that adopts the same notation. <br><br>
This is inspired by BPMN which is a notation for describing business processes. <br><br>
BPMN is managed my the Object Management Group standard body, who also manage UML. <br><br>
BPMN has a model at its core, a well documented way of describing instances of the model visually, and a formal way of storing instances of the model as text.<br><br>
This means that if software tools implement the standard exactly then they can all open and edit visually the same text version of a business process. This has enable the development of <a href="">over 70 tools</a> for BPMN </p>
<h3>A set of reusable software components</h3>
<p>Using the mature and well supported open source Eclipse Modelling Framework, we provide a set of software components for visualizing, navigating, creating, editing, persisting, querying, transforming, migrating, refactoring, and forward engineering models and instances of the models.<br><br>
These are released with a commercially friendly open source license, and can be used in commercial software. <br><br>
The Eclipse Modelling Framework itself has many companies offering free and commercial support, and it is used in for industry by companies such as Bosch, Seimens , Thales, Nasa, and also in a number of banks. </p>
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