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<h1 class="no-margin">Component Based</h1>
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<h2>Component Based</h2>
<p>Being components based it is possible to choose just the components that you need, you can choose which components you wish to use (e.g. the entire VTL engine), or replace some components with your own implementations (e.g. visualizations)<br>
At a high level the components fall into these 3 catagories<br><br>
<b><u>Transformation Components</u></b>
Eclipse Free BIRD Tools provides components to do the transformations starting from VTL programs and transforming via intermediate models to the end result as a data lineage model.
<br><br>The speed of these transformations determines the speed of running a VTL program, it is possible for developers to replace these transformations with open or closed source components to run the VTL programs in a different way, or to consume data in a different way (by using a different input data model)
<b><u>Visualization Components</u></b>
Eclipse Free BIRD Tools provides components to visualize the models, It is possible for developers to replace these with alternative open or closed source components to visualize the model in different ways or with different technologies.<br><br>
<b><u>Collaboration Components</u></b><br><br>
Eclipse Free BIRD Tools has a component to integrate with common open or commercial components for Source Control, Issue Tracking, Continuous integration, which is are the standard tools used to support the software development lifecycle. <br><br>
Eclipse Free BIRD Tools provides good integration with Github out of the box, these components can be altered to integrate with other collaboration software.
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