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<h1 class="no-margin">Task Focussed Data Mapping </h1>
<p>Task Focussed Data Mapping</p>
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<h2>Task Focussed Data Mapping</h2>
<p>For regulatory logic described in VTL and SMCubes (such as BIRD) banks wishing to use this logic will need to map their data from their systems to the input layer of these programs.<br><br>
Often such mapping happens in ‘Big Bang’ approach where banks choose an instrument type (like bonds) and populate every field in the input layer for bonds, and then run all the reports, and see what cells were populated, which processes run and which failed, and then debug any problems and test any results.<br><br>
With the task-focussed attribute lineage model we can do this data mapping in a more incremental way. We can choose one cell or one section of a report or one group of reports and use our task-focussed attribute lineage model to determine which are the subset of tables in the input layer, and indeed the subset of columns on those tables that we need to populate to get the report cells populated.<br><br>
This is a way to get incremental confidence and track progress more easily compared to a Big Bang approach for interfacing, which may require sourcing input columns that are not even needed if a bank does not need to produce all reports.<br>
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