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<h1 class="no-margin">LDM Tools</h1>
<p>LDM Tools</p>
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<h2>LDM Tools</h2>
<h3>Logical Data Model Tools</h3>
<h4>SQLDeveloper to Ecore Translator</h4>
The SQLDeveloper to Ecore Translator allows us to translate a Logical Data Model written in SQLDeveloper, into a model defined in the open-source Ecore standard. <br><br>
There are multiple open source libraries based around the Ecore standard for visualization, text representation, model comparison, model management , model transformation (e.g. to another standard like SDD\SMCubes )<br><br>
<h4>Forward Engineering with VTL Migration</h4>
Using the Eclipse Edapt open source library for forward engineering models, and migrating model data, we look to provide a solution whereby we can easily define forward engineering of the BIRD Logical Data Model, while at the same time generating equivalent transformations to translate data from the forward engineered model into the Logical Data Model (and vice versa). <br><br>
<h4>Logical Data Model Text Navigator</h4>
An important advantage of using a text based version of the model is that we can have very detailed version control, using standard tools such as git which have great tools support in code editors. <br><br>
We use Eclipse Xcore as a means of describing and navigating models in a means that is easier than navigating the current very large diagram. As Eclipse XCore uses Eclipse Xtext , and Eclipse XText supports the language server protocol, the we can integrate this with any code editor that works with the language server protocol, such as Microsoft VSCode and Eclipse Theia or Eclipse IDE.<br><br>
The XCore text representing an Ecore model is generated at the click of a button.<br><br>
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