blob: 8100ca2c946ef6849f3844661e41d5dff192973b [file] [log] [blame]
// $Id: scripts.php,v 1.27 2007/09/15 02:31:25 nickb Exp $
$isEMFserver = (preg_match("/^emf(?:\.torolab\.ibm\.com)$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
$isWWWserver = (preg_match("/^(?:www.|)$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
$isEclipseCluster = (preg_match("/^(?:www.||download.|download1.|build.)$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
function getPWD($suf="") {
global $_SERVER, $isEMFserver, $isWWWserver, $isEclipseCluster, $App;
$debug_echoPWD=1; // set 0 to hide (for security purposes!)
//dynamic assignments
$PWD = preg_replace("/(.+\/)scripts\/[^\/]+\.php/","$1",$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); // strip php filename from path
$PWD = $PWD.$suf;
if ($debug_echoPWD && is_dir($PWD) && is_readable($PWD) && ($suf!="logs" || is_writable($PWD)) ) { echo "<!-- Found[1dyn]: PWD -->"; $debug_echoPWD=0; }
//static assignments
if (!is_dir($PWD) || !is_readable($PWD) || ($suf=="logs" && !is_writable($PWD)) ) {
if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]=="" || $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]=="emf") {
$PWD = "/home/www-data/build/modeling/emf/emf/downloads/drops";
} else if ($isEclipseCluster) {
$PWD = $App->getDownloadBasePath() . "/modeling/emf/emf/".$suf;
} else if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]=="") {
$PWD = "/home/www/modeling/emf/emf/".$suf;
if ($debug_echoPWD && is_dir($PWD) && is_readable($PWD) && ($suf!="logs" || is_writable($PWD)) ) { echo "<!-- Found[2stat]: PWD -->"; $debug_echoPWD=0; }
//try a default guess: /home/www, two options
if (!is_dir($PWD) || !is_readable($PWD) || ($suf=="logs" && !is_writable($PWD)) ) {
$PWD = $App->getDownloadBasePath();
if (is_dir($PWD) && is_readable($PWD)) {
// try 1:
$PWD = $App->getDownloadBasePath() . "/modeling/emf/emf/".$suf; // default path
if (is_dir($PWD) && is_readable($PWD) && ($suf!="logs" || is_writable($PWD)) ) {
if ($debug_echoPWD ) { echo "<!-- Found[3def-a]: PWD -->"; $debug_echoPWD=0; }
} else {
// try 2:
$PWD = "/home/www/eclipse/modeling/emf/emf/".$suf; // default path
if (is_dir($PWD) && is_readable($PWD) && ($suf!="logs" || is_writable($PWD)) ) {
if ($debug_echoPWD ) { echo "<!-- Found[3def-b]: PWD -->"; $debug_echoPWD=0; }
//try a second default guess: /var/www, two options
if (!is_dir($PWD) || !is_readable($PWD) || ($suf=="logs" && !is_writable($PWD)) ) {
$PWD = "/var/www/";
if (is_dir($PWD) && is_readable($PWD)) {
// try 1:
$PWD = "/var/www/modeling/emf/emf/".$suf; // default path
if (is_dir($PWD) && is_readable($PWD) && ($suf!="logs" || is_writable($PWD)) ) {
if ($debug_echoPWD) { echo "<!-- Found[4def-a]: PWD -->"; $debug_echoPWD=0; }
} else {
// try 2:
$PWD = "/var/www/eclipse/modeling/emf/emf/".$suf; // default path
if (is_dir($PWD) && is_readable($PWD) && ($suf!="logs" || is_writable($PWD)) ) {
if ($debug_echoPWD) { echo "<!-- Found[4def-b]: PWD -->"; $debug_echoPWD=0; }
if ($PWD=="" || !is_dir($PWD) || !is_readable($PWD) || ($suf=="logs" && !is_writable($PWD)) ) {
echo "<!-- PWD not found! -->";
//okay, give up
/*if ($PWD=="" || !is_dir($PWD) || !is_readable($PWD)) {
$dir = $PWD;
echo "<p> Directory ($dir) <b>".(!is_dir($dir)?"NOT FOUND":(!is_readable($dir)?"NOT READABLE":"PROBLEM"))."</b> on mirror: <b>".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."</b>! </p>";
echo "<p> Please report this error to <a href=\" ($dir) ".(!is_dir($dir)?"NOT FOUND":(!is_readable($dir)?"NOT READABLE":"PROBLEM"))." in scripts.php::getPWD() on mirror ".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."\"></a>, or make directory readable. </p>";
return $PWD;
// load a directory into an array of filenames or subdir names
//usage: getDirList("./some-folder/","(\.html)","f"); // get files
//usage: getDirList("./some-folder/","(folderExt)","d"); // get dirs
function loadDir($dir,$ext,$type) { // 2D array, not 1D
$stuff = array();
if (is_dir($dir)) {
// FIXED FEB 04 - must use krsort on returned dirs to sort by KEY, not VALUE
while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
//echo $file;
if ( ($ext=="" || preg_match("/".$ext."$/",$file)) && $type=="f") {
$i=filemtime("$dir/$file"); // new, Jan 3
$stuff[substr($file,0,1)]["f".$i] = "$file";
//w("$index, $dir, $file, f$i",1);
} else if ( ($ext=="" || preg_match("/".$ext."$/",$file)) && $file!=".." && $file!="." && $type=="d") {
$i=filemtime("$dir/$file"); // new, Jan 3
$stuff[substr($file,0,1)]["d".$i] = "$file";
//w("$index, $dir, $file, d$i",1);
return $stuff;
function loadDirSimple($dir,$ext,$type) { // 1D array, not 2D
$stuff = array();
if (is_dir($dir) && is_readable($dir)) {
ini_set("display_errors","0"); // suppress file not found errors
while (($file = readdir($handle))!==false) {
if ( ($ext=="" || preg_match("/".$ext."$/",$file)) && $file!=".." && $file!="." && $type=="f") {
$stuff[] = "$file";
//w("$index, $dir, $file, f$i",1);
} else if ( ($ext=="" || preg_match("/".$ext."$/",$file)) && $file!=".." && $file!="." && $type=="d") {
$stuff[] = "$file";
//w("$index, $dir, $file, d$i",1);
ini_set("display_errors","1"); // and turn 'em back on.
} else {
global $hadLoadDirSimpleError;
if (!$hadLoadDirSimpleError) {
global $_SERVER;
echo "<p> Directory ($dir) <b>".(!is_dir($dir)?"NOT FOUND":(!is_readable($dir)?"NOT READABLE":"PROBLEM"))."</b> on mirror: <b>".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."</b>! </p>";
echo "<p> Please report this error to <a href=\" ($dir) ".(!is_dir($dir)?"NOT FOUND":(!is_readable($dir)?"NOT READABLE":"PROBLEM"))." in scripts.php::loadDirSimple() on mirror ".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."\"></a>, or make directory readable. </p>";
/*echo '
<p> While this problem is being resolved, you can get a copy of the latest EMF, SDO, or XSD from here:
<li><a href=""></a> [Main Public Mirror]</li>
<li><a href=""></a> [IBM Only]</li>
<li><a href=""></a> [IBM Only]</li>
<p> Thanks for your patience! </p>
return $stuff;
function wArr($arr) {
print "<pre>\n";
print "</pre>\n";
function w($s) { // shortcut for echo() with second parameter: "add break+newline"
if (func_num_args()<=1) {
$br=""; // no break/newline
} else {
if (stristr($br,"b")) {
} else if (stristr($br,"n")) {
} else if ($br) {
function getNews($lim, $key, $linkOnly=false, $dateFmtPre="", $dateFmtSuf="")
global $PR;
$xml = file_contents($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/$PR/" . "news/news.xml");
$news_regex = "%
^<news\ date=\"([^\"]+)\"(?:\ showOn=\"([^\"]+)\")?>$\\n
if (!$xml)
print "<p><b><i>Error</i></b> Couldn't find any news!</p>\n";
$regs = null;
preg_match_all($news_regex, $xml, $regs);
$i_real = 0;
foreach (array_keys($regs[0]) as $i)
if ($i_real >= $lim && $lim > 0)
$showOn = explode(",", $regs[2][$i]);
if ($key == "all" || in_array($key, $showOn))
print "<p>\n";
if (strtotime($regs[1][$i]) > strtotime("-3 weeks"))
if (preg_match("/update/i",$regs[3][$i]))
print '<img src="/modeling/images/updated.gif" alt="Updated!"/> ';
print '<img src="/modeling/images/new.gif" alt="New!"/> ';
if (!$dateFmtPre && !$dateFmtSuf)
$app = (date("Y", strtotime($regs[1][$i])) < date("Y") ? ", Y" : "");
print date("M" . '\&\n\b\s\p\;jS' . $app, strtotime($regs[1][$i])) . ' - ' . "\n";
} else if ($dateFmtPre)
print date($dateFmtPre,strtotime($regs[1][$i]));
if ($linkOnly)
$link = preg_replace("#.+(<a .+</a>).+#","$1",$regs[3][$i]);
$link = $regs[3][$i];
print $link;
if ($dateFmtSuf)
print date($dateFmtSuf,strtotime($regs[1][$i]));
print "</p>\n";
function build_news($cvsprojs, $cvscoms, $proj, $limit = 4)
global $projects, $PR;
$types = array(
"I" => "integration",
"M" => "maintenance",
"N" => "nightly",
"R" => "release",
"S" => "stable"
$limit = ($limit >= 0 ? "LIMIT $limit" : "");
$projectsf = array_flip($cvsprojs);
$q = array();
foreach (array_keys($cvsprojs) as $z)
$q[$z] = "(CONVERT('$cvsprojs[$z]' USING utf8), CONVERT('' USING utf8))";
foreach (array_keys($cvscoms) as $z)
foreach (array_keys($cvscoms[$z]) as $y)
$q[$y] = "(CONVERT('$z' USING utf8), CONVERT('{$cvscoms[$z][$y]}' USING utf8))";
$tmp = array_keys($q);
$proj = (isset($q[$proj]) ? $proj : $tmp[0]);
if ($proj && isset($q[$proj]))
$where = $q[$proj];
$where = join(",", $q);
$result = wmysql_query("SELECT `project`, `vanityname`, `branch`, CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(`buildtime`, '%b %D '), IF(YEAR(`buildtime`) = YEAR(NOW()), '', YEAR(`buildtime`))), `type`, `buildtime` >= NOW() - INTERVAL 3 WEEK, CONCAT(`type`, DATE_FORMAT(buildtime, '%Y%m%d%H%i')) FROM `releases` WHERE (`project`, `component`) IN($where) ORDER BY `buildtime` DESC $limit");
if ($result)
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$img = ($row[5] ? "<img src=\"/modeling/images/new.gif\" alt=\"New!\"/>" : "");
$link = "<a href=\"/$PR/downloads/?showAll=1&amp;project=" . $projectsf[$row[0]] . "&amp;hlbuild=$row[6]#$row[6]\">";
print "<p>$img $row[3] - $link" . strtoupper($projectsf[$row[0]]) . " $row[1]</a> ($row[2]) " . $types[$row[4]] . " build available for ${link}download</a></p>";
function file_contents($file) //TODO: remove this when we upgrade php to >= 4.3.0 everywhere
if (function_exists("file_get_contents"))
return file_get_contents($file);
return join("", file($file));
function doSelectProject($projectArray, $proj, $nomenclature, $style = "homeitem3col", $showAll = "", $showMax = "", $sortBy = "")
$vars = array("showAll", "showMax", "sortBy", "hlbuild");
$hlbuild = (isset($_GET["hlbuild"]) && preg_match("/^[IMNRS]\d{12}$/", $_GET["hlbuild"]) ? $_GET["hlbuild"] : "");
$out = "<div class=\"" . ($style == "sideitem" ? "sideitem" : "homeitem3col") . "\">\n";
$out .= "<" . ($style == "sideitem" ? "h6" : "h3") . ">$nomenclature selection</" . ($style == "sideitem" ? "h6" : "h3") . ">\n";
$out .= "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . "\" method=\"get\" id=\"subproject_form\">\n";
$out .= "<p>\n";
$out .= "<label for=\"project\">$nomenclature: </label>\n";
$out .= "<select id=\"project\" name=\"project\" onchange=\"javascript:document.getElementById('subproject_form').submit()\">\n";
foreach ($projectArray as $k => $v)
$out .= "<option value=\"$v\"" . ("") . ">$k</option>\n";
$out .= "</select>\n";
foreach ($vars as $z)
if ($$z !== "")
$out .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$z\" value=\"" . $$z . "\"/>\n";
$tmp = preg_replace("#^/#", "", $proj);
$out = preg_replace("#<option (value=\"$tmp\")>#", "<option selected=\"selected\" $1>", $out);
$out .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go!\"/>\n";
$out .= "</p>\n";
$out .= "</form>\n";
$out .= "</div>\n";
return $out;