blob: fc9e513fab1a8f52307f00c06754c0394574839f [file] [log] [blame]
<?php /**/
$isEMFserver = (preg_match("/^emf(?:\.torolab\.ibm\.com)$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/modeling/includes/scripts.php");
$pre = "../";
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon());
$debug = isset($_GET["debug"]) ? 1 : 0;
$previewOnly = isset($_GET["previewOnly"]) ? 1 : 0;
$logfile = "";
$PR = "emf"; ?>
<div id="midcolumn">
<div class="homeitem3col">
<h3>Testing EMF Patched Builds</h3>
if (!isset($_POST["process"]) || $_POST["process"]!="test") { // page one, the form
print "<p>To test a build of EMF, please complete the following form and click the Run Tests button.</p>";
} else {
print "<p>Your tests are ".($previewOnly?"<b>NOT</b> ":"")."in progress".($previewOnly?", but the command is displayed below for preview":"").
". <a href=\"?project=$PR".($debug?"&amp;debug=1":"").($previewOnly?"&amp;previewOnly=1":"")."\">Test another?</a></p>";
$PWD = "/home/www-data/tests";
$workDir = "/home/www-data/build/".$PR;
/** customization options here **/
$testsOptionsFile = $pre."build.options.txt"; // read only
$dependenciesURLsFile = "/home/www-data/build/requests/dependencies.urls.txt"; // read-write, one shared file
/** done customizing, shouldn't have to change anything below here **/
$options = loadOptionsFromRemoteFiles($testsOptionsFile,$dependenciesURLsFile);
$options["BuildType"] = array (
// remove JUnit option
$options["RunTests"] = array_unique(array_merge($options["RunTests24"],$options["RunTests23"],$options["RunTests22"],$options["RunTests21"]));
foreach ($options["RunTests"] as $o => $p) { //print "$o => $p<br>";
if (false===strpos($p,"JUnit")) { $newopt["RunTests"][$o] = $p; }
$options["RunTests"] = $newopt["RunTests"];
sort($options["RunTests"]); reset ($options["RunTests"]);
if (!isset($_POST["process"]) || $_POST["process"]!="test") { // page one, the form
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<form method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data" name="patchForm">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="5242880" /> <!-- 5M limit -->
<input type="hidden" name="process" value="test" />
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="4">
<div name="fullURL" id="fullURL" style="border:0;font-size:9px;" readonly="readonly">&#160;</div>
<tr valign="top">
<td><img src="/modeling/images/numbers/1.gif" /></td>
choose URLs (use <em>CTRL</em> <br>
for multiple selections)</small>
<?php $buildServer = array("","","",""); ?>
<td>&#160;&#149;&#160;<a href="">Eclipse</a></td>
<td>&#160;&#149;&#160;<a href="http://fullmoon/downloads/">Eclipse</a></td>
<td>&#160;&#149;&#160;<a href="http://<?php print $buildServer[0]; ?>/emf/downloads/?showAll=&amp;sortBy=date&amp;hlbuild=0#latest">EMF</a></td>
<td>&#160;&#149;&#160;<a href="http://<?php print $buildServer[1]; ?>/emf/downloads/?showAll=&amp;sortBy=date&amp;hlbuild=0#latest">EMF</a></td>
<p><small>&#160;&#160;-- AND/OR --</small></p>
<td colspan=2>
<select multiple="multiple" style="font-size:9px" name="tests_Dependencies_URL[]" size="9" onchange="showfullURL(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">
<?php displayURLs($options["DependenciesURL"]); ?>
<tr valign="top">
<td colspan=2>&#160;</td>
paste full URL(s), one per<br>
line or comma separated<br>
(new values will be stored)</small>
<td colspan=2>
<textarea name="tests_Dependencies_URL_New" cols="50" rows="2"></textarea>
<tr><td colspan="6">&#160;</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<td bgcolor="#ffffff" rowspan="1"><img src="" /></td>
<td bgcolor="#ffffff" rowspan="1">&#160;</td>
<td rowspan="1" valign="top"><b>Run Tests</b><br><small>
at least one must be selected</small><br/><br/>
<small><a id="divRunTestsToggle" name="divRunTestsToggle" href="javascript:toggleDetails()">More Info</a></small>
<div id="divRunTestsDetail" name="divRunTestsDetail" style="display:none;border:0">
Selected tests will be run concurrently. Tests run on patched <br>
builds will be listed on their respective test results pages, <br>
marked with prefix 'P'. Note that JDK Tests are the subset of the <br>
available JUnit tests that can be run standalone (without Eclipse).<br><br>
For Old Tests, use Branch, eg., R2_0_maintenance (if blank, HEAD) and <br>
specify JDK to use (if not default).
<td rowspan="1">&#160;</td>
<td valign="top">
<?php displayCheckboxes("tests_Run_Tests",$options["RunTests"],false,false); ?>
<td rowspan="1" valign="top">
<td valign=top colspan=2><b>JDK 1.4 Tests Compiler Args</b></td></tr>
<td><small><select style="font-size:10px" name="tests_Compiler_JDK14">
//$JDKs = loadDirSimple("/opt",".*(jdk|j2sdk|java|Java).*(1.4|14).*","d"); rsort($JDKs); reset($JDKs); // include Sun
$JDKs = loadDirSimple("/opt",".*(java|Java).*(14|1\.4).*","d"); sort($JDKs); reset($JDKs); // omit Sun
$selected = realpath("/opt/ibm-java2-1.4");
foreach ($JDKs as $jdk) {
if (!is_link("/opt/".$jdk)) {
$label = false!==strpos(strtolower($jdk),"ibm") ? "IBM ".str_replace("ibm-java2-ws-sdk-pj9xia32","",$jdk) : "Sun ".$jdk;
print "<option value=\"/opt/".$jdk."\">$label</option>\n";
if (false!==strpos(strtolower($jdk),"ibm")) {
print "<option ".($selected == "/opt/".$jdk ? "selected " : "")."value=\"/opt/".$jdk.",j9\">$label with j9".($selected == "/opt/".$jdk ? " (latest)" : "")."</option>\n";
<td colspan=2><input checked type="checkbox" name="tests_Compiler_Arg_Deprecation" value="Y"> Use -deprecation flag</td>
<td valign=top colspan=2><b>JDK 5.0 Tests Compiler Args</b></td></tr>
<td>Source version:</td>
<td><small><select style="font-size:10px" name="tests_Compiler_Arg_Source50">
<option value="1.4">1.4</option>
<option value="1.5" selected>1.5 (5.0)</option>
<td>Xlint (warnings) - use "-" options to<br/>
suppress instead of enabling:</td>
<td><small><select style="font-size:10px" name="tests_Compiler_Arg_Xlint50">
<option value="">Choose...</option>
<option value="all">all</option>
<option value="unchecked">unchecked</option>
<option value="deprecation">deprecation</option>
<option value="unchecked,deprecation">unchecked,deprecation</option>
<option value="">none</option>
<option selected value="-unchecked">-unchecked (default)</option>
<option value="-deprecation">-deprecation</option>
<option value="-unchecked,-deprecation">-unchecked,-deprecation</option>
<td valign=top colspan=2><b>JDK 6.0 Tests Compiler Args</b></td></tr>
<td>Source version:</td>
<td><small><select style="font-size:10px" name="tests_Compiler_Arg_Source60">
<option value="1.4">1.4</option>
<option value="1.5">1.5 (5.0)</option>
<option value="1.6" selected>1.6 (6.0)</option>
<td>Xlint (warnings) - use "-" options to<br/>
suppress instead of enabling:</td>
<td><small><select style="font-size:10px" name="tests_Compiler_Arg_Xlint60">
<option value="">Choose...</option>
<option value="all">all</option>
<option value="unchecked">unchecked</option>
<option value="deprecation">deprecation</option>
<option value="unchecked,deprecation">unchecked,deprecation</option>
<option value="">none</option>
<option selected value="-unchecked">-unchecked (default)</option>
<option value="-deprecation">-deprecation</option>
<option value="-unchecked,-deprecation">-unchecked,-deprecation</option>
<td valign=top colspan=2><b>Old Tests Options</b></td></tr>
<td>Old Tests branch:</td>
<td><small><input style="font-size:10px" size="17" name="tests_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"></td>
<td>Old Tests JDK:</td>
<td><small><select style="font-size:10px" name="tests_debug_emf_old_tests_java_home" onchange="">
<option value="/opt/sun-java2-6.0">sun-java2-6.0</option>
<option value="/opt/sun-java2-5.0" selected>sun-java2-5.0</option>
<option value="/opt/sun-java2-1.4">sun-java2-1.4</option>
<tr valign=top>
<td rowspan=2><img src="" /></td>
<td rowspan=2>&#160;</td>
<td rowspan=2><b>Patch Zip</b><br><small>
<td rowspan=2>&#160;</td>
<td><input name="tests_Patch_Zipfile" type="file"></td>
<td><small>If you would like to use a patch on top of the above EMF SDK,
create a zip with base folders <b style="color:red">eclipse/plugins/</b> and/or <b style="color:red">eclipse/features/</b>,
and upload it here. <b style="color:red">Limit 5M filesize</b>.
<tr valign=top>
<small>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160; - or - </small><br/>
<input name="tests_Patch_Zipfile_Name" type="text" size="20" maxlength="80"></td>
<td>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<small> - or - </small><br/>
<small>SCP your patch file onto this server and place it in
<b style="color:red">/home/www-data/oldtests/patches</b>.
Your file must be readable by the web user. Enter either the full path or just the filename.
<td><img src="" /></td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><b>Email Address</b><br><small>optional: if you would like to be<br />notified when the tests are complete</small></td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeee">&#160;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan=2><input name="tests_Email" size=20 maxlength=80></td>
<?php if ($debug) { ?>
<td colspan="6"><hr noshade size=1/></td>
<td colspan="5"><table>
<td colspan=1><b>Debug Options:</b></td>
<td colspan=1>Keep tempfiles?<br><small>-noclean</small></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="tests_debug_noclean" value="Y"></td>
<?php } ?>
<td colspan=2 align=center>
<input style="" type="button" value="<?php print ($previewOnly?"Preview":"Run"); ?> Tests" onclick="doSubmit()">
<script language="javascript">
function showfullURL(val)
fullURL = document.getElementById('fullURL');
fullURL.innerHTML = val ? "&#160;--&gt; " + val + " &lt;--" : "&#160;";
function loadSelectedValues() {
with (document.forms.patchForm) {
function doSubmit() {
function toggleDetails()
if (toggle.innerHTML=="More Info")
toggle.innerHTML="Hide Info";"";
toggle.innerHTML="More Info";"none";
<?php } else { // page two, form submission results
$newDependencies = splitDependencies($_POST["tests_Dependencies_URL_New"]);
$testDependencyURLs = getTestDependencyURLs(isset($_POST["tests_Dependencies_URL"]) ? $_POST["tests_Dependencies_URL"] : null,$newDependencies,$dependenciesURLsFile);
$bits = explode(" ",$testDependencyURLs);
foreach ($bits as $bit) {
if (false!==strpos($bit,"emf-")) {
// need to calculate branch and buildID from the URL of the emf build:
$BR = preg_replace("!.+/downloads/drops/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/.+!","$1",$bit);
$ID = preg_replace("!.+/downloads/drops/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/([IMNRS]\d{12})/.+!","$2",$bit);
$uploaddir = '/home/www-data/oldtests/patches/';
if ($_FILES['tests_Patch_Zipfile']['name']) {
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['tests_Patch_Zipfile']['name']);
if ($debug) {
print '<pre>';
print 'File upload details:'."\n";
print "</pre>";
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['tests_Patch_Zipfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile) && chmod($uploadfile,0744)) {
print "<b style=\"color:green\">File successfully uploaded.</b>\n";
} else {
print "<b style=\"color:red\">Problem uploading &amp; copying your file from ".$_FILES['tests_Patch_Zipfile']['tmp_name']." to ".$uploadfile."!</b>\n";
} else if ($_POST["tests_Patch_Zipfile_Name"]) {
$uploadfile = $_POST["tests_Patch_Zipfile_Name"];
if (false===strpos($uploadfile,$uploaddir)) {
$uploadfile = $uploaddir.$uploadfile;
} else {
$testTimestamp = ($uploadfile?"P":"").date("YmdHi");
if (!$previewOnly) {
<p>Logfile(s) are listed below.</p>
<?php } ?>
<ul><li>Here's what you submitted:</li>
$logfile = $logfile ? $PWD.'/'.$logfile : "";
print "<ul>\n";
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
if (strstr($k, "tests_") && !strstr($k, "_Sel") && (is_array($v) || trim($v) != "")) // tests_Dependencies_URL_New sets $v to an array; all others are strings
$lab = preg_replace("/\_/"," ",substr($k,6));
$val = $k == "tests_Dependencies_URL_New" ? $newDependencies : $v;
print "<li>";
print (is_array($val)?
"<b>".$lab.":</b>" . "<ul>\n<li><small>".join("</small></li>\n<li><small>",$val)."</small></li>\n</ul>\n" :
"<div>".$val."</div>" . "<b>".$lab.":</b>");
print "</li>\n";
print "<li><div>".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."</div><b>Your IP:</b></li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
<br />
Test results will he located here: <a href="/emf/build/tests/results.php?version=&amp;project=emf&amp;sortBy=date">BVT, FVT, SVT</a>,
<a href="/modeling/emf/build/tests/results-jdk.php?version=14&amp;project=emf&amp;sortBy=date">JDK 1.4</a>,
<a href="/modeling/emf/build/tests/results-jdk.php?version=50&amp;project=emf&amp;sortBy=date">JDK 5.0</a>,
<a href="/modeling/emf/build/tests/results-jdk.php?version=60&amp;project=emf&amp;sortBy=date">JDK 6.0</a>.
/*** OLD TESTS ***/
if (isset($_POST["tests_Run_Tests_Old"]) && $_POST["tests_Run_Tests_Old"]=="Y") {
$PWD = "/home/www-data/tests";
$logfile = $BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp.'/testlog.txt';
// create the log dir before trying to log to it
$preCmd = 'mkdir -p '.$PWD.'/'.$BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp;
$cmd = ('/bin/bash -c "exec /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/setsid '.$PWD.'/scripts/'.
' -downloadsDir /home/www-data/build/downloads'.
' -testDir '.$PWD.'/'.$BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp.
($uploadfile?' -emfPatchFile '.$uploadfile:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_debug_emf_old_tests_java_home"]) && $_POST["tests_debug_emf_old_tests_java_home"]!=""?' -javaHome '.$_POST["tests_debug_emf_old_tests_java_home"]:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"]) && $_POST["tests_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"]!=""?' -emfOldTestsBranch '.$_POST["tests_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"]:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_Email"]) && $_POST["tests_Email"]!=""?' -email '.$_POST["tests_Email"]:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_debug_noclean"]) && $_POST["tests_debug_noclean"]=="Y"?' -noclean':'').
// three output options: uncomment a line and comment out the other two.
' >> '.$PWD."/".$logfile.' 2>&1 &"'); // logging to unique files
if ($previewOnly) {
print '</div><div class="homeitem3col">'."\n";
print "<h3>Build Command (Preview Only)</h3>\n";
print "<p><small><code>$preCmd</code></small></p>";
} else {
$f = fopen($PWD."/".$logfile,"w"); fputs($f,preg_replace("/\ \-/","\n -",$cmd)."\n\n"); fclose($f);
if ($previewOnly) {
print "<p><small><code>".preg_replace("/\ \-/","<br> -",$cmd)."</code></small></p>";
} else {
print '<ul><li><a href="/modeling/emf/emf/oldtests/'.$logfile.'">'.$PWD.'/'.$logfile.'</a></li></ul>'."\n";
/*** JDK 1.3 TESTS ***/
if (isset($_POST["tests_Run_Tests_JDK13"]) && $_POST["tests_Run_Tests_JDK13"]=="Y") {
$PWD = "/home/www-data/jdk13tests";
$logfile = $BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp.'/testlog.txt';
// create the log dir before trying to log to it
$preCmd = 'mkdir -p '.$PWD.'/'.$BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp;
$cmd = ('/bin/bash -c "exec /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/setsid /home/www-data/build/emf/scripts/'.
' -downloadsDir /home/www-data/build/downloads'.
' -testDir '.$PWD.'/'.$BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp.
($uploadfile?' -emfPatchFile '.$uploadfile:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_Email"]) && $_POST["tests_Email"]!=""?' -email '.$_POST["tests_Email"]:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_debug_noclean"]) && $_POST["tests_debug_noclean"]=="Y"?' -noclean':'').
' >> '.$PWD."/".$logfile.' 2>&1 &"'); // logging to unique files
if ($previewOnly) {
print '</div><div class="homeitem3col">'."\n";
print "<h3>Build Command (Preview Only)</h3>\n";
print "<p><small><code>$preCmd</code></small></p>";
} else {
$f = fopen($PWD."/".$logfile,"w"); fputs($f,preg_replace("/\ \-/","\n -",$cmd)."\n\n"); fclose($f);
if ($previewOnly) {
print "<p><small><code>".preg_replace("/\ \-/","<br> -",$cmd)."</code></small></p>";
} else {
print '<ul><li><a href="/modeling/emf/emf/jdk13tests/'.$logfile.'">'.$PWD.'/'.$logfile.'</a></li></ul>'."\n";
/*** JDK 1.4 TESTS ***/
if (isset($_POST["tests_Run_Tests_JDK14"]) && $_POST["tests_Run_Tests_JDK14"]=="Y") {
$PWD = "/home/www-data/jdk14tests";
$logfile = $BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp.'/testlog.txt';
$compiler = $_POST["tests_Compiler_JDK14"];
if (false!==strpos($compiler,",")) {
$compiler = explode(",",$compiler);
$compiler = $compiler[0];
// create the log dir before trying to log to it
$preCmd = 'mkdir -p '.$PWD.'/'.$BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp;
$cmd = ('/bin/bash -c "exec /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/setsid /home/www-data/build/emf/scripts/'.
' -downloadsDir /home/www-data/build/downloads'.
' -testDir '.$PWD.'/'.$BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp.
($uploadfile?' -emfPatchFile '.$uploadfile:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_Email"]) && $_POST["tests_Email"]!=""?' -email '.$_POST["tests_Email"]:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_debug_noclean"]) && $_POST["tests_debug_noclean"]=="Y"?' -noclean':'').
' -compiler '.$compiler.
($_POST["tests_Compiler_Arg_Deprecation"]!=""?' -compilerArgDeprecation '.$_POST["tests_Compiler_Arg_Deprecation"]:'').
($j9?' -runtimeArgJ9':'').
' >> '.$PWD."/".$logfile.' 2>&1 &"'); // logging to unique files
if ($previewOnly) {
print '</div><div class="homeitem3col">'."\n";
print "<h3>Build Command (Preview Only)</h3>\n";
print "<p><small><code>$preCmd</code></small></p>";
} else {
$f = fopen($PWD."/".$logfile,"w"); fputs($f,preg_replace("/\ \-/","\n -",$cmd)."\n\n"); fclose($f);
if ($previewOnly) {
print "<p><small><code>".preg_replace("/\ \-/","<br> -",$cmd)."</code></small></p>";
} else {
print '<ul><li><a href="/modeling/emf/emf/jdk14tests/'.$logfile.'">'.$PWD.'/'.$logfile.'</a></li></ul>'."\n";
/*** JDK 5.0/6.0 TESTS ***/
for ($i = 5; $i <= 6; $i++) {
if (isset($_POST["tests_Run_Tests_JDK" . $i . "0"]) && $_POST["tests_Run_Tests_JDK" . $i . "0"]=="Y") {
$PWD = "/home/www-data/jdk" . $i . "0tests";
$logfile = $BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp.'/testlog.txt';
// create the log dir before trying to log to it
$preCmd = 'mkdir -p '.$PWD.'/'.$BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp;
$cmd = ('/bin/bash -c "exec /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/setsid /home/www-data/build/emf/scripts/runJDK' . $i . ''.
' -downloadsDir /home/www-data/build/downloads'.
' -testDir '.$PWD.'/'.$BR.'/'.$ID.'/'.$testTimestamp.
($uploadfile?' -emfPatchFile '.$uploadfile:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_Email"]) && $_POST["tests_Email"]!=""?' -email '.$_POST["tests_Email"]:'').
(isset($_POST["tests_debug_noclean"]) && $_POST["tests_debug_noclean"]=="Y"?' -noclean':'').
(isset($_POST["tests_Compiler_Arg_Source" . $i . "0"]) && $_POST["tests_Compiler_Arg_Source" . $i . "0"] != "" ?
' -compilerArgSource '.$_POST["tests_Compiler_Arg_Source" . $i . "0"] : '').
(isset($_POST["tests_Compiler_Arg_Xlint" . $i . "0"]) && $_POST["tests_Compiler_Arg_Xlint" . $i . "0"] != "" ?
' -compilerArgXlint '.$_POST["tests_Compiler_Arg_Xlint" . $i . "0"] : '').
' >> '.$PWD."/".$logfile.' 2>&1 &"'); // logging to unique files
if ($previewOnly) {
print '</div><div class="homeitem3col">'."\n";
print "<h3>Build Command (Preview Only)</h3>\n";
print "<p><small><code>$preCmd</code></small></p>";
} else {
$f = fopen($PWD."/".$logfile,"w"); fputs($f,preg_replace("/\ \-/","\n -",$cmd)."\n\n"); fclose($f);
if ($previewOnly) {
print "<p><small><code>".preg_replace("/\ \-/","<br> -",$cmd)."</code></small></p>";
} else {
print '<ul><li><a href="/modeling/emf/emf/jdk' . $i . '0tests/'.$logfile.'">'.$PWD.'/'.$logfile.'</a></li></ul>'."\n";
} // end else
print "</div>\n</div>\n";
print "<div id=\"rightcolumn\">\n";
print "<div class=\"sideitem\">\n";
print "<h6>Options</h6>\n";
print "<ul>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;debug=1\">debug test</a></li>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;previewOnly=1\">preview test</a></li>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;debug=1&amp;previewOnly=1\">preview debug test</a></li>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR\">normal test</a></li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
print "</div>\n";
if ($isEMFserver) { include_once $pre."build/sideitems-common.php"; }
print "</div>\n";
$html = ob_get_contents();
$pageTitle = "EMF - Testing EMF Patched Builds";
$pageKeywords = "";
$pageAuthor = "Nick Boldt";
$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $pre . 'includes/downloads.css"/>' . "\n");
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
/************************** METHODS *****************************************/
function displayCheckboxes($label,$options,$verbose=false,$isChecked=false) {
if (isset($options["reversed"]) && $options["reversed"]) {
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option) {
$opt = $option;
$isSelected = false;
if (false===strpos($opt,"JUnit")) { // disabled for now
if (!preg_match("/\-\=[\d\.]+/",$opt)) {
if (strstr($opt,"=")) { // split line so that foo=bar becomes <input type="checkbox" name="bar" value="Y">foo
print "\n\t<input".($isChecked?" checked":"")." type=\"checkbox\" "."name=\"".$label."_".trim($matches[2])."\" value=\"Y\">".($verbose?trim($matches[2])." | ":"").trim($matches[1]);
} else { // turn foo into <input type="checkbox" name="foo" value="Y">foo</option>
print "\n\t<input".($isChecked?" checked":"")." type=\"checkbox\" "."name=\"".$label."_".$opt."\" value=\"Y\">".$opt;
print "<br/>\n";
function displayOptions($options) {
if ($options["reversed"]) {
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option) {
$opt = $option;
$isSelected = false;
if (strstr($opt,"|selected")) { // remove the |selected keyword
$opt = substr($opt,0,strpos($opt,"|selected"));
if (strstr($opt,"=")) { // split line so that foo=bar becomes <option value="bar">foo</option>
print "\n\t<option ".($isSelected?"selected ":"")."value=\"".trim($matches[2])."\">".trim($matches[1])."</option>";
} else { // turn foo into <option value="foo">foo</option>
print "\n\t<option ".($isSelected?"selected ":"")."value=\"".$opt."\">".$opt."</option>";
function loadOptionsFromFiles($file1,$file2) { // fn not used
$sp = array();
if (is_file($file1)) { $sp = file($file1); }
if (is_file($file2)) { $sp = array_merge($sp,file($file2)); }
$options = loadOptionsFromArray($sp);
return $options;
function loadOptionsFromRemoteFiles($file1,$file2) {
$sp1 = file($file1); if (!$sp1) { $sp1 = array(); }
$sp2 = file($file2); if (!$sp2) { $sp2 = array(); }
$options = loadOptionsFromArray( array_merge($sp1,$sp2) );
return $options;
function loadOptionsFromArray($sp) {
$matches = null;
$options = array();
$doSection = "";
foreach ($sp as $s) {
if (strpos($s,"#")===0) { // skip, comment line
} else if (preg_match("/\[([a-zA-Z0-9\_\|]+)\]/",$s,$matches)) { // section starts
if (strlen($s)>2) {
$isReversed = false;
if (strstr($s,"|reversed")) { // remove the |reversed keyword
$doSection = trim($matches[1]);
$doSection = substr($doSection,0,strpos($doSection,"|reversed"));
} else {
$doSection = trim($matches[1]);
if ($debug>0) print "Section: $s --> $doSection<br>";
$options[$doSection] = array();
if ($isReversed) { $options[$doSection]["reversed"] = $isReversed; }
} else if (!preg_match("/\[([a-zA-Z\_]+)\]/",$s,$matches)) {
if (strlen($s)>2) {
if ($debug>0) print "Loading: $s<br>";
$options[$doSection][] = trim($s);
return $options;
// if user submitted values by text entry, split them on newline, space or comma and return as an array
function splitDependencies($entered) {
if (false!==strpos($entered,"\n")) {
$entered = explode("\n",$entered);
} else if (false!==strpos($entered," ")) {
$entered = explode(" ",$entered);
} else if (false!==strpos($entered,",")) {
$entered = explode(",",$entered);
} else {
$entered = array($entered); // cast to array
return $entered;
// if user submitted values by selection, collect them
// if user submitted values by text entry, collect them and write back into file for storage
// return a string in the form "-eclipseURL http://... -emfFile http://..."
function getTestDependencyURLs($chosen, $entered, $file) {
if (!$chosen) $chosen = array();
if (!is_array($chosen)) $chosen = array($chosen); // cast to array if not already
$origSize = 0;
$newSize = 0;
// load values from $entered into $chosen
if ($entered) {
$lines = trimmed_read($file);
$origSize = sizeof($lines);
// foreach ($lines as $line) print "<i>. $line</i><br/>\n";
foreach ($entered as $url) {
// add to $chosen
$urlFixed = trim($url);
if ($urlFixed) {
$urlFixed = preg_replace("/.+:\/\/(fullmoon[^\/]+)\//","",$urlFixed);
$chosen[] = $urlFixed;
// add to file, if it exists and is writable
if (is_writable($file) && sizeof($lines)>0 && !in_array($url,$lines)) {
$catg = findCatg($urlFixed);
if ($catg && $urlFixed) {
$lines[] = "$catg=$urlFixed"; // don't add a blank entry!
$newSize = sizeof($lines);
$lines = array_unique($lines); // remove duplicate entries
// foreach ($chosen as $e) print "<i>. $e</i><br/>\n";
$ret = "";
foreach ($chosen as $choice) {
if ($choice) {
if (false!==strpos($choice,"eclipse-SDK")) {
$ret .= " -eclipseURL ".$choice;
} else if (false!==strpos($choice,"emf-")) {
$ret .= " -emfFile ".preg_replace("!http://([^/]+)/(.+)!","/home/www-data/build/$2",$choice);
return $ret;
function trimmed_read($file) {
$lines = array();
if (is_writable($file) && is_readable($file)) {
$f = fopen($file, "r");
if ($f) {
while (!feof($f) && ($line = trim(fgets($f, 4096))) ) $lines[] = $line;
} else die( "Problem reading from: $file");
return $lines;
function findCatg($url) {
$matches = array(
"11gmf" => "GMF-",
"10gef" => "GEF-",
"09net4j" => "emft-net4j-",
"08validation" => "emft-validation-",
"07transaction" => "emft-transaction-",
"06query" => "emft-query-",
"05ocl" => "mdt-ocl-|emft-ocl-",
"04orbit" => "orbit-",
"03uml2" => "uml2-",
"02emf" => "emf-sdo-xsd-",
"01eclipse" => "eclipse-",
"99other" => "/"
foreach ($matches as $catg => $match) {
if (false!==strpos($url,$match) || preg_match("#(".$match.")#",$url)) {
return $catg;
function updateDependenciesFile($file,$lines,$newSize,$origSize) {
if (is_writable($file) && $lines && sizeof($lines)>0 && $newSize > $origSize) {
$f = fopen($file, "w");
foreach ($lines as $line) {
function displayJDKOptions($options) {
$matches = null;
if ($options["reversed"]) {
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option) {
$opt = $option;
$isSelected = false;
if (!preg_match("/\-\=[\d\.]+/",$opt)) {
if (strstr($opt,"|selected")) { // remove the |selected keyword
$opt = substr($opt,0,strpos($opt,"|selected"));
if (false!==substr($opt,"=")) { // split line so that foo=bar becomes <option value="bar">foo</option>
$matches = null;
print "\n\t<option ".($isSelected?"selected ":"")."value=\"".trim($matches[3])."\">".
} else { // turn foo into <option value="foo">foo</option>
print "\n\t<option ".($isSelected?"selected ":"")."value=\"".$opt."\">".$opt."</option>";
// compare project index, then datestamps
function compareURLs($a, $b) {
$aPF = substr($a,0,strpos($a,"="));
$bPF = substr($b,0,strpos($b,"="));
$aDS = preg_replace("/.+([0-9]{12}|[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{4}).+/","$1",$a);
$bDS = preg_replace("/.+([0-9]{12}|[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{4}).+/","$1",$b);
return $aPF == $bPF ? ($aDS < $bDS ? 1 : -1) : ($aPF > $bPF ? 1 : -1);
function displayURLs($options,$verbose=false) {
if ($options["reversed"]) {
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
usort($options, "compareURLs"); reset($options);
//sort($options); reset($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option) {
$opt = $option;
if (strstr($opt,"=")) { // split line so that foo=bar becomes <option value="bar">foo</option>
$catg = substr(trim($matches[1]), 2);
if ($catg!=$currCatg) {
if ($currCatg!="")
print "\n\t<option "."value=\""."\"></option>";
print "\n\t<option "."value=\""."\"> -- ".$catg." -- </option>";
print "\n\t<option "."value=\"".trim($matches[2])."\">".substr(trim($matches[2]),6+strpos(trim($matches[2]),"drops"))."</option>";
} else if (strstr($opt,"http") && strstr($opt,"drops")) { // turn http://foo/ into <option value="http://foo/"></option>
print "\n\t<option "."value=\"".$opt."\">".
} else { // turn foo into <option value="foo">foo</option>
print "\n\t<option "."value=\"".$opt."\">".$opt."</option>";
function getBranches($options) {
foreach ($options["Branch"] as $br => $branch) {
$arr[ getValueFromOptionsString($branch,"name")] =
return $arr;
function getValueFromOptionsString($opt,$nameOrValue) {
if (strstr($opt,"|selected")) { // remove the |selected keyword
$opt = substr($opt,0,strpos($opt,"|selected"));
if (strstr($opt,"=")) { // split the name=value pairs, if present
if ($nameOrValue=="name" || $nameOrValue===0) {
$opt = substr($opt,0,strpos($opt,"="));
} else if ($nameOrValue=="value" || $nameOrValue==1) {
$opt = substr($opt,strpos($opt,"=")+1);
return $opt;
function return_bytes($val) {
$val = trim($val);
$last = $val{strlen($val)-1};
switch($last) {
case 'k':
case 'K':
return (int) $val * 1024;
case 'm':
case 'M':
return (int) $val * 1048576;
return $val;
<!-- $Id: patch.php,v 1.39 2008/02/21 23:24:06 nickb Exp $ -->