blob: d8798bedbb3a9a4c29b5c4da8171ea7668797674 [file] [log] [blame]
if (isset ($_GET["project"]) && $_GET["project"] == "uml2")
header("Location: /modeling/mdt/uml2/build/promo.php");
$pre = "../";
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/emf/includes/header.php");
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
$App = new App();
$Nav = new Nav();
$Menu = new Menu();
include ($App->getProjectCommon());
$previewOnly = isset ($_GET["previewOnly"]) ? 1 : 0;
$PR = "emf";
// TODO: pull these values from promoteToEclipse.*.properties instead
$emails = array (
"emf" => ""
$users = array (// runs as, access IES map file repo as, ssh as
"emf" => array (
<div id="midcolumn">
<div class="homeitem3col">
<a style="color:white" href="?project=emf<?php print ($previewOnly?"&amp;previewOnly=1":""); ?>">EMF</a></h3>
if (!isset ($_POST["process"]) || !$_POST["process"] == "build")
{ // page one, the form
print "<p>To promote, please complete the following form and click the Promote button.</p>";
} else
print "<p>Your promotion is " . ($previewOnly ? "<b>NOT</b> " : "") . "in progress" . ($previewOnly ? ", but the command is displayed below for preview" : "") .
". <a href=\"?project=$PR" . ($previewOnly ? "&amp;previewOnly=1" : "") . "\">Promote another?</a></p>";
$workDir = "/home/www-data/build/" . $PR;
/** customization options here **/
$buildOptionsFile = is_file($pre . "../$PR/build.options.txt") ? $pre . "../$PR/build.options.txt" : $pre . "build.options.txt"; // read only
$dependenciesURLsFile = is_file($workDir . "/../emf/requests/dependencies.urls.txt") ? $workDir . "/../emf/requests/dependencies.urls.txt" : "requests/dependencies.urls.txt"; // read-write, one shared file
/** done customizing, shouldn't have to change anything below here **/
$options = loadOptionsFromRemoteFiles($buildOptionsFile, $dependenciesURLsFile);
//print "Branches:"; print_r($options["Branch"]);
$buildIDs = array ();
$buildIDs2 = array ();
foreach ($options["BranchAndJDK"] as $br)
$bits = explode("=", $br);
$BR = $bits[0];
// define which build types to show:
if (is_dir("$workDir/downloads/drops/$BR"))
$buildIDs = loadDirSimple("$workDir/downloads/drops/$BR", "([MISR]+\d{12})", "d"); // include N builds
foreach ($buildIDs as $k => $bid)
if (is_dir("$workDir/downloads/drops/$BR/$bid/testresults/xml"))
{ // no point adding them to the list if there's no data available!
$buildcfgs = getBuildConfig("$workDir/downloads/drops/$BR/$bid/");
if ($buildcfgs["branch"])
$buildIDs2[substr($bid, 1) . substr($bid, 0, 1)] = $BR . "/" . $bid . " | " . $buildcfgs["branch"];
$buildIDs = $buildIDs2;
if (sizeof($buildIDs) < 1)
$buildIDs = array (
"ERROR: No builds found!"
if (!isset ($_POST["process"]) || !$_POST["process"] == "build")
{ // page one, the form
<form method=POST name="promoForm">
<input type="hidden" name="process" value="build" />
<td><b><?php echo strtoupper($PR); ?> Build Version, ID &amp; Branch</b></td>
<td colspan=2>
<select style="font-size:9px" name="build_Version_Build_ID_And_Branch" size="8">
<?php displayOptions($buildIDs,false,0); ?>
<tr valign="top">
<td colspan="2"><p><input type="checkbox" name="build_Update_ISS_Map_File" value="Yes" checked="checked"> Update ISS Map File?
<small><select style="font-size:9px" name="build_IES_CVS_Branch" size="1">
<?php displayOptions($options["BranchIES"],false,0); ?>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="build_Announce_In_Newsgroup" value="Yes" checked="checked"> Announce In Newsgroup?</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="build_Update_Coordinated_Update_Site" value="Yes"> Update Coordinated Update Site?
<small><select style="font-size:9px" name="build_Coordinated_Site_Name" size="1">
<?php displayOptions(array("europa","callisto"),false,0); ?>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="build_Close_Bugz_Only" value="Yes" onclick="doOnclickBugzonly(this.checked)"> Move Assigned Bugs to Fixed? (-bugzonly)</p></td>
<td><b>Email Address</b><br><small>optional</small></td>
<td><input name="build_Email" size=25 value="<?php echo $emails[$PR]; ?>"></td>
<td><small>If you would like to be<br>notified when promotion done</small></td>
<td colspan=5><p><b>Note</b>: Please ensure the build you intend to promote was done using the <br/>
<a target="_check" class="highlight" href="/emf/build/?project=<?php echo $PR; ?>">latest (or appropriate) driver(s)</a>,
and that the <a target="_check" href="/<?php echo $PR; ?>/downloads/?project=<?php echo $PR; ?>&amp;sortBy=date&amp;hlbuild=0#latest" class="highlight">all tests have passed</a>.</p>
<p><b>When done, don't forget to change any ASSIGNED bugzillas to FIXED.</b></p>
<td colspan=2 align=center><input type="button" value="<?php print $previewOnly?"Preview Only":"Promote"; ?>" onclick="doSubmit()"></td>
<script language="javascript">
function doSubmit() {
answer = true;
with (document.forms.promoForm) {
if (build_Version_Build_ID_And_Branch.options[build_Version_Build_ID_And_Branch.selectedIndex].value.indexOf("N")==0) {
answer = confirm(
'Are you sure you want to promote a Nightly build?');
if (answer) { build_Version_Build_ID_And_Branch.focus(); }
if (answer) {
} else {
// do nothing...
function doOnclickBugzonly(booln) {
with (document.forms.promoForm) {
function loadSelects() {
with (document.forms.promoForm) {
} else
{ // page two, form submission results
$BR = explode(" | ", $_POST["build_Version_Build_ID_And_Branch"]);
$cvsbranch = $BR[1];
$BR = explode("/", $BR[0]);
$ID = $BR[1];
$BR = $BR[0];
// echo "got: cvsbranch: $cvsbranch, ID: $ID, BR: $BR<br/>";
$logdir = "/home/www-data/promo_logs/";
$logfile = "promo_log_" . $BR . "." . $ID . "_" . date("YmdHis") . ($_POST["build_Close_Bugz_Only"] != "" ? '_bugzonly' : '') . ".txt";
if (!$previewOnly)
<p>Logfile is <?php print $logdir.$logfile; ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<li><a href="/<?php print $PR; ?>/downloads/?project=<?php print $PR; ?>&amp;sortBy=date&amp;hlbuild=0#latest">You can view, explore, or download your build here</a>.
Here's what you submitted:</li>
print "<ul>\n";
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
if (strstr($k, "build_") && trim($v) != "" && !strstr($k, "_Sel"))
$lab = str_replace("_", " ", substr($k, 6));
$val = false !== strpos($v, ",") ? explode(",", $v) : $v;
print "<li>";
print (is_array($val) ? "<b>" .
$lab . ":</b>" . "<ul>\n<li>" . join("</li>\n<li>", $val) . "</li>\n</ul>\n" : "<div>" .
$val . "</div>" . "<b>" . $lab . ":</b>");
print "</li>\n";
print "<li><div>" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "</div><b>Your IP:</b>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
<p><b>NOTE:</b> If you are redirected to a fullmoon mirror, you may not see the new build for at least an hour.</p>
// fire the shell script...
/** see **/
// create the log dir before trying to log to it
$preCmd = 'mkdir -p ' . $logdir . ';';
$cmd = ('/bin/bash -c "exec /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/setsid ssh ' . $users[$PR][0] .
' \"cd ' .
$workDir . '/../emf/scripts; ./' . // one script, not two.
' -sub ' . $PR .
' -Q' .
' -cvsbranch ' . $cvsbranch .
' -branch ' . $BR .
' -buildID ' . $ID .
' -user ' . $users[$PR][1] .
($_POST["build_Update_ISS_Map_File"] != "" ? ' -userIES ' . $users[$PR][2] : '') .
($_POST["build_IES_CVS_Branch"] != "" ? ' -branchIES ' . $_POST["build_IES_CVS_Branch"] : '') .
($_POST["build_Close_Bugz_Only"] != "" ? ' -bugzonly' : '') .
($_POST["build_Update_ISS_Map_File"] != "" ? '' : ' -noIES') .
($_POST["build_Announce_In_Newsgroup"] != "" ? ' -announce' : '') .
($_POST["build_Update_Coordinated_Update_Site"] != "" ? ' -coordsite ' . $_POST["build_Coordinated_Site_Name"] : '') .
($_POST["build_Email"] != "" ? ' -email ' . $_POST["build_Email"] : '') .
' \"' .
' >> ' . $logdir . $logfile . ' 2>&1 &"'); // logging to unique files
if ($previewOnly)
print '</div><div class="homeitem3col">' . "\n";
print "<h3>Build Command (Preview Only)</h3>\n";
print "<p><small><code>$preCmd</code></small></p>";
} else
$f = fopen($logdir . $logfile, "w");
fputs($f, preg_replace("/\ \-/", "\n -", $cmd) . "\n\n");
if ($previewOnly)
print "<p><small><code>" . preg_replace("/\ \-/", "<br> -", $cmd) . "</code></small></p>";
} else
exec($cmd); // disable here to prevent operation
print "</div>\n</div>\n";
print "<div id=\"rightcolumn\">\n";
print "<div class=\"sideitem\">\n";
print "<h6>Options</h6>\n";
print "<ul>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;previewOnly=1\">preview promo</a></li>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR\">normal promo</a></li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
print "</div>\n";
if ($isEMFserver)
include_once $pre . "build/sideitems-common.php";
print "</div>\n";
$html = ob_get_contents();
$pageTitle = "EMF - Promote a Build";
$pageKeywords = "";
$pageAuthor = "Nick Boldt";
$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $pre . 'includes/downloads.css"/>' . "\n");
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
/************************** METHODS *****************************************/
function displayCheckboxes($label, $options, $verbose = false, $checked = false)
if ($options["reversed"])
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option)
$opt = $option;
$isSelected = false;
if (!preg_match("/\-\=[\d\.]+/", $opt))
if (strstr($opt, "="))
{ // split line so that foo=bar becomes <input type="checkbox" name="bar" value="Y">foo
$matches = null;
preg_match("/([^\=]+)\=([^\=]*)/", $opt, $matches);
print "\n\t<input " . ($checked ? "checked " : "") . "type=\"checkbox\" " . "name=\"" . $label . "_" . trim($matches[2]) . "\" value=\"Y\">" . ($verbose ? trim($matches[2]) . " | " : "") . trim($matches[1]);
} else
{ // turn foo into <input type="checkbox" name="foo" value="Y">foo</option>
print "\n\t<input " . ($checked ? "checked " : "") . "type=\"checkbox\" " . "name=\"" . $label . "_" . $opt . "\" value=\"Y\">" . $opt;
print "<br/>\n";
function displayOptions($options, $verbose = false, $selected = -1)
if ($options["reversed"])
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option)
$opt = $option;
$isSelected = false;
if (!preg_match("/\-\=[\d\.]+/", $opt))
if (strstr($opt, "|selected"))
{ // remove the |selected keyword
$isSelected = true;
$opt = substr($opt, 0, strpos($opt, "|selected"));
if (strstr($opt, "="))
{ // split line so that foo=bar becomes <option value="bar">foo</option>
$matches = null;
preg_match("/([^\=]+)\=([^\=]*)/", $opt, $matches);
print "\n\t<option " . ($isSelected || $selected == $o ? "selected " : "") . "value=\"" . trim($matches[2]) . "\">" . ($verbose ? trim($matches[2]) . " | " : "") . trim($matches[1]) . "</option>";
} else
{ // turn foo into <option value="foo">foo</option>
print "\n\t<option " . ($isSelected || $selected == $o ? "selected " : "") . "value=\"" . $opt . "\">" . $opt . "</option>";
function loadOptionsFromFile($file1)
{ // fn not used
$sp = array ();
if (is_file($file1))
$sp = file($file1);
$options = loadOptionsFromArray($sp);
return $options;
function loadOptionsFromRemoteFiles($file1, $file2)
$sp1 = file($file1);
if (!$sp1)
$sp1 = array ();
$sp2 = file($file2);
if (!$sp2)
$sp2 = array ();
$options = loadOptionsFromArray(array_merge($sp1, $sp2));
return $options;
function loadOptionsFromRemoteFile($file1)
{ // fn not used
$sp1 = file($file1);
if (!$sp1)
$sp1 = array ();
$options = loadOptionsFromArray($sp1);
return $options;
function loadOptionsFromArray($sp)
$options = array ();
$doSection = "";
global $debug;
foreach ($sp as $s)
$matches = null;
if (strpos($s, "#") === 0)
{ // skip, comment line
} else
if (preg_match("/\[([a-zA-Z\_\|]+)\]/", $s, $matches))
{ // section starts
if (strlen($s) > 2)
$isReversed = false;
if (strstr($s, "|reversed"))
{ // remove the |reversed keyword
$isReversed = true;
$doSection = trim($matches[1]);
$doSection = substr($doSection, 0, strpos($doSection, "|reversed"));
} else
$doSection = trim($matches[1]);
if ($debug > 0)
print "Section: $s --> $doSection<br>";
$options[$doSection] = array ();
if ($isReversed)
$options[$doSection]["reversed"] = $isReversed;
} else
if (!preg_match("/\[([a-zA-Z\_]+)\]/", $s, $matches))
if (strlen($s) > 2)
if ($debug > 0)
print "Loading: $s<br>";
$options[$doSection][] = trim($s);
return $options;
function getValueFromOptionsString($opt, $nameOrValue)
if (strstr($opt, "|selected"))
{ // remove the |selected keyword
$opt = substr($opt, 0, strpos($opt, "|selected"));
if (strstr($opt, "="))
{ // split the name=value pairs, if present
if ($nameOrValue == "name" || $nameOrValue === 0)
$opt = substr($opt, 0, strpos($opt, "="));
} else
if ($nameOrValue == "value" || $nameOrValue == 1)
$opt = substr($opt, strpos($opt, "=") + 1);
return $opt;
function getprojRelengBranch($branches, $br_id)
{ // { 2.1.0=HEAD|selected, 2.0.3=R2_0_maintenance, ... }, 2.0.3/M200506021148
if (false === strpos($br_id, "/") || sizeof($branches) < 1)
return "HEAD";
$BR = explode("/", $br_id);
$BR = $BR[0]; // 2.0.3
foreach ($branches as $br)
if (false !== strpos($br, $BR) && false !== strpos($br, "=") && false === strpos($br, "-"))
$cvsBranch = explode("=", $br);
$cvsBranch = $cvsBranch[1]; // HEAD|selected, R2_0_maintenance
if (false === strpos($cvsBranch, "|"))
return $cvsBranch; // R2_0_maintenance
} else
$cvsBranch = explode("|", $cvsBranch);
return $cvsBranch[0]; // HEAD
return "HEAD";
function getBuildConfig($dir)
$results = array ();
// get data from build.cfg, turn into array of name/value pairs
if (!is_file($dir . "build.cfg"))
return $results;
$data = file($dir . "build.cfg");
foreach ($data as $line)
$bits = explode("=", $line);
if (sizeof($bits) == 2)
$results[$bits[0]] = $bits[1];
return $results;