blob: aee08b04b52ee92ce96fa6f3237ee49501330bec [file] [log] [blame]
$isEMFserver = (preg_match("/^emf(?:\.torolab\.ibm\.com)$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]));
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/modeling/includes/scripts.php");
$pre = "../../";
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon());
$VER = $_GET["version"] && preg_match("/(13|14|50)/",$_GET["version"])? $_GET["version"] : "50";
$PR = $_GET["project"] && preg_match("/(emf|uml2)/",$_GET["project"])? $_GET["project"] : "emf";
<div id="midcolumn">
$doRefreshPage = false;
$dropsPWD = getPWD("downloads/drops"); // see scripts.php
$testsPWD = "/home/www-data/jdk".$VER."tests"; // path on
$PWD = $showAllResults?$testsPWD:$dropsPWD; // path on
if (!is_dir($PWD) || !is_readable($PWD)) {
echo "<p> Download Drops Directory ($PWD) not found or not readable! </p>";
echo "<p> Please report this problem to <a href=\" Drops Directory not found or not readable in downloads-common.php, line 17\"></a> </p>";
$buildOptionsFile = $pre."build.options.txt"; // read only
if (!$showMax) { $showMax = 10; } // max # of builds to show on the page
$showBuildsIfDirNotExist = 0;
// get options file data
$options = loadOptionsFromFile($buildOptionsFile);
$options["BuildType"] = array(
//if ($debug>0) { w("OPTIONS:",1); wArr($options,"<br>",true,""); w("<hr noshade size=1 />"); }
// get build types from options file
$buildTypes = getBuildTypes($options);
//if ($debug>0) { w("BUILD TYPES:",1); wArr($buildTypes,"<br>",true,""); w("<hr noshade size=1 />"); }
// get branches from options file
$branches = getBranches($options);
//if ($debug>0) { w("BRANCHES:",1); wArr($branches,"<br>",true,""); w("<hr noshade size=1 />"); }
$sortBy = array_key_exists("sortBy",$_GET) ? $_GET["sortBy"] : "date";
$showAll = array_key_exists("showAll",$_GET) ? $_GET["showAll"] : "";
$showAllResults = array_key_exists("showAllResults",$_GET) ? $_GET["showAllResults"] : false;
if ($sortBy!="date") {
$builds = getBuildsFromDirs($branches);
$builds = reorderArray($builds,$buildTypes);
$latest = getLatest($builds);
$latest = reorderArray($latest,$buildTypes);
} else {
$builds = getBuildsFromDirs("");
$builds = reorderArray($builds,"");
$latest = array();
$showMax = 10;
//if ($debug>0) { w("LATEST:",1); wArr($latest,"<br>",true,""); w("<hr noshade size=1 />"); }
//if ($debug>0) { w("BUILDS:",1); wArr($builds,"<br>",true,""); w("<hr noshade size=1 />"); }
$cols1 = '
<td><b>Build Name</b></td>
<td><b><a href="?project='.$PR.'&amp;version='.$VER.'&amp;showAllResults='.$showAllResults.'&amp;showAll='.$showAll.'&amp;sortBy=date">Build Date</b></td>';
$numHeaders = 0;
if ($sortBy=="date") {
print '<div class="homeitem3col"><h3>Latest Test Results</h3>'."\n";
echo "<table cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0>";
foreach($builds as $t_branch => $builds2) {
foreach($builds2 as $t_type => $builds3) {
if ($sortBy!="date") {
$name = $buildTypes[$branch][$type];
print '<div class="homeitem3col"><h3>'.$name.'s Results</h3>'."\n";
echo "<table cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0>";
if ($numHeaders==0 || $sortBy!="date") {
echo "
<tr valign=bottom>".
($sortBy=="date"?"<td><b><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;version=$VER&amp;showAllResults=".$showAllResults."&amp;showAll=".$showAll."&amp;sortBy=type\">Type</a><a name=\"latest\">&#160;</a></b></td>":"")
ini_set("display_errors","0"); // suppress file not found errors
foreach($builds3 as $t_k => $t_ID) {
if ($sortBy=="date") { // need to change some values around
$ID = explode("/",$t_ID); // 2.0.1/M/M200407280859
$ID = $ID[2];
} else {
$ID = $t_ID;
$k = $t_k;
if ($showAll || $k<$showMax) {
$bgcolor = ($bgk%2==1?"FFFFFF":"EEEEEE"); $bgk++;
echo "<tr valign=top bgcolor=\"#$bgcolor\">";
$pre2 = (is_dir("$PWD/$branch/$ID/eclipse/$ID/") ? "eclipse/$branch/$ID/" : "");
echo ($sortBy=="date"?"<td>".$type."</td>":"");
$zips_in_folder = loadDirSimple("$dropsPWD/$branch/$ID/","(\.zip)","f"); //wArr($zips_in_folder);
// for testing, you can find a list of files like this:
// `find /home/www-data/build/modeling/emf/emf/downloads/drops/2.0.1 -type f -maxdepth 2 -name *.zip -name *emf-sdo-xsd-SDK*`
$ziplabel = (sizeof($zips_in_folder)<1) ? $ID :
preg_replace("/(.+)\-([^\-]+)(\.zip)/","$2",$zips_in_folder[0]); // grab first entry
// generalize for any relabelled build, thus 2.0.1/M200405061234/* is possible; label = 2.0.2
$IDlabel = $ziplabel;
echo "<td><a href=\"".$pre."downloads/?showAll=1&amp;hlbuild=".$ID."#".$ID."\">$IDlabel</a></td>\n";
echo "<td><small>".IDtoDateStamp($ID,1)."</small></td>\n";
echo "<td>".(strstr($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"],"")?'':
echo "</tr>\n";
if ($sortBy!="date" && sizeof($builds3)>$showMax) {
if (!$showAll || $showAll=="false") {
echo "<tr><td>&#160;</td>";
echo "<td align=center><small>(<a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;version=$VER&amp;showAllResults=$showAllResults&amp;showAll=true&amp;sortBy=$sortBy\">show all ".sizeof($builds3)." builds</a>)</small></td></tr>\n";
} else {
echo "<tr><td>&#160;</td>";
echo "<td align=center><small>(<a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;version=$VER&amp;showAllResults=$showAllResults&amp;showAll=&amp;sortBy=$sortBy\">show only ".$showMax." builds </a>)</small></td></tr>\n";
if ($sortBy!="date") {
echo "</table>";
print '</div>'."\n";
if ($sortBy=="date") {
if (sizeof($builds)>$showMax) {
if (!$showAll || $showAll=="false") {
echo "<tr><td>&#160;</td><td>&#160;</td><td align=center><small>(<a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;version=$VER&amp;showAllResults=$showAllResults&amp;showAll=true&amp;sortBy=$sortBy\">show all ".sizeof($builds)." builds</a>)</small></td></tr>\n";
} else {
echo "<tr><td>&#160;</td><td>&#160;</td><td align=center><small>(<a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;version=$VER&amp;showAllResults=$showAllResults&amp;showAll=&amp;sortBy=$sortBy\">show only ".$showMax." builds </a>)</small></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
print '</div>'."\n";
print "</div>\n";
print "<div id=\"rightcolumn\">\n";
print "<div class=\"sideitem\">\n";
print "<h6>Options</h6>\n";
$newresults = ($showAllResults ? "" : "true");
$newresults_label = $newresults ? "Current + Deleted Builds" : "Current Builds Only";
print "<ul>\n";
$newsort = ($sortBy == "date" ? "type" : "date");
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;version=$VER&amp;showAll=$showAll&amp;sortBy=$newsort&amp;showAllResults=$showAllResults\">Sort By ".ucfirst($newsort)."</a></li>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;version=$VER&amp;showAll=$showAll&amp;sortBy=$sortBy&amp;showAllResults=$newresults\">$newresults_label</a></li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
print "</div>\n";
if ($isEMFserver) { include_once $pre."build/sideitems-common.php"; }
print "</div>\n";
$html = ob_get_contents();
$pageTitle = "EMF Test Results";
$pageKeywords = "";
$pageAuthor = "Nick Boldt";
$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $pre . 'includes/downloads.css"/>' . "\n");
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
/************************** METHODS *****************************************/
function reorderArray($arr,$buildTypes) {
global $debug;
// resort the 2D or 3D array (latest or builds),
// using branches as the sort order for 1D, and
// build types for 2D.
// If 3D, rsort() the last dimension
//w("<b>BEFORE:</b>",1); wArr($arr,"<br>",true,""); w("<hr noshade size=1 />",1);
$new = array();
if ($buildTypes) {
foreach ($buildTypes as $br => $types) {
//w("br: $br -->");
$new[$br] = array();
foreach ($types as $bt => $names) {
if (array_key_exists($br,$arr) && array_key_exists($bt,$arr[$br]) && $arr[$br][$bt]) {
//w("bt: $bt -->");
$new[$br][$bt] = $arr[$br][$bt];
if (is_array($new[$br][$bt])) {
$new[$br][$bt] = array_unique($new[$br][$bt]);
rsort($new[$br][$bt]); reset($new[$br][$bt]);
} else {
} else {
krsort($arr); reset($arr);
foreach ($arr as $dt_id => $dirs) {
foreach ($dirs as $br_ty => $list) {
$br = substr($br_ty,0,-1); // branch: 2.0 (all but last char)
$ty = substr($br_ty,-1,1); // last char: N
$dt = substr($dt_id,0,12); // 200404051234
$dir = $ty.$dt; // dir: N200404051234
if ($debug>1) { echo "$dt_id => $br_ty => $list:".sizeof($list)." ... $br, $ty, $dir<br>\n"; }
// want [dt][dt][br/ty/dir]
if (!array_key_exists($dt,$new) || !is_array($new[$dt])) { $new[$dt] = array(); }
if (!array_key_exists($dt,$new[$dt]) || !is_array($new[$dt][$dt])) { $new[$dt][$dt] = array(); }
$new[$dt][$dt][] = $br."/".$ty."/".$list[0];
if ($debug>0) {
w("<b>AFTER:</b>",1); wArr($new,"<br>",true,""); w("<hr noshade size=1 />",1);
return $new;
function getBuildsFromDirs($branches) {
// sort the $builds into a 3D array
global $PWD, $showBuildsIfDirNotExist, $sortBy, $debug;
$builds_temp = array();
$branchDirs = loadDirSimple($PWD,".*","d");
$buildDirs = array();
foreach ($branchDirs as $branch) {
$buildDirs[$branch] = loadDirSimple($PWD."/".$branch,"(I|N|S|R|M)\d{12}","d");
//w("BUILD DIRS [$branch]:",1); wArr($buildDirs[$branch],"<br>",true,""); w("<hr noshade size=1 />");
if ($buildDirs && is_array($buildDirs)) {
foreach ($buildDirs as $br => $dirList) {
foreach ($dirList as $i => $dir) {
$ty = substr($dir,0,1); // first char // w($ty,1);
if ($sortBy!="date") {
if (!array_key_exists($br,$builds_temp) || !$builds_temp[$br]) { $builds_temp[$br] = array(); }//b[3.0]
if (!array_key_exists($ty,$builds_temp[$br]) || !$builds_temp[$br][$ty]) { $builds_temp[$br][$ty] = array(); } //b[3.0][N]
$builds_temp[$br][$ty][] = $dir;
} else {
$dttm = substr($dir,1); // last 12 digits
//if ($debug>1) { w("dttm = ".$dttm.", dir = ".$dir); }
$a = $dttm.$ty;
$b = $br.$ty;
if (!array_key_exists($a,$builds_temp) || !$builds_temp[$a]) { $builds_temp[$a] = array(); }
if (!array_key_exists($b,$builds_temp[$a]) || !$builds_temp[$a][$b]) { $builds_temp[$a][$b] = array(); }
$builds_temp[$a][$b][] = $dir;
//if ($debug>1) { w(' -- $builds_temp['.$a.']['.$b.'][] = '.$dir.';',1); }
return $builds_temp;
function getAllJDKTestResults($testsPWD,$path) { // given a build ID, determine any test results for build, junit
global $pre,$VER;
$mid = "../../../modeling/emf/emf/jdk".$VER."tests/"; // this is a symlink on the filesystem!
// return four <td> cells, one per test. if all passed, green check + link to log; if failures, red number (of failures) + link to log
// $testsPWD is path to root of tests; $path defines 2.0/I200405141234/ ... also need to then check subdirs
$ret = "";
$tests = ($VER== "50" ? array("build", "junit") : array("build", "junit", "standalone"));
$testDirs = array();
if (is_dir($testsPWD.$path) && is_readable($testsPWD.$path)) {
$testDirs = loadDirSimple($testsPWD.$path,"\d{12}","d"); // get dirs
rsort($testDirs); reset($testDirs);
if (!is_file($testsPWD.$path.$testDirs[sizeof($testDirs)-1]."/testlog.txt")) {
return "";
$ret .= "<table width=\"100%\">";
foreach ($testDirs as $testDir) {
$ret .= "<tr>";
$file = $testsPWD.$path.$testDir."/testlog.txt";
if (is_file($file) && is_readable($file)) {
$f = file($file);
} else {
$f = array();
foreach ($tests as $t) {
if ($cnt===0 ||
(false===strpos($cnt,"F") && false===strpos($cnt,"E") && false===strpos($cnt,"P"))
) { // nothing, or no E or F or P or W
$didRunBuildTest = true;
$cnt = getJDKTestResultsFailureCount($f,$t, &$didRunBuildTest);
if ($cnt==="...") {
$ret .= "<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">&#160;<a style=\"text-decoration:none\" href=\"".($pre.$mid.$path.$testDir."/testlog.txt")."\"><span class=\"inprogress\"><abbr title=\"$t\">.&#160;.&#160;.</abbr></a>&#160;</td>"."\n";
} else if ($cnt==="") {
$ret .= "<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><span class=\"errors\"><abbr title=\"$t\">&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;</abbr></td>"."\n";
} else if ($cnt===0) {
$ret .= "<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center>&#160;<a class=\"errors\" href=\"".
"/testlog.txt\"><abbr title=\"$t\"><img src=\"".($didRunBuildTest?"":"-maybe").".gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".($didRunBuildTest?"Passed!":"Skipped")."\"></abbr></a>&#160;</td>"."\n";
} else if (false!==strpos($cnt,"FAILED")) {
$ret .= "<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center>&#160;<a class=\"errors\" href=\"".
"/testlog.txt\"><abbr title=\"$t\"><img src=\"\" width=\"16\" height=\"12\" border=\"0\" alt=\"BUILD FAILED!\"></abbr></a>&#160;</td>"."\n";
} else {
$ret .= "<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">&#160;<a class=\"errors\" href=\"".
"/testlog.txt\"><span class=\"errors\"><abbr title=\"$t\">".
} else { // if we failed on the build, the JUnit stuff won't run (if javacFailOnError=true in runJDK14Tests.xml)
$ret .= "<td valign=\"bottom\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" align=center>&#160;<a class=\"inprogress\" href=\"".
"/testlog.txt\"><abbr title=\"$t\"><img src=\"\" width=\"9\" height=\"14\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Did Not Run - Previous Test Failed!\"></abbr></a>&#160;</td>"."\n";
global $SERVER_NAME;
$ret.="<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">".(is_file($testsPWD.$path.$testDir."/testlog.txt")?("<a href=\"".(strstr($SERVER_NAME,"")?"/emf/build/log-viewer.php?jdk".$VER."test=$path".$testDir."/":$pre.$mid.$path.$testDir."/testlog.txt")."\" class=\"buildlog\"><span class=\"buildlog\">".$testDir."</span></a>"):"<span class=\"buildlog\">&#160;&#160;&#160;</span>")."</td>";
$ret .= "<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><b style=\"font-size:10px\">".getCompilerArg($f,"Source","src")."</b></td>\n";
$ret .= "<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><b style=\"font-size:10px\">".getCompilerArg($f,"Xlint","warn")."</b></td>\n";
$ret .= "</tr>";
$ret .= "</table>";
return $ret;
function getCompilerArg($f,$param,$label) {
foreach ($f as $line) {
if (false!==strpos($line,"[jdk50]")) { return ""; } // done... if we didn't find it, it's not there
if (false!==strpos($line,"compilerArg".$param)) {
$bits = explode(" ",$line);
return '<abbr title="'.$param.'">'.$bits[3]."</abbr>";
return "";
function getJDKTestResultsFailureCount($f,$type="",&$didRunBuildTest) {
if ($f && sizeof($f)>0) {
foreach ($f as $line) {
if (false!==strpos($line,"runJUnitTestsOnly:")) { // won't be doing the first half
// check first half of the log for build problems; second half for test problems.
// split on line with "runJUnitTests:"
if (false!==strpos($line,"runJUnitTests:")) { // second half
if ($isBuild && $type=="build") {
if (false!==strpos($line,"[javac]") && false!==strpos($line,"error")) {
$m=null;preg_match("/\[javac\] (\d+) (fail|error).+/",$line,$m);
if ($m[2]=="fail") {
} else if ($m[2]=="error") {
} else if (false!==strpos($line,"[javac]") && false!==strpos($line,"deprecate")) {
} else if (false!==strpos($line,"[javac]") && false!==strpos($line,"warning")) {
$m=null;preg_match("/\[javac\] (\d+) (warning).+/",$line,$m);
if ($m[2]=="warning") {
} else if (false!==strpos($line,"BUILD FAILED")) {
} else if (!$isBuild && $type!="build") {
if (false!==strpos($line,"[java] There was ") || false!==strpos($line,"[java] There were ")) {
$m=null;preg_match("/(was|were) (\d+) (fail|error|warning).+/",$line,$m);
if ($m[3]=="fail") {
} else if ($m[3]=="warning") {
} else if ($m[3]=="error") {
} else if (false!==strpos($line,"BUILD FAILED")) {
if (false!==strpos($line,"finished on:")) {
if (!$isDone) {
return "...";
//w("<b>$fails F, $errors E</b>",1);
if ($fails===0 && $errors===0 && $notes===0 && $warns===0 && $deprecates===0) {
return 0;
} else {
if ($fails>0 && $fails!=="FAILED") {
$ret.= $fails."&#160;F";
if ($errors>0) {
if ($ret) { $ret.=",&#160;"; }
$ret.= $errors."&#160;E";
if ($notes>0) {
if ($ret) { $ret.=",&#160;"; }
$ret.= $notes."&#160;N";
if ($warns>0) {
if ($ret) { $ret.=",&#160;"; }
$ret.= $warns."&#160;W";
if ($deprecates>0) {
if ($ret) { $ret.=",&#160;"; }
$ret.= $deprecates."&#160;D";
if (!$ret && $fails==="FAILED") {
$ret = "FAILED";
//echo $ret."<br>";
return $ret;
} else {
return "";
function getBranches($options) {
$arr = array();
if ($options["Branch"] && is_array($options["Branch"])) {
foreach ($options["Branch"] as $br => $branch) {
$arr[ getValueFromOptionsString($branch,"name")] =
return $arr;
function getBuildTypes($options) {
$arr = array();
if ($options["Branch"] && is_array($options["Branch"])) {
foreach ($options["Branch"] as $br => $branch) {
foreach ($options["BuildType"] as $bt => $buildType) {
$v = getValueFromOptionsString($branch,"value");
if (!array_key_exists($v,$arr) || !$arr[$v]) {
$arr[$v] = array();
[$v] // [2.0]
[getValueFromOptionsString($buildType,"value")] = // [N]
$v. " " .
getValueFromOptionsString($buildType,"name") . " Build";
return $arr;
function getValueFromOptionsString($opt,$nameOrValue) {
if (strstr($opt,"|selected")) { // remove the |selected keyword
$opt = substr($opt,0,strpos($opt,"|selected"));
if (strstr($opt,"=")) { // split the name=value pairs, if present
if ($nameOrValue=="name" || $nameOrValue===0) {
$opt = substr($opt,0,strpos($opt,"="));
} else if ($nameOrValue=="value" || $nameOrValue==1) {
$opt = substr($opt,strpos($opt,"=")+1);
return $opt;
function listOptions($options,$bool) {
if ($options["reversed"]) {
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option) {
$opt = $option;
$isSelected = false;
if (strstr($opt,"|selected")) { // remove the |selected keyword
$opt = substr($opt,0,strpos($opt,"|selected"));
if (strstr($opt,"=")) { // split line so that foo=bar becomes <option value="bar">foo</option>
if (!$bool) {
echo trim($matches[2]);
} else {
echo trim($matches[1]);
} else { // turn foo into <option value="foo">foo</option>
echo $opt;
echo "<br />";
function loadOptionsFromFile($file) {
ini_set("display_errors","0"); // suppress file not found errors
$sp = file($file);
ini_set("display_errors","1"); // and turn 'em back on.
if (!$sp) { $sp = array(); }
$options = loadOptionsFromArray($sp);
return $options;
function loadOptionsFromArray($sp) {
global $debug;
$options = array();
$doSection = "";
foreach ($sp as $s) {
if (strpos($s,"#")===0) { // skip, comment line
} else if (preg_match("/\[([a-zA-Z\_\|]+)\]/",$s,$matches)) { // section starts
if (strlen($s)>2) {
$isReversed = false;
if (strstr($s,"|reversed")) { // remove the |reversed keyword
$doSection = trim($matches[1]);
$doSection = substr($doSection,0,strpos($doSection,"|reversed"));
} else {
$doSection = trim($matches[1]);
if ($debug>1) echo "Section: $s --> $doSection<br>";
$options[$doSection] = array();
if ($isReversed) { $options[$doSection]["reversed"] = $isReversed; }
} else if (!preg_match("/\[([a-zA-Z\_]+)\]/",$s,$matches)) {
if (strlen($s)>2) {
if ($debug>1) echo "Loading: $s<br>";
$options[$doSection][] = trim($s);
return $options;
function getLatest($builds) {
// given a list of dirs, determine the most recent ones by date/time sequence
$latest = array();
foreach ($builds as $branch => $builds2) {
foreach ($builds2 as $type => $builds3) {
arsort($builds3); reset($builds3);
foreach ($builds3 as $k => $build) {
if (!array_key_exists($branch,$latest) || !$latest[$branch]) { $latest[$branch] = array(); } //l[2.0]
if (!array_key_exists($type,$latest[$branch]) || !$latest[$branch][$type]) { // found the first one
$latest[$branch][$type] = $build;
//w('latest['.$branch.']['.$type."] = $build",1);
break 1;
return $latest;
function IDtoDateStamp($ID,$style) { // given N200402121441, return date("D, j M Y -- H:i (O)")
if ($ID && !preg_match("/\_/",$ID)) {
$year = substr($ID, 1, 4);
$month = substr($ID, 5, 2);
$day = substr($ID, 7, 2);
$hour = substr($ID,9,2);
$minute = substr($ID,11,2);
$timeStamp = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year);
return date( ($style?"D, j M Y -- H:i (O)":'Y/m/d H:i'), $timeStamp);
} else if ($ID && preg_match("/\_/",$ID)) {
$year = substr($ID, 0, 4);
$month = substr($ID, 4, 2);
$day = substr($ID, 6, 2);
$hour = substr($ID,9,2);
$minute = substr($ID,11,2);
$timeStamp = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year);
return date( ($style?"D, j M Y -- H:i (O)":'Y/m/d H:i'), $timeStamp);
} else {
return "";