blob: 457053abed4a39fc120a89c3f04888209b552db6 [file] [log] [blame]
$pre = "../";
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/emf/includes/header.php");
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
$App = new App();
$Nav = new Nav();
$Menu = new Menu();
include ($App->getProjectCommon());
$debug = isset ($_GET["debug"]) ? 1 : 0;
$previewOnly = isset ($_GET["previewOnly"]) ? 1 : 0;
$PR = $_GET["project"] && preg_match("/(emf|uml2)/", $_GET["project"]) ? $_GET["project"] : "emf";
<div id="midcolumn">
<div class="homeitem3col">
<a style="color:white" href="?project=emf<?php print ($debug?"&amp;debug=1":"").($previewOnly?"&amp;previewOnly=1":""); ?>">EMF</a> &amp;
<a style="color:white" href="?project=uml2<?php print ($debug?"&amp;debug=1":"").($previewOnly?"&amp;previewOnly=1":""); ?>">UML2</a></h3>
if (!isset ($_POST["process"]) || !$_POST["process"] == "build")
{ // page one, the form
print "<p>To run a build, please complete the following form and click the Build button.</p>";
} else
print "<p>Your build is " . ($previewOnly ? "<b>NOT</b> " : "") . "in progress" . ($previewOnly ? ", but the command is displayed below for preview" : "") .
". <a href=\"?project=$PR" . ($debug ? "&amp;debug=1" : "") . ($previewOnly ? "&amp;previewOnly=1" : "") . "\">Build another?</a></p>";
$workDir = "/home/www-data/build/" . $PR;
/** customization options here **/
$buildOptionsFile = is_file($pre . "../$PR/build.options.txt") ? $pre . "../$PR/build.options.txt" : ($PR == "emf" ? "/var/www/" : "/var/www/"); // read only
$dependenciesURLsFile = is_file($workDir . "/../emf/requests/dependencies.urls.txt") ? $workDir . "/../emf/requests/dependencies.urls.txt" : "requests/dependencies.urls.txt"; // read-write, one shared file
/** done customizing, shouldn't have to change anything below here **/
$options = loadOptionsFromRemoteFiles($buildOptionsFile, $dependenciesURLsFile);
$options["BuildType"] = array (
if (!isset ($_POST["process"]) || !$_POST["process"] == "build")
{ // page one, the form
<form method=POST name="buildForm">
<input type="hidden" name="process" value="build" />
<td><img src="/emf/images/numbers/1.gif" /></td>
<td><b>Branch, Subproject &amp; Type</b></td>
<input name="build_Branch" type="hidden" size="8" maxlength="10" onchange="this.value=this.value.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g,'');"/>
<input name="build_Java_Home" type="hidden" size="20"/>
<td colspan=3><select name="build_CVS_Branch" onchange="doBranchSelected(this)">
<?php displayOptionsTriplet($options["BranchAndJDK"]); ?>
</select> <br/>
<select name="build_Project" onchange="document.location.href='?project='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value+'<?php
print ($debug ? "&amp;debug=1" : "") . ($previewOnly ? "&amp;previewOnly=1" : "");
<option <?php print $PR == "emf" ? "selected " : ""; ?>value="emf">EMF</option>
<option <?php print $PR == "uml2" ? "selected " : ""; ?>value="uml2">UML2</option>
<select name="build_Build_Type" onchange="pickDefaults(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">
<?php displayOptions($options["BuildType"]); ?>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="4">
<div name="fullURL" id="fullURL" style="border:0;font-size:9px;" readonly="readonly">&#160;</div>
<tr valign="top">
<td><img src="<?php print $WWWpre; ?>images/numbers/2.gif" /></td>
<td><b>Dependency URLs</b><br>
choose URLs (use <em>CTRL</em> <br>
for multiple selections)</small>
<?php $buildServer = array("","","",""); ?>
<td> &#149; <a href="">Eclipse</a></td>
<td> &#149; <a href="http://fullmoon/downloads/">Eclipse</a></td>
<td> &#149; <a href="http://<?php print $buildServer[0]; ?>/emf/downloads/?showAll=&amp;sortBy=date&amp;hlbuild=0#latest">EMF</a></td>
<td> &#149; <a href="http://<?php print $buildServer[1]; ?>/emf/downloads/?showAll=&amp;sortBy=date&amp;hlbuild=0#latest">EMF</a></td>
<p><small>&#160;&#160;-- AND/OR --</small></p>
<td colspan=2>
<select multiple="multiple" style="font-size:9px" name="build_Dependencies_URL[]" size="9" onchange="showfullURL(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);">
<?php displayURLs($options["DependenciesURL"]); ?>
<tr valign="top">
<td colspan=2>&#160;</td>
paste full URL(s), one per<br>
line or comma separated<br>
(new values will be stored)</small>
<td colspan=2>
<textarea name="build_Dependencies_URL_New" cols="50" rows="2"></textarea>
<tr><td colspan="6">&#160;</td></tr>
<td rowspan="2" valign="top"><img src="<?php print $WWWpre; ?>images/numbers/3.gif" /></td>
<td rowspan="2">&#160;</td>
<td colspan=1>
<a href="">org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder</a> branch:<br><small>-basebuilderBranch</small>
<td><input size="20" name="build_debug_basebuilder_branch" value="<?php echo isset($options["BaseBuilderBranch"]) ? $options["BaseBuilderBranch"][0] : ""; ?>"></td>
<td><small> <a href=""><img alt="updated" src="/modeling/images/updated.gif" border="0"></a> Enter Tag/Branch/Version, eg., HEAD, R3_2_maintenance, M3_33, r322_v20061115a :: <a href="">wiki</a></small></td>
<tr><td colspan="6">&#160;</td></tr>
<td rowspan="2" valign="top"><img src="<?php print $WWWpre; ?>images/numbers/4.gif" /></td>
<td rowspan="2">&#160;</td>
<td><b>Build Alias</b><br><small>optional</small></td>
<td><input name="build_Build_Alias" size=8></td>
Eg., for labelling Release builds as "2.0.1"<br>
instead of "R200408081212"</small></td>
<td><b>Tag Build</b><br><small>
<td><select name="build_Tag_Build" size=1>
<?php displayOptions($options["TagBuild"]); ?>
<td><small>If Yes, this tag will appear in CVS as "build_200405061234". If No, CVS will NOT be tagged with this build's ID</small></td>
<tr><td colspan="6">&#160;</td></tr>
<tr valign="top">
<td><img src="/emf/images/numbers/5.gif" /></td>
<td><b>Run Tests</b><br><small>
<?php if ($PR == "emf") { ?>
<td colspan="1">
<div name="divRunTests23" id="divRunTests23" style="display:none;border:0">
<?php displayCheckboxes("build_Run_Tests",$options["RunTests23"],"_23"); ?>
<div name="divRunTests22" id="divRunTests22" style="display:none;border:0">
<?php displayCheckboxes("build_Run_Tests",$options["RunTests22"],"_22"); ?>
<div name="divRunTests21" id="divRunTests21" style="display:none;border:0">
<?php displayCheckboxes("build_Run_Tests",$options["RunTests21"],"_21"); ?>
<td><small><a id="divRunTestsToggle" name="divRunTestsToggle" href="javascript:toggleDetails()">More Info</a></small>
<div id="divRunTestsDetail" name="divRunTestsDetail" style="display:none;border:0">
<small>Standard JUnit Tests are added incrementally with bug fixes.
<br/><img src="/emf/images/c.gif" width="1" height="3" border="0" alt=""><br/>
If yes to JUnit Tests, tests will be performed during build to
validate results and will be refected in build results on download
page and build detail pages.
<br/><img src="/emf/images/c.gif" width="1" height="3" border="0" alt=""><br/>
If yes to JDK x.x Tests, EMF will be build using IBM JDK x.x, then
the EMF zips built with 1.4 will be run (and tested using the above
JUnit tests using IBM JRE x.x. For Standalone tests, the EMF
Standalone zip will be used instead of the SDK for running the same
standalone JUnit tests as are used by the JDK tests.
<br/><img src="/emf/images/c.gif" width="1" height="3" border="0" alt=""><br/>
Old tests include: BVT, FVT, SVT. If yes to Old Tests, when build
completes old tests will be run with new SDK zip &amp; selected eclipse SDK.
<?php } else if ($PR == "uml2") { ?>
<td colspan="1">
<?php displayCheckboxes("build_Run_Tests",$options["RunTests"]); ?>
<td><small><a id="divRunTestsToggle" name="divRunTestsToggle" href="javascript:toggleDetails()">More Info</a></small>
<div id="divRunTestsDetail" name="divRunTestsDetail" style="display:none;border:0">
If yes to JUnit Tests, tests will be performed during build
to validate results and will be refected in build results on
download page and build detail pages.</small>
<?php } ?>
<td><img src="/emf/images/numbers/6.gif" /></td>
<td><b>Email Address</b><br><small>optional</small></td>
<td colspan="1"><input name="build_Email" size="20" maxlength="80"/></td>
<td><small>If you would like to be notified when the build <br>
(and/or tests) completes</small></td>
<?php if ($debug) { ?>
<td colspan="6"><hr noshade size=1/></td>
<td colspan="6"><table>
<td colspan=3><b>Debug Options:</b></td>
<td colspan=1>org.eclipse.<?php print $PR; ?> branch:<br><small>-branch</small></td>
<td><input size="15" name="build_debug_CVS_Branch" value=""></td>
<td><small> Override value above; enter Tag/Branch/Version, eg., build_200409171617, R2_0_maintenance</small></td>
<td colspan=1>org.eclipse.<?php print $PR; ?>.releng branch:<br><small>-projRelengBranch</small></td>
<td><input size="15" name="build_debug_proj_releng_branch" value=""></td>
<td><small> Enter Tag/Branch/Version, eg., build_200409171617, R2_0_maintenance</small></td>
<?php if ($PR == "emf") { ?>
<td colspan=1>old tests branch:<br><small>-emfOldTestsBranch</small></td>
<td><input size="15" name="build_debug_emf_old_tests_branch" value=""></td>
<td><small> Enter Tag/Branch/Version, eg., R2_0_maintenance</small></td>
<?php } ?>
<td colspan=1>Keep tempfiles?<br><small>-noclean</small></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="build_debug_noclean" value="Y" checked></td>
<?php } ?>
<td colspan=2 align=center><input type="button" value="<?php if ($previewOnly) { print "Preview Only"; } else { print "Build"; } ?>" onclick="doSubmit()"></td>
<script language="javascript">
function showfullURL(val)
fullURL = document.getElementById('fullURL');
fullURL.innerHTML = val ? "&#160;--&gt; " + val + " &lt;--" : "&#160;";
function pickDefaults(val) {
document.forms.buildForm.build_Tag_Build.selectedIndex=(val=='N'?1:0); // Nightly = No; others = Yes
if (val=='N') {
} else {
function branchToDivNum()
return document.forms.buildForm.build_Branch.value.substring(0,3).replace(".","");
function setCheckbox(field,bool,divNum)
if (document.forms.buildForm && document.forms.buildForm.elements[field] && document.forms.buildForm.elements[field].type=="checkbox")
} else {
elem = document.getElementById(field+(divNum?"_"+divNum:""));
if (elem && != "none") {
function doBranchSelected(field) {
function pickDefaultBranch(val) {
with (document.forms.buildForm) {
if (val.indexOf(" | ")>0) {
build_Branch.value=val.substring(val.indexOf(" | ")+3,val.lastIndexOf(" | ")); // since the text label shown in the select box is not available for POST, store it here
} else {
build_Branch.value=val; // since the text label shown in the select box is not available for POST, store it here
return build_Branch.value;
function pickDefaultJavaHome(val) {
with (document.forms.buildForm) {
if (val.indexOf(" | ")>0) {
build_Java_Home.value=val.substring(3+val.lastIndexOf(" | ")); // since the text label shown in the select box is not available for POST, store it here
} else {
build_Java_Home.value=val; // since the text label shown in the select box is not available for POST, store it here
return build_Java_Home.value;
function toggleDetails()
if (toggle.innerHTML=="More Info")
toggle.innerHTML="Hide Info";"";
toggle.innerHTML="More Info";"none";
function toggleCheckboxes(val) {
divs = new Array(
for (i=0; i<divs.length; i++) {
elem = document.getElementById(divs[i]);
if (elem)
{ = divs[i] == "divRunTests"+divNum ? "" : "none";
function doSubmit() {
answer = true;
with (document.forms.buildForm) {
if (!elements[tofocus]){
if (elements[tofocus] && elements[tofocus].checked==false // if not running JUnit tests
&& build_Build_Type.options[build_Build_Type.selectedIndex].value!='N' // and not a Nightly
) {
answer = confirm(
'Are you sure you want to run a '+build_Build_Type.options[build_Build_Type.selectedIndex].text+"\n"+
'build without running JUnit tests?');
} else {
if (answer) {
} else if (tofocus) {
function doOnLoadDefaults() {
} else
{ // page two, form submission results
/****************************** END OF PAGE ONE / START OF PAGE TWO **********************************/
$newDependencies = splitDependencies(isset ($_POST["build_Dependencies_URL_New"]) ? $_POST["build_Dependencies_URL_New"] : "");
$dependencyURLs = getDependencyURLs(isset ($_POST["build_Dependencies_URL"]) ? $_POST["build_Dependencies_URL"] : "", $newDependencies, $dependenciesURLsFile);
$buildTimestamp = date("YmdHi");
$ID = $_POST["build_Build_Type"] . $buildTimestamp;
$BR = $_POST["build_Branch"];
$PR = isset ($_GET["project"]) && $_GET["project"] ? $_GET["project"] : (isset ($_POST["build_Project"]) ? $_POST["build_Project"] : "");
$BR_suffix = "_" . str_replace(".", "", substr($BR, 0, 3));
$logfile = '/downloads/drops/' . $BR . '/' . $ID . '/buildlog.txt';
if ($PR == "emf")
if ($_POST["build_CVS_Branch"] == "R2_0_maintenance")
if ($_POST["build_debug_basebuilder_branch"] == "")
$_POST["build_debug_basebuilder_branch"] = "R3_0_maintenance";
if ($_POST["build_debug_emf_releng_branch"] == "")
$_POST["build_debug_emf_releng_branch"] = "R2_0_maintenance";
if ($_POST["build_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"] == "")
$_POST["build_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"] = "R2_0_maintenance";
if ($_POST["build_CVS_Branch"] == "R2_1_maintenance")
if ($_POST["build_debug_basebuilder_branch"] == "")
$_POST["build_debug_basebuilder_branch"] = "R3_1_maintenance";
if ($_POST["build_debug_emf_releng_branch"] == "")
$_POST["build_debug_emf_releng_branch"] = "R2_1_maintenance";
if ($_POST["build_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"] == "")
$_POST["build_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"] = "R2_1_maintenance";
if ($_POST["build_CVS_Branch"] == "R2_2_maintenance")
if ($_POST["build_debug_basebuilder_branch"] == "")
$_POST["build_debug_basebuilder_branch"] = "R3_2_maintenance";
if ($_POST["build_debug_emf_releng_branch"] == "")
$_POST["build_debug_emf_releng_branch"] = "R2_2_maintenance";
if ($_POST["build_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"] == "")
$_POST["build_debug_emf_old_tests_branch"] = "R2_2_maintenance";
} else
// ...?
if (!$previewOnly)
<p>Logfile is <a href="<?php print '/tools/'.$PR.$logfile; ?>"><?php print $workDir.$logfile; ?></a></p>
<?php } ?>
<li><a href="/<?php print $PR == "emf" ? $PR : "modeling/mdt"; ?>/downloads/?project=<?php print $PR=="emf"?"emf":"uml2"; ?>&amp;sortBy=date&amp;hlbuild=0#latest">You can view, explore, or download your build here</a>.
Here's what you submitted:</li>
print "<ul>\n";
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)
if (strstr($k, "build_") && !strstr($k, "_Sel"))
if ((is_array($v) && sizeof($v) > 0) || (!is_array($v) && $v != ""))
$lab = preg_replace("/\_/", " ", substr($k, 6));
$val = $k == "build_Dependencies_URL_New" ? $newDependencies : $v;
print "<li>";
print (is_array($val) ? "<b>" .
$lab . ":</b>" . "<ul>\n<li><small>" . join("</small></li>\n<li><small>", $val) . "</small></li>\n</ul>\n" : "<div>" .
$val . "</div>" . "<b>" . $lab . ":</b>");
print "</li>\n";
print "<li><div>" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "</div><b>Your IP:</b></li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
$branches = getBranches($options);
//foreach ($branches as $k => $b) { print "$k => $b<br>"; }
if (isset ($branches["HEAD"]) && isset ($_POST["build_CVS_Branch"]) && $branches["HEAD"] == $_POST["build_CVS_Branch"])
$_POST["build_CVS_Branch"] = "HEAD";
// fire the shell script...
/** see **/
// create the log dir before trying to log to it
$preCmd = 'mkdir -p ' . $workDir . '/downloads/drops/' . $BR . '/' . $ID . '/eclipse ;';
$cmd = '/bin/bash -c "exec /usr/bin/nohup /usr/bin/setsid ' . $workDir . '/scripts/ -proj ' . $PR .
' -branch ' . (isset ($_POST["build_debug_CVS_Branch"]) && $_POST["build_debug_CVS_Branch"] != "" ? $_POST["build_debug_CVS_Branch"] : (isset ($_POST["build_CVS_Branch"]) ? $_POST["build_CVS_Branch"] : "")) .
$dependencyURLs .
((isset ($_POST["build_Run_Tests_JUnit"]) && $_POST["build_Run_Tests_JUnit"] == "Y") || (isset ($_POST["build_Run_Tests_JUnit" . $BR_suffix]) && $_POST["build_Run_Tests_JUnit" . $BR_suffix] == "Y") ? ' -antTarget run' : ' -antTarget runWithoutTest') .
($_POST["build_Build_Alias"] ? ' -buildAlias ' . $_POST["build_Build_Alias"] : "") . // 2.0.2, for example
' -tagBuild ' . ($_POST["build_Tag_Build"] == "Yes" ? "true" : "false") . // new, 04/07/12
' -buildDir ' . $workDir . '/downloads/drops/' . $BR . '/' . $ID .
' -buildTimestamp ' . $buildTimestamp .
' -buildType ' . $_POST["build_Build_Type"] . ' -javaHome ' . $_POST["build_Java_Home"] .
' -downloadsDir ' . $workDir . '/../downloads';
// /home/www-data/build/downloads
$fields = array (
"-runJDK13Tests" => "build_Run_Tests_JDK13",
"-runJDK14Tests" => "build_Run_Tests_JDK14",
"-runJDK50Tests" => "build_Run_Tests_JDK50",
"-runOldTests" => "build_Run_Tests_Old"
// TODO: add build_Run_Tests_Binary & build_Run_Tests_Source
foreach ($fields as $flag => $field)
// $_POST["build_Run_Tests_JDK50"] or $_POST["build_Run_Tests_JDK50_23"] == "Y"
if ((isset ($_POST[$field]) && $_POST[$field] == "Y") || (isset ($_POST[$field . $BR_suffix]) && $_POST[$field . $BR_suffix] == "Y"))
$cmd .= ' ' . $flag . ' ' . $BR; // -runJDK50Tests M200612341234
$fields = array (
"-basebuilderBranch" => "build_debug_basebuilder_branch",
"-projRelengBranch" => "build_debug_proj_releng_branch",
"-emfOldTestsBranch" => "build_debug_emf_old_tests_branch",
"-email" => "build_Email"
foreach ($fields as $flag => $field)
// $_POST["build_debug_basebuilder_branch"] != ""
if (isset ($_POST[$field]) && $_POST[$field] != "")
$cmd .= ' ' . $flag . ' ' . $_POST[$field]; // -basebuilderBranch foo
$cmd .= (isset ($_POST["build_debug_noclean"]) && $_POST["build_debug_noclean"] == "Y" ? ' -noclean' : '') .
' >> ' . $workDir . $logfile . ' 2>&1 &"'; // logging to unique files
if ($previewOnly)
print '</div><div class="homeitem3col">' . "\n";
print "<h3>Build Command (Preview Only)</h3>\n";
print "<p><small><code>$preCmd</code></small></p>";
} else
if ($previewOnly)
print "<p><small><code>" . preg_replace("/\ \-/", "<br> -", $cmd) . "</code></small></p>";
} else
} // end else
print "</div>\n</div>\n";
print "<div id=\"rightcolumn\">\n";
print "<div class=\"sideitem\">\n";
print "<h6>Options</h6>\n";
print "<ul>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;debug=1\">debug build</a></li>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;previewOnly=1\">preview build</a></li>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR&amp;debug=1&previewOnly=1\">preview debug build</a></li>\n";
print "<li><a href=\"?project=$PR\">normal build</a></li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
print "</div>\n";
if ($isEMFserver)
include_once $pre . "build/sideitems-common.php";
print "</div>\n";
$html = ob_get_contents();
$pageTitle = "EMF + UML2 - New Build";
$pageKeywords = "";
$pageAuthor = "Nick Boldt";
$App->AddExtraHtmlHeader('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $pre . 'includes/downloads.css"/>' . "\n");
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);
/************************** METHODS *****************************************/
// if user submitted values by text entry, split them on newline, space or comma and return as an array
function splitDependencies($entered)
if (false !== strpos($entered, "\n"))
$entered = explode("\n", $entered);
} else
if (false !== strpos($entered, " "))
$entered = explode(" ", $entered);
} else
if (false !== strpos($entered, ","))
$entered = explode(",", $entered);
} else
$entered = array (
); // cast to array
return $entered;
// if user submitted values by selection, collect them
// if user submitted values by text entry, collect them and write back into file for storage
// return a string in the form "-URL http://... -URL http://..."
function getDependencyURLs($chosen, $entered, $file)
if (!$chosen)
$chosen = array ();
if (!is_array($chosen))
$chosen = array (
); // cast to array if not already
$origSize = 0;
$newSize = 0;
// load values from $entered into $chosen
if ($entered)
$lines = trimmed_read($file);
$origSize = sizeof($lines);
// foreach ($lines as $line) print "<i>. $line</i><br/>\n";
foreach ($entered as $url)
// add to $chosen
$urlFixed = trim($url);
if ($urlFixed)
$urlFixed = preg_replace("/.+:\/\/(fullmoon[^\/]+)\//", "", $urlFixed);
$chosen[] = $urlFixed;
// add to file, if it exists and is writable
if (is_writable($file) && sizeof($lines) > 0 && !in_array($url, $lines))
$catg = findCatg($urlFixed);
if ($catg && $urlFixed)
$lines[] = "$catg=$urlFixed"; // don't add a blank entry!
$newSize = sizeof($lines);
$lines = array_unique($lines); // remove duplicate entries
// foreach ($chosen as $e) print "<i>. $e</i><br/>\n";
updateDependenciesFile($file, $lines, $newSize, $origSize);
$ret = "";
foreach ($chosen as $choice)
if ($choice)
$ret .= " -URL " . $choice;
return $ret;
function findCatg($url)
$matches = array (
"11gmf" => "GMF-",
"10gef" => "GEF-",
"09net4j" => "emft-net4j-",
"08validation" => "emft-validation-",
"07transaction" => "emft-transaction-",
"06query" => "emft-query-",
"05ocl" => "emft-ocl-",
"04orbit" => "orbit-",
"03uml2" => "uml2-",
"02emf" => "emf-sdo-xsd-",
"01eclipse" => "eclipse-",
"99other" => "/"
foreach ($matches as $catg => $match)
if (false !== strpos($url, $match))
return $catg;
function updateDependenciesFile($file, $lines, $newSize, $origSize)
if (is_writable($file) && $lines && sizeof($lines) > 0 && $newSize > $origSize)
$f = fopen($file, "w");
foreach ($lines as $line)
fwrite($f, $line . "\n");
function displayCheckboxes($label, $options, $divSuffix = "")
$matches = null;
if (isset ($options["reversed"]) && $options["reversed"])
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option)
$opt = $option;
$isSelected = false;
if (!preg_match("/\-\=[\d\.]+/", $opt))
if (strstr($opt, "="))
{ // split line so that foo=bar becomes <input type="checkbox" name="bar" value="Y">foo
$matches = null;
preg_match("/([^\=]+)\=([^\=]*)/", $opt, $matches);
print "\n\t<input id=\"" . $label . "_" . trim($matches[2]) . $divSuffix . "\" type=\"checkbox\" " . "name=\"" . $label . "_" . trim($matches[2]) . $divSuffix . "\" value=\"Y\">" . trim($matches[1]);
} else
{ // turn foo into <input type="checkbox" name="foo" value="Y">foo</option>
print "\n\t<input id=\"" . $label . "_" . $opt . $divSuffix . "\" type=\"checkbox\" " . "name=\"" . $label . "_" . $opt . $divSuffix . "\" value=\"Y\">" . $opt;
print "<br/>\n";
function displayOptions($options, $verbose = false)
$matches = null;
if ($options["reversed"])
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option)
$opt = $option;
$isSelected = false;
if (!preg_match("/\-\=[\d\.]+/", $opt))
if (strstr($opt, "|selected"))
{ // remove the |selected keyword
$isSelected = true;
$opt = substr($opt, 0, strpos($opt, "|selected"));
if (strstr($opt, "="))
{ // split line so that foo=bar becomes <option value="bar">foo</option>
$matches = null;
preg_match("/([^\=]+)\=([^\=]*)/", $opt, $matches);
print "\n\t<option " . ($isSelected ? "selected " : "") . "value=\"" . trim($matches[2]) . "\">" .
($verbose ? trim($matches[2]) . " | " : "") . trim($matches[1]) .
} else
if (strstr($opt, "http") && strstr($opt, "drops"))
{ // turn http://foo/ into <option value="http://foo/"></option>
print "\n\t<option " . ($isSelected ? "selected " : "") . "value=\"" . $opt . "\">" .
substr($opt, 6 + strpos($opt, "drops")) . "</option>";
} else
{ // turn foo into <option value="foo">foo</option>
print "\n\t<option " . ($isSelected ? "selected " : "") . "value=\"" . $opt . "\">" . $opt . "</option>";
function displayOptionsTriplet($options)
$matches = null;
if ($options["reversed"])
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
foreach ($options as $o => $option)
$opt = $option;
$isSelected = false;
if (!preg_match("/\-\=[\d\.]+/", $opt))
if (strstr($opt, "|selected"))
{ // remove the |selected keyword
$isSelected = true;
$opt = substr($opt, 0, strpos($opt, "|selected"));
if (false !== substr($opt, "="))
{ // split line so that foo=bar becomes <option value="bar">foo</option>
$matches = null;
preg_match("/([^\=]+)\=([^\=]+)\,([^\,]+)/", $opt, $matches);
print "\n\t<option " . ($isSelected ? "selected " : "") . "value=\"" . trim($matches[2]) . "\">" .
trim($matches[2]) . " | " . trim($matches[1]) . " | " . trim($matches[3]) .
} else
{ // turn foo into <option value="foo">foo</option>
print "\n\t<option " . ($isSelected ? "selected " : "") . "value=\"" . $opt . "\">" . $opt . "</option>";
// compare project index, then datestamps
function compareURLs($a, $b)
$aPF = substr($a, 0, strpos($a, "="));
$bPF = substr($b, 0, strpos($b, "="));
$aDS = preg_replace("/.+([0-9]{12}|[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{4}).+/", "$1", $a);
$bDS = preg_replace("/.+([0-9]{12}|[0-9]{8}\-[0-9]{4}).+/", "$1", $b);
return $aPF == $bPF ? ($aDS < $bDS ? 1 : -1) : ($aPF > $bPF ? 1 : -1);
function displayURLs($options, $verbose = false)
if ($options["reversed"])
// pop that item out
$options = array_reverse($options);
usort($options, "compareURLs");
//sort($options); reset($options);
$matches = null;
$currCatg = "";
foreach ($options as $o => $option)
$opt = $option;
if (strstr($opt, "="))
{ // split line so that foo=bar becomes <option value="bar">foo</option>
$matches = null;
preg_match("/([^\=]+)\=([^\=]*)/", $opt, $matches);
$catg = substr(trim($matches[1]), 2);
if ($catg != $currCatg)
if ($currCatg != "")
print "\n\t<option " . "value=\"" . "\"></option>";
print "\n\t<option " . "value=\"" . "\"> -- " . $catg . " -- </option>";
$currCatg = $catg;
print "\n\t<option " . "value=\"" . trim($matches[2]) . "\">" . substr(trim($matches[2]), 6 + strpos(trim($matches[2]), "drops")) . "</option>";
} else
if (strstr($opt, "http") && strstr($opt, "drops"))
{ // turn http://foo/ into <option value="http://foo/"></option>
print "\n\t<option " . "value=\"" . $opt . "\">" .
substr($opt, 6 + strpos($opt, "drops")) . "</option>";
} else
{ // turn foo into <option value="foo">foo</option>
print "\n\t<option " . "value=\"" . $opt . "\">" . $opt . "</option>";
function trimmed_read($file)
$lines = array ();
if (is_writable($file) && is_readable($file))
$f = fopen($file, "r");
if ($f)
while (!feof($f) && ($line = trim(fgets($f, 4096))))
$lines[] = $line;
} else
die("Problem reading from: $file");
return $lines;
function loadOptionsFromFile($file1)
{ // fn not used
$sp = array ();
if (is_file($file1))
$sp = file($file1);
$options = loadOptionsFromArray($sp);
return $options;
function loadOptionsFromRemoteFiles($file1, $file2)
$sp1 = file($file1);
if (!$sp1)
$sp1 = array ();
$sp2 = file($file2);
if (!$sp2)
$sp2 = array ();
$options = loadOptionsFromArray(array_merge($sp1, $sp2));
return $options;
function loadOptionsFromArray($sp)
$matches = null;
$options = array ();
$debug = -1;
$doSection = "";
foreach ($sp as $s)
if (strpos($s, "#") === 0)
{ // skip, comment line
} else
if (preg_match("/\[([a-zA-Z0-9\_\|]+)\]/", $s, $matches))
{ // section starts
if (strlen($s) > 2)
$isReversed = false;
if (strstr($s, "|reversed"))
{ // remove the |reversed keyword
$isReversed = true;
$doSection = trim($matches[1]);
$doSection = substr($doSection, 0, strpos($doSection, "|reversed"));
} else
$doSection = trim($matches[1]);
if ($debug > 0)
print "Section: $s --> $doSection<br>";
$options[$doSection] = array ();
if ($isReversed)
$options[$doSection]["reversed"] = $isReversed;
} else
if (!preg_match("/\[([a-zA-Z\_]+)\]/", $s, $matches))
if (strlen($s) > 2)
if ($debug > 0)
print "Loading: $s<br>";
$options[$doSection][] = trim($s);
return $options;
function getBranches($options)
foreach ($options["BranchAndJDK"] as $br => $branch)
$arr[getValueFromOptionsString($branch, "name")] = getValueFromOptionsString($branch, "value");
return $arr;
function getValueFromOptionsString($opt, $nameOrValue)
if (strstr($opt, "|selected"))
{ // remove the |selected keyword
$opt = substr($opt, 0, strpos($opt, "|selected"));
if (strstr($opt, "="))
{ // split the name=value pairs, if present
if ($nameOrValue == "name" || $nameOrValue === 0)
$opt = substr($opt, 0, strpos($opt, "="));
} else
if ($nameOrValue == "value" || $nameOrValue == 1)
$opt = substr($opt, strpos($opt, "=") + 1);
return $opt;