| <?php |
| /** |
| * Copyright (c) 2013, 2019 Eclipse Foundation and others. |
| * |
| * This program and the accompanying materials are made |
| * available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| * which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| * |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| */ |
| |
| # If we are requesting a file and it is on archive.eclipse.org, redirect and exit. |
| $dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . urldecode(strtok($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?")); |
| $archive_dir = str_replace("download.eclipse.org", "archive.eclipse.org", $dir); |
| if(is_file($archive_dir)) { |
| header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); |
| header("Location: " . (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "http" : "https") . "://archive.eclipse.org" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); |
| exit; |
| } |
| |
| # Send short 404 for non-human browsers |
| $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; |
| if( |
| strpos($browser, "Jakarta") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Java/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Slurp") !== FALSE |
| || stripos($browser, "bot") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "bing") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "p2/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Wget") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Googlebot/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "apacheHttpClient") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Apache-HttpClient/") !== FALSE |
| || stripos($browser, "spider") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Apache-Maven/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Apache Ivy/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "HTTP-Tiny/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Archiva") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Artifactory/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Gradle/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Finjan") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Aether") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "m2e/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Debian APT/") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "developer fusion") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Genuitec") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "netBeans") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "Nexus") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($browser, "okhttp") !== FALSE |
| ) { |
| echo "404 Not Found"; |
| } |
| else { |
| require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/eclipse.org-common/classes/downloads/downloadDirectory.class.php"); |
| $DownloadDirectory = new DownloadDirectory(); |
| $dir = $DownloadDirectory->getCurrentDirectory(); |
| $dir_html = ""; |
| $is_p2 = false; |
| |
| if(is_dir($dir)) { |
| $files = array(); |
| $dirs = array(); |
| if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { |
| $dir_html = "<h2>Directory Contents</h2><div id='dirlist'>"; |
| while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { |
| if (filetype($dir . $file) == "dir") { |
| $dirs[] = $file; |
| } |
| else { |
| $files[] = $file; |
| |
| if(strpos($file, "artifacts.jar") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($file, "artifacts.xml") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($file, "compositeArtifacts.jar") !== FALSE |
| || strpos($file, "compositeArtifacts.xml") !== FALSE) { |
| # p2 repo |
| $is_p2 = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| closedir($dh); |
| asort($dirs); |
| asort($files); |
| |
| $dir_html .= $DownloadDirectory->getFormOutput($files, $dirs); |
| $dir_html .= "</div>"; |
| } |
| if($is_p2) { |
| # p2 |
| $html = file_get_contents("404_p2.html"); |
| } |
| else { |
| $html = file_get_contents("404.html"); |
| } |
| $html = str_replace("<!-- DNR:FILE -->", $dir_html, $html); |
| } |
| else { |
| # Check archives |
| $html = file_get_contents("404_nodoc.html"); |
| $message_html = "<h1>Not Found</h1>"; |
| $message_html .= "<p>We're sorry, the page or file cannot be found. Here are some reasons why:</p>"; |
| $message_html .= "<ul><li>A file may have moved to the archives. Please contact the project members on their user <a href='//eclipse.org/forums'>forum</a>.<br /></li>"; |
| $message_html .= "<li>Your file was part of a nightly or integration build which is no longer there. Simply download the latest version.</li><li>The project is uploading a new build, and this file is not there yet. Try again later.</li></ul>"; |
| $archive_dir = str_replace("download.eclipse.org", "archive.eclipse.org", $dir); |
| if(is_dir($archive_dir)) { |
| $message_html = "<h1>Moved to archives</h1>"; |
| $message_html .= "<p>It appears this content was moved to the archives. You can try accessing this URL instead:<br /><br />"; |
| $message_html .= "    <a href=\"//archive.eclipse.org" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\">http://archive.eclipse.org" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "</a></p>"; |
| |
| # doc title |
| $html = str_replace("<title>Not Found</title>", "<title>Moved</title>", $html); |
| |
| # breadcrumb |
| $html = str_replace("<li class=\"active\">Not Found</li>", "<li class=\"active\">Moved</li>", $html); |
| } |
| $html = str_replace("<!-- DNR:FILE -->", $message_html, $html); |
| } |
| echo $html; |
| } |