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<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.1 </span> <a
id="x7-260002.1"></a>Working with the tutorials</h3>
<!--l. 3--><p class="noindent" >The eTrice tutorials will help you to learn and understand the eTrice tool and its concepts. eTrice supports several target
languages. The first two tutorials are target language specific. The other tutorials work for all target languages. Target
language specific aspects are explained for all languages. Currently eTrice supports Java and C. C++ generator and runtime
are currently prototypes with no tutorials. You should decide for which target language you want to work through the
</p><!--l. 8--><p class="noindent" >Here an overview over the tutorials:
</p><!--l. 10--><p class="noindent" ><img
src="images/012-tutorial-structure.png" alt="PIC"
</p><!--l. 12--><p class="noindent" >The <span
class="ec-lmsso-10">Traffic Light Example </span>in not yet available but will be provided with the next eTrice milestone.
</p><!--l. 14--><p class="noindent" >eTrice generates code out of ROOM models. The generated code relies on the services of a runtime framework (Runtime):
<ul class="itemize1">
<li class="itemize">execution
<li class="itemize">communication (e.g. messaging)
<li class="itemize">logging
<li class="itemize">operating system abstraction (osal)</li></ul>
<!--l. 23--><p class="noindent" >Additional functionality is provided as model library (Modellib): </p>
<ul class="itemize1">
<li class="itemize">socket server and client
<li class="itemize">timing service
<li class="itemize">standard types</li></ul>
<!--l. 30--><p class="noindent" >All tutorial models are provided as examples.
</p><!--l. 32--><p class="noindent" >The Runtime, Modellib and Tutorial projects are target language specific and will be set up in the first tutorial "Setting up
the workspace for ...".
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