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<title>Nouveautés d'Eclipse 3.3 - Europa</title>
<link><![CDATA[ ]]></link>
<author>Bruno Leroux</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Disponible depuis le 29 juin 2007, Eclipse 3.3 s'accompagne de la sortie simultanée de plusieurs autres
projets de la fondation. Cette approche a été inaugurée pour Eclipse 3.2 avec une livraison simultanée portant le nom de code
'Callisto', cette année le nom de code est 'Europa'.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa: Java Development Strives to Perfection</title>
<author>Zviki Cohen</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse, the most popular development platform for Java developers, is about to release version 3.3,
dubbed Europa. I've been an avid Eclipse user for more than 4 years and I like seeing the platform evolve. Eclipse today is
much more than it was 4 years ago. The RCP is a real alternative for developing rich cross-platform desktop applications.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa, krótki przegląd</title>
<author>Lukasz Dywicki</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Odyseja kosmiczna 2007
Zastanawiałem się kiedyś skąd twórcy Eclipse biorą nazwy dla kolejnych wydań. ]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa - Features Worth Checking Out</title>
<author>Venu K.</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse 3.3 code named Europa was released few days back and this annual released featured a simultaneous
release of 21 projects. I took Europa for a test drive and it feels much faster than Callisto (Eclipse 3.2) ]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa - Full 'Featured' Moon</title>
<author>Carlos Goncalves</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[The new Eclipse 3.3, released in 29th June under the codename Europa, is the 2007 coordinated release of 21
Eclipse projects.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform Review</title>
<author>Javier Fernandez</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[As part of the R&D department in my company, I spend some of my time in quest for tools to make our
developer’s life easier.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Review Eclipse Europa</title>
<author>Rajesh Kumar</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[I use Eclipse mostly at work, where we build web applications and web sites.
I'm currently doing a lot of work on a transactional Java application.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Leaving Callisto and All Aboard for Europa</title>
<author>Ron Charron</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[ Where to go for MDD and DSL?
On one of my recent projects, I was given an opportunity to look into tool options for Capability Requirements Development,
Model Driven Development, and Domain Specific Languages. ]]></shortDesc>
<title>WTP Europa Release</title>
<author>Weijian Fang</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[ Eclipse Europa is the annual release of Eclipse projects of 2007. Here are some of my experience about it.
Since I am using WTP mostly, my experience is mainly concerned with WTP.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa: It's all in the details</title>
<author>Litrik De Roy</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse has always been a platform where a lot of work went into the details (usability and visual design).
The new 3.3 release is no different.
The last couple of weeks quite a few reviews of the Eclipse Europa release have popped up. ]]></shortDesc>
<title>Upgrading to Eclipse Europa</title>
<author>Paul Davis</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[I've recently taken th plunge and upgraded my Eclipse environment from Callisto (3.2) to Europa (3.3).
One of the first things I noticed is a significant improvement in performance. My machine isn't a lightweight by any stretch
but, Eclipse 3.2 definitely used some resources. Now that I am using the newer version, things flow much faster.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Europa on old hardware</title>
<author>Brian Doyle</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse Europa is out. I have it on my work laptop, the home dev box, the work computer, and now on the
Missus roving celebrity web checking machine that is the laptop around the house.
This is a IBM T23 ThinkPad that I picked up on ebay for 200 bucks.]]></shortDesc>
<title>CDT 4.0 Review (using BDS 2006 for comparison)</title>
<author>Vince Leonty</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[One of the powerful aspects of Eclipse is that when a developer gains a familiarity with working in one
perspective, it is fairly easy to adjust to another perspective.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Review of the Eclipse Dynamic Language Toolkit, aka T-Shirt Please</title>
<author>Forrest Humphrey</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[I’ve recently been playing around with <strike>a beta release of</strike> Eclipse Europa, specifically the Dynamic Language
Toolkit (DLTK). The DLTK is a really nice jumping-off point for those already familiar with the Eclipse environment and
wanting to learn a dynamic language.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse 3.3 first thoughts</title>
<author>Michael R. Head</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[The new Eclipse release is out. I had missed it, but maybe that says more about what I've been doing lately
than anything else (I haven't touched any Java or C code in a few months).<br>
I've been using Eclipse for quite a long time. I've written a few plugins here and there and watched the platform grow and evolve.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse 3.3 for RCP-Development – Quo vadis?</title>
<author>Tom Seidel</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Because I have already read many reviews that dealt with Eclipse 3.3 as a tool or IDE, I want to take up the
the aspects of RCP Development with Eclipse 3.3. It is to notice that I am using Eclipse 3.3 since the M5 Release because of
the Eclipse UI Form enhancements.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Things I must do with Eclipse Europa</title>
<author>James Pasley</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[There are so many features available within the eclipse platform that it’s hard to get time to try them all
out. However, the release of Europa this week provides a good opportunity to make some new release resolutions.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa and the improved Web Tools Platform</title>
<author>Bruce Scharlau</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse has done another 'big bang' with another of Jupiter's moons. Last year many sub-projects of Eclipse
timed their releases all to one date as 'Eclipse Callisto'. This year the same happened with 'Eclipse Europa'. Given that
Eclipse continues to gain momentum this is quite impressive. ]]></shortDesc>
<title>JSF Support in Eclipse Europa and NetBeans 6.0m10</title>
<author>Cay Horstmann</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[When Eclipse Europa was released on June 29 (together with the iPhone and the GPL 3 license), I wanted to
know if it did anything about one of my many pet peeves: tool support for writing JSF apps.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Europa, My Top 10 List</title>
<author>Ian Bull</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[I have had the pleasure of using Europa for the past 8-10 months. Of course it was not called Europa the
entire time (Eclipse 3.3 Milestones with several milestone plug-ins attached). I have now come to depend on several of these
new features and here is a list of my Top 10 Europa Features that I Cannot Live Without!!!]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa Review: For User and Developer</title>
<author>Darin Swanson</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[or me it is rather hard to accurately review the Eclipse Europa release as it is kinda old news for me. As
an Eclipse and Jazz developer, I have been happily absorbing and adapting to the Europa changes and progression for the last
year...since the 3.2 release in June 2006. It gets really hard to remember what is new and what is not.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa BIRT</title>
<author>Hongchang (Ken) Lin</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[BIRT 2.2.0 is one of 21 open source project releases included in Eclipse Europa. It delivers lots of new features and improvements. Following, I would like to give a review on some of them very briefly.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Tour around Europa: Eclipse for Java EE</title>
<author>Vojimir Golem</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[The Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers is a simultaneous release of Eclipse Projects for Java Enterprise
This post is first in the series of screencasts about the Eclipse Europa release. It shows how to use the Eclipse IDE for Java
EE Developers to create Java persistent entities from database tables. ]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Tricks - Stavningskontroll med Eclipse 3.3</title>
<author>Markus Wahl</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Med Eclipse 3.3 kan du få stavningskontroll av strängar och kommentarer i dina java-klasser. Själv tycker
jag att det även vore önskvärt med stavningskontroll av variabelnamn, metodnamn och klassnamn etc. Än så länge kontrolleras
bara strängar och kommentarer.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Hooray For Mylyn: Task-focused Devlopment in Eclipse 3.3 (Europa)</title>
<author>Xiang Li</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Last Friday, Eclipse 3.3 (code name Europa) was released. As an enthusiast for Eclipse Framework, i cannot
wait take a first taste. From my point of view, the most attractive feature, besides other numerous improvements, is the
integration of Mylyn, a task focus tool.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa</title>
<author>Lars Vogel</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse community has shipped a major release on schedule.<br>
Europa features 21 Eclipse projects for software developers and is more than double the size of last year’s record-setting
<title>Eclipse Europa: evolution or revolution?</title>
<author>Nick Efford</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse Europa became available to the world on 29 June, and I’ve spent a few happy hours exploring what
it can do.<br>
My standard Eclipse set-up consists of the Eclipse SDK, DTP and the Derby plugin for database-related stuff, WTP for web-related
stuff, Subversive for version control and PyDev for Python programming. ]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa: The next generation IDE</title>
<author>Schalk Neethling</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[When I first heard the news that the next version of Eclipse (Europa) was released I immediately went over
to the website to get the download. The great thing I noticed was the variety of versions that has been bundled and I could
quickly get to the version I need which was Europa for JEE and web related development.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa Arrived</title>
<author>Junyan Ma</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse Europa is the Eclipse projects' 2007 release version (last year was Callisto).]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Helps Me to Succeed</title>
<author>Yawolf Chang</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[I've been hoping for today, when Eclipse Europa is officially released, for a long time.]]></shortDesc>
<title>"Eclipse Europa" released</title>
<author>Sven Kubiak</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Programmierer von heute brauchen, neben fundierten Kenntnissen, eine visuelle Programmierumgebung, kurz
IDE. Für unzählige Programmiersprachen gibt es unzählige verschieden IDE’s, mit unterschiedlichem Funktionsumfang. Wäre es
nicht schön, eine IDE für alle zu haben?]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa Review</title>
<author>Thomas Einwaller</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Today Eclipse Europa was released. Eclipse Europa is the name for Eclipse IDE 3.3 and a set of other
compatible Eclipse projects. With last years release Callisto the Eclipse team tried to make it easier for users to find
the right plugin versions for their Eclipse installation.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa First Impressions</title>
<author>Adam Thomas</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[The final release of the Eclipse IDE, code named Europa, has just been released today. The blogosphere
is buzzing about the new features and functionality that make this release possibly one of the best ever shipped by the
Eclipse Foundation.]]></shortDesc>
<title>A whirlwind tour of Eclipse Europa</title>
<author>Chris Aniszczyk</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[With the simultaneous release of 21 projects this year, the Eclipse Europa release marks a significant
improvement over last year's release train of 10 projects. Get a brief overview of each of the projects associated with the
Europa release.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse 3.3 Europa</title>
<author>Mirko Stocker</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Endlich ist es so weit: Nach einem Jahr wurde soeben der neuste Eclipse Release namens Europa freigegeben.
Den Download gibt es hier, vielleicht braucht es aber ein wenig Geduld, da der Ansturm bestimmt gross sein wird.]]></shortDesc>
<title>D-Day: Europa inkl. Eclipse 3.3 zum Donload bereit!</title>
<author>Holger Funke</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Unter dem Namen Europa veröffentlicht die Eclipse Foundation am 29. Juni um 15.30 Uhr europäischer Zeit
eine neue Version ihrer offenen Entwicklungsplattform auf ihrer Website.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse 3.3 Europa</title>
<author>Markus Junginger</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse 3.3 Europa ist am 29. Juni erschienen und steht zum Download bereit. Wie zuvor Callisto, ist
Europa das gleichzeitige Release mehrerer auf einander abgestimmter Unterprojekte. Waren es deren 10 bei Callisto, so sind
es inzwischen 21 Eclipse Projekte. ]]></shortDesc>
<title>What is Eclipse?</title>
<author>Ma Qin</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[My schoolmate compared Eclipse to a nuclear detonation.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa is coming</title>
<author>Lucy Bi</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse is my old friend from 2.0 to 3.3 M7. As my tasks are working on Eclipse plug-in project, I use
Eclipse everyday. Of course, I witness how Eclipse is more and more powerful.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse 3.3 Platform Experience</title>
<author>Frank (Xiong) Zhang</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse 3.3 is near release. As a Java/Eclipse developer, I’ve used Eclipse for almost two years.
In this article, I’d like to tell my experience using Eclipse platform. Of course, I’ll only describe the differences
between 3.2 and 3.3.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Atomic Detonation</title>
<author>Zhongbo Li</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[In a nuclear detonation, the most magnificent sight is that mushroom cloud.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse kommt nach Europa...</title>
<author>Mike Wiesner</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[…oder zumindest gibt es ein simultanes Release verschiedener Eclipse-Projekte, wie das schon zuvor mit
Callisto durchgeführt wurde. Es geht dabei hauptsächlich um die Eclipse-IDE, bei der es ja mittlerweile eine vielzahl von
Plugins gibt, welche jeweils verschiedene Release-Zyklen haben und daher auch nicht immer zusammen passen.]]></shortDesc>
<title>And Now for Something Completely Different…</title>
<author>Nick Boldt</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Much like Ian's post the other day, I've always wanted to blog that line. Anyway, it's been brought to my
attention that of late I've been apparently posting less-than-positive things about Eclipse, so to balance that out, here's my
top three cool UI features in Eclipse 3.3, in order from oldest to newest.]]></shortDesc>
<title>CDT 4.0 Review</title>
<author>Richard Gobeli</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[The Code formatter is a very good adddition to the CDT 4.0 project. It comes with 4 predefined code styles:
K&R, BSD/Allman, GNU, Whitesmiths.<br>
Starting with one of the predefine styles you can create your own code style.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa sta arrivando</title>
<author>Flavio Tordini</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Ho scaricato il release candidate della nuova versione di Eclipse, nome in codice: Europa. E’ difficile
descrivere Eclipse, data la vastità del progetto.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa Review</title>
<author>Benoit Goudreault-Emond</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[OK, so it looks like I can win a t-shirt doing an Eclipse Europa review, and it happens that I've been
using it since M7 (the last release before RC0). So, even if I don't get a t-shirt, I'll post this, because I'm a nice guy
and I want people to benefit from my living on the bleeding edge.]]></shortDesc>
<title>One Europa Experience</title>
<author>Curtis Windatt</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[I swear I'm not just doing this for the free shirt. With only 2 weeks to go until it is released, I
figured it was time for me to get a taste of Europa.<br>
The coolest thing about Europa is that it should make it easy to install a large number of tools.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Europe kommt nach Europa</title>
<author>Sam Fleischle</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Klingt nach einem Heimspiel und wenn das kein Erfolg wird: Am 29. Juni ist es soweit: 21 Eclipse Projekte
veröffentlichen neue stabile Releases. Darunter zu finden sind Eclipse 3.3, Mylyn 2.0 (ehemals Mylar) und Web Tools Platform
2.0 (WTP). ]]></shortDesc>
<title>Europa gehort die Zukunft</title>
<author>Rainer Weinhold</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Genauer gesagt kommt in 13 Tagen Eclipse Europa, also die Version 3.3 herraus! Noch Fragen?<br>
Letztes Semester durfte ich mal wieder kurzzeitig mit Visual Studio 2005 arbeiten und war doch erstaunt wie unproduktiv
das ist.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Global Europa, global workspace</title>
<author>Kiu Liu</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse Europa is coming, and my project will go to the end of game phrase soon,celebrate!! I work with a
company which is a parnter of Eclipse community. By leveraging Eclipse, we speed up the simultaneous development of our new
product development with Eclipse's release.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa Review</title>
<author>Manuel Bogner</author>
I’m testing the new Eclipse Europa since version M1. Yesterday I installed version RC4. Herse some comments about the new
version. If you want to download an try on your own:]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse europa unter der Lupe - Was mir besonderes gut gefallen hat...</title>
<author>Christian Baranowski</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[In einigen Tagen wird die neue Eclipse Release erscheinen (ab Heute 15.06.07 noch 14 Tagen). Sie trägt
den Codenamen Europa. Bei Europa ist es wieder wie letztes Jahr bei Callisto, eine Menge an Projekten bringen am gleichen
Tag ihre Release heraus.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa Release Review</title>
<author>Felipe Lang</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[Eclipse Platform<br>
Improved workspace switching: switching between workspaces is now quickly and more efficient, since it allows to copy the
workbench layout and the working sets, keeping the style of the workspaces consistent.]]></shortDesc>
<title>Eclipse Europa is coming..</title>
<author>Arun Kumar</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[ 21 Projects... One gathering... Eclipse Europa... One of the huge Annual release is happening 16 days
from The Next Total Eclipse now.. Adobe released its Suite of products, Oracle is planning on its Fusion release and Eclipse
is bringing up 21 Projects to all of us.. So whats the difference?]]></shortDesc>
<title>Keen for WTP 2.0</title>
<author>David O&#39;Meara</author>
<shortDesc><![CDATA[I have never really had the opportunity to be the cutting edge guy. Hey, like to get the latest tool
occasionally and have a play, but we usually lag behind in technology at work and are forced to stick with the safe and
secure option.]]></shortDesc>