blob: cb003859903ec10b774fd0496be8e41739e16798 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial implementation
function doLatest($releases, $label = "Releases")
#global $rssfeed, $showMax, $showAll, $sortBy;
global $showMax, $showAll, $sortBy;
if (sizeof($releases)>0)
print "<div class=\"homeitem3col\">\n";
#print "<a name=\"latest\"></a><h3>${rssfeed}Latest $label</h3>\n";
print "<a name=\"latest\"></a><h3>Latest $label</h3>\n";
print "<ul class=\"releases\">\n";
$c = 0;
foreach ($releases as $rID => $rbranch)
$ID = preg_replace("/^(\d{12})([IMNRS])$/", "$2$1", $rID);
$branch = preg_replace("/.$/", "", $rbranch);
print outputBuild($branch, $ID, $c++);
if (!$showAll && $c == $showMax && $c < sizeof($releases))
print showToggle($showAll, $showMax, $sortBy, sizeof($releases));
else if ($showAll && sizeof($releases) > $showMax && $c == sizeof($releases))
print showToggle($showAll, $showMax, $sortBy, sizeof($releases));
print "</ul>\n";
print "</div>\n";
function reorderAndSplitArray($arr, $buildTypes)
// the first dimension's order is preserved (kept as it is in the config file)
// sort the second dimension using the IMNRS order in $buildTypes
// rsort the third dimension
$new = array();
$rels = array();
foreach ($buildTypes as $br => $types)
foreach ($types as $bt => $names)
if ($bt == "R" && isset($arr[$br][$bt]))
$id = $arr[$br][$bt][0];
$rels[substr($id,1) . $bt] = $br . $bt;
else if (array_key_exists($br, $arr) && array_key_exists($bt, $arr[$br]) && is_array($arr[$br][$bt]))
$new[$br][$bt] = $arr[$br][$bt];
return array($new,$rels);
function getBuildsFromDirs() // massage the builds into more useful structures
global $PWD, $sortBy;
$branchDirs = loadDirSimple($PWD, ".*", "d");
$buildDirs = array();
foreach ($branchDirs as $branch)
if ($branch != "OLD")
$buildDirs[$branch] = loadDirSimple("$PWD/$branch", "[IMNRS]\d{12}", "d");
$builds_temp = array();
foreach ($buildDirs as $br => $dirList)
foreach ($dirList as $dir)
$ty = substr($dir, 0, 1); //first char
if ($sortBy != "date")
$builds_temp[$br][$ty][] = $dir;
$dttm = substr($dir, 1); // last 12 digits
$a = $dttm . $ty;
$b = $br . $ty;
$builds_temp[$a] = $b;
return $builds_temp;
function getBuildTypes($branches, $buildtypes)
$arr = array();
foreach ($branches as $branch)
foreach (array_keys($buildtypes) as $z)
if (!array_key_exists($branch, $arr))
$arr[$branch] = array();
// [2.0][N]
$arr[$branch][$z] = "$branch {$buildtypes[$z]} Build";
return $arr;
function IDtoDateStamp($ID, $style) // given N200402121441, return date("D, j M Y -- H:i (O)")
$styles = array('Y/m/d H:i', "D, j M Y -- H:i (O)", 'Y/m/d');
$m = null;
if (preg_match("/(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)(?:_)?(\d\d)(\d\d)/", $ID, $m))
$ts = mktime($m[4], $m[5], 0, $m[2], $m[3], $m[1]);
return date($styles[$style], $ts);
return "";
function createFileLinks($dls, $PWD, $branch, $ID, $pre2, $filePreProj, $ziplabel = "") // the new way - use a ziplabel pregen'd from a dir list!
global $PR, $suf, $proj, $projct, $filePreStatic, $extraZips, $projects, $showBuildResults;
$uu = 0;
if (!$ziplabel)
$zips_in_folder = loadDirSimple("$PWD/$branch/$ID/", "(\.zip|\.tar\.gz)", "f");
$ziplabel = preg_replace("/(.+)\-([^\-]+)(\.zip|\.tar\.gz)/", "$2", $zips_in_folder[0]); // grab first entry
$cnt=-1; // for use with static prefix list
if (!isset($dls[$proj]) && isset($dls["/"]))
$dls[$proj] = $dls["/"];
if (!isset($dls[$proj]))
// set default
$flip = array_flip($projects);
$dls[$proj] = array($flip[$projct] => array(
"<acronym title=\"Archived Update Site\"><img alt=\"Click to download archived All-In-One p2 Repo Update Site\" src=\"/modeling/images/dl-icon-update-zip.gif\"/> <b style=\"color:green\">All-In-One Update Site</b></acronym>" => "Update",
"SDK (Runtime, Source)" => "SDK",
"Runtime" => "runtime",
"Examples" => "examples",
"Automated Tests" => "automated-tests"
$echo_out_all = "";
if (!$showBuildResults)
foreach (array_keys($dls[$proj]) as $z)
$echo_out_all .= "<li class=\"separator\"><img src=\"/modeling/images/dl.gif\" alt=\"Download\"/> " . fileFound("$PWD/", "$branch/$ID/", "$z Build Artifacts") . "</li>\n";
foreach (array_keys($dls[$proj]) as $z)
$echo_out = "";
foreach ($dls[$proj][$z] as $label => $u)
if (!is_array($u)) // for compatibilty with uml2, where there's no "RT" value in $u
$u = $u ? array("-$u") : array("");
// support EMF page with three different valid prefixes which can
// overlap when searched using dynamic check below
if ($filePreStatic && is_array($filePreStatic) && array_key_exists($proj,$filePreStatic))
$filePreProj = array($filePreStatic[$proj][$cnt]); // just one value to check
$tries = array();
foreach ($u as $ux)
foreach ($filePreProj as $filePre)
$tries[] = "$branch/$ID/$pre2$filePre$ux-$"; // for compatibilty with uml2, where there's no "runtime" value in $ux
$tries[] = "$branch/$ID/$filePre$ux-$"; // for compatibilty with uml2, where there's no "runtime" value in $ux
$tries[] = "$branch/$ID/$pre2$filePre$ux-incubation-$"; // for compatibilty with uml2, where there's no "runtime" value in $ux
$tries[] = "$branch/$ID/$filePre$ux-incubation-$"; // for compatibilty with uml2, where there's no "runtime" value in $ux
// -------------------
$tries[] = "$branch/$ID/$pre2$filePre$ux-$ziplabel.tar.gz"; // for compatibilty with uml2, where there's no "runtime" value in $ux
$tries[] = "$branch/$ID/$filePre$ux-$ziplabel.tar.gz"; // for compatibilty with uml2, where there's no "runtime" value in $ux
$tries[] = "$branch/$ID/$pre2$filePre$ux-incubation-$ziplabel.tar.gz"; // for compatibilty with uml2, where there's no "runtime" value in $ux
$tries[] = "$branch/$ID/$filePre$ux-incubation-$ziplabel.tar.gz"; // for compatibilty with uml2, where there's no "runtime" value in $ux
$outNotFound = "<i><b>$pre2</b>$filePre";
if (sizeof($u) > 1 ) {
$outNotFound .= "</i>{"; foreach ($u as $ui => $ux) {
$outNotFound .= ($ui>0 ? "," : "") . $ux;
} $outNotFound .= "}<i>";
$outNotFound .= $u[0];
$outNotFound .= "-$ziplabel ...</i>";
$out = "";
foreach ($tries as $y)
if (is_file("$PWD/$y"))
$out = fileFound("$PWD/", $y, $label);
if ($out)
$echo_out .= "<li class=\"separator\">\n";
$echo_out .= $out;
$echo_out .= "</li>\n";
else if (!isset($extraZips) || !is_array($extraZips) || !in_array($filePre . $u[0],$extraZips)) // $extraZips defined in downloads/index.php if necessary
$echo_out .= "<li>\n";
$echo_out .= $outNotFound;
$echo_out .= "</li>\n";
if ($echo_out) // if the whole category is empty, don't show it (eg., GEF)
$echo_out_all .= "<li><img src=\"/modeling/images/dl.gif\" alt=\"Download\"/> $z\n<ul>\n" . $echo_out . "</ul>\n</li>\n";
return $echo_out_all;
/* if $styled = 0 or false, return text only */
function showBuildResults($PWD, $path, $styled=1) // given path to /../downloads/drops/M200402021234/
global $downloadPre, $pre, $isBuildServer, $doRefreshPage, $numzips, $PR, $projct, $isBuildDotEclipseServer, $isTech, $isTools;
$PR2 = ($isTools ? "tools/$PR" : ($isTech ? "technology/$PR" : "$PR")); # to allow for and
$mid = "$downloadPre/$PR2" . ($projct == "" ? $projct : "/$projct") . "/downloads/drops/";
$out = "";
$buildlog = "$PWD${path}buildlog.txt";
$buildlog_cache = null;
$warnings = 0;
$errors = 0;
$failures = 0;
$didnotruns = 0;
$result = "";
$icon = "";
$indexHTML = "";
$compilelogSummary = "";
$link = "";
$link2 = "";
$ID = substr($path, -14);
if (is_file("${path}testing/${ID}testing/linux.gtk_consolelog.txt")) // testing or perhaps failed and didn't clean up
$icon = "check-maybe";
$conlog = "${path}testing/${ID}testing/linux.gtk_consolelog.txt";
$testlog = ($isBuildServer ? "" : "") . "/$PR2/downloads/testResults.php?hl=1&amp;project=$projct&amp;ID=" . substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - 1);
$link = ($isBuildServer && !$isBuildDotEclipseServer ? "/$PR/build/log-viewer.php?" . ($isTools ? "tools&" : ($isTech ? "technology&" : "")) . "project=$projct&amp;build=$path" :
($isBuildServer ? "" : "") . $mid.$path."buildlog.txt");
$link2 = (is_file("$PWD$conlog") ? "$mid$conlog" : (is_file("$PWD$testlog") ? "$testlog" : $link));
$result = (is_file("$PWD$conlog") ? "Testing..." : $result);
if (!$icon && $isBuildServer && is_file($buildlog)) // if the log's too big, don't open it!
$buildlog_cache = (isset($buildlog_cache) && $buildlog_cache) ? $buildlog_cache : loadFile($buildlog);
if (grep("/BUILD FAILED/", $buildlog, $buildlog_cache))
$icon = "not";
$result = "FAILED"; // BUILD
if (!$icon && (is_file("$PWD${path}index.html") || is_file("$PWD${path}index.php")))
$indexHTML = is_file("$PWD${path}index.html") ? file_get_contents("$PWD${path}index.html") : "";
$zips = loadDirSimple($PWD . $path, "(\.zip|\.tar\.gz)", "f"); // get files count
$md5s = is_dir($PWD . $path . "/checksum") ? loadDirSimple($PWD . $path . "/checksum", "(\.zip\.md5|\.tar\.gz\.md5)", "f") :
loadDirSimple($PWD . $path, "(\.zip\.md5|\.tar\.gz\.md5)", "f"); // get files count
if ((sizeof($zips) >= $numzips && sizeof($md5s) >= $numzips))
//check testresults/chkpii/ for results
if (is_file("$PWD${path}testresults/chkpii/org.eclipse.nls.summary.txt"))
$chkpiiResults = file_get_contents("$PWD${path}testresults/chkpii/org.eclipse.nls.summary.txt");
// eg, file contains:
//htm: 6 E, 0 W
//xml: 1 E, 1 W
//properties: 0 E, 2 W
$regs = null;
preg_match_all("/^\S+: (\d+) E, (\d+) W$/m", $chkpiiResults, $regs);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($regs[0]); $i++)
$errors += $regs[1][$i];
$warnings += $regs[2][$i];
$icon = "not";
$link = "$pre$mid${path}testresults/chkpii/";
$link2 = "$pre$mid${path}testresults/chkpii/";
// check JUnit results
$files = loadDirSimple("$PWD${path}testresults/xml/", ".xml", "f");
$out = "";
$noProblems = true;
foreach ($files as $file)
$results = getTestResultsJUnitXML("$PWD${path}testresults/xml/" . $file);
if ($results && is_array($results))
$errors += $results[0];
$failures += $results[1];
$didnotruns += $results[2];
$icon = "not";
$results = null;
//check compilelogs/summary.txt for results
if (is_file("$PWD${path}compilelogs/summary.txt"))
$compilelogSummary = file_get_contents("$PWD${path}compilelogs/summary.txt");
$link2 = ($isBuildServer ? "" : "") . "/$PR/downloads/testResults.php?hl=1&amp;project=$projct&amp;ID=" . substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - 1);
if ($compilelogSummary)
$m = null;
if (preg_match("/(\d+)P, (\d+)W, (\d+)E, (\d+)F/", $compilelogSummary, $m))
$warnings += $m[2];
$errors += $m[3];
$failures += $m[4];
if ($errors)
$icon = "not";
$result = "ERROR";
else if ($didnotruns)
$icon = "not";
$result = "CAUTION";
$icon = ($warnings ? "check-maybe" : "check");
$result = "";
//parse out the check/fail icons in index.html, if we haven't failed already
if ($icon != "not" && $indexHTML)
if (preg_match("/<font size=\"-1\" color=\"#FF0000\">skipped<\/font>/", $indexHTML))
$icon = "check-maybe";
$result = "Skipped ";
else if (preg_match("/(?:<!-- Examples -->.*FAIL\.gif|FAIL\.gif.*<!-- Automated Tests -->)/s", $indexHTML))
$icon = "not";
$result = "FAILED ";
else if (preg_match("/<!-- Automated Tests -->.*FAIL\.gif.*<!-- Examples -->/s", $indexHTML))
$icon = "check-tests-failed";
$result = "TESTS FAILED ";
if (!$icon)
// display in progress icon & link to log
$result = "...";
$icon = "question";
if ($isBuildServer && $icon == "question" && is_file($buildlog))
$buildlog_cache = (isset($buildlog_cache) && $buildlog_cache) ? $buildlog_cache : loadFile($buildlog);
if ($isBuildServer && grep("/\[start\] start\.sh finished on: /", $buildlog, $buildlog_cache))
$icon = "not"; //display failed icon - not in progress anymore!
$result = "FAILED"; // BUILD
if ($result != "FAILED" && strtotime("now") - filemtime($buildlog) < 7200)
$doRefreshPage = true;
$mightHavePassed = false;
if (grep("/BUILD SUCCESSFUL/", $buildlog, $buildlog_cache))
$mightHavePassed = true;
else if (grep("/BUILD FAILED/", $buildlog, $buildlog_cache))
$icon = "not"; //display failed icon
$result = "FAILED"; // BUILD
if ($result != "FAILED" && $mightHavePassed)
$icon = "check-maybe";
$result = "Stalled!";
else if ($result != "FAILED" && !$mightHavePassed)
$icon = "not";
$result = "FAILED";
if (!$result && !is_dir("$PWD${path}testresults/xml/"))
$result = "Skipped ";
$icon = "check-maybe";
if (!$link) // return a string with icon, result, and counts (if applic)
$link = ($isBuildServer && !$isBuildDotEclipseServer ? "/$PR/build/log-viewer.php?" . ($isTools ? "tools&" : ($isTech ? "technology&" : "")) . "project=$projct&amp;build=$path" :
($isBuildServer ? "" : "") . $mid.$path."buildlog.txt");
if (!$link2) // link to console log in progress if it exists
$ID = substr($path, -14);
$conlog = "${path}testing/${ID}testing/linux.gtk_consolelog.txt";
$testlog = ($isBuildServer ? "" : "") . "/$PR2/downloads/testResults.php?hl=1&amp;project=$projct&amp;ID=" . substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - 1);
$link2 = (is_file("$PWD$conlog") ? "$mid$conlog" : (is_file("$PWD$testlog") ? "$testlog" : $link));
$result = (is_file("$PWD$conlog") ? "Testing..." : $result);
if ($styled)
$out .= "<a " .
(preg_match("/FAIL|CAUTION|ERROR/", $result) || $didnotruns > 0 || $errors > 0 || $failures > 0 ? "class=\"fail\" " :
(preg_match("/Testing|Stalled|Skipped/",$result) || $warnings > 0 ? "class=\"warning\" " :
"class=\"success\" ") ) .
$out .= (preg_match("/FAIL|CAUTION|ERROR/", $result) || $didnotruns > 0 || $errors > 0 || $failures > 0 ? "FAILURE / " :
(preg_match("/Testing|Stalled|Skipped/",$result) || $warnings > 0 ? "WARNING / " :
"SUCCESS / ") ) .
if ($errors == 0 && $failures == 0 && $warnings == 0 && !$result)
$out .= "OK";
$out .= ($result && $result != "..." && $result != "Skipped" ? ": " : "");
$out2 = "";
$out2 .= ($didnotruns > 0 ? "$didnotruns D N R, " : "");
$out2 .= ($errors > 0 ? "$errors E, " : "");
$out2 .= ($failures > 0 ? "$failures F, " : "");
$out2 .= ($warnings > 0 ? "$warnings W" : "");
$out .= preg_replace("/^(.+), $/","$1",$out2);
if ($styled)
$out .= "</a> <a href=\"$link\"><img src=\"/modeling/images/$icon.gif\" alt=\"$icon\"/></a>";
$replacements = array(
"SUCCESS / Success" => "SUCCESS",
"SUCCESS / ..." => "UNKNOWN",
foreach ($replacements as $match => $replace)
if ($out == $match) $out = $replace;
return $isBuildServer ?
preg_replace("#^/modeling/#", "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/modeling/", $out),
"http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $link2,
"http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $link
) :
function fileFound($PWD, $url, $label, $md5AlignRight = true, $icon = null)
global $isBuildServer, $downloadScript, $downloadPre, $PR, $proj, $isTools, $isTech;
$out = "";
$mid = "$downloadPre/" . ($isTools ? "tools/$PR" : ($isTech ? "technology/$PR" : "$PR$proj")) . "/downloads/drops/"; // new for centralized download.php script
$md5files = array("$url.md5", preg_replace("#/([^/]+$)#", "/checksum/$1", $url) . ".md5");
foreach ($md5files as $md5file)
if (is_file($PWD.$md5file))
$out .= "<span style=\"float:right;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;" . pretty_size(filesize("$PWD$url")) . " (<a href=\"" . ($isBuildServer ? "" : "") .
"$mid$md5file\">md5</a>)</span>"; break;
#return $md5AlignRight ? $out . "<a href=\"$downloadScript$mid$url\">$label</a>" :
# "<a href=\"$downloadScript$mid$url\">$icon</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"$downloadScript$mid$url\">$label</a>" . $out;
return "<span style=\"float:left;clear:left;\"><a href=\"$downloadScript$mid$url\">$icon</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"$downloadScript$mid$url\">$label</a></span>" . $out;
function doNLSLinksList($packs, $cols, $subcols, $packSuf, $folder, $isArchive = false)
global $downloadScript, $downloadPre, $PR, $proj, $projct;
foreach ($packs as $name => $packPre)
foreach ($cols as $alt => $packMid)
print "<li><img src=\"/modeling/images/dl.gif\" alt=\"$alt\"/> $alt: ";
$ret = array();
if (sizeof($subcols) > 2)
print "<ul>\n";
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($subcols as $alt2 => $packMid2)
if ($cnt > 0 && $cnt % 2 == 0)
print "<li>" . join(", ", $ret) . "</li>\n";
$ret = array();
$ret[] = "<a href=\"" . ($isArchive ? "" : $downloadScript) .
if (sizeof($ret) > 0)
print "<li>" . join(", ", $ret) . "</li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
foreach ($subcols as $alt2 => $packMid2)
$ret[] = "<a href=\"" . ($isArchive ? "" : $downloadScript) .
print join(", ", $ret);
print "</li>\n";
function grep($pattern, $file, $file_cache = null)
$filec = $file_cache ? $file_cache : loadFile($file);
foreach ($filec as $z)
if (preg_match($pattern, $z))
$filec = array();
return true;
$filec = array();
return false;
function loadFile($file)
$maxfilesize = 64*1024; // 64K file limit
$filec = array();
if (is_file($file) && is_readable($file))
if (filesize($file) < ($maxfilesize))
$filec = file($file);
exec("tail -n50 $file", $filec); // just grab the last n lines
return $filec;
/* if $styled = 0 or false, return text only */
function getExtraTestsResults($branch, $ID, $styled=1)
global $isBuildServer, $jdk14testsPWD, $jdk50testsPWD, $jdk60testsPWD, $testsPWD;
$tests = "";
$s = array(0 => "");
$t = array(0 => "");
if ($isBuildServer && function_exists("getJDKTestResults") && function_exists("getOldTestResults"))
if (isset($jdk14testsPWD) && $jdk14testsPWD && is_dir($jdk14testsPWD))
$summary = "";
$tests = getJDKTestResults("$jdk14testsPWD/", "$branch/$ID/", "jdk14", $summary) . "\n";
if (!$styled)
$summary = toPlainTextSummaries($summary);
$s[0] .= $summary[0];
$t[0] .= $summary[1];
$s[] = $summary;
if (isset($jdk50testsPWD) && $jdk50testsPWD && is_dir($jdk50testsPWD))
$summary = "";
$tests .= getJDKTestResults("$jdk50testsPWD/", "$branch/$ID/", "jdk50", $summary) . "\n";
if (!$styled)
$summary = toPlainTextSummaries($summary);
$s[0] .= $summary[0];
$t[0] .= $summary[1];
$s[] = $summary;
if (isset($jdk60testsPWD) && $jdk60testsPWD && is_dir($jdk60testsPWD))
$summary = "";
$tests .= getJDKTestResults("$jdk60testsPWD/", "$branch/$ID/", "jdk60", $summary) . "\n";
if (!$styled)
$summary = toPlainTextSummaries($summary);
$s[0] .= $summary[0];
$t[0] .= $summary[1];
$s[] = $summary;
if (isset($testsPWD) && $testsPWD && is_dir($testsPWD))
$summary = "";
$tests .= getOldTestResults("$testsPWD/", "$branch/$ID/", $summary) . "\n";
if (!$styled)
$summary = toPlainTextSummaries($summary);
$s[0] .= $summary[0];
$t[0] .= $summary[1];
$s[] = $summary;
return array($s, $t, $tests);
function toPlainTextSummaries($summary)
global $debug, $PR, $projct;
if ($debug > 0) print htmlspecialchars($summary)."<br/>";
$miniSummary = "";
$textSummary = "";
// <a href="/modeling/emf/build/log-viewer.php?jdk50test=2.2.4/R200710030400/200710030422/" class="warning">511 W, 3 D</a>
// <a href="/modeling/emf/build/log-viewer.php?jdk50test=2.2.4/R200710030400/200710030422/"><img src="/modeling/images/check.gif" alt="OK"/></a>
// <a href="/modeling/emf/build/log-viewer.php?jdk50test=2.4.0/N200712241351/200712241410/">...</a>
$pattern = "#<a href=\"[^\"]+\?([^\"]+)=([^\"]+)\"(| class=\"[^\"]+\")>([^<]+)</a>#";
preg_match_all($pattern, $summary, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER);
/* [1] => jdk50test
[2] => /modeling/emf/build/log-viewer.php?jdk50test=2.2.4/R200710030400/200710030422/
[4] => 511 W, 3 D
if (sizeof($out) > 0)
if ($debug > 0) {
print "\n-------1-------\n<br/><pre>"; print_r($out); print "</pre><br/>\n";
foreach ($out as $set)
$url = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/" . $PR . "/" . $projct . "/" . $set[1] . "s/" . $set[2] . "testlog.txt";
$miniSummary .= " [" . strtoupper(str_replace("test", "", $set[1])) . ": " . $set[4] . "]";
$textSummary .= strtoupper(str_replace("test", "", $set[1])) . " Test (" . $set[4] . ")\t" . $url . "\n";
$patterns = array(
// <a href="../../../modeling/emf/tests/2.2.4/R200710030400/200710030422/results/svt.html"><img src="/modeling/images/check.gif" alt="OK"/></a>
"#<a href=\"([^\"]+/results/([^\"]+).html)\"><img src=\"[^\"]+/images/[^\"]+.gif\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\"\/></a>#",
// <a href="../../../modeling/emf/tests/2.2.4/R200710030400/200710030432/results/svt.html" class="fail">1 F</a>
"#<a href=\"([^\"]+/results/([^\"]+).html)\" class=\"[^\"]+\">([^\<]+)</a>#",
$failedPattern =
// <a href="../../../modeling/emf/tests/2.4.0/N200712241351/200712241410/testlog.txt"><img src="/modeling/images/not.gif" alt="FAILED"/></a>
"#<a href=\"([^\"]+/modeling/emf/(tests)/[^\"]+)\"><img src=\"[^\"]+/images/[^\"]+.gif\" alt=\"([^\"]+)\"\/></a>#"
$foundURLs = array();
foreach ($patterns as $pattern)
$set = null;
$out = array();
$outFail = array();
preg_match_all($pattern, $summary, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER);
preg_match_all($failedPattern, $summary, $outFail, PREG_SET_ORDER);
/* [1] => ../../../modeling/emf/tests/2.2.4/R200710030400/200710030422/results/bvt.html
[2] => bvt
[3] => OK
$sets = sizeof($out) > 0 ? $out : $outFail;
if ($debug > 0) {
print "\n-------2-------\n<br/><pre>"; print_r($sets); print "</pre><br/>\n";
foreach ($sets as $set)
if (!in_array($set[1], $foundURLs)) {
$foundURLs[] = $set[1];
$url = str_replace("../../..", "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"], $set[1]);
$miniSummary .= " [" . strtoupper($set[2]) . ": " . $set[3] . "]";
$textSummary .= strtoupper($set[2]) . " Test (" . $set[3] . ")\t" . $url . "\n";
return array($miniSummary,$textSummary);
function outputBuild($branch, $ID, $c)
global $PWD, $isBuildServer, $dls, $filePre, $proj, $showBuildResults, $sortBy, $projct, $jdk14testsPWD, $jdk50testsPWD, $jdk60testsPWD, $testsPWD, $deps, $PR, $hiddenBuilds;
# suppress hidden builds for public server
if (!$isBuildServer)
foreach ($hiddenBuilds as $hb) {
if (trim($hb) == "$PR/$branch/$ID")
debug("Build $PR/$branch/$ID is hidden, pending mirror replication.", 1);
return "";
$pre2 = (is_dir("$PWD/$branch/$ID/eclipse/$ID/") ? "eclipse/$branch/$ID/" : "");
$zips_in_folder = loadDirSimple("$PWD/$branch/$ID/", "(\.zip|\.tar\.gz)", "f");
$ziplabel = (sizeof($zips_in_folder) < 1) ? $ID :
preg_replace("/(.+)\-([^\-]+)(\.zip|\.tar\.gz)/", "$2", $zips_in_folder[0]); // grab first entry
// generalize for any relabelled build, thus 2.0.1/M200405061234/* is possible; label = 2.0.2
$IDlabel = $ziplabel;
$opts = loadBuildConfig("$PWD/$branch/$ID/build.cfg", $deps);
$ret = "<li>\n";
$buildResults = $showBuildResults ? showBuildResults("$PWD/", "$branch/$ID/") && !isset($opts["hudson.job.url"]) : array("");
$extraTestsResults = $showBuildResults ? getExtraTestsResults($branch, $ID) : array(array(), "", "");
$ret .= "<div>" . $buildResults[0] . join("", preg_replace("/^(.+)$/", "<span>$1</span>", $extraTestsResults[0])) . "</div>";
$ret .= "<a href=\"javascript:toggle('r$ID')\">" .
"<i>" . ($sortBy == "date" && $IDlabel != $branch ? "$branch / " : "") . "$IDlabel</i> " .
"(" . IDtoDateStamp($ID, 2) . ")" .
"</a>" .
"<a name=\"$ID\"></a> " .
"<a href=\"?showAll=1&amp;hlbuild=$ID" .
($sortBy == "date" ? "&amp;sortBy=date" : "") .
"&amp;project=$projct#$ID\">" .
"<img alt=\"Link to this build\" src=\"/modeling/images/link.png\"/>" .
"</a>" .
((isset($opts["noclean"]) && $opts["noclean"]) || is_dir("$PWD/$branch/$ID/eclipse/$ID") ? doNoclean("$PWD/$branch/$ID") : "");
$ret .= "<ul id=\"r$ID\"" . (($c == 0 && !isset($_GET["hlbuild"])) || isset($_GET["hlbuild"]) && $ID == $_GET["hlbuild"] ? "" : " style=\"display: none\"") . ">\n";
if (!isset($filePre[$proj]) && isset($filePre["/"]))
$filePre[$proj] = $filePre["/"];
if (!isset($filePre[$proj]))
$topProj = preg_replace("#.+/(.+)#","$1", $PR);
$filePre[$proj] = $topProj == "emft" ?
array("emft-" . $projct, "emf-" . $projct) :
array($topProj . "-" . $projct);
$ret .= createFileLinks($dls, $PWD, $branch, $ID, $pre2, $filePre[$proj], $ziplabel);
$ret .= $extraTestsResults[2];
$ret .= getBuildArtifacts("$PWD", "$branch/$ID");
$ret .= "</ul>\n";
$ret .= "</li>\n";
return $ret;
function doNoclean($dir)
global $PR,$projct;
$sizeondisk = pretty_size(dirsize($dir));
$versionAndBuildID = explode("/",$dir); $versionAndBuildID = $versionAndBuildID[sizeof($versionAndBuildID) - 2] . "/" . $versionAndBuildID[sizeof($versionAndBuildID) - 1];
return " <a href=\"/$PR/$projct/build/clean.php?versionAndBuildID=$versionAndBuildID\"><span class=\"noclean\"><acronym title=\"Failed builds do not purge temp files automatically -- click here to do so!\">Size on disk: $sizeondisk</acronym></span>" .
" <img alt=\"Purge releng materials before promoting this build!\" src=\"/modeling/images/bug.png\"/></a>";
function loadBuildConfig($file, $deps)
$lines = (is_file($file) && is_readable($file) ? file($file) : array());
$opts = array();
foreach ($lines as $z)
$regs = null;
// Modeling build style
if (preg_match("/^((?:" . join("|", array_keys($deps)) . ")(?:DownloadURL|File|BuildURL))=(.{2,})$/", $z, $regs))
$opts[$regs[1]] = $regs[2];
// Athena build style
else if (preg_match("/^(.+\.(?:download\.url|file|buildurl|url|name|id))=(.{2,})$/", $z, $regs))
#print "[ " . $regs[1] . " = " . $regs[2] . " ]<br/>";
$opts[$regs[1]] = $regs[2];
else if (preg_match("#^(buildAlias|noclean)=(.+)$#", $z, $regs))
$opts[$regs[1]] = trim($regs[2]);
else if (preg_match("#^(javaHome|JAVA_HOME|java.home)=(.+)$#", $z, $regs))
# TODO: change this to an exec to use java --version instead
# TODO: why is build.cfg not being found?
$rp = realpath($regs[2]);
$opts[$regs[1]] = ($rp && $rp != $regs[2] ? preg_replace("#.+/([^/]+)#", "$1", $regs[2]) . " (" . preg_replace("#.+/([^/]+)#", "$1", $rp) . ")" : preg_replace("#.+/([^/]+)#", "$1", $regs[2]));
return $opts;
function getBuildArtifacts($dir, $branchID)
global $isBuildServer, $downloadPre, $PR, $deps, $proj, $projct, $isTools, $isTech, $debug;
$PR2 = ($isTools ? "tools/$proj" : ($isTech ? "technology/$proj" : "$PR" . ($proj != "/" ? $proj : ""))); # to allow for and, but also modeling/emf
$mid = "$downloadPre/$PR2" . "/downloads/drops/";
$file = "$dir/$branchID/build.cfg";
$havedeps = array();
$opts = loadBuildConfig($file, $deps);
// Modeling build style
foreach (array_keys($deps) as $z)
$builddir[$z] = (isset($opts["${z}DownloadURL"]) ? $opts["${z}DownloadURL"] : ""). (isset($opts["${z}BuildURL"]) ? $opts["${z}BuildURL"] : ""); if ($builddir[$z] == "/downloads") {
$builddir[$z] = null;
# Eclipse: R-3.2.1-200609210945 or S-3.3M2-200609220010 or I20060926-0935 or M20060919-1045
# Other: 2.2.1/R200609210005 or 2.2.1/S200609210005
$buildID[$z] = isset($opts["${z}BuildURL"]) ? str_replace("/", " ", preg_replace("/.+\/drops\/(.+)/", "$1", $opts["${z}BuildURL"])) : "";
$buildfile[$z] = $builddir[$z] . "/" . (isset($opts["${z}File"]) ? $opts["${z}File"] : "");
$builddir[$z] = $builddir[$z] ? (!preg_match("/^http/", $builddir[$z]) ? getDownloadScript() . "$builddir[$z]" : $builddir[$z]) : "";
$buildfile[$z] = (!preg_match("/^http/", $buildfile[$z]) ? getDownloadScript() . "$buildfile[$z]" : $buildfile[$z]);
if ($builddir[$z]) {
$havedeps[$z] = $z;
// Athena build style
foreach (array_keys($opts) as $y)
preg_match("/^(.+)\.buildurl$/", $y, $regs); $z = $regs[1];
if ($z)
# hudson.job.cbi.emft.mwe.0.7.integration.lastSuccessfulBuild.artifact.snapshot.base.url=
$builddir[$z] =
(isset($opts["${z}.url"]) && preg_match("#.+(",$opts["${z}.url"]) ? "" : $eclipseDownloadURL) .
(isset($opts["${z}.buildurl"]) ? $opts["${z}.buildurl"] : ""); if ($builddir[$z] == "/downloads") {
$builddir[$z] = null;
/*if ($debug>10) {
echo "<br/>---{{ download-scripts.php :: $Revision: 1.4 $ }}---<br/>";
echo "[??][".$opts["${z}.url"]."]<br/>";
echo "[??][".$builddir[$z]."]<br/>";
# Eclipse: R-3.2.1-200609210945 or S-3.3M2-200609220010 or I20060926-0935 or M20060919-1045
# Other: 2.2.1/R200609210005 or 2.2.1/S200609210005
$buildID[$z] = isset($opts["${z}.buildurl"]) ? str_replace("/", " ", preg_replace("/.+\/drops\/(.+)/", "$1", $opts["${z}.buildurl"])) : "";
$buildfile[$z] = $builddir[$z] . "/" . (isset($opts["${z}.file"]) ? $opts["${z}.file"] : "");
$builddir[$z] = $builddir[$z] ? (!preg_match("/^http/", $builddir[$z]) ? getDownloadScript() . "$builddir[$z]" : $builddir[$z]) : "";
$buildfile[$z] = (!preg_match("/^http/", $buildfile[$z]) ? getDownloadScript() . "$buildfile[$z]" : $buildfile[$z]);
/*if ($debug>10) {
echo "[!!][".$builddir[$z]."]<br/>";
echo "[!!][".$buildfile[$z]."]<br/>";
if ($builddir[$z]) {
$havedeps[$z] = $z;
$ret = "";
# ANy: Added to depict details via Hudson build job
if (isset($opts["hudson.job.url"])){
$ret .= "<li>\n";
$ret .= "<img src=\"/modeling/images/dl-more.gif\" alt=\"More info about this build\"/> Build Details\n";
$ret .= "<ul>\n";
$ret .= "<li>Hudson job <a href=\"" . $opts["hudson.job.url"] . "\">" . $opts[""] . " #" . $opts[""] . "</a></li>\n";
$ret .= "</ul>\n";
$ret .= "</li>\n";
# This is for old style builds
else if (is_array($havedeps))
$details = array(
"Config File" => "build.cfg",
"Map File" => "directory.txt",
"Build Log" => "buildlog.txt"
$link = ($isBuildServer ? "" : "");
$ret .= "<li>\n";
$ret .= "<img src=\"/modeling/images/dl-deps.gif\" alt=\"Upstream dependencies used to build this driver\"/> Build Dependencies\n";
$ret .= "<ul>\n";
if (sizeof($opts) > 0)
$ret .= (isset($opts["javaHome"]) && $opts["javaHome"] ? "<li>" . ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $opts["javaHome"])) . "</li>" :
(isset($opts["JAVA_HOME"]) && $opts["JAVA_HOME"] ? "<li>" . ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $opts["JAVA_HOME"])) . "</li>" :
(isset($opts["java.home"]) && $opts["java.home"] ? "<li>" . ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $opts["java.home"])) . "</li>" : "")
foreach (array_keys($havedeps) as $z)
$vanity = $buildID[$z];
preg_match("/.+-(incubation-|sdk_|)([^-]+)(\.zip|\.tar\.gz)/", $buildfile[$z], $reg);
if ($reg && is_array($reg) && sizeof($reg) > 0)
$vanity = $buildID[$z];
$vanity = preg_replace("#(-|_|sdk_)+#"," ",$vanity);
$vanity = preg_replace("#(.+ downloads|downloads)+#"," ",$vanity);
$vanity = trim(preg_replace("/(\d+\.\d+|\d+\.\d+\.\d+) ([NIMRS]\d+)/","$2",$vanity));
if ($vanity != $reg[2])
$vanity = str_replace("_"," ",$reg[2]) . " " . $vanity;
if ($vanity == " downloads") {
# trim duplicate information
$vanity = preg_replace("#incubation#","",$vanity);
$vanity = preg_replace("#( \d+\.\d+ )#"," ",$vanity);
$vanity = preg_replace("#( [IMNRS] )#"," ",$vanity);
/*if ($debug>10) {
echo "{{ download-scripts.php :: $Revision: 1.4 $ }}<br/>";
echo "[A][$vanity]<br/>";
echo "[B][".hudsonURLcleanup($vanity)."]<br/>";
echo "[#][".$builddir[$z]."]<br/>";
echo "[#][".$buildfile[$z]."]<br/>";
echo "[?] deps[z] = $deps[$z], z = $z<br/>";
echo "[!] deps[z] = $deps[$z], z = ".hudsonURLcleanup(str_replace("."," ",$z))."<br/>";
$vanity = preg_match("#snapshot|Snapshot#",$vanity) ? "Snapshot" : hudsonURLcleanup($vanity);
# tokenize and reassemble, avoiding dupes
$vanityBits = explode(" ",trim($vanity));
$vanity=""; foreach ($vanityBits as $vb){
if ($vb && false===strstr($vanity,$vb)){
$vanity.=" $vb";
$bf = array();
if (preg_match("#(.+)/orbitBundles-(.+).map$#", $buildfile[$z], $bfbits))
$bf[] = $bfbits[1] . "/orbit-" . $bfbits[2] . ".zip";
$bf[] = $buildfile[$z]; // map
else if (preg_match("#(.+)/orbit-(.+).zip$#", $buildfile[$z], $bfbits))
$bf[] = $buildfile[$z]; // zip
$bf[] = $bfbits[1] . "/orbitBundles-" . $bfbits[2] . ".map";
$ret .= "<li>".($builddir[$z]?"<div><a href=\"$builddir[$z]\">Build Page</a></div>":""). ($deps[$z]?$deps[$z]:ucwords(hudsonURLcleanup(str_replace("."," ",$z)))) . " " .
($z == "orbit" ? "<a href=\"{$bf[0]}\">$vanity</a> (<a href=\"{$bf[1]}\">map</a>)" : "<a href=\"{$buildfile[$z]}\">$vanity</a>") .
$ret .= "<li><i>Missing or empty build.cfg!</i></li>\n";
$ret .= "</ul>\n";
$ret .= "</li>\n";
$ret .= "<li>\n";
$ret .= "<img src=\"/modeling/images/dl-more.gif\" alt=\"More info about this build\"/> Build Details\n";
$ret .= "<ul>\n";
$version = (isset($opts["buildAlias"]) ? $opts["buildAlias"] : (preg_match("#(.+)/([IM]\d+)#", $branchID, $matches) ? $matches[2]: "HEAD"));
#$ret .= "<li><a href=\"$PR/news/relnotes.php?project=$projct&amp;version=$version\">Changes In This Build</a></li>\n";
$ret .= "<li><a href=\"" . ($isBuildServer ? "" : "") . "/$PR/downloads/testResults.php?hl=1&amp;project=$projct&amp;ID=$branchID\">Test Results &amp; Compile Logs</a></li>\n";
$details2 = array();
foreach (array_keys($details) as $label)
if (is_file("$dir/$branchID/" . $details[$label]))
$details2[$label] = preg_replace("/^(.+)$/", "<a href=\"$link$mid$branchID/$1\">$label</a>", $details[$label]);
$details = $details2; unset($details2);
$ret .= "<li>" . join(", ", $details) . "</li>\n";
$ret .= "</ul>\n";
$ret .= "</li>\n";
return $ret;
function hudsonURLcleanup($vanity)
$vanity = preg_replace("#hudson job cbi#","",$vanity);
$vanity = preg_replace("#Snapshot|snapshot#","",$vanity);
$vanity = preg_replace("#(lastSuccessful[^ ]+|lastStable[^ ]+)#","",$vanity);
$vanity = preg_replace("#artifact#","",$vanity);
$vanity = preg_replace("#base#","",$vanity);
$vanity = preg_replace("#[ ]+#"," ",$vanity);
return $vanity;
function showToggle($showAll, $showMax, $sortBy, $count)
global $projct;
$ret = "<li><a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?project=".$projct."&amp;showAll=" . ($showAll == "1" ? "" : "1") . "&amp;showMax=$showMax&amp;sortBy=$sortBy\">" . ($showAll != "1" ? "show all $count" : "show only $showMax") . "...</a></li>\n";
return $ret;
function showArchived($oldrels)
global $PR, $proj;
$thresh = sizeof($oldrels) > 5 ? ceil(sizeof($oldrels)/3) : 6;
#print "<div id=\"midcolumn\">\n";
print "<h3><a name=\"archives\"></a>Archived Releases</h3>\n";
print "<p>Older " . project_name($proj) . " releases have been moved to, and can be accessed here:</p>";
print '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="margin:0"><tr valign="top">'."\n";
print "<td><ul id=\"archives\">\n";
foreach (array_keys($oldrels) as $z)
if ($cnt % $thresh == 0)
print "</ul></td><td><ul id=\"archives\">\n";
if (!$z || $oldrels[$z] === null)
$cnt--; # spacer
else if (!is_array($oldrels[$z]))
print "<li style=''><a href=\"$PR$proj/downloads/drops/$z/R$oldrels[$z]/\">$z</a> (" . IDtoDateStamp($oldrels[$z], 2) . ")</li>\n";
else // optional syntax with hardcoded datestamp and URL, like for old EMF/SDO/XSD 1.x builds
print "<li><a href=\"" . $oldrels[$z][1] . "\">$z</a> (" . $oldrels[$z][0] . ")</li>\n";
print "</ul>\n";
print "</td>";
print "</tr></table>\n";
#print "</div>\n";
function getTestResultsJUnitXML($file)
$data = array();
exec("head -3 $file | grep \"<testsuite\"", $data); // possibly faster than file($file), but might break on some servers (eg., exec() is disabled on, so warnings are thrown)
foreach ($data as $line)
// <testsuite errors="0" failures="0" ...>
$matches = null;
if (preg_match("/<testsuite errors=\"(\d+)\" failures=\"(\d+).+\"/", $line, $matches))
return array($matches[1], $matches[2], 0);
else if (preg_match("/<testsuite.+failures=\"(\d+)\" errors=\"(\d+)\".+/", $line, $matches))
return array($matches[2], $matches[1], 0);
else if (false!==strpos($line,"<testsuites/>") || false!==strpos($line,"<testsuites />") || false!==strpos($line,"<testsuites></testsuites>") || false!==strpos($line,"Failed to invoke suite")) // no tests run!
return array(0, 0, 1);
return array(0, 0, 0); # Errors, Failures, DNRs