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<title>Create Useful Documentation with Mylyn Intent : transcript</title>
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<p><p style="direction:ltr;">Now that you've seen all the concepts of Intent, let's show you how Intent can guide you in your development.
<p>Let's go back to our <b></b> example. The customer decides to add a multilingual support to the ** platform.
It means that all messages that are displayed to the end-user must be externalized. So I've written a new Custom Validation Rule for Intent, that checks String externalization.
<p><i>Click on the picture or <a href="./demos/demo2_validation/intent-demo2_validation.html"> here </a> to start the demo</i></p>
At the end of the demo, I've got :
<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- no synchronization issue, which means that my documentation is now up-to-date with my code
<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;- no validation issue, which means that I've fulfilled the dev guidelines. So now I can commit.
<p><b>Capitalize on your experience:</b>once you defined custom validation rules on a project, ask yourself which ones are applicable to your next project.
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