[page] Update index twitter feeed
diff --git a/pages/_index.html b/pages/_index.html
index 7b6ae9f..a714162 100755
--- a/pages/_index.html
+++ b/pages/_index.html
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
 			Mylyn Intent is an open source <b>documentation environment</b>, that allows you to <b>keep your doc synchronized</b> with any development artifact (Source code, Models, Dependencies...) while being customizable for your development processes (domain specific constraints, syntax or tools...).<br/><br/>
 The documentation, integrated with other Eclipse tools, then becomes truly useful and is no longer a burden that developer have to carry to please their customers or their project manager. Based on Donald Knuth's <b>Literate Programming</b> concepts and allowing collaborative work around design tasks, Intent aims at reconciling developers with Documentation.<br/>
-<a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25353760/blog/intent_comparejava.png">
-<img style="width:100%"  src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25353760/blog/intent_comparejava.png"/></a>
 		<p class="right">
@@ -41,12 +39,14 @@
 		<a href="/proposals/mylyn.docs.intent">
 			&#10003; Intent Proposal
+				<br/><br/>
+					<b>Drop in your Eclipse workspace to install latest Mylyn Intent</b>:<br/>
+					<a href="http://marketplace.eclipse.org/marketplace-client-intro?mpc_install=945090" title="Drag and drop into a running Eclipse workspace to install Mylyn Intent (Agile & Synchronized Documentation)">
+  					<img src="https://marketplace.eclipse.org/sites/all/modules/custom/marketplace/images/installbutton.png"/>
+  					</a>
-		<p>
-		<b>Install latest Mylyn Intent from Eclipse marketplace</b>: <a href="http://marketplace.eclipse.org/marketplace-client-intro?mpc_install=945090" title="Drag and drop into a running Eclipse Indigo workspace to install Mylyn Intent (Agile & Synchronized Documentation)">
-  <img src="https://marketplace.eclipse.org/sites/all/modules/custom/marketplace/images/installbutton.png"/>
@@ -85,38 +85,9 @@
 	<div id="headlines">
 		<h3>News and Noteworthy</h3>	
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+		<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/Intent_project" data-widget-id="350190478995640320">Tweets de @Intent_project</a>
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