blob: bf7684b95b84fe0899988b7048c005875d5508c5 [file] [log] [blame]
-Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 Eclipse Foundation.
-This program and the accompanying materials are made
-available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
-which is available at
- Christopher Guindon (Eclipse Foundation) - Initial implementation
- Eric Poirier (Eclipse Foundation)
-SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
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<h3 id="security-processes">Jetty Security Processes</h3>
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<p>While Webtide works diligently to make Jetty as issue-free as possible, with the rapid pace of updates to technology and standards, there is always the possibility that a bug or vulnerability can be found.
This is compounded by the fact that Jetty operates as a platform, and as such cannot account for all the permutations and combinations of configurations that users may make to it.
What follows is the process by which we address security vulnerabilities. This is a markdown list that is used to track a security issue from inception to resolution and is formatted for use in security advisories.</p>
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<p>If you suspect you have found a security issue, please <em>do not</em> report it publicly. Instead, send an email to <a href=""></a>.</p>
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- [ ] On receipt of a security report via <a href=""></a> or other channels, if it cannot be trivially dismissed (already fixed, known not a problem, etc.), then a <a href="">Github security advisory</a> is created by project leadership.
- [ ] Copy this list as a markdown in the security advisory for tracking the completion of various tasks.
- [ ] Jetty committers and the reporters are added to the security advisory. Individual committers can also be named in the comments for addition.
- [ ] Initial triage and discussion are performed in the comments of the advisory.
- [ ] If enough information exists to attempt reproduction or fix, then a private repository is created as part of the GitHub security advisory.
- [ ] If the vulnerability cannot be confirmed then close the security advisory, else continue.
- [ ] Generate a <a href="">CVE score</a> and add it to the advisory description.
- [ ] Identify a <a href="">CWE Definition</a> and add it to the advisory description.
- [ ] Identify vulnerable version(s), including current and past versions that are affected (e.g. 9.4.0 through 9.4.35, and 10.0.0.alpha1 through 10.0.0.beta3&#8230;&#8203;etc.)
- [ ] Identify and document workaround(s), if applicable, in the comments of the security advisory.
- [ ] Open an <a href="">Eclipse Bugzilla</a> issue to have a CVE allocated. The issue should be opened under the <em>Community</em> "Product" category with a "Component" of <em>Vulnerability Reports</em>. The CVE <a href="">should include</a> the following:
1. Version(s) affected
2. CVE Score
3. CWE Identifier(s)
4. Brief description of the issue
- [ ] Once the CVE is allocated update the Security Advisory with the number
- [ ] Build and test fix(es) locally and in CI environment.
- [ ] Merge tests and fix - ensure description does not mention vulnerability directly. Do not merge directly from the security advisory as it can be traced back before publication.
- [ ] Build and stage release candidate.
- [ ] Notify interested parties of pending security advisory and staged release:
1. Include CVE number, CVE score, and CWE
2. Include Workarounds
3. Stress that it is confidential
4. Advise the security advisory will be published in 2 days unless they indicate they need more time.
- [ ] If testing is OK, then the release is promoted.
- [ ] Interested parties are notified of the availability of release on Maven Central.
- [ ] Publish security advisory and CVE publicly.
- [ ] Edit VERSION.txt and so that the CVE number is now recorded against merged PR.
- [ ] Edit the <a href="">release(s)</a> on Github to identify CVE number that was addressed/resolved.
- [ ] Update downstream images (Docker, etc.).
- [ ] Review security processes & completion.
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<h5 id="_a_note_on_releases">A Note On Releases</h5>
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<p>Jetty has a comprehensive test catalog that covers not only functionality but also standard configuration errors that users can make which may result in instability.</p>
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<p>When a new version of Jetty is ready to be built it undergoes rigorous testing throughout the Webtide infrastructure to make sure that it both compiles and builds successfully but that it also runs without errors and functions as expected.
Webtide uses Jetty for several of its own backend servers and web applications and new builds are tested against these before a release candidate ever moves forward for public availability.</p>
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<p>In addition to our own testing, Webtide works with several partners who have opted to test and install early release builds in their environments.
These partners test not only Jetty as a platform but install their web applications and perform security and penetration testing against these builds.</p>
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<p>Once internal and partner testing is complete, a process that generally takes several days, the Webtide team moves forward with public releases. R
elease notes are sent out, and builds are promoted to Maven Central.</p>
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<h2>Related Links</h2>
<li><a target="_self" href="/">Documentation</a></li>
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