We don't need to say things twice; say things twice.

Remove the extraneous "traditional". Make the part where we say that the
process is automated bold. That's the inportant bit.

Change-Id: I690bc2571b3d5ed1e8a4f50f018ff66a9e0b8326
diff --git a/content/en_index.php b/content/en_index.php
index f7f6abe..1932221 100644
--- a/content/en_index.php
+++ b/content/en_index.php
@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@
       of merit (generally a record of high-quality contribution to a project) and a successful 
       <a href="/projects/handbook#elections-committer">committer election</a>.</p>
       <p>The specific agreements required depends on the nature of the project. For committers on an open source
-      <em>software</em> project (i.e., most Eclipse Foundation projects), the traditional 
+      <em>software</em> project (i.e., most Eclipse Foundation projects), the 
       <a href="https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#paperwork-documents">traditional agreements</a> are required. 
       For committers on an open source <em>specification</em> project, additional 
       <a href="https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#specifications-agreements">working group agreements</a> are required.</p>
       <p>Committer status is assigned on a project-by-project basis. That is, individuals have committer rights only 
       on those projects for which they hold committer status. For all other projects, they are contributors.</p>
-      <p>Our committer provisioning process is automated: new committers will&mdash;following their successful
+      <p><strong>Our committer provisioning process is automated</strong>: new committers will&mdash;following their successful
       election&mdash;be contacted by email to engage in our <em>agreement workflow</em> (also referred to as our
       <a href="https://www.eclipse.org/projects/handbook/#paperwork">paperwork process</a>), which guides
       them through signing those agreements that they need. The agreements are provided below for convenience.</p>