blob: 3bcec3c1d0a2ff2ceecb601ff0dd68abf342b0f9 [file] [log] [blame]
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# Maven Eclipse home page
$pageTitle = "Maven Eclipse";
$pageKeywords = "maven, m2e, m2eclipse, build, eclipse";
$pageAuthor = "m2e team";
# Add page-specific Nav bars here
# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", "downloads.php");
# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
# End: page-specific settings
$html = <<<EOHTML
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<h1>m2eclipse is moving to!</h1>
<p>After years at <a href="">Codehaus</a>,
we're moving to get closer to the projects we work with,
like PDE, WTP, and AJDT.
We are staying at Codehaus for one more release, but we'll ask everyone
to come over once we have everything set up here.</p>
<p>Before we get caught up in details, now is a good time
to step back and talk about why we think bringing Maven to Eclipse could be very fruitful.
If you see more benefits or potential risks or if you'd like to participate,
let's talk about it (see <a href="#contacts">below</a>).
<h2>Why Maven and Eclipse?</h2>
<p>Maven helps Eclipse build, and Eclipse helps people use Maven.
With Maven, Eclipse will build more kinds of software projects both in the IDE
and on the command-line, e.g., in a process of continuous integration.
<p>The <a href="">Apache Maven project</a> describes
Maven as a "software project management and comprehension tool". Maven is used in
thousands of open-source and commercial software projects to simplify building
and understanding software of all stripes. Maven is great at doing command-line
builds, understanding project structure and relationships,
and sharing code in binary repositories. It's easy to write and configure a
Maven plug-in for a given build task, and hundreds of plug-ins are available.
<p>The Eclipse IDE is great at supporting interactive software development, with
incremental compilation and instant UI access to dependencies and definitions in
everything from code to metadata. But command-line builds are hard to configure,
libraries are often managed manually, and many languages,
programming models, and build processes are not supported by Eclipse as they are
by Maven (because it is a much harder problem to write good UI support).
<p>They can help each other out.
Eclipse can make it easier to work with Maven, and Maven can make it easier to
support complex projects using different programming models.
Eclipse editors make it easy to find and maintain project information, and
the Eclipse Java tools can use the Maven dependencies like any others for compiling,
searching, content assist, etc. (even in derived project types like WTP and AJDT).
Maven conventions and software repositories make it easy to manage library
dependencies, to assemble projects, and to build from the command-line in a
process of continuous integration. All this helps both developers writing software and
plug-in projects implementing software build or assembly processes.
<p>Hence, we have something for everyone:</p>
<li><em>Maven Eclipse Tools</em>, the UI for developers using Maven to make software</li>
<li><em>Maven Eclipse Frameworks</em>, the API's for Eclipse plug-in's using Maven to
maintain project information and to deploy software build and assembly tools</li>
<li><em>Tycho</em>, Maven support for building Eclipse and OSGI artifacts on the command-line</li>
<a name="contacts"></a>
<p>Thanks for listening! If you're interested, there are many ways to participate:</p>
<li>To use what we have already, go to
<a href=""></a>.
To discuss the goals of the project publicly or otherwise contribute, subscribe to
<a href="">m2e-dev</a>
and then email
<a href=""></a>.
<form method="post" action="">If you want us to let you know when we've moved, let us know your email address:
<br><input name="email" maxlength="150" size="25" type="text">
<font size="-1">(This is just between us.)</font>
The m2eclipse team
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# Generate the web page
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