updated Git references
diff --git a/getting_involved.php b/getting_involved.php
index aa683d2..5b56559 100644
--- a/getting_involved.php
+++ b/getting_involved.php
@@ -20,21 +20,9 @@
 You can get involved by contributing code, documentation, tutorials, bug reports, or by sending your suggestions and questions to the mailing list.</p>
 <h3>Access to the code</h3>
-<p><b>Browsing the SVN repository:</b> http://dev.eclipse.org/svnroot/soa/org.eclipse.mangrove/<br />
-<p><b>Anonymous access to the SVN:</b> <br />
-	<ul>
-		<li><b>host:</b> dev.eclipse.org</li>
-		<li><b>repository:</b> /svnroot/soa/org.eclipse.mangrove</li>
-		<li><b>method:</b> http</li>
-	</ul>
+<p><b>Browsing the Git repository:</b> http://git.eclipse.org/c/mangrove/org.eclipse.mangrove.git/<br />
+<p><b>Committer access to the SVN:</b> ssh://COMMITTER_ID@git.eclipse.org/gitroot/mangrove/org.eclipse.mangrove.git<br />
-<p><b>Committer access to the SVN:</b> <br />
-	<ul>
-		<li><b>host:</b> dev.eclipse.org</li>
-		<li><b>repository:</b> /svnroot/soa/org.eclipse.mangrove</li>
-		<li><b>method:</b> svn+ssh</li>
-	</ul>	
 <h3>Code structure</h3>
 <p>The various Mangrove plugins are organized in different modules according to their purpose. The modules are:</p>