blob: b459fb56aa000bf6fe9f190ee6ce0136e492f5d0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<news date="February 25, 2008" showOn="docs,whatsnew,bleedingedge">
<a href="">EMF Book, Second Edition Rough Cut</a> is available. Download or pre-order it today!
<news date="January 22, 2008" showOn="docs,whatsnew,bleedingedge">
<a href="">EMF 2.4 Packaging Changes</a> are available.
<news date="November 29, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">EclipseWorld 2007 - EMF Fundamentals</a> is available.
<news date="November 26, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Build metamodels with dynamic EMF</a> is available.
<news date="November 26, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Build an Eclipse plug-in to navigate content in an EMF model</a> is available.
<news date="November 6, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Getting Source From CVS</a> updated, including <a href="">Team Project Sets</a>.
<news date="October 24, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">EMF 2.4 &amp; QTV 1.2 Plans</a> are available.
<news date="July 19, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Eclipse EMF Demo - A complete modeling platform for Java</a> is available.
<news date="June 27, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Eclipse Modeling: What's New for Europa</a> is available.
<news date="June 10, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew,bleedingedge">
<a href="">RFC: Standalone Zip?</a> is available.
<news date="May 15, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew,bleedingedge">
<a href="">New Features Migration Guide</a> is available.
<news date="March 22, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew,bleedingedge">
Details about <a href="">Edit API Source Incompatibility</a> are available.
<news date="March 21, 2007" showOn="docs">
<a href="/modeling/emf/docs/#references">References</a> updated to include <a href="">links</a>. Please contribute!
<news date="March 21, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Create more -- better -- code in Eclipse with JET</a> added.
<news date="February 22, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Generating Dynamic Ecore from XML Schema</a> added.
<news date="February 12, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Dynamic Browsing &amp; Instantiation Capabilites</a> added.
<news date="February 12, 2007" showOn="docs">
<a href="">EMF Wiki Category</a> page added to <a href="/modeling/emf/docs/#references">References</a>.
<news date="January 16, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew,bleedingedge">
<a href="">EMF 2.3 JVM Requirements</a> updated.
<news date="January 03, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href=";view=co">JET Tutorial Part 1 (Introduction to JET)</a> updated.
<news date="Jan 03, 2007" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href=";view=co">JET Tutorial Part 2 (Write Code that Writes Code)</a> updated.
<news date="December 07, 2006" showOn="docs,whatsnew,bleedingedge">
Details about <a href="">EMF 2.3 and JDK 5.0 Generics</a> are available.
<news date="December 01, 2006" showOn="whatsnew">
Since January 2006, there have been over 1,000,000 EMF downloads!
<news date="Nov 18, 2006" showOn="docs,whatsnew,bleedingedge">
Details about <a href="">Changes to the EMF Code Merge</a> (2.3.0) are available.
<news date="October 30, 2006" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">CASCON and OOPSLA presentation &amp; workshop exercises</a> are available.
<news date="September 07, 2006" showOn="whatsnew">
<a href="">Search CVS</a> tool launched for tracking CVS changes.
<news date="August 25, 2006" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Binding XML to Java</a> published at
<news date="August 24, 2006" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
EMF Website reskin completed - please update your bookmarks. Report any problems or broken links in <a href="">Bugzilla</a>.
<news date="August 23, 2006" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">EMF Corner relaunched as Modeling Corner</a>!
<!-- other stats:
Jan-July, total 2.2.0.x downloads: 229,283
Jan-July, total 2.2.0 pre-release (I builds): 125,480, or about 20,000/mo
UM to Zip ratio: 118,546 to 110,737 or about 1:1 (52% UM)
Jan-July, total 2.2.0 release downloads: 103,803, or about 100,000/mo
UM to Zip ratio: 83,078 to 20,725 or about 4:1 (80% UM)
<news date="August 01, 2006" showOn="whatsnew">
Since January 2006, there have been over 777,000 downloads of EMF (incl. 100,000 of EMF 2.2.0)!
<news date="July 20, 2006" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
<a href="">Callisto Podcast Series: Ed Merks</a> is available.
<news date="June 19, 2006" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
<a href="">Using The Eclipse Modeling Frameworks</a> (Adobe Breeze Webinar w/ sound, video, and chat transcript) is available.
<news date="June 02, 2006" showOn="whatsnew">
Since January 2006, there have been over 600,000 downloads of EMF!
<news date="May 19, 2006" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
<a href="">EMF 2.2 Release Review</a> presentation published.
<news date="April 17, 2006" showOn="whatsnew">
Since January 2006, there have been over 400,000 downloads of EMF!
<news date="April 3, 2006" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
<a href="">EclipseCon 2006</a> presentations &amp; project files published.
<news date="October 13, 2005" showOn="whatsnew">
<a href="">EMF</a> has the highest <a href="">liveness</a> of any project at!
<news date="September 30, 2005" showOn="whatsnew">
<a href="">Update Manager</a> site now supports <a href=";format=xml">mirrors</a>.
<news date="July 06, 2005" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
<a href="">What`s New in EMF 2.1?</a> overview published.
<news date="July 06, 2005" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
<a href="">EMF 2.1 vs. EMF 2.0.1</a> performance results published.
<news date="July 06, 2005" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
<a href="">EMF 2.1 Release Review</a> presentation published.
<news date="June 23, 2005" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
New <a href="">EMF Validation Framework Overview</a> available on <a href="">docs page</a>.
<news date="June 16, 2005" showOn="whatsnew">
EMF, SDO &amp; XSD are now being released as jarred plugins. In addition, two new standalone bundles are available for <a href="">download</a>.
<news date="June 13, 2005" showOn="docs">
'Getting EMF Source Files from CVS' and 'Using Eclipse Update Manager to Update EMF, SDO or XSD' updated: XSD is now an EMF subproject, rather than a Technology project.
<news date="June 03, 2005" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
Accessible (HTML/text) versions of <a href="">XSD</a> and <a href="">EMF</a> Powerpoint presentations now available.
<news date="May 19, 2005" showOn="whatsnew">
<a href="">EMF Corner</a> submission/review forms working again (email address was disabled). If you've tried to submit or review and never heard back from us, please try again.
<news date="May 19, 2005" showOn="whatsnew,docs">
EMF Build 2.1.0.I200505191347 contains important and potentially breaking changes. <a href="">Details here</a>.
<news date="May 06, 2005" showOn="whatsnew">
The XSD Technology project has moved to Tools, and has become a subproject of EMF. At the same time, the combined site is being migrated from download to www to improve performance. Please report any broken links or errors to <a href="mailto:codeslave(at)">codeslave(at)</a>.
<news date="March 28, 2005" showOn="whatsnew">
New NLS packs based on EMF and XSD 2.0.2 are available for <a href="">download</a>.
<news date="January 11, 2005" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">EMF, SDO or XSD Plan Docs</a> added.
<news date="October 18, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
New SDO tutorial: <a href="">Using the SDO Data Graph Editor</a> &amp; link to <a href="">JSF/SDO Redbook</a>
<news date="October 18, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
Since April 2004, there have been over 200,000 downloads of EMF, SDO, and XSD!
<news date="October 18, 2004" showOn="docs">
Since April 2004, there have been over 75,000 downloads of EMF, SDO, and XSD documentation!
<news date="October 14, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
<a href="">What's New, CVS?</a> tool launched for tracking CVS changes (replaced by Search CVS, 2006-09-07).
<news date="October 13, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
New Eclipse Corner article: <a href="">EMF goes RCP</a>.
<news date="October 13, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">SDO FAQ</a> split from <a href="">EMF FAQ</a> for ease of use. Now filterable!
<news date="October 07, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Links to SDO <a href="">articles</a> added.
<news date="September 30, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">EMF Corner launched</a>!
<news date="September 30, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Link to SDO <a href="">Overview</a> on developerWorks added.
<news date="September 24, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
<a href="">NLS packs</a> for EMF, SDO, and XSD (SDK and Runtime) now available.
<news date="September 23, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Added two new walkthroughs for <a href="">offline newsgroup searching</a>.
<news date="September 14, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
New <a href="">Update Manager</a> article added.
<news date="September 02, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
Since April 2004, there have been over 150,000 downloads of EMF, SDO, and XSD!
<news date="September 02, 2004" showOn="docs">
Since April 2004, there have been over 50,000 downloads of EMF, SDO, and XSD documentation!
<news date="August 31, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
EMF/SDO/XSD Update Manager site bug <a href="">70176</a> fixed - UM now actually works, as of Eclipse 3.0.1.M20040825 or Eclipse 3.1.0.N20040831.
<news date="August 31, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Link to new <a href="">Kent OCL Library tutorial</a> added.
<news date="August 31, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
XSD <a href="">FAQ</a> updated.
<news date="August 12, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Link to EMF Book <a href="">sample chapter</a> added.
<news date="July 28, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
Since April 2004, there have been over 125,000 downloads of EMF, SDO, and XSD!
<news date="July 28, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
Fixed sort by date feature on <a href="">downloads</a> page. Click Build Date column to sort, or Build Type column to revert.
<news date="July 28, 2004" showOn="docs">
Since April 2004, there have been over 39,000 downloads of EMF, SDO, and XSD documentation!
<news date="July 27, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
Bugzilla links in nav updated to include specific columns and status/milestone/id sort.
<news date="July 24, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
Mirrors page updated with more accurate list of mirrors &amp; links. (This page no longer maintained due to new centralized mirror-based download page for all eclipse downloads.)
<news date="July 13, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">JavaOne 2004 Presentation</a> added.
<news date="June 25, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
List of EMF, SDO &amp; XSD download &amp; documentation mirrors now available. (This page no longer maintained due to new centralized mirror-based download page for all eclipse downloads.)
<news date="June 24, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="">Two new <i>draft</i> overview documents</a>: EMF FeatureMaps &amp; XML Schema to Ecore Mapping added.
<news date="June 22, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
EMF, SDO, and XSD now have an Eclipse 3.0 Update Manager site you can use. Details (including mirror info) posted to the <a href="">FAQ</a>. Instructions &amp; list of available builds <a href="">here</a>.
<news date="June 1, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Updated: <a href="">FAQ</a>, <a href="">Overviews</a>, <a href="">Tutorials</a>!
<news date="May 26, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Added links to <a href="">two new developerWorks articles</a>.
<news date="May 20, 2004" showOn="whatsnew">
<a href="">In order to support Rich Client Platform</a>, the <tt>org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui</tt> plugin now optionally requires <tt>org.eclipse.core.resources</tt> and <tt>org.eclipse.ui.ide</tt> and <b style="background-color:yellow;color:black">no longer exports these imports</b>. <a href="">Details here</a>.
<news date="May 20, 2004">
To better meet the needs of our users, Runtime bundles no longer contain docs. See SDK bundles for Runtime, Source, and docs. <a href="">Javadocs are still available online</a>, updated with every new build.
<news date="May 17, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Crimson DOM bug (problem loading/importing XML Schema) added to <a href="">EMF FAQ</a> &amp; <a href="">EMF Docs page</a>
<news date="May 07, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
<a href="docs.php#dWdocuments">Two new developerWorks XSD reprints</a> are available.
<news date="April 29, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Added link to <a href="">GEF EMF Redbook</a>.
<news date="April 28, 2004">
To better meet the needs of our users, EMF &amp; SDO have been combined into one Runtime and one SDK packages, instead of two of each.
<news date="April 15, 2004">
To better meet the needs of our users, Source, Runtime, and Docs have been combined into one easier-to-<a href="">download</a> SDK bundle for each of EMF, SDO and XSD. Runtimes are still available separately.
<news date="March 16, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Updated the <a href="">Getting EMF Source Files from CVS</a> document.
<news date="February 25, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Added EMF development plan and links to SDO specification and white paper. <a href="">link</a>
<news date="February 12, 2004" showOn="docs,whatsnew">
Added EclipseCon Presentation and Steinberg Interview. <a href="">link</a>
<news date="August 26, 2003" showOn="docs">
<a href="">JET Tutorial Part 2 (Write Code that Writes Code)</a> is available.
<news date="August 16, 2003" showOn="docs">
<a href="">Eclipse Series</a> book on EMF is available: <a href="">Eclipse Modeling Framework</a>.
<news date="July 31, 2003" showOn="docs">
<a href="">JET Tutorial Part 1 (Introduction to JET)</a> is available.
<news date="July 15, 2003" showOn="docs">
<a href="">Getting EMF Source Files from CVS</a> is available.