blob: 111ef66b924d937c1dc8bbefec899be8521189b8 [file] [log] [blame]
<p>Teneo is a database persistency solution for EMF using Hibernate or JPOX/JDO 2.0.
It supports automatic creation of EMF to Relational Mappings and the related database
schemas. The solution also contains a runtime layer to support specific EMF features.
EMF Objects can be stored and retrieved using advanced queries (HQL or JDOQL).
EMF resource implementations are provided for integration with EMF Editors.
The persistence logic and mapping can be controlled using EJB3/JPA-like annotations.
Most of the EJB3/JPA mapping standard is supported.</p>
<p>Documentation and tutorials are available on the
<a href="" target="_new"></a> website.</p>