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However, you can use scenario-convert for free to generate scenarios which are executable with Eclipse MOSAIC. Get it here.
Download scenario-convert from DCAITI mirror scenario-convert is a useful tool, which can be used to create new scenarios or import and export data from external sources like OpenStreetMap, SUMO etc into your existing scenarios."><meta property="og:image" content="">
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<li><a href="#creating-a-complete-eclipse-mosaic-scenario-from-an-osm-file-with-one-command">Creating a complete Eclipse MOSAIC-scenario from an OSM-file with one command</a></li>
<li><a href="#importing-routes-to-your-scenario">Importing Routes to your scenario</a>
<li><a href="#attached-files">Attached Files</a></li>
<li><a href="#reference-documentation-for-scenario-convert">Reference documentation for scenario-convert</a>
<li><a href="#usage-of-scenario-convert">Usage of scenario-convert</a></li>
<li><a href="#configuration-files-for-scenario-convert">Configuration-files for scenario-convert</a></li>
<li><a href="#speed-files">Speed-files</a></li>
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<h1>Scenario Convert</h1>
<div class="article-style">
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<p>The tool <strong>scenario-convert</strong> is part of <strong><a href="/mosaic/download#overview" title="MOSAIC Extended">MOSAIC Extended</a></strong>.</p>
<p>However, you can use scenario-convert <strong>for free</strong> to generate scenarios which are executable with Eclipse MOSAIC. <strong><a href="" title="Get it here">Get it here</a>.</strong></p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<a class="mosaic-btn mosaic-btn-primary" href="" title="Download scenario-convert from DCAITI mirror"><i class="fas fa-download"></i>Download scenario-convert from DCAITI mirror</a>
<p><strong>scenario-convert</strong> is a useful tool, which can be used to create new scenarios or import and export data from
external sources like OpenStreetMap, SUMO etc into your existing scenarios.<br>
It will create a database, which is the basis for all map-related tasks performed by Eclipse MOSAIC (e.g. navigation,
route calculation&hellip;).<br>
Based on a MOSAIC database, scenario-convert can export the data to SUMO-conform formats.
Furthermore one can choose, whether to use routes generated by <code>scenario-convert</code>, use existing
routes or build own routes via route generation tools (e.g. DUAROUTER by SUMO).</p>
<p>This chapter intends to highlight the most common workflows for the work with <code>scenario-convert</code>.
We will be using <a href="/mosaic/docs/building_scenarios/files/steglitz.osm" download><code>this</code></a> OSM-file for most of the
use cases So feel free to follow along with the steps to get a better understanding on how the <code>scenario-convert</code>-script functions.</p>
<div class="alert alert-note">
<p><a href="#reference-documentation-for-scenario-convert">Here</a> you can find a complete reference to all options scenario-convert offers.</p>
<figure id="figure-osm-file-of-steglitz">
<a data-fancybox="" href="../images/osm_uncleaned.png" data-caption="OSM-File of Steglitz">
<img src="../images/osm_uncleaned.png" alt="" >
<figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=":" class="numbered">
OSM-File of Steglitz
<h2 id="creating-a-complete-eclipse-mosaic-scenario-from-an-osm-file-with-one-command">Creating a complete Eclipse MOSAIC-scenario from an OSM-file with one command</h2>
<p>This is the most straight forward way to create a scenario from your OSM-file.
We will use the option <code>--osm2mosaic</code>, which is a combination of the options <code>--osm2db</code>
and <code>--db2mosaic</code>.<br>
Let&rsquo;s start off by showing you how a complete call could look like:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">java -jar scenario-convert.jar --osm2mosaic -i steglitz.osm
<div class="alert alert-note">
<p>In this section we use the scenario name <code>steglitz.<em></code> as synonym for <code>path/to/steglitz.</em></code>.</p>
<p>This achieves a couple of things. First off the script is going to create a SQLite-database,
which is used by Eclipse MOSAIC. Furthermore, a directory will be created, which should look like this:</p>
<pre><code class="language-FOLDER">└─ &lt;working-directory&gt;
└─ steglitz
├─ steglitz.osm
├─ application
| └─ steglitz.db
├─ cell
| ├─ cell_config.json
| ├─ network.json
| └─ regions.json
├─ environment
| └─ environment_config.json
├─ mapping
| └─ mapping_config.json
├─ ns3
| ├─ ns3_config.json
| └─ ns3_federate_config.xml
├─ omnetpp
| ├─ omnetpp_config.json
| └─ omnetpp.ini
├─ output
| └─ output_config.xml
├─ sns
| └─ sns_config.json
├─ sumo
| ├─
| └─ steglitz.sumocfg
└─ scenario_config.json .................. Basic configuration of the simulation scenario
<p>Let&rsquo;s walk through all these files:</p>
<li>First the <code>steglitz.db</code> will be created using the <code>steglitz.osm</code>-file.</li>
<li>The <code>steglitz.db</code> will be used to create <code>steglitz.con.xml</code>, <code>steglitz.edg.xml</code> and <code>steglitz.nod.xml</code>, which are files used by SUMO.</li>
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SUMO Netconvert</a> is used to create <code></code>, which is a
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">network representation</a> in SUMO.</li>
<li>Now the SUMO-configuration <code>steglitz.sumo.cfg</code> is written.</li>
<li>Afterwards the <code>mapping_config.json</code> and <code>scenario_config.json</code> are created and all files are moved to the right place.
In the <code>scenario_config.json</code> values like the center coordinate will automatically be set using data from the SUMO related files.</li>
<p>While this is technically sufficient to start working on your scenario there are a couple of other things
you can do to achieve better results.</p>
<p><strong>Clean the OSM-file using Osmosis</strong><br>
Osmosis will automatically be used to create a new OSM-file with the suffix <code>_cleaned</code>. The created
file will contain much less clutter and usually is better suited for simulation purposes.
Check the images below to see the difference the clean-up process can make.</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">java -jar scenario-convert.jar --osm2mosaic -i steglitz.osm
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6">
<figure id="figure-uncleaned-osm-file">
<a data-fancybox="" href="../images/osm_uncleaned.png" data-caption="Uncleaned OSM-file">
<img src="../images/osm_uncleaned.png" alt="" >
<figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=":" class="numbered">
Uncleaned OSM-file
<div class="col-6">
<figure id="figure-cleaned-osm-file">
<a data-fancybox="" href="../images/osm_cleaned.png" data-caption="Cleaned OSM-file">
<img src="../images/osm_cleaned.png" alt="" >
<figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=":" class="numbered">
Cleaned OSM-file
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6">
<figure id="figure-uncleaned-net-file">
<a data-fancybox="" href="../images/netfile_uncleaned.png" data-caption="Uncleaned Net-file">
<img src="../images/netfile_uncleaned.png" alt="" >
<figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=":" class="numbered">
Uncleaned Net-file
<div class="col-6">
<figure id="figure-cleaned-net-file">
<a data-fancybox="" href="../images/netfile_cleaned.png" data-caption="Cleaned Net-file">
<img src="../images/netfile_cleaned.png" alt="" >
<figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=":" class="numbered">
Cleaned Net-file
<p>To avoid &ldquo;cleaning&rdquo; the OSM-file, please use the option &ldquo;skip-osm-filter&rdquo;.</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">java -jar scenario-convert.jar --osm2mosaic -i steglitz.osm --skip-osm-filter
<p><strong>Generating Routes</strong><br>
The scenario-convert also offers the option <code>--generate-routes</code>, which will generate
a route-file, given some additional information. For example purposes we will run the
following command:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">java -jar scenario-convert.jar --osm2mosaic -i steglitz.osm --generate-routes
--route-begin-latlon 52.4551693,13.3193474 --route-end-latlon 52.4643101,13.3206834 --number-of-routes 3
<p>This will calculate three routes between the two given coordinates.</p>
<p>Alternatively you can use the following command in order to generate routes with node-id&rsquo;s as start and end point, which can be found in the <code>steglitz.nod.xml</code> file.</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">java -jar scenario-convert.jar --osm2mosaic -i steglitz.osm -o --generate-routes
--route-begin-node-id 267350668 --route-end-node-id 313139970 --number-of-routes 3
<a href="#reference-documentation-for-scenario-convert">below</a> for all command line options.</p>
This wraps up one of the main workflows with the scenario-convert-script.
A quick reminder on what we achieved:</p>
<li>Cleaned up an OSM-file to only contain relevant data.</li>
<li>Converted that OSM-file to formats that Eclipse MOSAIC/SUMO can handle.</li>
<li>Created the project structure for a scenario.</li>
<li>Calculated routes between two coordinates.</li>
<p>With all of this you can now start further developing your scenario. For a more detailed description on the next steps
please have a look
<a href="">here (Simulation Scenarios)</a> and
<a href="">here (Application Development)</a>.<br>
While this is the &lsquo;happy world&rsquo; workflow it is often necessary to manually adapt routes and
insert them into your scenario. The following workflow
will explain how that is done and you will also get a more detailed overview of the scenario-convert-functions.</p>
<h2 id="importing-routes-to-your-scenario">Importing Routes to your scenario</h2>
<p>As mentioned above your routes won&rsquo;t always be created by the scenario-convert script. We generated some routes
for the steglitz-scenario using SUMO&rsquo;s
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">duarouter</a>, which you can find
<a href="">here</a>. We&rsquo;ll start with only the <code>steglitz.osm</code> and
<code>steglitz.rou.xml</code> files:</p>
<pre><code class="language-FOLDER">└─ &lt;working-directory&gt;
├─ steglitz.osm
└─ steglitz.rou.xml
<p><strong>Creating the database</strong><br>
We&rsquo;ll start off by solely creating the database and applying OSMOSIS with the following command:</p>
<pre><code class="language-bash">java -jar scenario-convert.jar --osm2db -i steglitz.osm
<p>The directory should look like this:</p>
<pre><code class="language-FOLDER">└─ &lt;working-directory&gt;
├─ steglitz.db
├─ steglitz.osm
├─ steglitz.rou.xml
└─ steglitz_cleaned.osm
<p><strong>Importing the route-file</strong></p>
<p>Let&rsquo;s import our routes into the database.<br>
We achieve this by calling:</p>
<pre><code>java -jar scenario-convert.jar --sumo2db -i steglitz.rou.xml -d .\steglitz.db
<p>Now all new routes are imported into our database. The following image shows a visualization of one of
the created routes.</p>
<figure id="figure-visualization-of-one-of-the-routes">
<a data-fancybox="" href="../images/steglitz_route.png" data-caption="Visualization of one of the routes">
<img src="../images/steglitz_route.png" alt="" >
<figcaption data-pre="Figure " data-post=":" class="numbered">
Visualization of one of the routes
<p><strong>Creating the scenario</strong><br>
The final step is to create the scenario from the files we created so far.</p>
<pre><code>java -jar scenario-convert.jar --db2mosaic -d .\steglitz.db
<p>Instead of copying our SUMO-files this will generate all necessary files and move them into a Eclipse MOSAIC-conform
folder structure:</p>
<pre><code class="language-FOLDER">└─ &lt;working-directory&gt;
├─ steglitz.osm
└─ steglitz
├─ application
| └─ steglitz.db
├─ mapping
| └─ mapping_config.json
├─ sumo
| ├─
| └─ steglitz.sumocfg
└─ scenario_config.json
<p>As you can see the resulting folder structure looks just like the final output from the first workflow described.</p>
You should now know how you can manually add routes to your scenario and have a deeper understanding of the way that
some of the script parameters work.</p>
<h3 id="attached-files">Attached Files</h3>
<p>A list of all attached files in this chapter:</p>
<li><a href="/mosaic/docs/building_scenarios/files/steglitz.osm" download>Steglitz OSM-file</a></li>
<li><a href="/mosaic/docs/building_scenarios/files/steglitz.rou.xml" download>Steglitz Route-file</a></li>
<h2 id="reference-documentation-for-scenario-convert">Reference documentation for scenario-convert</h2>
<h3 id="usage-of-scenario-convert">Usage of scenario-convert</h3>
<p>The following listing shows an overview for the usage of scenario-convert:</p>
<pre><code>usage: scenario-convert [OPERATION] [OPTIONS]
1. Import an osm file and write data into database
&gt; scenario-convert --osm2db -i &lt;OSMFILE&gt; [-d &lt;DATABASE&gt;]
2. Export database content to SUMO-readable files
&gt; scenario-convert --db2sumo -d &lt;DATABASE&gt; [-s &lt;SUMOPREFIX&gt;]
3. Import a SUMO routefile into a database
&gt; scenario-convert --sumo2db -d &lt;DATABASE&gt; -i &lt;ROUTEFILE&gt;.rou.xml
4. Combine steps 1 and 2
&gt; scenario-convert --osm2sumo -d &lt;DATABASE&gt; -i &lt;OSMFILE&gt; [-s &lt;SUMOPREFIX&gt;]
5. Export db content to Shapefile format
&gt; scenario-convert --db2shp -d &lt;DATABASE&gt;
6. Import an srtm file and write elevation data to nodes of an existing database
&gt; scenario-convert --srtm2db -i &lt;SRTMFILE&gt; -d &lt;DATABASE&gt;
7. Create a complete MOSAIC scenario from an osm file
&gt; scenario-convert --osm2mosaic -i &lt;OSMFILE&gt;
8. Create a scenario database from an SUMO net file
&gt; scenario-convert --sumo2db -i &lt;NETFILE&gt;.net.xml
9. Calculate a route from node 123 to node 456
&gt; scenario-convert --generate-routes -d &lt;DATABASE&gt; --route-begin-node-id 123 --route-end-node-id 456
The following arguments are available:
-h,--help Prints this help screen.
-c,--config-file &lt;PATH&gt; Optional, refers to a configuration file which contains all parameters in
JSON format.
--osm2db Converts a OpenStreetMap file to a new scenario database.
--sumo2db Imports a SUMO Network/Routefile. Be aware that you may have to re-export an
imported network.
--srtm2db Imports an SRTM file and writes elevation data to nodes.
--db2sumo Exports the network to SUMO node and edge files.
--db2shp Exports the database into Shapefile format.
--db2mosaic Creates directory structure for a MOSAIC scenario based on the database
--osm2sumo Combination of osm2db and db2sumo.
--osm2mosaic Combination of osm2db and db2mosaic.
--update Updates the database to the current scheme.
-d,--database &lt;PATH&gt; The path to the database.
For import: File to import to. If not given, a new file is created.
For export: File to load from.
For update operations: file to update.
-i,--input &lt;PATH&gt; Defines an input file to use in an import. File type depends on the import
operation (OSM File/Database file/SUMO net file/SUMO rou file).
-s,--sumo-prefix &lt;STRING&gt; Prefix for the generated sumo files (uses database name when not defined).
-f,--force Force overwrite of existing files instead of incrementing file names.
-m,--mapping-file &lt;PATH&gt; Uses the given mapping configuration to export existing vehicleTypes and
vehicles data to *.rou.xml.
--import-lat &lt;DOUBLE&gt; Center latitude of imported region to project coordinates.
--import-lon &lt;DOUBLE&gt; Center longitude of imported region to project coordinates.
--import-zone &lt;STRING&gt; UTM zone of location for projecting coords in default format (e.g. 32n).
-g,--generate-routes Generates route(s) from one point to another. The begin and end for the route
must be known (see below options).
--route-begin-lat &lt;DOUBLE&gt; Latitude of the starting point, needs --route-begin-lon as well.
--route-begin-lon &lt;DOUBLE&gt; Longitude of the starting point, needs --route-begin-lat as well.
--route-begin-latlon &lt;DOUBLE,DOUBLE&gt; [latitude],[longitude] of the starting point.
--route-begin-node-id &lt;STRING&gt; OSM node id of the starting point (use instead of lat/lon).
--route-end-lat &lt;DOUBLE&gt; Latitude of the starting point, needs --route-end-lon as well.
--route-end-lon &lt;DOUBLE&gt; Longitude of the starting point, needs --route-end-lat as well.
--route-end-latlon &lt;DOUBLE,DOUBLE&gt; [latitude],[longitude] of the ending point.
--route-end-node-id &lt;STRING&gt; OSM node id of the ending point (use instead of lat/lon).
--route-matrix &lt;STRING,STRING,...&gt; Calculates all possible routes starting and ending at the given nodes, given
as comma-separated list (e.g. 12345,87123,89123)
--number-of-routes &lt;INTEGER&gt; Defines the number of alternative routes to be calculated (default=1).
--skip-osm-filter Skips automatic filtering of the OSM file (only with osm2xxx).
--skip-turn-restrictions Ignore all defined turn restrictions on OSM import.
--skip-graph-cleanup Turns off the removal of unconnected parts from the main traffic network
graph . Since several components of VSimRTI require one main graph without
disconnected ways and nodes, this option should be used only if the cleanup
procedure is faulty.
--skip-netconvert Skips starting sumo netconvert for creating netfile (only with xxx2sumo).
--skip-traffic-lights-export Skips exporting traffic light information for nodes (only with xxx2sumo).
--osm-speeds-file &lt;PATH&gt; Define a property file which contains speed information which are used to set
the speed for OSM ways without a max speed tag (only with osm2xxx).
--osm-speeds-overwrite If set to true , the maxspeed tags of ways are ignored and replaced by either
default values , or by speed information defined via the --osm-speeds-file
option (only with osm2xxx).
<h3 id="configuration-files-for-scenario-convert">Configuration-files for scenario-convert</h3>
<p>Scenario-convert offers a way to safe your conversion-parameters in a <code>JSON</code> configuration file using
the option <code>-c</code> or <code>--config-file</code>.<br>
The following listing shows how to save the options used in the example above:</p>
&#34;operatingMode&#34;: &#34;osm2mosaic&#34;,
&#34;inputFile&#34;: &#34;steglitz.osm&#34;,
&#34;executeOsmosis&#34;: true,
&#34;generateRoutes&#34;: true,
&#34;routeBeginLatLon&#34;: &#34;52.457616,13.318392&#34;,
&#34;routeEndLatLon&#34;: &#34;52.454774,13.333554&#34;,
&#34;numberOfRoutes&#34;: 3
<h3 id="speed-files">Speed-files</h3>
<p>Below you can find a properties file which can be used during the import of OSM data
in order to define speeds for ways, which do not have a maxspeeds-tag defined. For this purpose use the
option <code>--osm-speeds-file &lt;FILE&gt;</code>. In the speed properties file, for each way type a speed value can
be defined, according to the OSM
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><code>highway</code></a> key.</p>
<pre><code># the unit the speed values are defined in [kmh, ms]
speed.unit = kmh
# the default speed for all way types which are not defined here
speed.default = 30
# autobahn
highway.motorway = 130
highway.motorway_link = 70
# bundesstrasse (germany)
highway.trunk = 70
highway.trunk_link = 65
# linking bigger town
highway.primary = 65
highway.primary_link = 60
# linking towns &#43; villages
highway.secondary = 60
highway.secondary_link = 50
#streets without middle line separation
highway.tertiary = 50
highway.tertiary_link = 40
highway.residential = 30
#special roads
highway.living_street = 5
highway.service = 20
# unclassified roads
highway.unclassified = 30
highway.road = 20
# forest tracks
highway.track 15
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