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usage: scenario-convert [OPERATION] [OPTIONS]
1. Import an osm file and write data into database
> scenario-convert --osm2db -i <OSMFILE> [-d <DATABASE>]
2. Export database content to SUMO-readable files
> scenario-convert --db2sumo -d <DATABASE> [-s <SUMOPREFIX>]
3. Import a SUMO routefile into a database
> scenario-convert --sumo2db -d <DATABASE> -i <ROUTEFILE>.rou.xml
4. Combine steps 1 and 2
> scenario-convert --osm2sumo -d <DATABASE> -i <OSMFILE> [-s <SUMOPREFIX>]
5. Export db content to Shapefile format
> scenario-convert --db2shp -d <DATABASE>
6. Import an srtm file and write elevation data to nodes of an existing database
> scenario-convert --srtm2db -i <SRTMFILE> -d <DATABASE>
7. Create a complete MOSAIC scenario from an osm file
> scenario-convert --osm2mosaic -i <OSMFILE>
8. Create a scenario database from an SUMO net file
> scenario-convert --sumo2db -i <NETFILE>.net.xml
9. Calculate a route from node 123 to node 456
> scenario-convert --generate-routes -d <DATABASE> --route-begin-node-id 123 --route-end-node-id 456
The following arguments are available:
-h,--help Prints this help screen.
-c,--config-file <PATH> Optional, refers to a configuration file which contains all parameters in
JSON format.
--osm2db Converts a OpenStreetMap file to a new scenario database.
--sumo2db Imports a SUMO Network/Routefile. Be aware that you may have to re-export an
imported network.
--srtm2db Imports an SRTM file and writes elevation data to nodes.
--db2sumo Exports the network to SUMO node and edge files.
--db2shp Exports the database into Shapefile format.
--db2mosaic Creates directory structure for a MOSAIC scenario based on the database
--osm2sumo Combination of osm2db and db2sumo.
--osm2mosaic Combination of osm2db and db2mosaic.
--update Updates the database to the current scheme.
-d,--database <PATH> The path to the database.
For import: File to import to. If not given, a new file is created.
For export: File to load from.
For update operations: file to update.
-i,--input <PATH> Defines an input file to use in an import. File type depends on the import
operation (OSM File/Database file/SUMO net file/SUMO rou file).
-s,--sumo-prefix <STRING> Prefix for the generated sumo files (uses database name when not defined).
-f,--force Force overwrite of existing files instead of incrementing file names.
-m,--mapping-file <PATH> Uses the given mapping configuration to export existing vehicleTypes and
vehicles data to *.rou.xml.
--import-lat <DOUBLE> Center latitude of imported region to project coordinates.
--import-lon <DOUBLE> Center longitude of imported region to project coordinates.
--import-zone <STRING> UTM zone of location for projecting coords in default format (e.g. 32n).
-g,--generate-routes Generates route(s) from one point to another. The begin and end for the route
must be known (see below options).
--route-begin-lat <DOUBLE> Latitude of the starting point, needs --route-begin-lon as well.
--route-begin-lon <DOUBLE> Longitude of the starting point, needs --route-begin-lat as well.
--route-begin-latlon <DOUBLE,DOUBLE> [latitude],[longitude] of the starting point.
--route-begin-node-id <STRING> OSM node id of the starting point (use instead of lat/lon).
--route-end-lat <DOUBLE> Latitude of the starting point, needs --route-end-lon as well.
--route-end-lon <DOUBLE> Longitude of the starting point, needs --route-end-lat as well.
--route-end-latlon <DOUBLE,DOUBLE> [latitude],[longitude] of the ending point.
--route-end-node-id <STRING> OSM node id of the ending point (use instead of lat/lon).
--route-matrix <STRING,STRING,...> Calculates all possible routes starting and ending at the given nodes, given
as comma-separated list (e.g. 12345,87123,89123)
--number-of-routes <INTEGER> Defines the number of alternative routes to be calculated (default=1).
--skip-osm-filter Skips automatic filtering of the OSM file (only with osm2xxx).
--skip-turn-restrictions Ignore all defined turn restrictions on OSM import.
--skip-graph-cleanup Turns off the removal of unconnected parts from the main traffic network
graph . Since several components of VSimRTI require one main graph without
disconnected ways and nodes, this option should be used only if the cleanup
procedure is faulty.
--skip-netconvert Skips starting sumo netconvert for creating netfile (only with xxx2sumo).
--skip-traffic-lights-export Skips exporting traffic light information for nodes (only with xxx2sumo).
--osm-speeds-file <PATH> Define a property file which contains speed information which are used to set
the speed for OSM ways without a max speed tag (only with osm2xxx).
--osm-speeds-overwrite If set to true , the maxspeed tags of ways are ignored and replaced by either
default values , or by speed information defined via the --osm-speeds-file
option (only with osm2xxx).