blob: 77b5bccb5aa5635ca587c74b3aa2758739743111 [file] [log] [blame]
---------------------------- Committers ----------------------------
Mik Kersten (mkersten),
Robert Elves (relves),
Steffen Pingel (spingel),
Helen Bershadskaya (hbershadska),
David Green (dgreen),
Frank Becker (fbecker)
Shawn Minto (sminto)
---------------------- Third Party Software ------------------------
name including version, IPzilla #, directory location or jar file, license name and version, usage
(APL=Apache License CPL=Common Public License CDL=Common Development and Distribution License
JDOM=JDOM License (based on Apache License 1.1) MIT=MIT License with "no endorsement" clause)
Apache Axis 1.4, 1310, org.apache.axis Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
SAAJ 1.2, 1473, javax.xml.soap Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache Commons Discovery 0.2, 1474, org.apache.discovery Orbit Bundle, APL 1.1, web repository connections
JAXRPC 1.1, 1475, javax.xml.rpc Orbit Bundle, CDL, web repository connections
WSDL4J 1.6.2, 2906, javax.wsdl Orbit Bundle, CPL 1.0, web repository connections
Java Servlet API 2.4, 2242, javax.servlet Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Geronimo Mail 1.4, 2252, javax.mail Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Geronimo Activation Framework 1.1, 2253, javax.activation Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache Ant 1.7.0, 2503, org.apache.ant Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache Commons Lang 2.3, 1949, org.apache.commons.lang Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache HttpClient 3.1, 1765, org.apache.httpclient Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache Commons Codec 1.3, 1049, org.apache.commons.codec Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache Commons Logging 1.0.4, 1050, org.apache.commons.logging Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache Commons Logging API 1.0.4, 1051, org.apache.commons.logging Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache XML-RPC 3.0, 1567, org.apache.xmlrpc Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache WS Commons Util 1.0.1, 1568, Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
JAXB API 2.0, 2160, javax.xml.bind Orbit Bundle, CDL, web repository connections
Rome 0.9, 2050, com.sun.syndication Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
JDOM 1.0, 2051, org.jdom Orbit Bundle, JDOM, web repository connections
Apache Xerces 2.9.1, 2460, WikiText Component, APL 2.0, see about file
ICU4J 4.0.1, 3075, Orbit Bundle, MIT, internationalization
------------- "Works with" Third Party Dependencies --------------
Documented at:
The inclusion of Mylyn connector dependencies follow the mechanisms of the Web Tools Platform's [ Server Adapter install] and re based on the the ability to include [ works with dependencies] with Eclipse. Note that third party connectors are not distributed with Mylyn, but instead are retrieved from update sites listed via Before installing a connector the user is presented with a license agreement for that connector.
Mylyn does not require the third party connector software to be present and functions with multiple third party connectors present. The following connector kinds are supported. Three kinds of connector dependencies are supported.
* '''Task Repository Connectors''': provide Task List and Task Editor integration for accessing a task/bug/issue management system.
* '''Document Bridges''': provide focusing features to programming and other document management tools.
* '''Version Control''': provide automatic change set management for source and version control systems.
The following reference implementations of connectors are distributed with Mylyn:
* '''Task Repository Connectors''': Mozilla Bugzilla and Trac
* '''Document Bridges''': Eclipse JDT and PDE
* '''Version Control''': Eclipse CVS
==== Current Listing ====
To request being listed please review the criteria below and make the request on {{bug|279709}}.
* Atlassian Connector by Atlassian
* CollabNet Desktop by CollabNet
* Danube ScrumWorks by Tasktop
* Google Gmail and Calendar by Tasktop
* Microsoft Outlook and Exchange by Tasktop
* Rally by Rally
* Tasktop Pro by Tasktop
* Mantis by Mylyn-Mantis
* Foglyn by Peter Stibrany
-------------------------- Obsolete CQs --------------------------
Rome 0.8, 102, com.sun.syndication Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache HttpClient 3.0, 1047, org.apache.httpclient Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache HttpClient 3.0.1, 1073, org.apache.httpclient Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
WSDL4J 1.5.1, 1476, javax.wsdl Orbit Bundle, CPL 1.0, web repository connections
Apache Axis 1.3, 1477, org.apache.axis Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache Commons Lang 2.1, 1890, org.apache.commons.lang Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Java Mail 1.4, 1311, javax.mail Orbit Bundle, CDL, web repository connections
Java Activation Framework 1.1, 1312, javax.activation Orbit Bundle, CDL, web repository connections
Apache PDF Transcoder Library, 3239, org.apache.batik.pdf Orbit bundle, APL 2.0, WikiText PDF conversion
-------------------------- Unused CQs (see bug 260385) --------------------------
Java Servlet API 2.5, 2905, javax.servlet Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
Apache Lucene, 1313, org.apache.lucene Orbit Bundle, APL 2.0, web repository connections
ICU4J 3.8.1, 2785, Orbit Bundle, MIT, internationalization
-------------------------- 3.3.0 --------------------------
2009-10-05, jira, 189689, Pawel Niewiadomski, <100, spingel, fix failing tests
2009-10-02, jira, 189689, Pawel Niewiadomski, <100, spingel, update project configuration as needed
2009-10-02, jira, 290860, Pawel Niewiadomski, <250, spingel, only cache configuration for selected projects
2009-10-01, wikitext, 290961, Martin Kurz, <200, dgreen, markup language configuration locale
2009-09-30, jira, 211654, Jacek Jaroczynski, <250, spingel, support for posting comments through soap
2009-09-29, jira, 290490, Pawel Niewiadomski, <250, spingel, limit configuration updates to editor task
2009-09-23, jira, 288347, Pawel Niewiadomski, <150, spingel, only update changed details
2009-09-17, jira, 283881, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <100, spingel, fix handling of date format
2009-09-17, jira, 237996, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <100, spingel, speed up JIRA searches
2009-09-16, jira, 267508, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, speed up JiraFilterTest
2009-09-16, bugzilla, 287226, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <250, spingel, fix Bugzilla standalone tests
2009-09-11, jira, 287832, Pawel Niewiadomski, <20, spingel, use checkbox tree for multi-selection fields
2009-09-10, jira, 288441, Pawel Niewiadomski, <20, spingel, fix for user agent
2009-09-08, jira, 287736, Pawel Niewiadomski, <10, spingel, fix tests for non english locales
2009-09-01, jira, 287949, Benjamin Muskalla, <10, spingel, include closed tasks in Google code template
2009-08-27, jira, 233757, Jacek Jaroczynski, <20, spingel, reverse sorting for versions
2009-08-21, tasks, 287343, David Shepherd, <10, spingel, avoid refreshes when editor is busy
2009-08-21, jira, 277405, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <150, spingel, do not logout between requests
2009-08-20, tasks, 287213, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, fix showing validation results on repository settings page
2009-08-19, jira, 285793, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, fix tests failures on version 4.0
2009-08-17, monitor, 286691, Emerson Murphy-Hill,<200, sminto, use IProgressMonitor when reading interaction from file
2009-08-13, tasks, 256699, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <50, spingel, show description in preview mode by default
2009-08-13, tasks, 281685, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, improve error messages
2009-08-13, jira, 274914, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <250, spingel, validate estimated time in task editor
2009-08-11, jira, 284172, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, make delegating monitor available as API
-------------------------- 3.2.2 --------------------------
2009-08-10, tasks, 284559, Maarten Meijer, <10, spingel, fix handling of null priority level
2009-08-07, tasks, 282986, Hiroyuki Inaba, <10, spingel, fix for translations on team preferences page
2009-08-07, tasks, 285305, David Shepherd, <10, spingel, support drag and drop in search view
2009-08-06, jira, 285204, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, show creation date in work log table
-------------------------- 3.2.1 --------------------------
2009-07-21, tasks, 284172, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <20, spingel, provide access to synchronization job progress monitor
2009-07-20, tasks, 284047, David Shepherd, <10, spingel, fix icon for date attribute editor
2009-07-19, tasks, 283933, Peter Stibrany, <10, spingel, fix progress monitoring when creating subtasks
2009-07-17, jira, 280963, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <100, spingel, fix handling of date range queries
2009-07-17, jira, 281545, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, fix mixed up constant for version filter
2009-07-17, context, 281002, Philippe Marschall, <10, spingel, fix action enablement for retrieve context
2009-06-21, tasks, 279364, Hiroyuki Inaba, <10, spingel, fix for enabling color selection tool
2009-06-22, tasks, 277974, Kevin Barnes, <10, spingel, fix for showing task list tooltip on Mac
2009-06-23, wikitext, 279029, Holger Voormann, <100, dgreen, fix for TracWiki for parsing WikiWords
2009-06-23, xplanner, 231335, Darren Tarbard, <10, spingel, shift icons by one pixel
-------------------------- 3.2 --------------------------
2009-05-31, tasks, 278575, David Shepherd, <10, spingel, decorate incoming changes for the status whiteboard
2009-05-29, jira, 269854, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, test case for insufficient permission problem
2009-05-29, tasks, 278334, Leo Dos Santos, <20, spingel, fix squashed submit button on carbon
2009-05-28, tasks, 271197, Peter Stibrany, <250, spingel, support saving of multiple attachments
2009-05-27, tasks, 277972, David Shepherd, <100, spingel, make the summary taller and move priority icon the to left of the summary
2009-05-26, jira, 277405, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <50, spingel, do not logout between requests
2009-05-26, tasks, 256071, Remy Chi Jian Suen, <50, spingel, remove reflection usage in Java bridge
2009-05-26, tasks, 277970, David Shepherd, <250, spingel, single selection editor with image support
2009-05-24, tasks, 277245, Hiroyuki Inaba, <150, spingel, improvements to the screen capture tool
2009-05-21, jira, 267720, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <100, spingel, do not highlight multi segment issues keys
2009-05-21, java, 252306, Jingwen Ou, <200, sminto, test for JavaEditingMonitor.handleWorkbenchPartSelection
2009-05-20, tasks, 265565, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <200, spingel, support attaching progress monitors to running submit jobs
2009-05-20, tasks, 266123, Hiroyuki Inaba, <2000, spingel, improve screen capture (CQ 3291)
2009-05-18, tasks, 267118, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, use new look for filtered tree
2009-05-08, tasks, 275506, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, check for null when getting task list view
2009-05-08, sandbox, 247213, Maarten Meijer, <100, spingel, show task attributes in properties view
2009-05-06, jira, 262799, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <100, spingel, do not update estimate if option not selected
2009-05-06, wikitext, 274730, Daniel Migowski, <10, dgreen, MediaWiki Parser does not read tables having mixed headers/normal cells correctly
2009-05-05, jira, 262799, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <250, spingel, support logging work from task editor
2009-05-05, jira, 274915, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <150, spingel, add equals() and hashCode() to JiraWorkLog
2009-05-05, jira, 274903, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, fix conversion of work log units
2009-05-05, tasks, 272605, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, do not force previous and next buttons
2008-04-23, tasks, 256993, Hiroyuki Inaba, <20, spingel, fix image on welcome page
2009-04-22, wikitext, 273355, Peter Friese, <20, dgreen, Support image scaling for Textile -> DocBook
2009-04-12, tasks, 186667, Leo Dos Santos, <20, spingel, tweak task list decorations on carbon
-------------------------- 3.1 --------------------------
2008-09-19, tasks, 246467, Terry Hon, <10, spingel, show repository in task hyperlink
2008-09-19, sandbox, 247736, Jingwen Ou, <20, spingel, expand subsections when expand all button is pressed
2008-09-19, sandbox, 244353, Jingwen Ou, <20, spingel, follow-up patch that uses open type dialog if multiple matches are found
2008-09-19, sandbox, 238028, Jingwen Ou, <20, spingel, follow-up patch to include context attachments in current section
2008-09-21, commons, 240463, Mark Kralj-Taylor <20, relves, don't set logging properties if already set
2008-09-21, tasks, 190503, Shawn Minto, <100, relves, update scheduled presentation to show days of next week
2008-09-21, bugzilla, 246923, Frank Becker, <20, relves, bugzilla was not setting version on retrieved task data
2008-09-23, bugzilla, 248193, David Shepherd, <150, relves, improve bugzilla extensibility
2008-09-26, tasks, 215549, Frank Becker, <10, spingel, indicate deprecated attachments in task editor
2008-09-28, tasks, 227073, Frank Becker, <20, spingel, fix enablement of remove from category action
2008-09-28, tasks, 169916, Frank Becker, <100, spingel, use strikethrough for completed tasks on non-Windows platforms
2008-09-28, bugzilla, 242480, Frank Becker, <100, relves, progress on failing unit tests
2008-09-29, bugzilla, 204051, Frank Becker, <20, spingel, indicate new attachments in task editor
2008-09-30, context, 195229, Martin Koei, <100, mkersten, context performance
2008-09-30, tasks, 197455, Frank Becker, <20, spingel, fix menu enablement for task list
2008-10-01, tasks, 236957, Shawn Minto, <250, spingel, filter excluded resources from context
2008-10-01, context, 245234, Shawn Minto, <250, mkersten, context accuracy
2008-10-02, tasks, 249558, Terry Hon, <10, spingel, make popup window more narrow
2008-10-03, bugzilla, 248193, David Shepherd, <10, relves, extensibility improvements to bugzilla client
2008-10-03, bugzilla, 249067, Frank Becker, <50, relves, incoming changes highlighted for attachments
2008-10-28, tasks, 252300, Frank Becker, <10, spingel, fix for setting category on task creation
2008-10-28, sandbox, 214195, Eugene Kuleshov, <250, spingel, repository linking based on manifest provider
2008-10-30, bugzilla, 171343, Frank Becker, <50, relves, persist bugzilla query page bounds
2008-11-02, tasks, 253052, Hiroyuki Inaba, <10, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn
2008-11-02, tasks, 253052, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.sdk-feature
2008-11-02, tasks, 253052, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn-feature
2008-11-02, tasks, 253053, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla-feature
2008-11-02, tasks, 253053, Hiroyuki Inaba, <20, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ide
2008-11-02, tasks, 253117, Hiroyuki Inaba, <50, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.compatibility
2008-11-02, tasks, 253125, Hiroyuki Inaba, <50, spingel, externalize strings in
2008-11-02, tasks, 253128, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.extras-sdk-feature
2008-11-02, tasks, 253123, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.pde-feature
2008-11-02, tasks, 253120, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.ide-feature
2008-11-02, tasks, 253120, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.ide.ant
2008-11-02, tasks, 253120, Hiroyuki Inaba, <50, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.ide.ui
2008-11-02, tasks, 253124, Hiroyuki Inaba, <150, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.resources.ui
2008-11-02, tasks, 253126, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in
2008-11-02, tasks, 253126, Hiroyuki Inaba, <50, spingel, externalize strings in
2008-11-02, tasks, 253123, Hiroyuki Inaba, <150, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.pde.ui
2008-11-02, tasks, 253121, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in
2008-11-02, tasks, 253118, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.context-feature
2008-11-02, tasks, 253118, Hiroyuki Inaba, <150, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.context.core
2008-11-02, tasks, 253121, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in
2008-11-02, tasks, 253122, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.monitor-feature
2008-11-02, tasks, 253122, Hiroyuki Inaba, <250, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.monitor.core
2008-11-02, tasks, 253122, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.monitor.ui
2008-11-03, bugzila, 226851, Frank Becker, <250, relves, support custom attributes in bugzilla connector
2008-11-04, tasks, 253830, Shawn Minto, <10, spingel, draw borders for text attribute editors
2008-11-08, tasks, 252699, Maarten Meijer, <20, spingel, url property test for task attachments
2008-11-08, tasks, 253116, Hiroyuki Inaba, <150, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.core
2008-11-09, bugzilla, 252297, Frank Becker, <150, relves, status change support for Bugzilla 3.2
2008-11-09, bugzilla, 239435, Frank Becker, <100, relves, support for very large repository configurations
2008-11-10, bugzilla, 254695, Frank Becker, <250, relves, unit test coverage for bugzilla 3.2 status changing
2008-11-10, bugzilla, 254697, Frank Becker, <200, relves, unit test coverage for bugzilla custom attributes
2008-11-10, jira, 253129, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.jira-feature
2008-11-10, trac, 253130, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.trac-feature
2008-11-11, xplanner, 254822, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.xplanner-feature
2008-11-11, wikitext, 254868, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext-feature
2008-11-11, trac, 254862, Jorrit Schippers, <10, spingel, fix url encoding when attachment filenames have spaces
2008-11-11, sandbox, 254866, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.sandbox.ui-feature
2008-11-11, sandbox, 254867, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.web.tasks-feature
2008-11-11, sandbox, 254949, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.experimental-sdk-feature
2008-11-12, bugzilla, 247220, Frank Becker, <50, relves, removed version check config retrieval during validation
2008-11-13, bugzilla, 255283, David Shepherd, <10, spingel, add context menu to task editor header
2008-11-18, sandbox, 244371, Jingwen Ou, <250, spingel, tests for comment grouping
2008-11-28, jira, 256591, Shawn Minto, <10, spingel, do not submit Greenhopper custom fields
2008-12-01, tasks, 256226, Hiroyuki Inaba, <200, spingel, fix character escaping in features licenses
2008-12-01, bugzilla, 256045, Frank Becker, <50, relves, reassign to default and editable assignee for bugzilla 3.2
2008-12-01, bugzilla, 242480, Frank Becker, <50, relves, update bugzilla unit tests
2008-12-02, tasks, 249280, Leo Dos Santos, <20, spingel, additional key-bindings for creating tasks on Mac
2008-12-02, tasks, 253116, Hiroyuki Inaba, <300, spingel, externalize strings in (CQ 2820)
2008-12-02, tasks, 253116, Hiroyuki Inaba, <300, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui (CQ 2820)
2008-12-02, tasks, 253118, Hiroyuki Inaba, <1000, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.context.ui (CQ 2820)
2008-12-02, tasks, 253121, Hiroyuki Inaba, <400, spingel, externalize strings in (CQ 2820)
2008-12-02, tasks, 253126, Hiroyuki Inaba, <400, spingel, externalize strings in (CQ 2820)
2008-12-02, tasks, 253130, Hiroyuki Inaba, <600, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.trac.core (CQ 2820)
2008-12-02, tasks, 253130, Hiroyuki Inaba, <400, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.trac.ui (CQ 2820)
2008-12-02, tasks, 253129, Hiroyuki Inaba, <2000, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.jira.core (CQ 2820)
2008-12-02, tasks, 253129, Hiroyuki Inaba, <400, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.jira.ui (CQ 2820)
2008-12-03, tasks, 253125, Hiroyuki Inaba, <400, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.bugs (CQ 2820)
2008-12-03, tasks, 253125, Hiroyuki Inaba, <1000, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core (CQ 2820)
2008-12-03, tasks, 253125, Hiroyuki Inaba, <7000, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui (CQ 2820)
2008-12-05, tasks, 257740, Shawn Minto, <20, spingel, make updating of repository configuration optional
2008-12-06, tasks, 252672, Shawn Minto, <10, spingel, make updating of repository configuration optional
2008-12-06, tasks, 257386, Hiroyuki Inaba, <50, spingel, apply dialog font to dialogs and wizard pages
2008-12-08, tasks, 253125, Hiroyuki Inaba, <150, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui
2008-12-10, tasks, 254822, Hiroyuki Inaba, <10, spingel, externalize strings in xplanner manifest files
2008-12-10, tasks, 253125, Hiroyuki Inaba, <10, spingel, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui
2008-12-12, bugzilla, 186265, Frank Becker, <2000, relves, support for bugzilla flag manipulation (CQ 2866)
2008-12-12, bugzilla, 152065, Frank Becker, <500, relves, support for attachment deprecation (CQ 2867)
2008-12-15, bugzilla, 253053, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, relves, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla-feature (CQ 2820)
2008-12-15, bugzilla, 253053, Hiroyuki Inaba, <2000, relves, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.core (CQ 2820)
2008-12-15, bugzilla, 253053, Hiroyuki Inaba, <50, relves, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ide (CQ 2820)
2008-12-15, bugzilla, 253053, Hiroyuki Inaba, <2000, relves, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui (CQ 2820)
2008-12-16, bugzilla, 253053, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, relves, externalize strings in org.eclipse.mylyn.bugzilla.ui
2008-12-17, bugzilla, 259047, Frank Becker, <50, relves, fix for NPE in content handler
2008-12-17, bugzilla, 259197, David Shepherd, <50, relves, parse work_time field on comments
2008-12-18, bugzilla, 233621, Frank Becker, <100, relves, autoselect product in product selection dialog
2008-12-18, bugzilla, 258717, Frank Becker, <100, relves, attachment obsolete label toggle
2009-01-03, bugzilla, 258358, Hiroyuki Inaba, <50, spingel, fix string externalizaion in Bugzilla search dialog
2008-01-03, bugzilla, 259791, Frank Becker, <10, spingel, fix compile warnings due to non-externalized strings
2008-01-03, bugzilla, 259877, Frank Becker, <50, spingel, support for cocoa platform
2009-01-08, bugzilla, 259670, Frank Becker, <10, relves, reassign to default appearing in attributes section
2009-01-08, bugzilla, 257320, Frank Becker, <100, relves, reopened tasks appearing as complete in task list
2009-01-08, bugzilla, 258712, Frank Becker, <200, relves, flag manipulation ui nits
2009-01-09, tasks, 231336, Frank Becker, <700, spingel, generalize task list sorting (CQ 2921)
2009-01-11, bugzilla, 258712, Frank Becker, <50, relves, fix flags layout nits
2009-01-12, tasks, 258712, Mark Phippard, <10, spingel, fix proxy logic
2009-01-12, bugzilla, 208839, Frank Becker, <50, relves, ensure client uses location for credentials
2009-01-12, bugzilla, 242480, Frank Becker, <200, relves, port Bugzilla tests to Mylyn 3.0 framework
2009-01-12, bugzilla, 250070, Frank Becker, <50, relves, commit of after vote change fix
2009-01-12, bugzilla, 260552, Frank Becker, <10, relves, QA Contact missing colon
2009-01-14, tasks, 234044, Shawn Minto, <250, spingel, notes section for task editor
2009-01-14, bugzilla, 260917, Frank Becker, <20, relves, add self to cc checkbox appearing in attributes
2009-01-14, bugzilla, 259562, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, relves, include language binding for handling bug submission message
2009-01-15, context, 232626, Andrew Eisenberg, <250, spingel, test cases for bridge shadowing
2009-01-15, tasks, 245270, Shawn Minto, <100, spingel, support monitoring of part out side of the workbench
2009-01-15, bugzilla, 258717, Frank Becker, <200, relves, address remaining mark obsolete nits
2009-01-15, tasks, 261240, Shawn Minto, <10, spingel, support setting of query title
2009-01-18, tasks, 260918, Frank Becker, <20, spingel, fix sorting of task list
2009-01-18, tasks, 259710, Hiroyuki Inaba, <100, spingel, show context elements when task is activated
2009-01-20, jira, 235265, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <250, spingel, support selection of multiple projects
2009-01-21, jira, 235265, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <10, spingel, follow-up fix for selection of multiple projects
2009-01-21, tasks, 261648, Tomasz Zarna, <10, spingel, select repository by default if only one is available
2009-01-21, tasks, 261936, Shawn Minto, <10, spingel, remove events from history when element is removed from context
2009-01-22, jira, 261735, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <250, spingel, test case for query url inconsistency
2009-01-23, jira, 256198, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <200, spingel, fix for advancing workflow with changed description
2009-01-26, jira, 212960, Thomas Ehrnhoefer, <200, spingel, support setting the security level
2009-01-27, bugzilla, 242480, Frank Becker, <100, relves, finish off port of Bugzilla unit tests
2009-01-27, bugzilla, 251292, Frank Becker, <10, relves, url validation fix for Bugzilla settings page
2009-01-28, wikitext, 259089, Matthias Kempka, <20, dgreen, HtmlDocumentBuilder extensibility improvements
2009-01-29, bugzilla, 260963, Frank Becker, <150, relves, Bugzilla version string compar fix
2009-02-02, bugzilla, 259434, Hiroyuki Inaba, <50, relves, attachment parsing internationalization
2009-02-02, tasks, 246149, David Shepherd, <150, spingel, delete tasks and queries when repository is deleted
2009-02-26, resources, 263870, David Shepherd, <50, mkersten, filter preservation fix
------------------------- 3.0.4 -------------------------
2009-01-20, bugzilla, 252297, Frank Becker, <150, spingel, status change support for Bugzilla 3.2
2009-01-21, tasks, 261936, Shawn Minto, <10, spingel, remove events from history when element is removed from context
------------------------- 3.0.2 -------------------------
2008-07-21, sandbox, 240423, Jingwen Ou, <250, spingel, resource hyperlink extension point
2008-07-21, tasks, 203670, Jingwen Ou, <200, spingel, improve sizing of new comment and description area
2008-07-23, sandbox, 240441, Jingwen Ou, <250, spingel, hyperlink detection for references to Java resources
2008-07-31, sandbox, 134165, Jingwen Ou, <250, spingel, provide find functionality for task editor
2008-07-31, sandbox, 241750, David Green, <20000, spingel, initial wikitext contribution (CQ 2391)
2008-08-02, sandbox, 241167, Jingwen Ou, <200, spingel, use stacked layout for wikitext editing
2008-08-02, wikitext, 242812, David Green, <100, spingel, add builder for creating wikitext documentation
2008-08-02, sandbox, 242811, David Green, <50, spingel, build integration for wikitext
2008-08-02, sandbox, 242944, David Green, <10, spingel, fix for wikitext context assist
2008-08-03, team, 242310, Shawn Minto, <20, spingel, fix for task key commit template
2008-08-05, bugzilla, 242480, Frank Becker, <100, relves, port bugzilla test cases to 3.0
2008-08-05, wikitext, 242812, David Green, <10, spingel, improve builder for creating wikitext documentation
2008-08-05, wikitext, 242977, David Green, <10, spingel, enable spell checking for wikitext editor
2008-08-05, xplanner, 240445, Helen Bershadskaya, <150, spingel, do not share date formatters between threads
2008-08-05, sandbox, 239087, Jingwen Ou, <250, spingel, java and resource hyperlink extensions
2008-08-07, bugzilla, 242480, Frank Becker, <100, relves, port bugzilla test cases to 3.0
2008-08-08, tasks, 241123, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, fix sub task visibility when completed tasks filter enabled
2008-08-11, tasks, 233999, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, fix missing subtasks in incoming presentation
2008-08-11, tasks, 220617, Shawn Minto, <50, spingel, delete task data when task is deleted
2008-08-12, sandbox, 219939, Jingwen Ou, <150, spingel, contribute menu item for showing comment source
2008-08-12, wikitext, 241750, David Green, <500, spingel, wikitext bugfixes (CQ 2535)
2008-08-12, wikitext, 242976, David Green, <100, spingel, compatibility fixes for Eclipse 3.3
2008-08-12, wikitext, 243194, David Green, <10, spingel, show annotations in wikitext task editor extension
2008-08-12, wikitext, 243193, David Green, <50, spingel, fix id of validation marker
2008-08-12, wikitext, 243256, David Green, <200, spingel, add configuration API for internal links
2008-08-12, wikitext, 243255, David Green, <150, spingel, fix whitespace handling for internal links
2008-08-12, wikitext, 242939, David Green, <100, spingel, detect comments generated by bugzilla
2008-08-12, wikitext, 240743, David Green, <50, spingel, fix detection of textile acronyms
2008-08-12, tasks, 243925, David Shepherd, <20, spingel, add content assist for combo boxes
2008-08-12, wikitext, 242939, David Green, <20, spingel, fix for detecing bugzilla generated comments
2008-08-12, tasks, 242979, David Green, <250, spingel, generate Eclipse help from media wiki
2008-08-12, sandbox, 219939, Jingwen Ou, <20, spingel, use fixed font for rendering of source view
2008-08-12, wikitext, 243954, David Green, <20, spingel, update version dependencies
2008-08-12, wikitext, 242981, David Green, <50, spingel, move wikitext help under Mylyn node
2008-08-12, wikitext, 243968, David Green, <200, spingel, generate wikitext documentation as part of PDE build
2008-08-13, tasks, 242979, David Green, <250, spingel, generate user guide as part of PDE build
2008-08-13, tasks, 243954, David Green, <20, spingel, remove reexports in manifest files
2008-08-13, bugzilla, 242480, Frank Becker, <100, relves, port bugzilla test cases to 3.0
2008-08-13, tasks, 244110, David Green, <10, spingel, fix regular expression for image downloading
2008-08-14, sandbox, 237678, Jingwen Ou, <50, spingel, contribute menu to configure url for wiki linking
2008-08-14, sandbox, 237678, David Green, <50, spingel, contribute menu to configure url for wiki linking
2008-08-14, wikitext, 244215, David Green, <10, spingel, fix link in wikitext documentation
2008-08-14, wikitext, 244245, David Green, <50, spingel, register markup file extensions with team
2008-08-14, wikitext, 244266, David Green, <10, spingel, fix rendering of mediawiki cheatsheet
2008-08-14, wikitext, 244267, David Green, <100, spingel, respect web browser setting when opening urls
2008-08-14, wikitext, 244242, David Green, <50, spingel, honor editor setting when converting to docbook
2008-08-14, wikitext, 244271, David Green, <50, spingel, fix whitespace in confluence hyperlink detection
2008-08-14, wikitext, 244240, David Green, <50, spingel, fix handling of pipes within tables in confluence markup
2008-08-15, trac, 244017, David Green, <50, spingel, fix for hyperlink matching
2008-08-15, trac, 244017, David Green, <50, spingel, follow-up fix with test cases for hyperlink matching
2008-08-15, wikitext, 244272, David Green, <50, spingel, clean up compiler warnings
2008-08-15, sandbox, 237831, Jingwen Ou, <150, spingel, drag and drop support for resource hyperlinks
2008-08-17, sandbox, 244359, Jingwen Ou, <150, spingel, strategy for grouping comments
2008-08-17, sandbox, 238038, Jingwen Ou, <250, spingel, organize comments in subsections
2008-08-18, sandbox, 244457, Jingwen Ou, <10, spingel, fix grouping of comments for anonymous access
2008-08-18, tasks, 237248, Frank Becker, <10, spingel, set mnemonic for creating tasks
2008-08-20, sandbox, 244687, Maarten Meijer, <100, spingel, contribute menu item to task list for opening properties view
2008-08-20, sandbox, 244353, Jingwen Ou, <150, spingel, prompt user when multiple classes match
2008-08-20, sandbox, 244352, David Green, <50, spingel, case sensitive class name matching
2008-08-20, sandbox, 244380, Jingwen Ou, <10, spingel, trigger search after clicking hyperlink
2008-09-03, tasks, 245269, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, local task editor missing new subtask buttton
2008-09-03, tasks, 243975, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, deletion of tasks causing npe
2008-09-03, tasks, 223086, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, simple deletion of unsubmitted and unmatched categories
2008-09-04, context, 232626, Andrew Eisenberg, <100, mkersten, content type shadowing
2008-09-04, tasks, 245445, Shawn Minto, <50, mkersten, nested log entries
2008-09-09, bugzilla, 197539, Frank Becker, <50, relves, wrapping comments in bugzilla 2.18
2008-09-09, sandbox, 245823, Maarten Meijer, <50, spingel, show extended attributes in properties view
2008-09-10, xplanner, 245343, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, fix exception in time tracking when using non english locale
2008-09-11, wikitext, 247061, David Green, <10, spingel, add wikitext to docbook example to user guide
2008-09-12, tasks, 247077, Peter Stibrany, <10, spingel, fix name of command parameter
2008-09-12, wikitext, 245186, David Green, <100, spingel, fix running unit tests from Eclipse
2008-09-12, wikitext, 239875, David Green, <50, spingel, rename attribute to connectorKind
2008-09-12, wikitext, 245476, David Green, <100, spingel, disable HTML tag extension for Bugzilla dialect
2008-09-12, wikitext, 245608, David Green, <10, spingel, reset parser state when block is closed
2008-09-12, wikitext, 245607, David Green, <100, spingel, support omission of headings from toc
2008-09-12, wikitext, 245757, David Green, <150, spingel, paint horizontal lines
2008-09-12, wikitext, 245759, David Green, <200, spingel, make markup viewer work in standalone applications
------------------------- 3.0.1 -------------------------
2008-06-25, xplanner, 237208, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, follow up fixes for XPlanner port
2008-06-26, sandbox, 213131, Jingwen Ou, <150, spingel, add preview icon to header of new comment section
2008-06-27, sandbox, 237500, Jingwen Ou, <150, spingel, contribute menu to configure text editor extension
2008-06-30, tasks, 226220, Shawn Minto, <50, spingel, test cases for web browser flag
2008-07-04, sandbox, 237500, Jingwen Ou, <50, spingel, enable configuration contribution for bugzilla only
2008-07-07, tasks, 238016, Terry Hon, <50, spingel, fix for attaching of images from the clipboard
2008-07-10, xplanner, 237208, Helen Bershadskaya, <10, spingel, additional follow up fixes for XPlanner port
------------------------- 3.0 -------------------------
2008-03-02, tasks, 221056, Frank Becker, <50, spingel, do not use deprecated api for control decorations
2008-03-02, tasks, 221069, Remy Chi Jian Suen, <20, spingel, change notification popup close icon on mouse hover
2008-03-04, xplanner, 221038, Helen Bershadskaya, <20, spingel, fix null pointer exception on restart
2008-03-04, xplanner, 219868, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, fix for single clicking in task repositories view triggering dialog
2008-03-06, tasks, 152232, Frank Becker, <250, spingel, support content assists for task ids in task editor
2008-03-08, tasks, 221721, Frank Becker, <200, spingel, make attachment size formatter locale aware
2008-03-08, tasks, 152232, Frank Becker, <50, spingel, enhanced content assist for tasks
2008-03-27, sandbox, 223066, Maarten Meijer, <20, spingel, show query url in property page
2008-03-27, tasks, 187127, Frank Becker, <250, spingel, support content assist to work after a comma in the cc list
2008-03-28, bugzilla, 171592, Frank Becker, <250, relves, refactor bugzilla query attributes to no longer use pref store
2008-03-28, tasks, 187127, Frank Becker, <10, spingel, fix test case for person content assists
2008-04-01, tasks, 221628, Frank Becker, <20, relves, improve working set unit test
2008-04-01, tasks, 218630, Frank Becker, <20, relves, use task's name when exported
2008-04-01, tasks, 116487, Jingwen Ou, <250, spingel, performance test cases for the task list
2008-04-02, jira, 223151, Mark Kralj-Taylor, <20, spingel, show issue dependencies in task list
2008-04-03, tasks, 225413, Terry Hon, <250, spingel, support hyperlink detection for multiple repositories
2008-04-06, bugzilla, 192452, Frank Becker, <50, spingel, support content assist in bugzilla search dialog
2008-04-07, bugzilla, 192452, Frank Becker, <20, spingel, test case for content assist
2008-04-08, tasks, 220080, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, category selection
2008-04-08, tasks, 204279, Shawn Minto, <250, spingel, ported local sub task support to cvs head
2008-04-08, bugzilla, 175922, Frank Becker, <250, relves, add custom attribute support for bugzilla
2008-04-08, tasks, 218630, Frank Becker, <10, relves, task export file name updated
2008-04-08, tasks, 168878, Shawn Minto, <100, spingel, guard against cyclic dependencies in task list model
2008-04-08, tasks, 225172, Shawn Minto, <100, mkersten, find for search view
2008-04-08, tasks, 225765, Shawn Minto, <50, spingel, add key-binding for creating sub tasks
2008-04-12, tasks, 195456, Shawn Minto, <200, spingel, add query capability to connenctor ui
2008-04-13, bugzilla, 175922, Frank Becker, <50, relves, rearrangement of custom attributes
2008-04-14, tasks, 213901, Shawn Minto, <50, spingel, sort history in task selection dialog
2008-04-14, xplanner, 226412, Helen Bershadskaya, <50, spingel, do not log authentication errors
2008-04-17, tasks, 216688, Frank Becker, <50, mkersten, notification dialog restore
2008-04-19, bugzilla, 226795, Frank Becker, <10, relves, notification dialog restore
2008-04-21, xplanner, 221045, Helen Bershadskaya, <20, spingel, decouple xplanner ui from apache axis
2008-04-21, xplanner, 221046, Helen Bershadskaya, <20, spingel, make xplanner tests run with non english locales
2008-04-22, bugzilla, 227841, Frank Becker, <10, relves, code cleanup
2008-04-24, xplanner, 227053, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, cleanup compiler warnings
2008-04-28, tasks, 225538, Frank Becker, <250, spingel, grouping by task completion state in search view
2008-04-30, tasks, 229657, Shawn Minto, <50, spingel, accept null url when opening tasks
2008-05-01, tasks, 225538, Frank Becker, <50, spingel, filter completed tasks in search view
2008-05-04, commons, 230055, Scott Lewis, <50, mkersten, javadoc tags
2008-05-08, tasks, 219540, Frank Becker, <250, relves, second level sorting in task list with dialog
2008-05-12, bugzilla, 169625, Frank Becker, <100, relves, selection preserved after attribute update
2008-05-12, bugzilla, 186265, Frank Becker, <100, relves, core support for bugzilla flags
2008-05-14, tasks, 221017, Leo Dos Santos, <10, mkersten, mac scroll bar fix
2008-05-18, commons, 219171, Willian Mitsuda, <10, mkersten, screen shot multi-monitor fix
2008-05-18, commons, 230011, Willian Mitsuda, <10, mkersten, screen shot npe fix
2008-05-20, tasks, 231033, Willian Mitsuda, <10, spingel, fix key-bindings on Mac OS X
2008-05-20, commons, 209846, Shawn Minto, <250, mkersten, delayed refresh for focused viewers
2008-05-20, tasks, 232441, Frank Becker, <10, mkersten, sorting fix
2008-05-25, bugzilla, 233515, Frank Becker, <10, relves, incompatible repository configuration logging
2008-05-25, tasks, 194124, Frank Becker, <10, relves, copy multiple details to clipboard
2008-06-04, tasks, 234957, Shawn Minto, <10, spingel, add deletion events to task list
2008-06-05, tasks, 136298, Frank Becker, <250, mkersten, task creation from marker
2008-06-06, sandbox, 234212, David Green, <250, spingel, provide task editor extension point
2008-06-09, tasks, 229014, Frank Becker, <20, spingel, fix for url hyperlink detection
2008-06-09, bugzilla, 176212, Frank Becker, <10, spingel, fix for url Bugzilla task hyperlink detection
2008-06-09, tasks, 136298, Frank Becker, <10, spingel, show error when no marker is selected
2008-06-11, xplanner, 236691, Helen Bershadskaya, <10, spingel, port XPlanner core
2008-06-11, xplanner, 236732, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, migration of XPlanner task list data
2008-06-11, xplanner, 236733, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, migration of XPlanner offline data
2008-06-11, xplanner, 236690, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, port of XPlanner connector core and ui
2008-06-11, xplanner, 236782, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, port of XPlanner task editor
2008-06-11, xplanner, 236727, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, port of the XPlanner query wizard and task creation wizard
2008-06-11, xplanner, 236692, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, spingel, port of XPlanner tests
2008-06-12, help, 235243, Leo Dos Santos, <250, mkersten, legend dialog extracted to superclass
2008-06-12, bugzilla, 233515, Frank Becker, <10, spingel, fix for error message
2008-06-12, tasks, 236694, Helen Bershadskaya, <20, spingel, documentation for API methods
2008-06-12, sandbox, 235222, Jingwen Ou, <250, spingel, extension for bugzilla task editor
2008-06-12, sandbox, 235222, David Green, <20, spingel, fixes for task editor extension point
------------------------ 2.3.1 ------------------------
2008-03-10, tasks, 204279, Shawn Minto, <250, spingel, fixes for local sub task support
2008-03-12, tasks, 204279, Shawn Minto, <10, spingel, follow-up fix for local sub task support
------------------------- 2.3 -------------------------
2008-01-09, tasks, 191726, Frank Becker, <50, spingel, use strike-through font for resolved dependent tickets
2008-01-11, tasks, 215057, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, add support for pre and post task activation
2008-01-15, bugzilla, 212484, Frank Becker, <200, relves, move qacontact field to Person section
2008-01-17, jira, 203555,Wesley Coelho, <10, spingel, submit custom fields when creating jira issues
2008-01-22, bugzilla, 215071, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, report subentries
2008-01-23, tasks, 152211, Maarten Meijer, <10, mkersten, clone of local
2008-01-23, tasks, 167941, Frank Becker, <50, spingel, use strike-through font for hyperlinks to resolved bugs
2008-01-23, bugzilla, 181190, Frank Becker, <10, relves, fix escaping of characters
2008-01-23, bugzilla, 215910, Frank Becker, <10, relves, update to use of Apache's StringEscapeUtils for html escaping
2008-01-26, tasks, 165968, Frank Becker, <200, relves, comment ordering in task editor
2008-01-26, xplanner, 211101, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, relves, add support for time submission from xplanner editor
2008-01-28, tasks, 165986, Frank Becker, <50, relves, grayed out sort direction icons and refactoring
2008-02-01, context, 204951, Shawn Minto, <10, mkersten, enablement fix
2008-02-06, tasks, 168377, Willian Mitsuda, <200, relves, add attachment size to task editor
2008-02-06, jira, 217008, Willian Mitsuda, <10, relves, add attachment size field to jira task data
2008-02-06, tasks, 209327, Remy Chi Jian Suen, <20, relves, stream based api for task list writer
2008-02-07, tasks, 217630, Jacek Pospychala, <50, relves, run stack trace type detection in job
2008-02-12, tasks, 217587, Leo Dos Santos, <10, spingel, key-binding fix for Mac OS X for opening tasks
2008-02-15, bugzilla, 213077, Frank Becker, <100, relves, implement BugzillaTaskDataHandler.initializeTaskData()
2008-02-18, tasks, 215136, Shawn Minto, <10, spingel, unminimize workbench when opening task from notification window
2008-02-19, tasks, 205238, Maarten Meijer, <10, spingel, show warning when dropping multiple files
2008-02-20, tasks, 195691, Willian Mitsuda, <250, mkersten, color selector
2008-02-20, tasks, 209897, Willian Mitsuda, <250, mkersten, screenshot preview
2008-02-20, tasks, 195691, Willian Mitsuda, <250, mkersten, markup support
2008-02-21, tasks, 217247, Maarten Meijer, <10, spingel, enable binding for delete key in repositories view
2008-02-21, tasks, 219745, Frank Becker, <10, spingel, display warning message if task editor is not fully loaded
2008-02-21, tasks, 217344, Willian Mitsuda, <250, spingel, support filtering by working set in open task dialog
2008-02-21, tasks, 168377, Willian Mitsuda, <50, spingel, use KB instead of kB to display attachment sizes
2008-02-21, tasks, 212285, Shawn Minto, <250, mkersten, remove from context fix
2008-02-21, context, 205124, Tracy Mew, <250, mkersten, context search popup (contains copied Platform code)
2008-02-27, tasks, 220096, Leo Dos Santos, <10, spingel, do not show password prompt when system dialog is open
2008-02-27, xplanner, 211101, Helen Bershadskaya, <100, mkersten, layout fix
------------------------- 2.2 -------------------------
2007-11-08, tasks, 206688, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, screenshot capture fixes
2007-11-14, bugzilla, 209257, Frank Becker, <10, relves, remove unused constant
2007-11-14, bugzilla, 152869, Frank Becker, <200, relves, new bug from failed JUnit test
2007-11-14, tasks, 209402, Frank Becker, <200, spingel, add support for cloning task data attribues
2007-11-15, tasks, 207498, Maarten Meijer, <50, relves, auto update configuration max every 24hrs
2007-11-16, tasks, 203602, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, screenshot capture improvements
2007-11-18, bugzilla, 209073, Frank Becker, <100, relves, additional attributes added to new bug editor
2007-11-18, bugzilla, 209250, Frank Becker, <10, relves, content assist for Bugzilla 3.1 assignedTo field
2007-11-19, tasks, 189313, Leo Dos Santos, <10, spingel, task list tooltip alignment fix for Mac OS X
2007-11-19, tasks, 169426, Frank Becker, <250, spingel, create new tasks from comments
2007-11-20, jira, 207567, George Lindholm, <100, spingel, fix for infinite loop in html to text converter
2007-11-21, bugzilla, 207524, Frank Becker, <250, relves, new subtask creation support
2007-11-22, tasks, 169426, Frank Becker, <200, spingel, test case for creating new tasks from comments
2007-11-26, tasks, 208363, George Lindholm, <300, relves, second level priority sort by id/summary
2007-11-26, tasks, 209409, Willian Mitsuda, <100, relves, hyperlink duplication fix
2007-11-26, tasks, 209572, Chris Aniszczyk, <250, spingel, restore selection when opening attachment wizard
2007-11-26, tasks, 210287, Willian Mitsuda, <10, mkersten, task creation fix
2007-11-26, bugzilla, 205909, Frank Becker, <10, relves, local users support for bugzilla 3.0
2007-11-27, tasks, 189476, Leo Dos Santos, <250, mkersten, UI legend layout fixes
2007-11-27, tasks, 193849, Willian Mitsuda, <250, mkersten, open task dialog improvements
2007-11-29, sandbox, 210639, Maarten Meijer, <250, spingel, show additional information on property pages
2007-11-29, tasks, 199678, Frank Becker, <20, relves, summary field converted to text viewer
2007-11-30, bugzilla, 206510, Frank Becker, <200, relves, language template support for bugzilla
2007-11-30, tasks, 211080, Leo Dos Santos, <100, spingel, drag and drop fixes for Mac OS X
2007-11-30, monitor, 211526, George Lindholm, <10, relves, usage wizard rollover fix
2007-12-04, xplanner, 211827, Helen Bershadskaya, <200, spingel, prompt user for credentials when opening query dialog
2007-12-04, tasks, 205123, Michael Valenta, <10, relves, task repository matching fix
2007-12-04, tasks, 211802, Michael Valenta, <20, relves, allow addition of call to addRepository from non-UI thread
2007-12-04, bugzilla, 206510, Frank Becker, <100, relves, refactor en template to en (default)
2007-12-04, tasks, 210684, Shawn Minto, <100, spingel, disable actions for offline repositories
2007-12-05, bugzilla, 206510, Frank Becker, <10, relves, code clean up
2007-12-06, bugzilla, 206510, Frank Becker, <20, relves, language support for bugzilla history
2007-12-07, tasks, 202817, Shawn Minto, <100, mkersten, fix for delete
2007-12-10, tasks, 212215, Shawn Minto, <250, spingel, add ability to remove the default mylyn status handler
2007-12-12, tasks, 209407, Shawn Minto, <250, mkersten, search view groupings
2007-12-12, tasks, 208265, Kevin Bracey, <200, mkersten, editor close fix
2007-12-19, bugzilla, 212352, Frank Becker, <10, relves, some fields not sent correctly affecting bugzilla 3.1 reassignment
2007-12-19, bugzilla, 213110, Frank Becker, <50, relves, make testReassign31 more robust
2007-12-19, bugzilla, 213522, Frank Becker, <50, relves, make testReassign22 and testReassign30 more robust
2007-12-12, context, 215055, Shawn Minto, <100, mkersten, focus performance
------------------------- 2.2M -------------------------
2007-10-01, tasks 204511, Ketan Padegaonkar, <10, mkersten, schema fix
2007-10-04, bugzilla, 196056, Maarten Meijer, <50, relves, add gzip stream support for repository config retrieval
2007-10-04, tasks, 205213, Maarten Meijer, <50, relves, set user agent on web client
2007-10-04, tasks, 205206, Ketan Padegaonkar, <10, relves, fixed npe in TaskFactory
2007-10-04, tasks, 198614, Frank Becker, <10, relves, eliminate redundant duplicate detection code
2007-10-05, bugzilla, 196056, Maarten Meijer, <10, relves, support for gzipped repository configuration
2007-10-09, monitor, 205838, Shawn Minto, <250, mkersten, monitor improvements
2007-10-11, tasks, 203140, Leo Dos Santos, <10, relves, enable attributes section override
2007-10-11, bugzilla, 173352, Frank Becker, <500, relves, bugzilla multiple language support
2007-10-11, tasks, 205213, Maarten Meijer, <50, relves, improve Mylyn/httpclient user agent id
2007-10-11, tasks, 205708, Maarten Meijer, <500, relves, improve Mylyn support for gzipped response streams
2007-10-11, bugzilla, 205947, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, fixed exception when no configuration data exists
2007-10-16, bugzilla, 173352, Frank Becker, <10, relves, bugzilla multiple language support (code cleanup)
2007-10-16, xplanner, 205218, Helen Bershadskaya, <200, relves, allow specifying time in a XPlanner Editor field
2007-10-16, tasks, 206396, Frank Becker, <10, relves, comment reply not visible when opened from outline
2007-10-16, tasks, 206390, Willian Mitsuda, <10, mkersten, prefs fixes
2007-10-18, tasks, 203796, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, URL copying
2007-10-23, tasks, 203796, Willian Mitsuda, <250, mkersten, comment coloring
2007-10-23, core, 207069, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, fix swt exception on viewer shutdown
2007-10-24, context, 204495, Shawn Minto, <100, mkersten, context API candidate
2007-10-25, tasks, 207334, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, fix drag and drop hit within query moving to uncategorized
2007-10-25, tasks, 206970, Willian Mitsuda, <10, relves, comment coloring code improvement
2007-10-31, context, 208247, Shawn Minto, <250, mkersten, context API improvements
2007-11-01, context, 201144, Jakub Jurkiewicz, <100, mkersten, focus for bookmarks
2007-11-01, xplanner, 207884, Helen Bershadskaya, <20, relves, fix new task addition default to current user
2007-11-06, tasks, 207598, Nathan Hapke, <10, spingel, make task list tooltip code reusable
2007-11-07, tasks, 208819, Chris Aniszczyk, <100, mkersten, report as bug fix
2007-11-07, sandbox, 208275, Maarten Meijer, <250, mkersten, properties page addition
------------------------- 2.1 -------------------------
2007-09-07, xplanner, 201970, Helen Bershadskaya, <10, mkersten, search page fix
2007-09-19, tasks, 161646, Maarten Meijer, <250, mkersten, cloning
2007-09-19, tasks, 189170, Jevgeni Holodkov, <100, mkersten, text fix
2007-09-20, tasks, 203378, Shawn Minto, <100, mkersten, subtasks fix
2007-09-20, tasks, 203479, Shawn Minto, <100, mkersten, collapse button
2007-09-20, tasks, 196029, Jevgeni Holodkov, <250, mkersten, import action
2007-09-25, tasks, 204342, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, fix drag and drop in Scheduled mode
2007-09-26, tasks, 204608, Leo Dos Santos, <20, relves, fix for export of task/query under linux and mac
2007-09-27, tasks, 204832, Shawn Minto, <20, relves, task id field disablement in search page
------------------------- 2.1M1 -------------------------
2007-07-04, tasks, 186682, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, prefernece opening fix
2007-07-06, context, 195052, Toomas Romer, <100, mkersten, action fix
2007-07-06, tasks, 160572, Balazs Brinkus, <250, mkersten, screenshot tool
2007-07-06, tasks, 195448, Willian Mitsuda, <10, mkersten, id fix
2007-07-06, web site, 195508, Jacek Pospychala, <10, mkersten, redirect
2007-07-06, bugzilla, 195080, Meghan Allen, <100, mkersten, length fix
2007-07-07, tasks, 191114, Xiaoyang Guan, <250, relves, wiki preview for TracTaskEditor
2007-07-10, context, 186682, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, highlighters fix
2007-07-10, tasks, 191114, Xiaoyang Guan, <100, relves, description wiki preview pulled up into AbstractRepositoryTaskEditor
2007-07-11, bugzilla, 168895, Shawn Minto, <200, relves, keyword selection dialog for bug editor
2007-07-11, tasks, 196205, Shawn Minto, <100, mkersten, title fix
2007-07-11, tasks, 196244, Shawn Minto, <10, mkersten, editor fix
2007-07-13, core, 166203, Matthew Beermann, <250, mkersten, maven poms
2007-07-13, tasks, 196209, Leo Dos Santos, <100, mkersten, welcome fix
2007-07-19, tasks, 168895, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, resizable keywords dialog
2007-07-24, tasks, 195721, Frank Becker, <10, relves, eliminate unnecessary selection in combos on mac
2007-07-24, tasks, 195916, Xiaoyang Guan, <100, relves, open links in wiki preview in separate editor
2007-07-26, tasks, 195721, Frank Becker, <10, relves, fix selection of combo fields on mac
2007-07-27, tasks, 198140, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, mylyn monitor stop failed resolved
2007-07-27, tasks, 174473, Balazs Brinkus, <200, relves, create new query when adding new task repository
2007-07-28, tasks, 196585, Xiaoyang Guan, <1000, spingel, Java wrapper for TracXmlRpcPlugin wiki API
2007-07-28, tasks, 189514, Jevgeni Holodkov, <200, relves, clone query in task list
2007-07-31, trac, 196585, Xiaoyang Guan, <250, spingel, make identifiers consistent with project conventions and and clean up wiki API
2007-07-31, bugzilla, 198213, Raphael Ackermann, <10, relves, accessibility improvements in query wizard
2007-07-31, tasks, 198145, Shawn Minto, <100, relves, fix content assist ordering and 'Z' problem
2007-08-01, tasks, 165359, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, fix new comment fill vertical
2007-08-02, tasks, 198017, Xiaoyang Guan, <500, spingel, added dialog for opening wiki pages
2007-08-02, tasks, 189518, Jevgeni Holodkov, <500, relves, repositories included with query export
2007-08-02, tasks, 196683, Jevgeni Holodkov, <100, relves, drag queries into task list
2007-08-08, bugzilla, 198213, Raphael Ackermann, <20, relves, accessibility improvements in query wizard and task search
2007-08-08, tasks, 198590, Leo Dos Santos, <10, relves, planning perspective id correction
2007-08-09, web, 198907, George Lindholm, <50, relves, improve support for NTLM authentication
2007-08-13, tasks, 194936, Frank Becker, <50, relves, added attachment table tooltip support
2007-08-14, tasks, 195514, Raphael Ackermann, <100, relves, upgrade summary field to text viewer
2007-08-14, tasks, 198526, Raphael Ackermann, <10, relves, focus on summary field upon open new bug editor
2007-08-15, tasks, 200072, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, AbstractTaskContainer.contains should return true if subtask is contained
2007-08-17, bugzilla, 198492, Frank Becker, <50, relves, don't selected component for new bug reports
2007-08-20, tasks, 200622, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, OpenCorrespondingTaskAction not opening browser in ui thread
2007-08-22, tasks, 200702, Shawn Minto, <50, mkersten, subtasks label provider fix
2007-08-22, tasks, 200851, Shawn Minto, <50, mkersten, offline repository fix
2007-08-22, bugzilla, 198027, Frank Becker, <100, relves, Support reassignment on Bugzilla 3.1
2007-08-22, xplanner, 196398, Helen Bershadskaya, <50, mkersten, static access fixes
2007-08-22, xplanner, 197407, Helen Bershadskaya, 0, mkersten, removed unused classes
2007-08-22, xplanner, 198976, Helen Bershadskaya, <10, mkersten, disabled reply links
2007-08-22, trac, 200114, Xiaoyang Guan, <500, spingel, provide version history of a wiki page
2007-08-22, trac, 200117, Xiaoyang Guan, <250, spingel, support spell checking and hyperlink detection in the wiki editor
2007-08-22, tasks, 198801, Maarten Meijer, <10, mkersten, null check for working sets
2007-08-23, tasks, 199673, Raphael Ackermann, <10, mkersten, rename fix
2007-08-24, xplanner, 196700, Helen Bershadskaya, <250, mkersten, new task editor
2007-08-24, tasks, 199930, Shawn Minto, <20, relves, open task in browser fix
2007-08-24, tasks, 200608, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, date picker strange time fix
2007-08-24, bugzilla, 161457, Frank Becker, <50, relves, support bugzilla 3.0 custom resolutions
2007-08-26, context, 195580, David Green, <50, mkersten, manipulation extensibility
2007-08-29, bugzilla, 159397, Maarten Meijer, <150, relves, platform autodetection improvements
2007-08-29, xplanner, 196909, Helen Bershadskaya, <10, relves, xplanner http auth support
2007-08-30, xplanner, 201464, Helen Bershadskaya, <150, relves, xplanner new task editor story corruption
2007-08-31, bugzilla, 201151, Frank Becker, <50, relves, disallow accidental use of validation string as repository version
2007-09-04, bugzilla, 201642, Frank Becker, <100, relves, unit test coverage bugzilla owner reassignment
2007-09-10, tasks, 196444, Nathan Hapke, <100, relves, change in proxy settings not taking effect (cached proxy settings)
2007-09-11, tasks, 196029, Jevgeni Holodkov, <200, relves, Task exporting/importing core + d&d with tests
2007-09-11, tasks, 202842, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, repository search page showing wrong fields for given repository
2007-09-11, tasks, 202502, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, repository settings page advance section should be optional
2007-09-12, xplanner, 196523, Helen Bershadskaya, <10, relves, unit test updates
2007-09-13, xplanner, 203174, Helen Bershadskaya, <100, relves, fixed tasks being dropped from xplanner queries
2007-09-13, tasks, 195311, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, fixed query fails to show incoming if only sub task has incoming
------------------------- 2.0 (Europa) -------------------------
2007-01-05, tasks, 164661, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, open of multiple tasks
2007-01-05, tasks, 165169, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, fix image preview scrolling
2007-01-21, monitor, 170979, Meghan Allen, <10, mkersten, off-by one fix
2007-01-21, monitor, 170981, Meghan Allen, <10, mkersten, formatting fix
2007-01-23, tasks, 170450, Dmitry Stadnik, <10, mkersten, mac font fix
2007-01-26, tasks, 168652, Hasan Ceylan, <100, relves, Turkish local fix
2007-02-01, web site, 170427, Alex Blewitt, <10, mkersten, download page fix
2007-02-01, jira, 165389, Brock Janiczak, <4000, mkersten, jira core services contribution (IPZilla CQ 1117)
2007-02-05, monitor, 172768, Brian de Alwis, <100, mkersten, workbench shutdown fix
2007-02-06, monitor, 165822, Brian de Alwis, <250, mkersten, monitor logging cleanup
2007-02-07, monitor, 165820, Brian de Alwis, <100, mkersten, xml conversion fix
2007-02-09, tasks, 173171, Andrew Overholt, <10, mkersten, @Override fix
2007-02-09, tasks, 168073, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, accept all ssl certs
2007-02-12, bugzilla, 173575, John Anvik, <250, relves, Bugzilla task history (headless)
2007-02-14, tasks, 173991, Juerg Billeter, <100, mkersten, URL-based repository task creation
2007-02-15, core, 174357, Shawn Minto, <10, mkersten, startup fix
2007-02-16, bugzilla, 174363, John Anvik, <100, relves, TaskRevision objects missing data
2007-03-02, tasks, 168756, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, search page opening
2007-02-20, tasks, 174358, Shawn Minto, <250, relves, Task kind added to RepositoryTaskData
2007-02-21, tasks, 174864, Shawn Minto, <250, relves, extension for automatic repository creation
2007-03-01, bugzilla, 175003, John Anvik, <100, relves, TaskHistory serialization
2007-03-12, bugzilla, 175771, John Anvik, <10, relves, QueryHitCollector reset
2007-03-13, tasks, 177240, Benjamin Pasero, <10, relves, Allow to open multiple tasks at once
2007-03-14, tasks, 175826, Juerg Billeter, <100, relves, Adding task repository not respecting userManaged
2007-03-14, tasks, 177320, Michael Valenta, <250, mkersten, proxy settings
2007-03-14, tasks, 176300, Michael Valenta, <10, mkersten, grid layout fix
2007-03-14, bugzilla, 177237, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, Incorrect status message after validation
2007-03-15, tasks, 173990, Juerg Billeter, <250, mkersten, customizable editor IDs
2007-03-16, tasks, 176669, Benjamin Pasero, <250, mkersten, category gradients
2007-03-16, tasks, 176133, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, view file button
2007-03-16, tasks, 175873, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, editor fix
2007-03-18, tasks, 176740, Jean Michel Lemieux,<250, mkersten, notification suppression
2007-03-21, tasks, 161458, Leo Dos Santos, <100, relves, favicon download support
2007-03-22, sandbox, 170540, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, servlet fixes
2007-03-22, monitor, 176133, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, view file fixes
2007-03-26, java, 179176, Wayne Beaton, <10, mkersten, tooltip typo fix
2007-03-27, tasks, 179598, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, template repositories being added twice
2007-03-28, tasks, 179618, Shawn Minto, <100, relves, Abstract editor cleanup and ability to override createAttributes
2007-03-28, tasks, 179829, Shawn Minto, <10, mkersten, task editor date format extensibility
2007-03-29, resources, 178931, Fabio Zadrozny, <250, mkersten, default resource exclusions
2007-03-29, resources, 178931, Fabio Zadrozny, <100, mkersten, adaptiation to resources
2007-03-29, monitor, 173961, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, montitor log rollover
2007-03-30, context, 173727, Igor Fedorenko, <250, mkersten, expansion preference
2007-03-30, tasks, 162222, Leo Dos Santos, <100, relves, multi-monitor notification position fix
2007-03-30, tasks, 166990, Leo Dos Santos, <100, relves, multi-monitor tooltip position fix
2007-03-30, tasks, 179076, Shawn Minto, <20, relves, Focus on summary for new repository task editor
2007-03-30, bugzilla, 179576, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, Support status whiteboard field
2007-03-30, context, 174671, Shawn Minto, <10, mkersten, opening fix
2007-03-30, tasks, 180252, Shawn Minto, <10, mkersten, root category fix
2007-04-02, tasks, 180487, Boris Pruessmann, <100, relves, content assist support for task editor
2007-04-02, tasks, 180561, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, search for duplicates only available if connector supports
2007-04-05, monitor, 179144, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, monitor job fixes
2007-04-02, tasks, 180561, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, search for duplicates only available if connector supports
2007-04-05, monitor, 179144, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, monitor job fixes
2007-04-05, monitor, 179144, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, monitor job fixes
2007-04-13, tasks, 182398, Shawn Minto, <10 mkersten, open fix
2007-04-13, tasks, 180487, Boris Pruessmann, <250, mkersten, context assist
2007-04-13, tasks, 172021, Lubos Pochman, <100, relves, support deletion of comments and attachments in editor
2007-04-14, tasks, 182369, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, port detection in url
2007-04-16, monitor, 178604, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, monitor file fixes
2007-04-20, tasks, 183128, Tobias Widmer, <100, mkersten, dnd fix
2007-04-20, tasks, 180850, Bryan Hunt, <100, mkersten, layout fix
2007-04-25, tasks, 177891, Benjamin Pasero, <100, mkersten, laout improvement
2007-04-25, tasks, 182762, Shawn Minto, <250, relves, busy indication on editor tab
2007-04-26, tasks, 184269, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, fix for due dates disabled even when connector doesn't support
2007-04-27, tasks, 184469, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, monitor fixes
2007-05-01, tasks, 184961, Andrew Overholt, <10, mkersten, typo fix
2007-05-02, tasks, 185190, Shawn Minto, <50, relves, copy details fix
2007-05-08, monitor, 179146, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, automatic prompting
2007-05-08, tasks, 181957, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, filter key codes in filtered mode
2007-05-09, bugzilla, 170452, Frank Becker, <100, mkersten, mac selection fix
2007-05-09, monitor, 184564, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, stats fix
2007-05-11, tasks, 180487, Shawn Minto, <250, mkersten, content assist fix
2007-05-11, tasks, 185380, Shawn Minto, <250, mkersten, tool tip improvements
2007-05-23, tasks, 187097, Willian Mitsuda, <20, relves, fix quoting of empty lines
2007-05-27, doc, 185863, Balazs Brinkus, <250, mkersten, universal intro
2007-05-29, trac, 189411, Erik Pearson, <100, mkersten, trac attachment fix
2007-05-29, xplanner, 130240, Helen Bershadskaya, <4000, mkersten, CodeGear XPlanner contribution (IPZilla CQ 1321)
2007-06-04, tasks, 189743, Greg Gibeling, <10, mkersten, command char fix
2007-06-04, tasks, 188543, Frank Becker, <100, mkersten, platform selection fix
2007-06-04, tasks, 188415, Leo Dos Santos, <100, mkersten, positioning fix
2007-06-04, tasks, 165380, Willian Mitsuda, <250, mkersten, editor linking
2007-06-06, tasks, 144161, Leo Dos SAntos, <250, mkersten, task trim
2007-06-13, tasks 188429, Shawn Minto, <100, mkersten, resource leak fixes
2007-06-13, tasks 192064, Shawn Minto, <10, relves, incoming not showing in archive
2007-06-13, tasks, 144161, Leo Dos Santos, <100, relves, task trim improvements including popup menu
2007-06-13, tasks, 165380, Willian Mitsuda, <20, relves, add Show in Task List to editor popup
2007-06-13, monitor, 188499, Meghan Allen, <250, mkersten, monitor servlet fix
2007-06-15, tasks, 192883, Balazs Brinkus, <10, mkersten, ID fix
2007-06-15, tasks, 186493, Leo Dos Santos, <250, mkersten, working set switcher
2007-06-15, help, 192807, Balazs Brinkus, <100, mkersten, help improvements
2007-06-17, context, 193003, Christian Dupuis, <10, mkersten, interest filter extensibilty
2007-06-18, tasks, 193083, Tomasz Zarna, <10, mkersten, Go Into fix
2007-06-19, context, 192059, David Green, <100, mkersten, exposed bridge adding
2007-06-21, web, 193447, Frank Becker, <10, relves, web additional settings section layout improvements
2007-06-21, tasks, 193841, Shawn Minto, <20, relves, open of remote bug reports from url
2007-06-24, doc, 194116, Mark Phippard, <10, mkersten, doc fixes
2007-06-24, tasks, 172699, Balazs Brinkus, <250, mkersten, query creatino
2007-06-26, monitor, 194072, Mehgan Allen, <100, mkersten, monitor fix
2007-06-26, tasks, 194365, Frank Becker, <10, mkersten, wizard fix
2007-06026, tasks, 194519, Leo Dos Santos, <10, mkersten, mac toolitp fix
------------------------- 0.4.10 - 1.0.1 -------------------------
date, component, bug, contributor name, size (LOC), committer, description
2006-02-28, tasklist, 129511, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, key comparison
2006-03-02, bugzilla, 129459, Ian Whalley, <10, mkersten, charset fix
2006-03-02, bugzilla, 116514, Ian Whalley, <100, mkersten, IBM JDK support
2006-03-07, ui, 128567, Wang Bin, <10, mkersten, clean-up of interest filter addition
2006-03-07, ui, 130698, Wang Bin, <10, mkersten, redraw optimization
2006-03-07, ui, 128569, Wang Bin, <10, mkersten, control flow optimization
2006-03-09, tasklist, 130459, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, support for non-URL based repositories
2006-03-15, bugzilla, 130435, Ian Whalley, <10, mkersten, NPE guards
date, component, bug, contributor name, size (LOC), committer, description
2006-03-28, jira, 133483, Brock Janiczak, <10, mkersten, switch to selection listeners
2006-03-28, ide, 131422, Brock Janiczak, <10, mkersten, 3.2M6 API port
2006-03-28, bugzilla, 134352, Brock Janiczak, <10, mkersten, query layout
2006-04-04, monitor, 133233, Brian De Alwis, <100, mkersten, made obfuscation optional
2006-04-18, ide, 136899, Brock Janiczak, <10, mkersten, 3.2RC1 compatability
2006-04-18, ide, 135538, Gunnar Wagenknecht, <10, mkersten, 3.2RC1 compatability
2006-04-27, jira, 129086, Brock Janiczak, <1000, mkersten, JIRA query wizard
2006-04-27, jira, 129086, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, mkersten, JIRA query wizard
2006-05-04, monitor, 139293, Leah Findlater, <10, mkersten, made questionnaire page optional
2006-05-11, bugzilla, 141251, Brock Janiczak, <100, mkersten, progress for settings validation
2006-05-12, tasklist, 132656, Stefan Langer, <100, mkersten, disabling of internal browser
2006-05-16, tasklist, 141656, Brock Janiczak, <10, mkersten, based on constraint
2006-05-16, jira, 139320, Brock Janiczak, <100, mkersten, update for new JIRA APIs
2006-05-17, jira, 139320, Brock Janiczak, <1000, mkersten, form-based JIRA editor
2006-05-17, tasklist, 142362, Brian de Alwis, <10, mkersten, check for running workbench
2006-05-18, bugzilla, 117035, David Barri, <100, relves, fixes for alternate encodings
2006-05-23, tasklist, 142898, Raphael Ackermann, <10, relves, search attribute update streamlining
2006-05-25, core, 102663, Brian de Alwis, <1000, mkersten, multiple window support
2006-05-30, jira, 139314, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, jira query editing
2006-06-02, ide, 142875, Brock Janiczak, <100, mkersten, subclipse change sets
2006-06-06, bugzilla, 102851, Jeff Pound, <100, relves, attachments
2006-06-12, ide, 146385, Gunnar Wagenknecht, <10, mkersten, subclipse loading
2006-06-13, ide, 146806, Raphael Ackermann, <10, mkersten, log messages
2006-06-14, tasklist, 146396, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, repository settings page refactoring
2006-06-15, java.tests, 147041, Raphael Ackermann, <10, mkersten, test tear down fix
2006-06-16, trac, 145794, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, test cases for Trac integration
2006-06-16, jira, 143612, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, new jira task integration
2006-06-19, bugzilla, 146868, Nathan Hapke, <1000, relves, bugzilla time tracking attributes with unit tests
2006-06-19, tasklist, 146617, Steffen Pingel, <10, mkersten, handle format fix
2006-06-20, tasklist, 145194, Felix Schwarz, <100, mkersten, test and patch for determining children
2006-06-21, ide, 145074, Gunnar Wagenknecht, <1000, mkersten, team provider extension point
2006-06-21, trac, 147816, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, trac core and model
2006-06-21, trac, 147817, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, connector settings
2006-06-21, trac, 148090, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, query support
2006-06-22, bugzilla, 144256, Nathan Hapke, <100, mkersten, ssl connection fix
2006-06-25, ide, 148512, Brock Janiczak, <1000, mkersten, commit support for team providers
2006-06-25, tasklist, 147752, Izzet Safer, <10, mkersten, exception handling fix
2006-06-26, tasklist, 102851, Jeff Pound, <1000, mkersten, attachment table
2006-06-26, tasklist, 145787, Jeff Pound, <100, mkersten, attachment actions
2006-06-26, jira, 148178, Brock Janiczak, <100, mkersten, JIRA authentication fix
2006-06-27, tasklist, 148760, Jeff Pound, <100, mkersten, attachment names fix
2006-06-28, bugzilla, 142891, Jeff Pound, <1000, mkersten, search param persistence
2006-06-28, tasklist, 148378, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, settings page flexibility
2006-07-04, monitor, 145437, Brian de Alwis, <100, mkersten, monitor lifecycle listenting
2006-07-04, trac, 147817, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, trac connector settings
2006-07-04, trac, 146334, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, trac building docs
2006-07-05, tasklist, 149511, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, relves, convert attachment dialogs from forms to standard swt
2006-07-05, trac, 148378, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, settings page flexibility and tests
2006-07-06, bugzilla 146868, Nathan Hapke, <100, relves editor layout and date picker improvements for time tracking
2006-07-06, trac, 149385, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, adding of tickets
2006-07-06, trac, 149386, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, trac queries
2006-07-10, tasklist 135603, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, relves, new task creation from query categories
2006-07-10, bugzilla, 148571, Jeff Pound, <100, mkersten, obsolete patch indicator
2006-07-11, bugzilla, 150065, Brock Janiczak, <10, mkersten, gzip stream support
2006-07-11, jira, 149939, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, test case for repository notification
2006-07-11, tasklist, 150041, Izzet Safer, <10, mkersten, task deletion improvement
2006-07-11, tasklist, 149850, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, refresh shortcut
2006-07-12, tasklist, 135605, Jeff Pound, <1000, mkersten, create features from Error Log
2006-07-12, tasklist, 150327, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, mkersten, repository templates
2006-07-14, trac, 149386, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, trac queries
2006-07-14, trac, 150683, Steffen Pingel, <10, mkersten, null check
2006-07-14, trac, 150677, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, repository template
2006-07-14, trac, 150699, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, new task wizard page
2006-07-14, bugzilla, 150441, Steffen Pingel, <10, mkersten, keyboard selection fix
2006-07-14, tasks, 150446, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, equality test case
2006-07-20, bugzilla 150746, Willian Mitsuda, <100, relves, run update products in progress service
2006-07-20, tasklist 150430, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, relves, template regexp improvements
2006-07-27, trac, 151896, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, port to xmlrpc 3.0
2006-07-27, tasks, 147960, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, URLs for categories
2006-07-27, jira, 149605, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, mkersten, JIRA query form improvements
2006-07-27, trac, 151077, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, digest authentication
2006-07-27, tasks, 150884, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, new web task wizard refactoring
2006-07-27, tasks, 151896, Nathan Hapke, <100, mkersten, SSL fix
2006-07-27, bugzilla, 143567, Jeff Pound, <1000, mkersten, duplicate detection
2006-07-27, trac, 150890, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, url format fix
2006-07-29, bugzilla, 148903, Jeff Pound, <100, mkersten, context attachmenet ui
2006-07-30, jira, 150695, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, patch with bug 149605
2006-07-30, trac, 150456, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, test migration to server
2006-08-02, trac, 152325, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, attribute update
2006-08-02, trac, 147609, Steffen Pingel, <100o, mkersten, new task creation fix
2006-08-02, tasks, 151907, Steffen Pingel, <100, relves, generalize the attribute for attachment filenames
2006-08-02, tasks, 149866, Jeff Pound, <100, relves, immediate upload from new attachment wizard
2006-08-03, tasks, 149095, Jeff Pound, <1000, mkersten, attachment improvements
2006-08-03, tasks, 149865, Jeff Pound, <10, mkersten, line wrap fix
2006-08-03, tasks, 152760, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, template for google hosting
2006-08-03, context, 150892, Izzet Safer, <100, mkersten, apply mylar handler
2006-08-03, monitor, 152377, Nathan Hapke, <10, mkersten, var assignment fix
2006-08-09, bugzilla, 153147, Jeff Pound, <100, relves, attach context option in attachment wizard
2006-08-09, tasks, 152903, Felix Schwarz, <10, relves, bypass connector type selection if only one exists
2006-08-09, bugzilla, 153152, Jeff Pound, <10, relves, auto select patch/attach context if .patch file attached
2006-08-11, trac, 153496, Steffen Pingel, <10, relves, fix for html entities
2006-08-12, trac, 142783, Steffen Pingel, <10, relves, layout fix for generalized search page
2006-08-12, trac, 153539, Steffen Pingel, <100, relves, generalized issue search for trac
2006-08-15, bugzilla, 149867, Jeff Pound, <100, relves, added editor action: open in default editor
2006-08-15, bugzilla, 149867, Jeff Pound, <100, relves, editor action: Adds Open With Text, moves "Open With" to submenu
2006-08-15, context, 153960, Nathan Hapke, <10, relves, unzip in ZipFileUtil now returns list of files unzipped
2006-08-18, tasks, 148720, Nathan Hapke, <10, relves, refactor of method in InProgressTaskCollector
2006-08-18, trac, 150670, Steffen Pingel, <1000, relves, attribute persistance for trac
2006-08-18, tasks, 154379, Steffen Pingel, <10, relves, description displayed in notification if report has no comments
2006-08-18, bugzilla, 152279, Jeff Pound, <100, mkersten, stack trace tetst
2006-08-21, tasks, 154377, Steffen Pingel, <100, relves, made description field editable if allowed
2006-08-21, bugzilla, 154434, Steffen Pingel, <100, relves, display outline for new bug editor
2006-08-21, trac, 154464, Steffen Pingel, <100, relves, only accept valid trac web pages
2006-08-21, tasks, 154441, Steffen Pingel, <1000, relves, validate upload and download capability
2006-08-21, tasks, 154372, Steffen Pingel, <100, relves, operations failing when access is anonymous
2006-08-21, docs, 154430, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, trac project sets
2006-08-23, tasks, 154798, Steffen Pingel, <1000, mkersten, query externalization improvements
2006-08-23, trac, 154798, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, repository migration fix
2006-08-24, tasks, 154877, Steffen Pingel, <100, relves, use common date format in task editor
2006-08-25, trac, 151899, Steffen Pingel, <100, mkersten, repository task data extensions
2006-08-25, tasks, 152234, Willian Mitsuda, <1000, mkersten, open/activate task dialogs
2006-08-25, tasks, 103093, Jeff Pound, <1000, relves, spell checking of comment fields
2006-09-03, tasks, 155712, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, mkersten, concurrency fixes
2006-08-28, bugzilla, 153018, Nathan Hapke, <100, relves, improvements to headless tests
2006-08-28, tasks, 155153, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, relves, add repository action added to repository selection
2006-08-31, tasks, 155261, Steffen Pingel, <100, relves, moved externalization code from BugzillaTaskExternalizer to DelegationTaskExternalizer
2006-09-07, sandbox, 155904, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, http refresh fix
2006-09-07, sandbox, 155861, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, mantis template
2006-09-07, tasks, 150339, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, layout improvements
2006-09-14, tasks, 155309, Willian Mitsuda, <10, mkersten, new group for actions
2006-09-14, tasks, 142703, Yuri V. Baburov, <1000, relves, task activity timing patch with unit tests
2006-09-20, tasks, 157704, John Anvik, <10, relves, added setting to not decode attributes in html stream tokenizer
2006-09-29, jira, 159340, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, query dialog fix
2006-09-29, tasks, 157579, Willian Mitsuda, <100, relves, sorting of attachments section in editor and retrieve contexts wizard
2006-10-04, tasks, 159749, Willian Mitsuda, <10, relves, task editor expand all comments performance improvements
2006-10-02, tasks, 159400, Willian Mitsuda, <1000, relves, changed add existing task to execute in background thread
2006-10-10, tasks, 160232, Raphael Ackermann, <100, mkersten, category menu formatting fix
2006-10-11, tasks, 160315, Raphael Ackermann, <1000, mkersten, on the fly category creation
2006-10-11, tasks, 157700, Ducky Sherwood, <10, relves, rename of user name field in task repository preference page
2006-10-15, team, 117517, Eike Stepper, <1000, mkersten, commit comment templates
2006-10-16, tasks, 160686, Raphael Ackermann, <10, mkersten, single selection fix
2006-10-19, tasks, 143323, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, spacing fix
2006-10-21, tasks 161806, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, task progress bar fix
2006-10-23, tasks, 161835, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, relves, automatic repository/product selection for new task actions
2006-10-25, tasks, 162130, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, relves, addition of http auth credentils for web connector
2006-10-31, sandbox, 162569, Jochen Hiller, <10, mkersten, web repository template fix
2006-11-01, tasks, 163000, Meghan Allen, <10, mkersten, class typo
2006-11-02, tasks, 163282, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, made change set adaptable to task
2006-11-02, tasks, 163286, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, population of task open dialog
2006-11-02, tasks, 163286, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, population of task open dialog
2006-11-02, sandbox, 158069, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, mkersten, sandbox connector UI streamlining
2006-11-06, sandbox, 163448, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, null arg fix
2006-11-06, sandbox, 163451, Eugene Kuleshov, <10, mkersten, null check
2006-11-06, tasks, 162285, Willian Mitsuda, <10, mkersten, caret position fix
2006-11-06, tasks, 161837, Willian Mitsuda, <1000, mkersten, filing of new tasks to category
2006-11-07, tasks, 139212, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, mkersten, url represtation of JIRA queries
2006-11-08, sandbox, 163736, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, bad param fix
2006-11-08, bugzilla, 151622, Eugene Kuleshov, <10, relves, comment numbers added to outline
2006-11-08, tasks, 151622, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, comment numbers
2006-11-08, monitor, 163579, Meghan Allen, <10, mkersten, perspective collection fix
2006-11-09, monitor, 163615, Meghan Allen, <10, mkersten, collection fix
2006-11-09, monitor, 163712, Meghan Allen, <10, mkersten, formatting fix
2006-11-08, tasks, 158976, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, template fixes
2006-11-14, bugzilla, 161618, Willian Mitsuda, <100, relves, filtered tree in bugzilla product selection
2006-11-14, tasks, 161820, Steffen Pingel, <1000, relves, synchronization warning in tasklist (icon) and tooltip
2006-11-14, tasks, 164232, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, html comment fix
2006-11-14, monitor, 164398, Brian de Alwis, <10, relves, synched htmltag update over to monitor.usage
2006-11-15, trac, 164536, Steffen Pingel, <1000, relves, people section lifted into abstract editor, made available in trac editor
2006-11-15, tasks, 164219, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, error handling
2006-11-15, tasks, 164752, Steffen Pingel, <100, relves, add me to cc field not being saved in editor
2006-11-20, doc, 165271, Joseph Marques, <10, mkersten, psf file fix
2006-11-21, monitor, 163728, Meghan Allen, <1000, mkersten, reportign wizard
2006-11-21, tasks, 165035, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, template escaping fix
2006-11-23, tasks, 165088, Willian Mitsuda, <1000, mkersten, open remote task dialog
2006-11-24, tasks, 151602, Erkki Lindpere, <1000, mkersten, login for web connector
2006-11-24, tasks, 165755, Eugene Kuleshov, <10, mkersten, double click fix
2006-11-26, tasks, 165169, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, image preview fix
2006-11-26, tasks, 165853, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, mantix template fix
2006-11-26, tasks, 165816, Eugene Kuleshov, <100, mkersten, failing test fix
2006-11-27, tasks 165852, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, login fix
2006-11-27, tasks, 165581, Willian Mitsuda, <1000, mkersten, open repository task action
2006-12-04, tasks, 166296, Willian Mitsuda, <100, relves, reply line wrapping fix
2006-12-04, tasks, 166609, Eugene Kuleshov, <1000, relves, asynchronous task list save
2006-12-12, bugzilla, 167227, Torkild Ulv�y Resheim, <10, relves, bugzilla connector query support for new Bugzilla 2.23
2006-12-18, monitor, 165800, Taivo Evard, <100, mkersten, encodings fix
2006-12-18, tasks, 168248, Willian Mitsuda, <100, mkersten, task dialog open policy
2006-12-22, tasks, 167282, Erkki Lindpere, <10, mkersten, redirect fix
2006-12-22, tasks, 168782, Redsolo, <100, mkersten, empty repository list saving fix
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