blob: bc1fe2be26f551cd9808bf5c5ec19dfb02e0ca63 [file] [log] [blame]
<?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon()); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
# Begin: page-specific settings. Change these.
$pageTitle = "Eclispe Mylyn - Archive";
$pageKeywords = "Mylar, Mylyn, Eclipse";
$pageAuthor = "Mik Kersten";
# Add page-specific Nav bars here
# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", "downloads.php");
# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
# End: page-specific settings
$html = <<<EOHTML
<div id="maincontent">
<div id="midcolumn" class="no-right-sidebar">
<i>Last updated 2006-12-15</i>
<div class="row" >
<div class="col-md-8">
<h3>News Archive</h3>
Tony Baer, Computerwire: <a href="">
Eclipse Mylar Aims to Cut Developer Task Clutter</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 15, 2006)</span><br>
Ed Burnette, ZDNet: <a href="">
Q&A with Mik Kersten, Mylar project lead</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 13, 2006)</span><br>
Rob Thornton: <a href="">
InfoQ Interview with Mylar Project Lead Mik Kersten</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 13, 2006)</span><br>
Eclipse Foundation: <a href="">
Eclipse Mylar Introduces Major New Innovation for Developer Productivity</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 12, 2006)</span><br>
John K. Waters, Application Development Trends: <a href="">
Too Much Information? Eclipse UI Tool Focuses on Tasks</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 11, 2006)</span><br>
Paul Krill, InfoWorld: <a href="">
Eclipse clears developer clutter - Mylar task manager is readied</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 11, 2006)</span><br>
Peter Coffee, InfoWorld: <a href="">
Framing the SOA Scene - Task-centered tools and virtual stacks combine to let developers compose a better picture</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 11, 2006)</span><br>
Antone Gonsalves, InformationWeek: <a href="">
Eclipse Challenges Visual Studio.Net In Europe, Other Regions </a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 11, 2006)</span><br>
Daniel Spiewak, EclipseZone: <a href="">
Task Based Development</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 4, 2006)</span><br>
Edward J. Correia, SD Times: <a href="">
What's Cooking at Eclipse</a>
<span class="dates">(Oct 15, 2006)</span>
Rob Thornton, InfoQ: <a href="">
Changing the way you work with Mylar</a>
<span class="dates">(Oct 12, 2006)</span>
R.J. Lorimer, EclipseZone: <a href="">Mylar: the Forgotten Feature?</a>
<span class="dates">(Jul 9, 2006)</span>
<a href=""><img border=0 src="images/icon-webdoc.gif">
Revolutionize your productivity with Eclipse Mylar</a> by Riyad Kalla (Apr 2006)
<div class="col-md-8">
<h3>Blogs Archive</h3>
Eugene Kuleshov: <a href="">
Big secret of Mylar's easy to use dialogs. / Eclipse</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 13, 2006)</span>
Daniel Spiewak: <a href="">
Applying Mylar</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 13, 2006)</span>
Jimisola Laursen: <a href="">
Mylar 1.0 released</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 12, 2006)</span>
Stefan Langer: <a href="">
Revisiting Mylar 1.0.0</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 12, 2006)</span>
James Cooley: <a href="">
Mylar 1.0 - efficient multi-tasking for large projects</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 12, 2006)</span>
Brett Cannon: <a href="">
Mylar 1.0 released for Eclipse</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 12, 2006)</span>
Mark Watson: <a href="">
Eclipse Mylar: automating context manangement for work tasks</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 12, 2006)</span>
David Peterson: <a href="">
Hello, Mylar! (Eclipse Clears Away Clutter; Integrates Task-Oriented Approach)</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 11, 2006)</span>
Wayne Beaton: <a href="">
Five Reasons to Love Mylar: Part One</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 7, 2006)</span>
<a href="">
Part Two</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 8, 2006)</span>
<a href="">
Part Three</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 11, 2006)</span>
<a href="">
Part Four</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 12, 2006)</span>
<a href="">
Part Five</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 13, 2006)</span><br>
Cote, Red Monk: <a href="">
More on Mylar: Tasks, Picking, Agile ALM</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 6, 2006)</span>
Wayne Beaton: <a href="">
Mylar Two Weeks Later</a>
<span class="dates">(Dec 6, 2006)</span>
Wayne Beaton: <a href="">
You must try Mylar</a>
<span class="dates">(Nov 23, 2006)</span>
Eugene Kuleshov: <a href="">
Mylar has turned One!</a>
<span class="dates">(Oct 30, 2006)</span>
Litrik: <a href="">
Commit comment templates in Mylar 0.8.0</a>
<span class="dates">(Oct 27, 2006)</span>
Blaine Buxton: <a href="">
Eclipse Mylar I'm in love. This is just too gorgeous.</a>
<span class="dates">(Oct 11, 2006)</span>
(in Russian)<a href="">
Mylar: The next level of working with pleasure in Eclipse</a>
<span class="dates">(Sep 28, 2006)</span>
Eugene Kuleshov: <a href="">
Link Mylar with Google Code Hosting...</a>
<span class="dates">(Aug 4, 2006)</span><br>
Peter Hendriks: <a href="">
Eclipse Mylar: Less is More</a>
<span class="dates">(May 12, 2006)</span>
Eugene Kuleshov: <a href="'s+ultra-fast+release+cycles/c4nm">
Mylar's ultra-fast release cycles</a>
<span class="dates">(Apr. 8, 2006)</span>
<li>Eugene Kuleshov: <a href="">
Jira support in Mylar</a>
<span class="dates">(Feb. 23, 2006)</span></li>
<li>Ryan Markel: <a href="">
Mylar Technology Project Eclipse Just Got Easier</a>
<span class="dates">(Jan. 16, 2006)</span></li>
<li>Haranguing Garden: <a href="">
Jira support in Mylar</a>
<span class="dates">(Jan. 11, 2006)</span></li>
<li>Stefan Langer: <a href="">
Eclipse Killer Plugin Mylar</a>
<span class="dates">(Nov. 14, 2005)</span></li>
<li>Kirill Grouchnikov: <a href="">
A very useful Eclipse plugin</a>
<span class="dates">(Nov. 7, 2005)</span></li>
<li>Eugene Kuleshov: <a href="">The most addictive Eclipse plugin ever</a>
<span class="dates">(Nov. 1, 2005)</span></li>
<li>Ed Burnette: <a href="">Mylar is the next killer app for Eclipse</a>
<span class="dates">(July 28, 2005)</span></li>
<div class="col-md-8">
<h3>Event Archive</h3>
<a href="">
Mylar Webinar</a> by Mik Kersten, (Oct 25, 2006)
<a href="">
Using Task Context to Improve Programmer Productivity</a> by Mik Kersten and Gail Murphy (Nov 7, 10:00am PST)
<a href="">
Mylar Talk</a> at EclipseCon 2006, March 20-23, Santa Clara, USA
<li>Mylar BoF at <a href="">EclipseCon 2006</a>, Grand Ballroom, Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, USA</li>, <span class="dates">(Mar. 21, 2006)</span>
<li>First public release, 0.4, <span class="dates">(Oct. 28, 2005)</span></li>
<li> project created, <span class="dates">(June 13, 2005)</span></li>
<li>First user study preview release, <span class="dates">(July 11, 2005)</span></li>
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);