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<title>Mylyn Release Notes</title>
<h1>Mylyn Release Notes (3.4 Maintenance Stream)</h1>
<p>Integration Build (June 25, 2010, 3:34 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 165359</a>. fix UI nits (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 292090</a>. cleanup fixme and todo comments for 3.4 (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 296894</a>. [releng] fix failing tests for 3.4 (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 304753</a>. [releng] remove extras update site (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 316214</a>. remove container decorations from the Scheduled presentation (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 316235</a>. [releng] error reading toc (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 316261</a>. [editor] NullPointerException in quick outline (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 316707</a>. [releng] udpate test servers to Trac 0.12 (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 316832</a>. search repository for key link is displayed even if is not available (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 317544</a>. [releng] update copyright notices and release 3.4.1 (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 317617</a>. Trac connector does not advertise 0.12 support (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 317651</a>. clearing of iplog flag fails on (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 317730</a>. static initializer in WebUtil assumes that HttpClient user agent contains "-" (FIXED)<br>
<a href="">Bug 317903</a>. tests log too much output (FIXED)<br>
<p>Integration Build (June 28, 2010, 1:00 p.m.)</p>
<p>Problem reports updated</p>
<a href="">Bug 316657</a>. scheduled presentation fails to show due tasks for others scheduled for This Week (NEW)<br>
<a href="">Bug 318111</a>. [releng] run tests frequently on (FIXED)<br>