blob: 248489567ca652e12f2f943bd5fa12fb7a1c9f54 [file] [log] [blame]
<?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon()); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
# Begin: page-specific settings. Change these.
$pageTitle = "Mylyn Getting Started";
$pageKeywords = "Mylyn, Eclipse";
$pageAuthor = "Mik Kersten";
# Add page-specific Nav bars here
# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
# $Nav->addNavSeparator("My Page Links", "downloads.php");
# $Nav->addCustomNav("My Link", "mypage.php", "_self", 3);
# $Nav->addCustomNav("Google", "", "_blank", 3);
$html = <<<EOHTML
<div id="maincontent">
<div id="rightcolumn">
<div id="midcolumn">
<div class="homeitem3col">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><a href="">
<img border=0 src="/mylyn/images/ECLP_webinar.gif"></a>
<td width="10>"</td>
<font size="+1"><a href="">
<a href="">
Mylyn 3.0: Code at the Speed of Thought</a></font>
<br>by Mik Kersten (Tasktop Technologies) webcast on Eclipse Live (August 2008)
<br>Provides a 45 minute overview of the tool and technology, along with demos of the key features.
<a href="">
Less is More: Redefining the "I" of the IDE</a> W-JAX keynote by Mik Kersten.
Conceptual overview of Mylyn and the task-focused interface <i>(November 6, 2008)</i>
<div class="homeitem3col">
<h3>Getting Started</h3>
<a href="">
Mylyn Quick Reference Guide<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> by Tasktop Technologies (September 2008)
<a href="">
EclipseCon Mylyn Tutorial<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> by Tasktop Technologies (March 2009)
<a href=""><img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/star.png"/>
Mylyn 2.0, Part1: Integrated task management<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> by Mik Kersten (August 2007)
<a href=""><img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/star.png"/>
Mylyn 2.0, Part 2: Automated context management<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> by Mik Kersten (August 2007)
<div class="homeitem3col">
<h3>Documentation Portals</h3>
<a href="">Mylyn User Guide</a>: feature reference on Eclipsepedia
<a href="">Tasktop Portal<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> documentation on Mylyn and third-party Mylyn Connectors
<div class="homeitem3col">
<h3>Selected Publications</h3>
<a href="">
Java Power Tools<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> book by John Ferguson Smart, includes section on Mylyn (2008)
<a href="">
Mylyn 2.0 Keeps You Focused on the Task at Hand<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> by John Ferguson Smart (Aug 17, 2007)
<a href="">
Five Reasons to Love [Mylyn]<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> by Wayne Beaton (Feb 2007)
<a href="">
Mylyn 2.0, Part 1: Integrated task management<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> by Mik Kersten (Aug 2007)
<a href="">
Mylyn 2.0, Part 2: Automated context management<img border="0" src="/mylyn/images/external-link.png"></a> by Mik Kersten (Aug 2007)
<p>In addition to providing personal task management and support for task contexts, Mylyn has the following
task/issue/bug/report repository integration. The deeper the integration, the better and more streamlined
the user experienece.</p>
<div class="homeitem3col">
<h3>Levels of Repository Integration</h3>
Web only: Reports linked via drag-and-drop, editing via embedded
<a href="">(any web-based repository)</a>
Query support: Repository queries in task list view
<a href="dl.php">(currently Bugzilla, Trac, and JIRA and web connector templates)</a>
Full integration: Authoring of reports within native Eclipse editor,
offline editing, incoming/outgoing status, compare and
change notifications.
<a href="dl.php">(Bugzilla, JIRA and Trac)</a>
<a href="bugs.php">
<img border=0 src="/mylyn/images/vote.gif"> Vote for a connector</a>
if your repository is not supported, or file a new request if not listed.
<div id="rightcolumn">
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);