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<h1 id="_n4js_articles" class="sect0"><a class="link" href="#_n4js_articles">N4JS Articles</a></h1>
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<h2 id="_index"><a class="link" href="#_index">Index</a></h2>
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<div class="title">A selection of articles covering the features of N4JS, Current Releases, how to report bugs and contribute to the platform.</div>
<p><a href="../features/index.html#n4js-language-and-ide-features">Feature Table</a> - A comprehensive overview of current and planned features of the N4JS IDE.</p>
<p><a href="../features/async-await.html#async-await">Async/Await</a> - Learn about the benefits of asynchronous data flows and how they work with N4JS code.</p>
<p><a href="../features/dependency-injection.html#dependency-injection-in-n4js">Dependency Injection</a> - Configure dependencies between classes with built-in Dependency Injection support.</p>
<p><a href="../features/modules.html#modules">Modules</a> - Modules help keep code well-defined and easy to comprehend. Read about keeping large projects maintainable with Module support within the N4JS IDE.</p>
<p><a href="../features/nodejs-support.html#node-js-support">Node.js Support</a> - Seamless integration of N4JS projects with existing node.js-based environments.</p>
<p><a href="../features/nominal-and-structural-typing.html#nominal-and-structural-typing">Nominal &amp; Structural Typing</a> - N4JS provides both forms of typing. Read the feature on how they are combined in N4JS.</p>
<p><a href="../features/testing.html#testing">Testing</a> - The N4JS IDE and the built-in test execution runtime Mangelhaft were designed from the ground-up to support Test Driven Development. Explore how testing with N4JS will help ensure your projects behave as expected.</p>
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<p><a href="../releases/index.html#releases">Information on N4JS Releases</a> - This page contains details on the current state of N4JS and how we track issues.</p>
<p><a href="../releases/reporting-bugs.html#reporting-bugs">Reporting Bugs</a> - Find out how to report N4JS bugs from within the IDE with Xpect.</p>
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<p><a href="../faq/index.html#faq">Frequenctly Asked Questions</a> -Common N4JS topics such as Open-Sourcing, JavaScript, Java and Typescript Comparison.</p>
<p><a href="../faq/comparison-java.html#n4js-and-java">N4JS &amp; Java Comparison</a> - A comparison between the features of N4JS and Java.</p>
<p><a href="../faq/comparison-typescript.html#n4js-and-typescript">N4JS &amp; Typescript Comparison</a> - A comparison between the features of N4JS and Typescript.</p>
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<p><strong>N4JS Userguides</strong></p>
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<p>From brief quickstart guides to fully-involved tutorials, the following N4JS documentation will help beginners get started with the N4JS IDE and advanced users to build and maintain large server-side projects.</p>
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<p><a href="../userguides/n4js-ide-setup.html#_ide_setup">N4JS IDE Setup Guide</a> - Basic installation and setup instructions.</p>
<p><a href="../userguides/npm-export-guide.html#_npm_export_guide">npm Export Guide</a> - Basic npm export and publishing instructions.</p>
<p><a href="../userguides/tutorial.html#_tutorial">In-Depth Tutorial</a> - Begin using the more powerful features N4JS has to offer!</p>
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